LOW WAGE AND UNEMPLOY ED WORKERS HOLD MEETING The Low Wage and Unemployed Workers met last Tuesday with a large attendance for economic and social problems of the people. Mr. Joseph Lew'is will speak In behalf of the organization October 1, 1940. Visitors are welcome. Virgil Bailey, Pres,, (Joe Frank lin, Sec’S'., Mrs. Cleota McFall, i« portei. American Beverage, Inc. 420 South 13th HA-0443 1 Bottlers of the finest quality V mixers and flavors. ■ FULL QUARTS 10c —Try a bottle today— ATTENTION BEAUTY AND BARBERSHOPS Make Your Shop Bookkeeping Easy USE SKELETON WEEKLY RECORD FORM “The Key to Simple Bookkeeping’’ No writing! Just Enter Figures Forms for Six Months $1.00 ORDER NOW! FRANK T. WARD 274 Sumner Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. lllliiMlIlllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllil'Illlllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids Excess acids, poisons and wastes In your blood are removed chiefly by your kidneys. Getting up Nights, Burning Passages, Back ache. Swollen Ankles, Nervousness. Rheu matic Pains, Dullness, Circles Under Eyes, and feeling worn out, often are caused by non-organfe and non-systcmlc Kidney and Bladder troubles. Usually in such cases, tho very first dose of Cystex goes right to work helping the Kidneys flush out excess acids and wastes. And this cleansing, purifying Kidney action. In Just a day or so. may eas ily make you feel younger, stronger and better than In years. A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Cystex In sures an Immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely satisfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Cystex from your druggist today for only 35c. I. C. C. ex. for N. 8. ***! MEN WITH GRAY HAIR ... Here's Inside Tip Look Years Younger This Easy Way . .. Stop worrying about whether your gray hair might some day cost you yo«r job—or whether folks are whispering, “That man certainly has aged!” Yes, stop worrying ... and start using LARIEUSE. With GODEFROY’S LARIEUSE Hair Coloring you can bring radi ant, glossy, youthful-appearing color to ALL your hair. Easy to apply. The exact shade you want comes evenly. It won’t rub off or wash out. Ku» xvn and used for 4f years. Money back if not satisfied. Ask for LARIEUSE (Larry-use). If jest dealer doesn’t have it, send Si.£5 field secretary of the NAACP took to task William Green for his speech before the brotherhood Sunday at Salem Church in which Green stated "I am against intolerance and racial prejudice as long as I can express myself’. White cited numerous instances to refute this statement. Lieut. Gov. Poletti paid tribute t the BSCP and Randolph and ended his speech by calling Mrs. Roosevelt the "quintessence of A mt-riean Democracy”. Other speakers who praised the BSCP and their 15 year fight with the Pullman company included the Rev. William Loyd lines and C. L Dellums, fourth international vice LITTLE DINER Quality Pius Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 2-lth St. At Wiliis Avenue VERSIE’S BEAUTY SCHOOL NOTES Miss Winston has a new stud ent in the personage of Miss Eun ice Hunter* who has taken an avid interest in the work. **•••* The school received a letter from Miss Mozell McCants who is now working in New York City in her sister's Mrsi Charlene Lewis’ shop. She writes that she is making wonderful projrress, although we miss her so much we do wish her president. At the conclusion of the dinner Mrs. Roosevelt and Mrs. Bethune were beseiged by autograph seek ers. They shook hands with their numerous admirers. This was the first public appearance of Mrs. Bethune since her recent illness. FISK JUBILEE SINGERS TO APPEAR HERE On Monday evening, November 18th, the world famous Fisk Jub ilee Singers will be heard at the St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 21st and Paul St. I ' =](=--11= --1 “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. i.■■■■-»=■ ■' ■=!:=) uuiiuiuu>uraiiimiiuiiiumiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiii]iuuuituiuiwiiiiiiiiiuiiuuumuiuuitiiiuiu THOMAS I FUNERAL I ! HOME i 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 _'i!lll|lll!lf lllimilllljlitllllllllilli, LOANS->LOANS-LOAN s W« Loan Money on Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry, Radios. Type writers, Guns, Musical Instru ments.—Anything Valuable WE SELL—Unredeemed Suits —Topcoats—Overcoats or any thing not redeemed. BILL’S LOAN BANK 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE-1369 all the success in the world. Mrs. Koirea Clark spent the week end in Kansas City. She reports having a very nice time. ****** I WONDER— Why Alberta Starnes gets 100 every day then gets 50 the next. Could it be that she studies one night and takes AWOL. the next. Why Laura Avery has quit com ing to school. Could it be that IDEAL FURNITURE MART R. H. Spiegal, Prop. We Bay, Sell & Exchange —NEW & USED— We Pay Highest Prices for Merchandise Sell Us Yours WE. 2224 2511-13 N. 24th St. AWAVJWW.VJ’.VMW DUFFY Pharmacy 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS We OfiOP Free Delivery MAX’S LUNCH New Location 1906 North 24th St. Meals 15c & Up Negro digest AUGUST ISSUE NOW ON SALE! Thousands missed Ihe first issue which sold out before it was a week on the stands. Be sure to get your copy of this new, ex citing number of Negro World Digest,—96 pages crammed wills readable stories and articles condensed from thi best in mag azines and tjooks every month. Ten minutes a day will keep you abreast of the main trends in Negro life. Send for a free, illustrated folder on our amazing subscription i premium offers. I West 125 St —In ex. CNS No bolter product* roach the market than those produced right here In Nebraska. Food products, clothing products, building materials, equipment lor farm, home and factory—thousands of things for thousands of uses are grown and made in this great state. Patronize Nebraska's agricultural and industrial produc tion. Its quality can't be beat! When you buy Nebraska products, you are actually boosting your own prosperity. Nebraska's industries employ Nebraskans, pay huge state and local taxes end spend millions annually lor purchasing and operating expenses. Individual prosperity depends on Nebraska's prosperity! * * * NEBRASKA ADVERTISING COMMISSION. State House, Lincoln, Nebraska. IF IT HELPS NEBRASKA • IT WILL HELP YOU her itty bitty brain can’t stand the strain of both schools. Why Cassie Murrell is staying in nights. Could it be that she is getting prepared for the State Exams in October or just can’t take it. Why the teacher buys grapes then hides them til schools out. , Could it be that she is afraid the j students will assassinate them. Why Margaret Williams went. | way out on Happy Hollow Blvd. | the other night. Could it be that 1 she just went for the ride. Why Korea’s boy friend took all the students home the other even ing. Could it be he wanted to find where each one lived. Why Betty Montgomery return ed to school one day then stopped. Could it be that she was lonesome since all of her friends are gone. Why all of the girls look wor ried. Coud it be the conscription : l ~ : . ’ ~~T~f ‘l JE^ii^gg53SJ Political adv. FURNACE Stove & Boiler REPAIRS OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WKS. 1206-8 Douglas Phone At. 2524 CLASSIFIED ADS HELP WANTED, Male or Female Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage. Friendship, or Pleasure. Send Dime for member ship blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen dell, Chicago, 111. For Rent—Modern apt., running hot and cold water. Call WE-4285 FOR RENT—3 Room Apt. WE. 0360. Call evenings. ROOM for Rent, 2309 North 27th Ave.. Phone AT. 5134. One Front Room, 2513 Hamilton St., Call AT- 1897. APT FOR RENT, WE. 2365. Apt For Rent, WE. 2365. For Rent, Twp four-room beauti ful apartments> 2409 Lake St., call AT. 7060. F'OR RENT—Apart'lent o- R > *.n 1607 Binney St. FOR RENT—ON TOP OF THE I STREET CAR—One room in pri vate modern home, for men only. Price reasonable, 2825 North 24th Si., AT. 5988 FOR RENT Apt for Rent—2527 Blondo St. 5 Room modern house, good con dition. AT. 6591. FOR RENT—7 Rooms and bath, modern house, 924 North 27th ave. (Inquire at 920 N. 27th ave., HA. 0958.) House For Rent, 2914 N. 25th St. Will pay $1.25 for vacant room— HA. 1190 between 3 and 5. Furnished Kitchenette HA. 6672 Apt. for Rent, 2226 Ohio after 2. 2 Rooms for Rent, ,TA. 2607. FOR RENT—3 room modern apt. 2226 Ohio St., JA-0682. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, o? 2613 Grant St. Call JA. 7189 Or WE. 2410. 9 Room House—All Modern Will Decorate—$20.00 per month. On Corby Street. Phone JA5033. HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades to order. 182 N. 24th St. WE. 1607. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 20L? bill. This is your Cub Reporter sign ing off till next week. Watch for this column every week. Ml. I ■ ■■ — ■» ■ * 1 W RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEEK and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street _Always a place to park— "free" $55.00 Worth of Goods Men—women to supply colored peo ple with the famous 12 SISTERS’ products. Deep Cut Prices and lovely preminums. Send No Money. $55.00 worth of FREE goods given. 12 SISTERS’ PRODUCTS, 74-76 Eaker Street, Dayton, Ohio « A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme.CJ. Walker’s Preparations "I use Mme. C. J. Walker's preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation," stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. , Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvethke softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. Furnished Apt., is rooms, prlvata bath, 2517 Miami St., WE. 3653. LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6066 EMERSON LAUNDRY~ 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Front Room, modern WE. 1024. FOR RENT—A four room Apt. An Apt. for Rent, WE. 2365 For Rent, 2 apts. WE. 2737. 7 Room House—Pacific Street. $12.00 perr month. Phone JA5033. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.” A-B BUFFET, 1616 N. 24th St. WINES—LIQUORS at Popular Prices Courteous Service at all Times SICK, NERVOUS CRANKY month ? Then Read WHY Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Is Real"Woman’s Friend’'! Some women suffer severe monthly pain (cramps, backache, headache) due to female functional disorders while other’s neroea tend to become upset and they get cross, restless and moody. So why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound made especially to help tired, run-down, nervous wom en to go smiling thru "difficult days." Pinkham s Compound contains no opi ates or habit-forming ingredients. It _ is marie from nature's own beneficial roots and herbs — each with its own special purpose to HELP WOMEN. Famous foroverGOycars— Pinkham's Compound is the best known and one of the most effective ''woman’s” tonics obtainable. Try it!