The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 21, 1940, CITY EDITION, Image 1
Visit The Omaha Guide's 14th Annual FOOD S/*OW Oct. 12-19 WITH ITS MANY NEW FEATURES AT THE NEW ELKS HALL_2420 LAKE ST, Every Day An Xmas Turkey Given Away , PRICE _ 5cU. VW r\ *wMCim COMING! I f I 111 FISK JUBILEE * SINGERS / iiicti/'C itv TA TMi_- ■» NOVEMBER 18th / JUSTICEr EQUALITY HEW TO THE IINE^ st. philip’s 1 CHURCH | iiiMiBilKHnitjiiiiitflimiumnnHiniHUWffinninliHttfmHifiliTiRnHnnininiiimHruM __ LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY But."e.«“hSonceonw£u“i7Mat,er at Post OKice °maha Nebr under Act of March 8l 1874 Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, September 21, 1940 OUR 13th YEAR Number 27 EPISCOPALS WILL HOLD 3 DAY CONFERENCE IN KC. Kansas City, Mo., (Special) — September 21—A three day conf erence of Negro Episcopalians of the United States will be held in Kansas City October 6-8, immed iately preceding the Episcopal General Convention. About 125 Negro clergymen and laymen are expected to attend the meeting which is the seventh triennial con ference of Church Workers Among Colored People. The opening of the conference will be a choral evenson, at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral( at which the choir of St. Andrew's church, Kansas city will sing. The Rev. H. J. C. Bowden, rector of St. Paul’s Church, Atlanta, Geor gy will preach and the Bishop of West Missouri, the Rt. Rev. Rob ert Nelson Spencer, D. D., will wel come the visitors to his diocese. The Rev. E. Sydnor Thomas, rec tor of St. Barnabas’ Church, Phil- I adelphia> Pa., who is president of the conferences will' respond. A memorial address on the Rev. George F. Bragg, distinguished Negro leader of Baltimore who died last year, will be given by the Rev. Rev. Tollie L. Caution of Harrisburg, Pa. Monday sessions will be held at St. Mary’s Church, and following a service of the Hoiy Communion, the conference will hear addresses by the Rev. Mr. Thomas, Mrs.1 Fannie Pitt Gross, national field worker among Negroes of the Church Student Center at Fort Valley, Georgia; the Rev. J. K. Satter white, rector of St. Eliza beth’s Church, LaG range, Georg ia; and the Rev. H. Randolph Moore, rector of St. Philips chu.-ch Los Angeles, Calif. A missionary mass meeting will be held the evening of October 7, at St. Paul’s Church, Kansas City, at which the work of the Episcopal church in Haiti will be shown in' motion pictures, and received his theological training ’n the Philadel phia Divinity School. ’ On Tuesday, October 8, the worn en of the conference will meet at St. Mery's Church, and Mrs. Karo lyn Franklin of Charleston, W. Va., President of the Woman’s Auxiliary, will preside. Speakers will be the Rev. Samuel J. Martin of Chicago; Mrs. Ernestine Post les Detroit, Mich.; and the Rev. » Robert Harris, Pleasantville, N. J. An evening service at the cath edral, at which the Rev. Shelton H. Bishop of New York City and the Rev. George A. Fisher of Lou isville, Ky., will speak, will con clude the conference. Dr. Bishop is rector of St. Phiips Church, the largest Negro congregation of the entire Episcopal Church, with more than 2200 communicants. MEMPHIS COTTON WORKERS WIN $4,000 IN BACK PAY Memphis, Sept. 19 (ANP>— — ‘‘Thirty-two Negro workers, em ployed by the Dixie Cotton Pick ery company, received a total of nearly $4,000 in back pay and re instatement to their jobs”, stated Harry Roger, District IV Presid ent of the United Cannery Agric ultural, Packing and Allied Work ers of America. “These workers were all threat ened by the company about the two months ago because they would not sign a statement releas ing the company from any obliga tion to give them back pay, and most of them were discharged by the company because they refused to sign. “As a result of charges filed with the United States Wage-Hour commission and the splendid nego tiations carried on by William R. Henderson, Inland Boatmen’s un ion representative in Memphis and Will Watts, representative of t.he SWOC, these workers were all put back to work and the company forced to do justice. “During the past six week the UCAPAWA has organized two lo cals, covering food processing wlorkers and cotton processing workers, and has organized a ma jority of workers in eight plants in this city. Negotiations for con tracts and petitions for elections are now taking place. “News of this victory is spread ing throughout the surrounding sharecropping country, Arkansas, Tennesseef Missouri and Missis fcdppij, encouraging thousands ofi workers to organize”. CAB CALLOWAY FREED OF CHARGES New York, Sept. 19 (ANP) — Cab Calloway, noted orchestra leader who was arrested last week » on dharges preferred by Nat Nas arro, Broadway theatrical agent, was freed of all charges when the case came up in West Side court this week. In making the complaint against Cab, Nazarro stated to the couit that Cab lhad struck him during an argument. The complainant’s at torney asked for a dismissal when the case was called. CME. CHURCH WILL CELEBRATE ITS 70th ANNIVERSARY Washington, D. C., Sept 21 (AN P) The Ninth Episcopal district of the CME. church of which Bishop C. L. Russell is presiding bishop, will celebrate the 7(Wh anniversary of the founding of the CME. Church, during the week of the convocation whidh will be held at Miles Memorial, Sept. 17-22, 1940. The CMiE. church was organized in 1870 and has a membership of 450,000; has elected 21 bishops during its existence, 12 of whom are deceased. The church has founded and is operating the fol lowing five colleges: Paine College Augusta. Ga.; Lane College, Jack son, Tenn.; Miles Memorial Col lege. Birmingham, Ala; Mississip pi Industrial College, Bolly Springs, and Texas College. Tyler Texas. The church ha s a book house which cost $150,000 and is clear of debt and operates a conn ectional hospital in Memphis, Tenn During the week of tfhe convoc ation, subjects which will be dis cussed will retrospect the past and prospect the future of the Churcft. The past will be vividly depicted by pointing out the outstanding ac eomplishmentg made by deceased bishops and some of the ihistoTy of the church will be dramatized in the form of a pageant. The District is composed of the New England conference; Wash ington-and Philadelphia conference Virginia conference; North Carol ina conference; and South Carol ina conference. There will be large delegations from all parts of Fear For Safety of Democratic Politician And Chicago Policy King After Bombing HANDS.. . Too Busy Sor Crime | TP HE BUSY CHILD of today is not likely to be the criminal of tomorrow. The hope of any community lies in its younger generation. Youth needs HEALTH . . . wholesome recrea tion, guidance in clean living. Youth needs IDEALS . . . respect for their religion, their homes, their country . . . Youth needs TRAIN ING . . . practical knowledge of how to do things, to make things ... to be helpful. Youth needs a chance. And as youth learns to co-operate in play, so will be built a sounder community life. 'I ■ these conferences in attndance at the convocation celebration. NEGRO GRADUATE INSULTED WHEN REPORTING ON JOB Los Angeles, Sept. 19 (ANP) — Short lived elation felt by the coast group, whe^ the first Negro Was admitted to a school for air craft training abruptly ended last week. Reward of William A. Dickinson Jr., of Bakersfield, only Kern county Negro ewer to complete a course in aircraft metal last week » was a curt notation in a call to work from the San Diego Consoli dated Aircraft company, “No Ne groes Accepted.’’ The discriminatory order .iceom panied an offer of employment to r.ll students of the Bakersfield Junior college who has completed study in aircraft metal. Young Dickinson, saji of William A Dick inson, sr, president of the Bakers field branch of bhe NAACPt fin ished the subject with a straight "B” average. Negotiations between the Bakers -field school and Consolidated have been in progress since Roy And erson, aviation instructor of the Jtihior college at Kern county air port, met with the company pers onnel manager recently. Six stu dents in aircraft metal were im mediately employed. $1,000,000 A YEAR INCOME CHICAGO,, Sept, 19 (ANP)—Is Jim Martin, wealthy policy king and Democratic politician mark ed for death? This possibility lodmed Friday as police invest igated the bombing of the home of Charles Bartels, white, sCcrejtaqyi and first lieutenant to Patrick A. Nash, Democratic b^ss. Martin, a key figure in the Kelly-Nash machine, is also closely affiliated with Bartels whom he has known for 35 years. Bartel s home was bombed Wed-S nesday evening. No one was injur ed. although the blast shook the ST. LOUIS, Sept. 20 (by Floyd G. Enelson for ANP) Yes! where all roads meet, the throbbing metropolis on the banks of the Mississippi. Hello Bill- Did you hear the story? The Elks’ made an avalanche “blitzkreig” on St. Louis the past week and made history. Well, boys, we had a helluva grand time there, regard less of some things that were not altogether “Brotherly Love”, POLITICAL ANGLE One of the most important pro cedures of the IBPOE. of W. in St. Louis was the adoption erf the res olution placing the lodge “in the middle of the road”—“Republicans are still Republicans, Democrats still Democrats, and peace and harmony continue to reign sup reme among us all’’, was the vers (continued ion p. 3) YOUTH KILLED IN FRONT OF CHURCH Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 19 ( A NP) A 19 year old youth, Manas ter Matthews was shot and killed » here Wednesday by a deputy sher iff as he stood in front of a church at 10th and 21st streets. Alleged ly engaged in a brawl with another man, Matthews received wounds i mthe stomach when the deputy! Homer Badger, stopped to “inves tigate” the trouble. Badger told the coroner he was driving home about noon when he noticed a disturbance in front of the church. He further stated that Matthews had a shotgun which he leveled o<n him. Mattn ews died in Hillman hospital. Jcmtiro residential district and was heard for two miles. Shortly afterward Martin went to the Bar tels home, stayed about 20 mlnut eh then hurried away. Investigating police revealed that two weeks ago Martin, one of the richest Negroes in Chicago, re ceived notes threatening him with kidnaping unless he paid $20,000. Martin left the city for several days, returning only recently. Detectives believe there is a dis tinct tie-up between the Martin threath and the Bartels bombing, especially in view of the fact that the latter contends he “did not know” Martin was engaged in the policy racket. Charlotte Barto)?^ 25 year i.ld •laughter of the Itomhing victim, told officers that immediately aft er the blast she tried to reach her iather at the airplane Inn, owned by Martin and one of the show places of the ci'.y. Bartels was not there, stating afterwards he was at a softball game. Martin, who replied 1/ fears a !• ves in Maywood a sub ,ii ban area. He moved there 12 years ago, paying $1*3,000 for his borne which is a two story brick I adding, elaboract’y decorated and o\ nately furnished Jle has three expensive automobiles and a trail ei. Several times he has been arrest ed on policy racket charges and ini February Everett I. Watson, re puted Detroit Numbers King and his wife, Irene, were arrested in Martin's home in connection with the probe of the alliance between ci !me and politics by the one-man grand jury. Bartels has been unable to offer a motive for the bombing. He said ho received a telephone call a week before from a man who wanted to see him. The caller would not give his name, became argumenta tive and said, “I can take care of you.” Martin has long been identified with the policy game and i3 con sidered one of the biggest of the bankers. The yearly ‘ take’’ on this form of gambling in Chicago is reported to be $1,000,000. SATURDAY & MONDAY ONLY -SEPTEMBER 21 & 23rd A BREAK FOR YOU AT JOE’S FOOD MARKET 2422 NORTH 24TH ST. 5 POUNDS SUGAR 21c This tear sheet and 21c will get jf u Five lbs. of S U G A R at Joe’s F’ood Market! Hurry! Hurry!— before the supply is gone. J ,e Redeems Orange and Blue Food Stamps. Watch the Guide each week for Joe’s Big Bargains!!!