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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1940)
THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418 20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter1 Maxh 15, 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. All News Copy of Churches and all organiza* ions must be in ou-* office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pro ceeding date of issue, to insure publication H. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Fluma Coopet, — — Vice Pies. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway, — * Sec’y and Treas. SUSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Year — — — $2.00 Six Months — — — 1.25 Three Months — — — .60 Single Copy — — — 5c •O'*' * ‘INTHE SHADOW •OFTHE STARS 1 By-flbbe* Ua/lacs 'ifauNOfST Mcntaust cm Tue AmeriCam StACC $ -k _ w if zr~w~ JVoler—Your Question Wn Be Answered "Freb” in This Column. For • "Prh’ttt Reply" . . . Send only 2Je for my new Astrology Reading & Lucry Dat Chart and receive by return mail t confidential letter of Fret Ad net analyz ing three (I) Questions privately. Sign your full name, address, and birthdate to •11 letters, and please include a self-addressed, ilamped envelope for your reply. care of Abbe’ Wallace, P. 0. Box H, Atlanta. Georgia. ****** ^ F. L. K.—We would like very much to own our home. Would It be a wise idea to buy this place where We are now ? MMaMartiMiMaMaMW NORTH 24th ST SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD “Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. —POPULAR PRICES — ij b^cer - BEmR | SIX IZOZ. BOTTLES NOW , \ILABLE IN tASY-TO CARRY HOME CARTON ) Ans: Make arrangements to buy a home as soon as you can. Tnene is no better investment for people of moderate circumstances. I am sure that if you look around you will find a place nicer, and more modern for the money. Don't be afraid to get out and make some inquiries—get the best you can for the money you put out. ****** I Lonesome Pal.—Do my friend get all the leters that I write him ? I wonder now long he will be gone and wdl I hear from him ever? Ans: You’re a ‘‘has been’’ in his mind young lady. I suggest that you stop writing him. If he did not get the letters they would be returned to you. It is very evid ent that he has made some new acquaintance and he doesn’t care to keep in touch with you any longer. ****** S. K. P.—I want to go on my vacation but am afraid I will lose out. Tell me if there is a chance of my getting 3 or 4 rooms in the project? Ans: Yes you do stand a good chance of getting an apartment in this new project. Go ahead and take your vacation—you might go around and tell the office tnat you are going and when to expect you back. You need to get off for a few days. Jd. F. W.—I know I am sick all right for I have a large swollen, stomach. Now they tell me when you have been cungered and trick ed that Doctors medicine will make it worse. Tell me what to do. Ans: If you want to get well and live then you had better change your views a bit- Pay no attention to what people have to tell you. Go immediately to the City Clinic and begin reatment. OUR AUGUST SALE OF FURNITURE BRINGS YOU LARGE SELECTIONS AND BIG VALUES Convenient Terms ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. .■HiiitiiiiiHii IIM III : i 11' I 'f IMIlllillllMllllilt'll I • > 11III MllliniHlK mi I lltllKimillllllMIIIIIIIIIII'lllltll.ll'IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIillMllllllliilltlllllillllllllimiiimi liiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiim,i,.i We Offer for Y«ur Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EOKOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 I Take medicine prescribed by Doc tors only. I warn you against taking root medicine. A change will take place if you cooperate with a good (medical doctor or the clinic. C. G.—Please tell me if I will ge able to get the chidnen I am trying to get? Ans:—I see disappointment a head for you regarding these cnil dren? In all probability your fi nancial standing has something to do with it. ****** L. C.—Please tell me if I stand a chance with either one of the 2 boys I have been going with? Both claim they love me? Ans: The fellow you nave been going with for the longest period of time loves you more devotedly than the one you started with re cently- He ■would marry you— but I don’t think the latter fellow would consider marriage at all. ****** E. J. W.—Do you think my daughter will make good at the school that I am planning to send her to? Ans: I do. It seems to me tnat you are using the very best of judgement in sending her off to school. She’s ambitious and studious—you may expect nothing but the best from this young lady. ****** I .L. W.—Things got so bad tnat I had t0 leave home. Is it the end of everything for me? What must I do? Ans: Go back home and stay there. Your husband has become infatuated with someone else, but you a1'0 foolish to step out and g ve him a free road to travel. Try to hold your home together and work and take care of yourself A change will take place in him before fall. LADIES AUXILIARY TO BROTHERHOOD WILL HOLD BIENN IAL CONVENTION The Ladies Auxiliary to the Brothernood of Sleeping Car Por ters which is affiliated with the A. F. of L. will hold its Biennial Con vention in the International Head quarters of the Brothernood of Sleeping Car Porters, 27 West 125th Street, New York, Septemb er 16-19 inclusive. The prelimin ary activities of the Convention Will include a Parade followed by a Mass Meeting at the Salem Methodist Episcopal Church, 129th Street and 7th avenue, Sunday September 15, at 3 o’clock p. m. The Ladies Auxiliary will be the guest of the Brotherhood of Sleep ing Car Porters on tnese two oc casions which also mark the be ginning of the Second Biennial Convention and the 15th Anni-ers ary Celebration of the Brother hood. Tne Brotherhood Sessions will be held in New York sim !t ar.eously with those of the Ladies Auxiliary, but will be of Ion ? >r duration. i ne i.dunes Auxiliary was or ganized August 1925, in New York^ City by the Brotherhood President A. Philip Randolph and was known at that time as the Colored Wom en’s Economic Council. As rapid ly as circumstances and conditions would permit an auxiliary was set up in each of the Brotherhood Div isions until today there are 44 such organizations throughout this country and Canada. In July 1938, a National Call was issued by the International President A. Philip Randolph re questing the Auxiliary represent atives to assemble the following September, in Chicago. Illinois for the purpose of being organized into an International Organization. This was to represent the first and rhly group of Negro women to be organized on an International scale by a duly recognized Negro international Labor Organization. The following officials were elect ed at that time by the Convention Delegates: Halena Wilson; Chicago, Illin ois; International President. Roy inr. C. Tucker; Washington, I). C.; • International Secretary-Treasurer. ’Katherine Lassiter; New York “ ! ^ -- • - * " AND NOW THESE UI’STAND 1NG CITIZENS OF OUR COMM UNITY WILL EXPRESS THEIR I OPINIONS ON VOTING MIS | -- W./.z> ' TER BEGGS FOR SHERIFF. Dark Humor •••• by ray wills Iff NEWS SYNDICATE The Scott Crinoline Choir adds to the enjoyment of Republic's latest Gene Autry film, "Carolina Moon." Here they are in a scene from that picture with Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette. ■ • • ■*m3lj BERUTy^RomflncE^ The Larieuse Beauty Foundation was established by the Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public. EASTER PARADE Yesterday I watched a young friend of nilne get all dressed up In her Sunday best for a gala party. She had bought a new dress and her best beau had sent her a lovely corsage. Her hat was the exact shade of delicate blue as her dress. She should have looked fresh and lovely but — unfortunately — she missed. Her white gloves had seen wear several times that week and she had neglected to wash them. Not only that, one finger had ripped at the seams, and rather than take a minute to repair the damage, she let the scarlet tip of her nail show through. She had gone out the night before In her new slippers, had walked across the damp, muddy ground and failed to give them a I cleaning. Her blouse needed press ing but she felt that It would go unnoticed. But, alas, those are the things we do notice. Small Details Are Important Few of us realize the importance of little details of grooming. A clashing new dress or suit only serves to call attention to our short comings If the small items of cos tuming are faulty. We are inclined to say, “What shabby looking gloves," or “How dirty her shoes are,” rather than comment on the excellence of the rest of the en semble. Gloves, purses,' shoes, belts, all those accessories are so small that we may be Inclined to overlook their Importance. But as sure as we overlook them, the very persona we most want to see us In a favorable light will notice them and regard us us careless or lazy. Feminine charm depends on these “lesser” things. A starched, frilly white col lar can make you look fresh and dainty but, If It’s limp and grny looking, It will stamp you Imme diately as lacking In fustldlousness. Watch Make-Up Shade* And another detail that we too often fall to give its proper place Is make-up blending. The wrong shade of powder, rouge and lipstick can ruin the whole outfit. Remem ber that the proper shade to wear with green may fall to bring out your best points If you change to pale pink or powder blue. A pow der that Is too light or too dark for your particular type of skin can make you look pastey or dirty as the ease may be. Bear these points in mind when selecting your Easter outfit. The small details which you may overlook, may make you un favorably conspicuous In the Easter parade. What are your beauty prob lems? Write Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Foundation, Room 321 — 319 North Fourth St., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed' stamped envelope. City; 1st International Vice Presi dent. Ma eM. Dailey; St. Louis, Missouri; 2nd! International Vice President. F. J. Caviness; San Antonio, Texas; 3rd International Vive President. L' titia Murray, Los Angeles. California; 4th In ternational Vice President. Bar Association Reeiects Redmond Columbus, Ohio., Aug 22 (ANP The National Bar associatioi held the largest and most interesHrg convention in its history here Aug. 1, 2 and 3. Lawyers from 21 stat es, the District of Columbia and th© Virgin Islands were present. The association went on record , condemning lynching, peonage, the failure and refusal to make a pro rata distribution of educational funds, the poll tax. discriminatory practices against Negroes in the armed forces, disfranchisement, the jim crow car, and the exclu sion of the Negro from the state and federal judiciary. Atty. Edwin F. Kensil of St. Louis, chairman of the commite© on time, and place, reported that six cities requested the next con vention. 'nhis was the largest number of invitations the associa tion has ever had. After much dis cussion Little Rock. Ark., was sel ected for the next convention which will be Aug. 7, 1941. The following officers were el ected: S R. Redmond, St. Louis, president; Thomas Campbell, Den ver, E. L. Wheaton, Toledo, and William T. Garvin, New York, vice presidents; George W. Evans, Bal timore, secretary; Georgia Jones Ellis. Chicago, assistant secretary a»d Charles W. Anderson, Louis ville, treasurer. CITIZENS PROTEST GET DEFENSE TRAINING Charleston, R. C.. Aug. 22 (AN P)—As a result of three weeks of action Negro citizens told Tuesday that NYA training under the Na tional Defense Training program, would inaugurated at the Burko Industrial High school here in the fall when the first eight week per iod ends. One hundred white youth are receiving such training at the Murray Vocational school which bars colored students. Civic actions was spaked by the local weekly, the Lighthouse and Informer, wthi/> began negotiat ions immediately upon public an nouncement that no training was included in the local program for Negroes. Roger L. Coe, state N YA administrator and B. R. Tur ner of the State Education depart ment were contacted, as well as lo cal authorities. When persistent efforts continu ed and apparent run-around was a banodned and G. C. Rogers assist ant of loc„l school board, told ed itor John H. MjcCray, who headed the citizens committee, on Tuesday that the course would be offered this fall. W. H. Grayson, Jr., prin cipal of the school had conferred with Mr. Rogers Tuesday upoa re quest of the committee. iliiMiiliiiiiiiliiiiMiiilllllliimiilifiliiiiiiimiiiminmiiiiiiiuiuiiiimhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiitiiii CITY FISH MARKET 2418 North 24th St. HOME OF FINE BUFFALO FRIED FISH & RAW FISH AT VERY LOWEST PRICES FREE DELIVERY JA-4617 ■ JOHNSON DRUG IS ^J4EW LOCATION "*2306 North 24th VVe. 0998 Free Deliveryl aaNiuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiwiwtmiwiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiuuiuuiiuiuiiiuiuiiuiuiiui SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET 2520 Cuming St. WEBSTER 4277 FRESH EGGS DAILY FREE—Delivery—FREE WIUlllllllllllliillllilllllWllllllillMlIlllllllllliiiillllllllllllllillll'iii'illililMWI'WIIW Rheumatic Happy; Relieves Pain Quick Thousands who suffered from the torturing pains of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neu ralgia and neuritis— are certainly happy over their discovery of NURITO. Now they have found a quick-acting formula which speedily relieves those exhausting muscular aches and pains. NURITO is trustworthy and dciiendable —contains no opiates. If you want to feel again the joy of rebel from pain—so you can work in peace and sleep in comfort—be wise and try NURITO under this ironclad guarantee. If the very first three doses do not relieve that cruel pain to your satisfaction—your money will be refunded Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for NURITO on this guarantee. (T.N.C.J __ — —————— 7h golden-glo ■ BEAUTY ESSENTIALS H TfijJP MAILED DIRECT TO YOU A bl* baaaty box aaotainlnx aavan facial aecaaaitica all of tha ftncat Inxrodiante and walchlnc o»«r two poanda now only Mf. piui poetaca. Yoa will adoro tha eaaooth tax k«« ■In mI m« Aft ■■■ Wt a r—; * —A ■■■■» •rAr far IUI aal •• will Mall at aa aatrar «Aar*a» WORTH H H HR SOLO SEPARATELY., lure 01 uicac piuuun.. They rlva that appeal whieh la the ultimata la feminine beauty and the aubtla Intrirue of perfect make-up. Golden-Gla'a Incomparable eoametic combination —• aeven invaluable alda to beauty, Inaat quality. HERE IS WHAT YOU GET—ALL FULL SIZE |S.bO value boa af T Golden-Gbe beaaty alda Rerular retail price Cleanainr Cream... Vaniihinr Cream .....5V Foundation Cream ••••••••.••••......S5d Face Powder "Tan".**d j Lipatkk ...\k Hair Dreaaer.**< Ointment... _ ell the requiaitea for complete exquisite beauty tree*. ment that would coat yon SJ.00 if bourbt individually. Our Special Offer brinre you thie entire eet of 7 GOLDEN* GLO COSMETICS for only 98# pine posters. A rente Wanted for Golden -Glo Prodacta I __—SEND COUPON ■ GOLDEN-GLO PRODUCTS. Ine. 10< Kaat flat Street. New Tark. N. T. Send me your G«lden-GV> beauty bor eontalnlnr T fulr slxe Golden-Glo products. When delivered by Toetmaa * will pay him 98# pine poatare. or I am enelnalar 11.11 money order which cover* all charreo foe deli.ary to aa Name .............. .t'**LT.*.••....«.* (Print name clearly) Address...— City.Gl*ta.. .*