The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 17, 1940, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St
PHONE WBbster 1517
Entered as Second Class Matter Maocn 15, 1927, at
the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of
Congress of March 3, 1879.
H. J. Ford,
Mrs. Fluma Coopet, — — Vice Pres.
C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor
Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’y and Treas.
SUSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly in Advance)
One Year — — — $2.00
Six Months — — — 1*25
Three Months — — — -60
Single Copy — — — 5c
All News Copy of Churches and all organizat
ions must be in ou^ office not later than 1:00 p. m.
Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or
Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre
ceprl:ng date of issue, to insure publication
Pioneering A New Field; Metal Arts
Company Employs Seven Negro
Memphis, Aug. 12 (by Lewis 0.
Swingler for ANP) Until recently the
existence -of a vast commercial market
predominantly Negroid in its racial
aspect had not been recognized by
white business institutions. Negroes
themselves were not altogether cogniz
ont of the strength they represented in
terms of dollars and cents. Here in A
merica were more than 12,000,000 peo
ple, whose lives, while enextricably
woven with the general business condi
tions <)f the country, were separate
and apart because of the peculiar prac
tice these people have developed meth
ods of se'lf-sufficienqy-creating a dis
tinctive commercial field within the
general industrial life of the nation.
The growing commercial minded
ness of the Negro is beginning to man
ifest itself in many respects; especially
during this period of economic trials.
Young men and women in college are
making studies of cqfrrect business
proceedures. Today they are beginn
ing to learn methods by which doors of
work opportunities here-to-fore closed
to them are opened. A fine example of
this fact is the story behind the employ
ment of a Negro sales-force by.Metal
Arts Company, Rochester, N. Y., man
ufacturer of jewelries.
Nearly four years ago, Aaron L.
Allen, while a student at Fisk univers
ity, Nashville, made a study of comp
anies engaged in the manufacture and
sale of class rings, pins, keys, invita
tions, souvenirs, etc. to Negro schools
and Greek letter ocieties. At that time
not a single one of these companies em
ployed Negroes in the capacity of sales
men, altho doing a large business with
these institutions ond organizations.
Mr. Allen, in his study, revealed that
from $15,000 to $30,000 in sales were
being made to( Greek-letter organiza
tions alone. These facts, coupled with
his knowledge of salesmanship, led him
to write several manufacturers of jew
elries. This was the beginning of a
“New Frontier df Employment” for
trained, young Negro men.
Quoting from a signed article by
Mr. Allen in the February, 1939 edition
of “The National Educational Out
look”, he said, in part:—
“Out of more than 30 or 40 replies
all of which took the stand that they
had a well trained staff of college sal
esmen and, even though they did a lot
of Negro business, they did not see a
necessity of changing their present
force just.tb give a Negro a job. Some
of the answers were, if you are able to
finance yourself in traveling from
town to town, soliciting business, we
will be willing to supply your custom
ers. Ihis was just another nice way of
saying that Negro employment was
not wanted, for ione can well under
stand what it would mean to finance
such a business.”
Mr. Alien did not become disheart
ened. Determined in spirit, he continu
ed to make contact with these compan
ies; the same firms in many instances.
Metal Arts Company, sizing up the sit
uation as explained by Mr. Allen, de
cided to give it a trial. No “strings
attached” to the proposition. 'The
young Fiskite was given the full status
of a salesman, with financial backing
to work in the territory he himself des
ignated as a starting point. It was up
to him to make good.—to blaze the trail
for others. Failure, perhaps, would
have muffled another opportunity of
this kind for years to come. But Mr.
Allen did not fail.
Today, Metal Arts company, with
in a period of three years, has employ
ed seven full-time Negro salesmen, and
three part time representatives. The
entire force consists of a director of
sales who is Mr. Allen. Mr. Allen is a
representative of Tennessee, Kentuc
ky and Mississippi; other salesmen
represent some of the leading colleges
of the country. Lonnie F. Briscoe, Le
Moyne college, travels in Texas and
Louisiana; W. 0. Yarbrough, graduate
of Fisk, is a North Carolina represent
ative; C. L. Blackwell, Hampton insti
tute, former Dean of Thyne1 institute,
travels in Virginia and West Virginia
District of Columbia, and Maryland;
A. S. Spain, A. B. Fisk, M. A, Univers
ity of Michigan, representative of Ok
lahoma, Arkansas and Missouri.
Negroes Should Oppose Universal
Compulsory Conscription
(by A. Philip Randolph)
Universal, military, compulsory
conscription is unnecessary in times of
peace. If enacted by the congress of
the United States, it will sound the,
death knell of American democracy. It
is of the essence of totalitarianism. It
means the regimentation /of our social
economic and political life. Under it,
minority groups will be helpless to pro
secute and fight for democratic rights
and privileges. Questions of the en
actment of the Anti-lynching law, ab.ol
ition of the Poll Tax and White Prim
aries, supression of the Klu Klux Klan
will all be subordinate to the one big
cause of American militarism.
Universal, compulsory, military
conscription will ndt solve the problem
of unemployment, but will disrupt the
orderly processes of our industrial and
economic life. Under it, anybody may
be snatched from their jobs, businesses
or professions and placed in some mil
itary unit under the guise of the nec
essity of national defense. It will par
alyze and break up the trade union
movement, because it will sweep away
all the safeguards of collective bargain
ing. Strikes will be outlawed, picket
ing curbed and the freedom of individ
uals to pursue their ways of life will be
definitely curtailed and subjected to a
militarized political and industrial sys
If the Congress ei\icts this Bill
for universal, military conscription, it
means that the citizen will be subordin
ated to the soldier and the voice of the
army will be more powerful than that
of the ballot.
This Bill to conscript the man
power of the natidn should be defeat
ed. That does not mean that prepared
ness is not necesary. The nation should
be prepared completely and adequately
but the American people should set
their faces definitely toward the pres
ervation of their social and labor gains
opposition to America entering the war
and opposition to sending a single sol
dier to fight in Europe.
But we should mobilize all of our
forces to increase the army in size and
power through the volunteer system,
until it reaches the point satisfactory
to American military, air and naval
leaders and experts. Moreover, if we
censcript labor, we conscript wealth.
Mrs. Garret Tookes Lamb, the only daughter of
Bishop and Mrs. H. Y. Tookes of Florida, who is
spending her vacation in the north and east. Mrs.
Lamb heads the department of history at Edward
Waters College, Jacksonville. She received her A. B.
and M. A. degrees from Howard university and has
studied on her doctorate at Oxford University, Lon
don. (ANP)
A fine son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Ingland Harcoimb, 2618 Ersk
ine St., last week. They are both
doing nicely.
Miss Charlotte Lawson, daught
er of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawson,
2214 North 29th St, left Omaha
last Saturday for Pittsburgh, Pa.
to visit her aunt Mrs. Nina Colb
ert. Charlotte’s stay is indefinite
The Mimo Club girtls honored
their husbands and friends at a
Chicken fry, Monday evening Aug.
5, at Hummel Park and an enjoy
able time was had by all those
there. Those present were Air.
and Mrs. Kenneth Mk>ore, Mr. and
Mi's. George Caldwell, Mr. ar.,1
Mrs. Bowley Miller, Mr. and Mrs
Edward Anthony, Jr., Miss Mabel
Thomas, Mir. Ebb Barrier, Mrs. Ed
na Thomas. The next meeting of
tjhe club will be held at the home
of Olivia Anthony. Hattie Mooi“
President. Hazel Mliller secretary,
Mabel Thomas, Treasurer, Olivia
Anthony, Reporter.
Grand Jury Terms Negro
Flogging ‘Outrageous’
Spartanburg, S .C., Aug. 8 (A
NP)—The Spart-angu'g grand
jury termed the flagging of four
innocent Negroes here last week
as “outrageous”. The grand jury
said in part in its presentment
“We have no place in oar’ comm
unity for this kind of lawlessness
It is never justifiable flor hooded
and robed men to take the law in
to their hands”.
The jury urged citizens of the
county to cooperate with the po
lice "in an effort to bring to jus
tice that band of hooded and rob
ed men, who, in the night time
took advantage of innocent Ne
g'*oes and beat them unmercifully
Shortly after the presentment
of the grand jury, circulars ap
peared on the street here defeid
ing the action of the floggers.
Captioned in huge letters. the cir
culars mentioned the alleged at
tack of a white girl by a young
Negito agout a week ago. In this
case, in no way connected with
the floggin of the four Negroes,
the girl stated that she was not
hanm:«d and a medical examination
also revealed that she was un
hartmed. '
The usual klan method when the
authorities are close on thein trail
was evidenced in this case. A Ne
gro is usually falsely accused of
rape to distract attention from
their own crime and to justify
their action. The action of the
grand jury has undoubtedly cheat
ed fear in the klan ranks. For
the first time here a grand jury
has pledged tq bring to justice
hooded night riding bands.
C C C Becomes National
Defense Unit
Washington, D. C., (C) In order
to transform the CCC. ‘‘fiOimi a re
lief agency into a true service or
ganisation, capable of supplying
the needs of this country in mat
ters of national defense and indus
trial rehabilitation’* officibfe of
the Civilian Conservation Corps
nave opened its enrollment *o col
lege bpys Kvhose families are in
the moderate income group. Paul
V. McNutt, Federal Security Ad
iministratar announced the modif
ication last week.
1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240
METHOD "leaves No Repair
We Offer for Y«ur Approval
Complete Curtain Service
and Another thing,—
Have Your
Dry Cleaning Done Now!
—Cash and Carry Discounts—
2401 North 24th Street
WE. 6055
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MiuNGrST Mektaiist Om TUe AheqiCam StAjC
n^Z *— ^
Notts—You* Question Will Be Answered “Free" in This Column. For a
mPrhttt Reply" . . , Send only 2 fc for my new Astrology Reading & Lucky
Day Chart and receive by return mail a confidential letter of Free Advice analyz
k>l three ()) Questions privately. Sign your full name, address, and birthdate to
*11 letters, and please include a self-addressed, ilamped envelope for your reply,
caro of Abbe’ Wallace, P. O. Pox Atlanta, Georgia.
II. II. B.—All the time I'm with
my boy friend seems like a ghost
touches me and I can’t rest at
night and I can’t eat. Something
must be wrong with me. Help
Ans: It’s LOVE, sister, noth
ing but Love. This person\ has
thrilled you so much that you can
not rest, sleep or eat. There is no
ghost -it is just the “thrill” of be
ing in his company that makes you
feel as you do. Many, many many
young people go thru the same
feeling when their true love comes
J. M. J.—Please tell me if 1
should go ahead and make plans ^
to build m.y home or should I
wait ? I can't seem to make up
my mind.
Ans: Go right ahead with your
plans. It seems to me that it
would be to your advantage to
want! it before the cold weather.
I also think that it would be a
good investment for you to purch
ase the land adjoining your place
•—it is really more valuable than
your own land.
C. C. B.—Pease Sir, Tell me if
my husband eould get his old job
back in Alabama if he were to go
Ans: No—the job has been
taken. If you two expect to make
a change it would be best for you
to go into a larger city so your
chances for work would be great
er. I don’t tihink you would prof
it to any great extent to return to
the south.
H. B. H.—This man and 1 was
suppose to marry. When his aunt
found out she got in between us.
She knew if he married me she
wouldn’t get his board money any
longer. Tell me if she is respon
Ans: Not altogether. Natur
ally she didn't approve of him get
ting married since he was partly
her supp<frt. Although) my dear
young friend you were the main
reason why he changed his mind.
He didn’t like to have anyone runn
ing after him, calling him on the
phone and etc. You’ve lost him,
and you need not blame his aunt.
M. L. B.—I need your help bad
ly. Will it hurt me to let my boy
friend do wfthat he has asked me to
do? Answer next week so I will
know before I see him again ?
Ans: Young lady you had bet
ter give him the ‘‘NO SIGN’’ and
don’t change your mind either
He has absolutely nothing to lose
if you say yes, but you have your
reputation, pride and respect to
think alfc>ut. Don’t let this little
‘‘romeo’’ sway you to do wrong.
L. E. B—Tell me if I should
plan to enter the business that I
have in mind right away?
Ans: Not immediately. It) is
my suggestion that you regain
you it strength and get yourself in)
better shape physically before you
try the strain of handling a busin-"
ess of your own. The late fall will
be a good time to enter this busi
W. E. L.—I worked for a man
and h® took advantage of niy ig
norance and forced his love on me.
I soon waked up and stopped work
ing for him and he has always
been nice to my family and did
everything he could for them. I
dispise him and ho Writes and tells
tme he is going to visit me. Tell
me what to do?
Alns: Inform your family not
to permit his entering your home
fpr a vacationing. This man is
itnaPried- He has a family and an
invalid wife and you shouldn’t
have anything to do with him. It’s
my suggestion that you arrange to
be out of the city when he tries to
visit you. Any consideration you
show this man will have a tend
ency to hurt your reputation,
2418 North 24th St.
""2306 North 24th
We. 0998 Free Delivery|
2520 Cuming St.
Rheumatic Happy;
Relieves Pain Quick
Thousands who suffered from the torturing
pains of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neu
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very first three doses do not relieve that cruel
pain to your satisfaction—your money will be
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lor NURITO on this guarantee. (T.N.C.I
A blgr beauty box eontalnln*
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You will adorn the smooth tex
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Our Special Oiler brings you this entire set of 7 GOLDEN.
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Agents Wanted for Golden-Glo Product# Tj
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Send me your Golden-Gle beauty box containing 7 fun
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Name ..... so
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