The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 21, 1940, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St
PHONE WEbster 1517
Entered as Sfecond Class Matter Mach 15. 1927, at
the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of
Congress of March 3, 1879.
H. J. Ford, — — - — Pres
Mrs. Fluma Cooper — vice Pres>
C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor
Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’y and Treas.
SUSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly in Advance)
One Year — — — $2'0°
Six Months — —
Three Months — —
Single Copy — —
by A. Philip Randolph
The Battle for Britain is in full
swing. Thousand’s of airplanes on both
sides are locked in a death struggle for
the supremacy of the air. The much
advertised blitzkreig of Der Fuehrer is
striking with all of its power.
But this is more than a battle of
sinister steel birds of prey. It’s a bat
tle of ideas, of philosophies, of ways of
What does this Battle for Britain
mean to America? What does it mean
to the Negro? Does it matter whether
Britain lose and Germany triumph?
This question can best be answered
by a question, namely, does it matter
if Britain, the last stronghold of dem
ocracy and liberty fall under the fury
and fire, death and destruction of Naz
ism or not? The question carries its
own answer to a civilized and free peo
The answer is, it is a matter of life
and death to democracy and freedom
as we krtow it. If Britain lose, demo
cracy and liberty lose. If Nazism win
a new slavery amd barbarism, terror
ism and darkness will triumph.
If Hitler win, the black tides of re
action, tyranny and despotism, the cult
of force, mass murdser and espionage
will not -only sweep away the last ves
tige of humanity in Europe, but will
threaten Our American system of dem
ocracy and liberty.
Under Hitler, no man is free. He
is the victim of fear. Men of indepen
dent convictions and liberalism are
hunted, haunted, and harrassed, only
finally to end up in some noftorious
concentration camp where cruel and
inhuman efforts are made to break
their spirit and will. Under Hitler,
freedom of conscience, the right to
worship God according to one’s con
victions, is wiped out and the pagan re
ligion of the primitive Germanic trib
es is forced upon you.
Under Hitler, there is only one
political partly. It is Hitler’s party, the
National Socialist Party. Besides this
party, there is none other. The mere
expressiori 'of a difference of political
opinion with the opinion of Hitler and
his National Socialist Party, means
persecution, imprisonment, and per
haps, death.
Dictator is law. It is supposed to
be omniscient, omnipresent and omni
potent. He can? do n) wror^j. He is
to be regarded and accepted as the
paragon of all wisdom,, truth and right
And he employs force and mur
der to compel obedience and worship
of his person arid word.
But this is not sri in Britain. In
Britain, men and women are relatively
free. They are free to worship G'od ac
cording to the dictates of their own
conscience. They are free to1 express
their opinion on economic, political and
social problems. They are free to vote
for the political party of their choice.
How will Nazism affect -the Ne
gro? Hitler’s own statement on the
Negro in Mein Kampf is sufficient an
swer. What does he say? He alludes
to the Negro as ‘half ape.” In other
Words, Negroes, in the judgement of
the Germart Dictator are not even all
human. If they are not regarded as
human, it is logical to assume that they
are not entitled to the treatment of
human beings, Hence, under the Aus
trian Gorpioral, Negroes would be re
enslaved and put upon the status of
chattel property Nazism advoeates
the dangerous doctrine of Nordic sup
What of Britain and the Negro?
Now,, we have no illusionons a
bout the attitude Great Britain has
maintained toward the Negroes in par
ticular and the darker races in gener
al. They have been deceived, betrayed
and'oppressed by Britain. No one can
question this fact. Great Britain has
employed the technique of divide and
But under British rule, Negroes
are, at least, regarded as human be
ings. In the British codonies, Negroes
are making some progress. It may be
slow, but it is sure. While no one den
ies the fact that they don’t get their
rights, they are more and more secur
ing the right to fight for their rights.
In England, Negroes are admitt
ed to the universities of Oxford and
Cambridge. Could a Negro go to any
kind of school in Germany? We should
say not. But even assuming that Ne
groes did not possess any rights in the
British empirq, it would still be to the
interest of the Negro people to support
the cause of Great Britain, because she
is fighting for the preservation of the
democratic siystem under which alona
Negroes can hope for the ultimate sta
tus of free men. England represents,
with the passing Czechoslovakia and
France, the only center of democracy
left in Europe. If England should fall,
it will constitute a definite threat to
our democratic order here.
This is why Negroes should help
Great Britain win, and strive for the
(fownfall tof Hitler and Nazism. It is
enlightened self interest. Negroes
don’t want Britain to win merly be
cause they love her, but because they
love themselves; because they love the
democratic way of life and the status
of human beinjgs.
It is for these reasons, that it is
to the interest of America and the Ne
gro people that all aid, short of Amer
ica going to war, should be given to
Great Britain, airplanes, destroyers
and even battleships, should be given
to England now to help her win the
war. And if Great Britain is given
munition^, planes arid destroyers, she
will win.
If Britain win, it will be the great
est bl jw which can be dealt dictator
ships, Fascists, Nazis and Communists.
Help Britain Will! Help Kill
Nazism! Help Save Democracy! Help
Defend America! But Keep America
Out of this War!
A strike in one of the country’s
major aircraft factories was recently
averted by a narrow margin. The fac
tory plays a key role in the new arms
One wonders when malcontents
will realize that the people will no lon
ger stand for industrial disputes which
menace national security. If labor and
management can’t get together and
settle their troubles without disrupt
ing production, the authority of gov
ernment will of necessity be used to
control them.
Labor and industry have a chance
today to show the stuff they are made
of when the nation dictates the policy
that will take men for national defense
it cannot allow labor or industry to
dictate terms of employment or pro
(continued from p. 1)
ion of the St, Louis-Globe-Demo
erat (white). Brothers in frater
nalism and non-partisanship unan
imously adopted the resolution,
placing the Lodge on a neutral
basis for the coming national elect
ion, this November.
It was presented by Resolutions
Committee Chairman J. Daltnus
Steele, New York City marshal,
and former candidate for headpost
of the Elks. The resolution was
passed in a heated session without
a dissenting vote, from high or low
dissenting groups) representing
those interested in o»e or the otb
er of the two major parties’ can
didates, for President of the U. S.
Mr. Steele, a brilliant orator said;
‘‘We know some of the members of
the Lodge are for Roosevelt and
some for Willkie, and we also knew
that any course other than the
middle of the road would be a
gainst the best interest of the !odg
so that is the course we took’.
The grand lodge press commit
tee was glad to report that tli^
metropolitan ftailies of St. Louis
and Negro press were most gener
ous in affording us the best cov
erage given a Negro event in St.
Louis. They were exceptionally
gracious in giving space in news
and especially in pictures, and the
St. Louis Post Dispatch published
whole page in roto-gravure sect
Local and Long Distance
1107 Howard. W. W. Holler, Mgi
2306 North 24th
We. 0998 Free Delivery
New Location
1906 North 24th St.
Meals 15c & Up
.. . Here's
Inside Tip
Look Years
This Easy
Way . . .
Stop worrying about whether your
gray hair might some day cost you
your job — or whether folks are
whispering, “That man certainly
has aged!” Yes, stop worrying ...
and start using LARIEUSE.
Hair Coloring you can bring radi
ant, glossy, youthful-appearing
color to ALL your hair. Easy to
apply. The exact shade you want
comes evenly. It won't rub off or
wash out. Known and used for 45
years. Money back if not satisfied.
Ask for LARIEUSE (Larry-use).
If your dealer doesn’t have it, send
$1.25 direct to . . .
lont of tile convention. The local
weeklies did an excellent jots cf
fublicizing the convention befove
and during the sessions.
As a member of the official
press committee of the Elks con
vention, as a group we wish to ex
tend anr gratitude and apprecia
tion for the fine spirit of cooper
ation exhibited by the Fourth Es
tate. W. H. Mink?>i, Edward H.
Lawson, Floyd G. Snelson, Chea
ter E. Stovall, J. W. Patef J. A.
Josey, Alexander Barnes and oth
Omaha’s Disabled World Wad
Veterans will observe the twenty
first Anniversary of the Meuse
Argotine Battle of the World war
this Saturday, September 21, with
their annual For-Get-Me Not Sale,
Proceeds of the flower sale ar' us
ed to maintain an emergency le
ljef program for needy Disabled
Veterans and their families, and
to continue the rehabilitation pro
gram and liason service for the
prosecution of claims of deserving
Tho D. A. V., as this organiza
tion is commonly known, has a
charter of incorporation from Cort
tress, and is, therefore> the offic
ial spokesman of the wartime
disabled. It is composed of only
those World War Veterans whom
the U. S. Government proclaims
to have been wounded, gassed or
disabled by reason of their milit
ary service. The re are approxi
mately seven hundred such veter
ans in Omaha and Douglas County.
In order to render an adequate
service for Disabled World War
Veterans, the D. A. V. needs the
assistance of the genral public,
and for that reason they conduct
the annual Forget-Me-Not appeal,
according to Adler Petersenf com
mander of the Omaha Chapter.
“Ottr comrades hope that gratitude
for their past service will prompt
Omahans to respond generously to
the flower sale next Saturday. By
helping the D. A. V. to help the
unfortunate war-time disabled and
their dependents by emergency re
lief, employment and rehabilita
tion service, they will also be help
ing the community,” Peteresen
The Disabled Veterans have gen
erously offered a part of the pro
ceeds of the flower sale to a group
of Omaha mothers of dependent
children, who will sell th«< little
blue remembrance fowers on the
streets next Saturday. Buy a
Forget-me-not” and help two very
deserving and needy groups of
real American citizens.
The Metropolitan Utilities Dis
trict, in cooperation with the gas
appliance dealers of the city and
the independent food merchants( is
sponsoring Omaha’s first city
wide, all gas cooking school during
the Food Show at the City Audit
orium, September 30 to October 5.
George Rector, internationally
known food consultant and author
ity, will personaly conduct the gas
cooking school each afternoon at
2 o’clock.
Mr. Rector needs no introduction
to Omaha women! His books,
magazine articles and food col
umns in newspapers are widely
During the coking school he will
■ i
"Build-Up" Important
Protector of omen!
A Weak, undernourished condit *
ion often enables functional dysm
enorrhea to get a foothold; thus
leads to much of woman’s suffer
ing from headaches, nervousness,
and other periodic discomfort.
CARDUI’S principal help for
such distress comes from the way
it usually stimulates appetite^ and
increases flow' of gastric juice;
thus aids digestion; helps build
energy, strength, physical resist
ance to periodic pain for many.
Another way, many women find
help for periodic ditress: Take
CARDUI a few days before and
during “the tirrte.” Women have
used CARDUI for more than 50
demonstrate his many famous
menus and dishes> most of them
from the famous Rector's Restau
rant of New York City frequented
early in the century by such lum
inaries as "Diamond Jim" Brady.,
John Drew, Lillian Russell and
others. . Assisting Mr. Rector at
the school will be the home service
department of the Utilities Dist
rict, headed by Mrs. Alta Wcym
uller. Daily attendance prizes
will be given, as well as copies of
Mr. Rector’s recipes.
This Is the first time in years
that the 50,000 Omaha women,
owning gas ranges will get the op
portunity to attend an all city gas
cooking school. The latest gas
cooking methods and equipment
will be demonstrated and on dis
Make bigmnney
selling Lucky
Heart s line of
300 guaranteed
cosmetics, mod
Icines, house
hold necessities, jewelry.
Folks buy on sight Big
repeat business sure.
Free samples sent at
once. Free G8-page
Beauty Book. Get our
offer FREE on J9 00
worth of Lucky Heart
nrodtirts and a Big Sample Case. Write
87, Memphis, Tennessee.
Rheumatic Happy;
Relieves Pain Quick
Thousands who suffered from the torturing
pains of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neu
ralgia and neuritis—are certainly happy over
their discovery of NURITO. Now they have
found a quick-acting formula which speedily
relieves those exhausting muscular aches and
pains. NURITO is trustworthy and dependable
—contains no opiates. If you want to feel again
the joy of relief from pain—so you can work in
peace anti 8ieep in comfort—be wise and try
NURITO under this ironclad guarantee. If the
very first three doses do not relieve that cruel
pain to your satisfaction—your money will he
refunded .Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today
for NURITO on tins guarantee. (T.N.C.J
y. This modern woman has time and
energy for things she wants to do— j
and yet she accomplishes more than j |
many who are "rushed to death." m i
F How does she do it? It’s no secret^
It’s something anyone can do. She
saves time and energy by letting the ^
telephone run her errands.
use your telephone?
^ the more you save yourself.
We Offer for Your Approval
A rrp
Complete Curtain Service
and Another thing,—
Have Your
Dry Cleaning Done Now! i
—Cash and Carry Discounts—
2401 North 24th Street
WE. 6055
a all when mail man deliver*
A big beauty bo* aontalnln* bo,u.,o.iw«nd»o«»1
•even facial necessities all of the fM fi.iS ami «•
finest ingredients and weighing .ti , AKtr.
over two pounds now only 08*. rh«r«c. WORTH 13.00 UP
plus postage. SOLO SEPARATELY.,
You will adore the smooth tex
ture of these Golden-Glo products.
They give that appeal which is the ultimate (n feminine
beauty and the subtle intrigue of perfect make-up.
Golden-GIo’s incomparable cosmetic combination —w
•even invaluable aids to beauty, finest quality.
13.00 value box of 7 Golden-Glo beauty aids
Regular retail pries
Cleansing Cream ..SOd
Vanishing Cream...AOd
Foundation Cream. .2Sd
Faea Powder "Tan".SOd j
Lipstick . .2Sd v
Hair Dresser.SOd
— all the requisites for complete exquisite beauty Creak
ment that would cost you IS 00 If bought individually.
Our Special Offer brings you this entire set of 7 GOLDEN.
GLO COSMETICS for only 08d plus postage.
Agents Wanted for Golden-Glo Prodaeta A
108 East 41st Street- Now York. N. T.
Send me your Golden-Cl* beauty bo* containing T full
aire Golden-Glo products. Whom delivered by Tostmaa 1
will pay him 98d pitta postage. or I am enclosing flJS
money order which covers ail charges fag delivery 0a mm
Nams •■»••••••••«.a ....
(Print name elenrly)
Address.... «l