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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1940)
THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418 20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1511 Entered as Second Class Matter1 Maxh 15. 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. EDITORIALS LIBERTY OUR HERITAGE (by Charles Stelzle) Patrick Henry’s declaration “Give me liberty or give me death” finds an echo in every true man’s heart, no matter what may be his race, his color or his creed. This desire for liberty was planted by the Creator. There fore, those who stand in the way of its accomplishment and its fulfillment are fighting against God’s, decree. To most of us it is a priceless her itage. But while we have gloried in our freedom, some of us have forgot ten the price with which our freedom was purchased. We have enjoyed lib erty as though it were a gift which carried with it no Obligation, and we have been reckless spendthrifts of our inheritance. While we have been enjoying lib erty without discipline;, the people in the totalitarian countries have been subjected to discipline withcjut liber ty. They have been systematically hardened for brutal combat while we have been softened thrfough indiffer | ence, self-indulgence anfl sheer hazi ness. The virtues which dominated the fathers of our country, who through great sacrifice won for us the freedom and liberty, which we still enjoy, have been replaced by sophistication) and wise cracking, and we are permitting crackpots ahd irresponsible agitators to insult our constitution and ridicule our form of government. We have viewed with indulgence leaders of movements who frankly de clared that they are trying to create class hatred and race prejudice in our midst, and condoned politicians who are too spineless to protest against those who are boldly laying the found ations for our destruction. The same tactics indulged in in the countries which they hold up as idealistic would send them to a concentration camp or a firing squad. When such enemies of our country flaunt their contempt in our faces, the time has come fdr every loyal Americ an to stand up in his wrath and speak out as a loyal citizen, particularly as we are now Confronting forces which threaten our future as aj Republic o)f free men and women. J Every true American should vig orously oppose those whose sole pur pose is our destruction and humiliat ion, lest we be subjected to the rule of those who are opposed to the principl- ! es of freedom and liberty which were ( bought at so g reat a price, and which have made America the haven for the oppressed of all nations. DOLLARS1 That He May Walk Again AWHEEL CHAIR . . . crutches . . . braces ... but a hope in his heart that some day he may be a normal boy again ... to walk ... to play ... to run. Polio, malnutrition, accidents — all diseases that may cause the loss of the use of limbs or bodies are daily being combatted, but they still take their toll in broken bodies — bodies that need infinite patience and care if the child is to recover. And that takes dollars— mam, dollars1. Omaha's Needs IT'S COMMUNITY CHE dE IM OMAHA NOTICE Dr. Wesley Jones, has moved his place of residence to 2623 Decatur St., WE. 2629, • •• iwiiinn!iiii!iiiHiiiii!!]iniiitiiniiifSiiy:ii;i4iuiiHiiiuiinu!ii!imihiHimiimii!i)iiiiii:im SOCIAL NEWS MRS. ANN STROTHER WEEK END VISITOR Mr. and Mi’s. George Watson entertained on Sunday evening for their neice Mrs. Ann Strothers of j Chicago, IU. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Carter Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Black Mr. and Mrs. Earl McConnell, and Mrs. Etta Grinstead. During her short stay—theatre parties( tours of the city. Visit-1 NORTH 24“' ST SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 YOU CANT TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD "Loaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. —POPULAR PRICES— JOHNSON DRUG CO. NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th We. 0998 Free Deliveryj JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and I^ong Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Roller, Mgr. ■.■.V/W.V.V.WJVAWAV (CAREY’S)- | STORE WITHOUT A NAME 2806 North 26th St. Mr. L. B. Carey Wishes To Announce to the Public, that. His Store is Open AU Day. Same Reasonable Prices. Full Line of Groceries. Springers, lb. 21c —OPEN SUNDAY— --.-.-.-....■■■■■■■■a a a mm ed ail places of interest. Also spent a delightful day sight-seeing in Council Bluffs, Iowa. She left for her home Saturday Sept. 21. THANKS The Dames Club wishes to ex press its gratitude and thanks to the group of boys and girls who worked so hard making the “jitter bug vfedding” a success. And to the many patrons who so faith fully supported our enterprise we also express our deepest apprec iation. Inez McKinleyt President, [ Prances Sims. Reporter. STAY INDEFINITE Mrs. Birdie McDew, who has been visiting with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carter of 2919 Erskine St., plans and in definite stay in Omaha before re turning to Minnesota. HOME TO SEE MOTHER Mr. George and William Smith, formerly of Omaha> but now> of Minneapolis. Minn., are here in the city visiting with their father r.nd with their mother who is very |m- ___ i FROM NEW YORK Visitors from New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Hamler, arrived in the city Sept. 24th to visit their mother Mrs. Mary T. Hamler, 2218 Willis Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Hamler will spend quite a bit of their time with Mrs. Alice Da vis. 2004—7th ave. Council Bluffs Iowa. Mrs. Davis is the mother oi! Mrs. Hamler. These popular young folks hope to meet and chat with all of their many relatives and friends during their very definite stay in both the above cities. RETURNED HOME Mrs. Nana Willis and children who have been the house guests of Mrs. Willis' sister and brother-in law Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seals, havo returned to their home in Kansas City( Mo. This Week In Religion and Thought HY ROBT. L. MOODY MOBILE CLINICS— J. D. Ratcliff published a very creditable article about Negro health in the September (1040) issue of the “Survey Graphic”. He tells of the traveling clinics that are sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. These clinics have done much for the Negros of Holmes and Bolivar Counties* in Mississippi. The 12 workers volunteer their services during the summer and go from farm to farm during “laying by time.” They help mothers ar.d children; they^ give diphtheaicU toxin and small pox vaccine. Now they are educating these people in preparing proper and healthful dierts. ♦AH of this work is free to the re cipient because they couldn’t pay VV^ IN person GEORGE RECTOR Food Consultant for .Wilson & Co. A rare opportunity to see and hear GEORGE RECTOR, internationally known food authority and consultant. He will conduct his own daily cooking school in PERSON. Learn how to cook perfectly with GAS I Attendance prizes each afternoon! CITY-WIDE ALL-GAS COOKING SCHOOL 2 P. M. DAILY • CITY AUDITORIUM Omaha Food Show SEPTEMBER 30TH TO OCTOBER 5TH Sponsored by Omaha Gas Appliance Dealers and the ■ if they wanted to. The average yearly income of the sharecropper is thirty-eight dollars. Twenty percent (20%) do not receive cash incomo at all. •"In Bolivar County 25% d*e with out the presence of a doctor; 80% of children have diseased tonsils and adenoids; 54% of the Negio children under 12 years old suffer from malnutrition’’. •Their principle diet is the 3 M's I meal, meat, molasses. There is no wonder that in 1938 in this country there were 400 cases of pellagara and 1,000 cases of dys entery. The population of Bolivar County was 80,000 and 60,000 Were Negroes of which number 24,000 had syphillis. These facts may or may not be typical of many southern counties and states. We who live in better places should be thankful and we should sympathize witl^ these our black brethern. We should help them through whatever agency that is possible. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MR. E. L .DRAPER Mr. Ernest L. Diaper, an auto- | mobile mechanic age thirty, died j August 24 at a local hospital. We Is survived by his mother, Mrs. Anna Diaper, two brothers, Mr. Clarence Draper( Mr. Kenneth Draper, all of Oswatomie, Kansas, two sisters Mrs. Neda Floyd, O maha, Mrs. Noglia Carson, Del Paso Heights> Calif., brother-in law Mr. Willie Floyd, two nephews Mr. Gene and Perry Floyd all of Omaha. Funeral services were held Thurs day August 29th with Rev. F. C. Williams officiating from the Thomas Funeral Home. READ The GUIDE H-M Buffet 2420 .V. 24 th St JA. 8852 Best Chili in Town Liquors, Lunches & Beer Rheumatic Happy; Relieves Pain Quick Thousands who suffered from the torturing °* rheumatism, sciatica, lumhago, neu ralgia and neuritis—are certainly happy over their d.scovery of NUKITO. Now ttey have rehevJ* ,formuIa which speedily ^ n^noTT-,eiXl'aas"ng mu»cu>‘ir aches and pains. NUKITO is trustworthy and dciiendable —COTtaira no opiates. If you want to feel again ™w«rfreief * pain—so you can work in RTiYpityi S j<'p *P. comfort—be wise and try , j;** O under this ironclad guarantee. If the very first three doses do not relieve that cruel “‘“faction—your money will be .JlNifwiTvV1 1 8“Jer Aalt your druggist today for NUKITO on this guarantee. (T N c I Whan in NEW YORK For the Day, The Weekend or Permanently Tha HOTEL THERESA 7th A*e. at I2Sth St FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. Large rooena with private bath •2.00 SlHtto — *2.50 Double ami op •1.S0 Slug!* —*2.00 Double and op Special Weekly 6 Monthly Ratal WALTER W. SCOTT. Manager Hotel THERESA 7» Aw. at 125<* St, Nmr Yot* CKy •hen# i MOnumsnt 2*1700 Happy Relief When Laxative Is Needed Don’t experiment with harsh'1 ways to relieve constipation. There is no use when there’s a gentle way: spicy, aromatic BLACK DRAUGHT when taken by the dir ections. It is a purely vegetable medicine Taken as directed at night, it us ually allows time for sleep! acts gently but thoroughly next morn ing. You should feel fine again. BLACK-DRAUGHT’S effective net's is largely due to its chief in gredient known as an “Intestinal tc n e laxative’’, which helps impart tone to lazy bowel muscles. Take BLACK-DRAUGHT next time. It is time-tested, economical 25 to 40 doses are just 25c. We Offer for Y«ur Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EOHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 GOLDEN-GLO ■— /|T|V BEAUTY ESSENTIALS H TljlF MAILED DIRECT TO YOU ... whea mail maa Ittlrm • A bis beauty box eontalnin* k<u,ai.„,| ■even facial necessities mu of tne or(|er tor 91.19 (W| wm: finest Ingredients and weighing „„ .. J over two pounds now only 884. charge. WORTH s.t.00lit] plus postage. SOLO SEPARATELY. You will adore the smooth tex ture of these Gsldcn-Glo products. They give that appeal which la the ultimate In feminine beauty and the subtle Intrigue of perfect make-up. Go!den-Glo*s Incomparable cosmetic combination —• seven invaluable aids to beauty, finest quality. HERE IS WHAT YOU GET-ALL FULL SIZE 0.00 valu* box sf 7 Golden-Glo beauty aide Regular retail prlca Cleansing Cream ..504 Vanishing Cream 504 Foundation Cream........254 Face Fowder "Tan”..........504 j Lipstick . ...RiF - Hair Dresser .. 504 Ointment . 504 — nil the requisites for complete exquisite beauty treat mrnt that would cost you 13.00 If bought individually. Our Special Offer brings you this entire set of 7 GOLDEN GLO COSMETICS for only 9S4 plus postage. Agents Wanted for Golden-Glo Products !} __—SEND COUPON - GOLDEN-GLO PRODUCTS. Inc. 10S East 41st Street. New York. N. Y. Send me your Golden-Glo beauty box containing 7 full sire Golden-Glo products. When delivered by Postman I will pay him 984 plu» postage, or 1 am encloaiog 81J8 money order which covers all charges for delivery t» ms Name...... <Print name clearly) Address.... City.State.—