The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 17, 1940, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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PRICF _ 5cts.
Fhijrcne Skinner, former crack
athlete and letter man of Technic
nesday to the physical training de
al high school, was appointed Wed
partment of tne city at a salary of
$1,000 yearly.
Entered u Second Cites Metter tt Poet Office, Omtht, Nebr., under Act of March 8, 1874. Omaha, Nebraska, SatUrtfaV AllgUSt 17, 1910 OUR 13th YEAR NlimllOr 22—
Business Phone WE. 1517 * y ” y
■ ■
■ Bj
Allen Lee McKellar, Jn. 21,
son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Me
Kellar, of 48 Pinckney Street, Ab
beville, S. C., and graduate of the
State Colored Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Orangs
burg, S- C.. being congratulated
by Walter 8. Mlack, Jr., President
of the Pepsi-Cola Company, upon
his winning one cf the Walter
Mack Job Awards for American.
Youth; the plan provides salaried
business intemeships for qualified
college graduates!. Hollowing his
graduation this year, young Me
Kellar w'as chosen by College
President M. F. Whitaker as an
outstanding senior to represent
the college in the Job Awards ,
contest. I
Baton Rouge, L,a., Aug. <a,n'
P,)—Backed by the citizenry of
Louisiana’s capitol city, the NAA
CP., local branch, has beun a spir
ited effort to defend Mns. Hazel
Washington, who is charged here
with wounding with intent to kill
C. E. Cotton, white.
Investigations disclosed that on
June 10, Mrs- Washington was on
her Way home from the grocery
store, When Cotton rolled up by
her on a bicycle and insulted her.
Upon being insulted, she cursed
Cotton, whereupon he jumped
from his bicycle and struck her.
After having*been struck, Mrs.
Washington pro<£edetJ to defend
herself with a pen knife. He was
seriously cut about the body. She
was arrested.
Mijs. Washington’s husband j
upon advice of the Rev. A. II.
Landry, local pastor, sought the
aid of the local branch of the N.
AACP. The organization, after
relentless efforts, succeeded in
getting Mrs Washington’s bond
reduced from $3,000 to $350.
MJt)s. Washington was arraign
ed in court on July 12 at which
time, she pleaded not guilty. Her
case Was set for July 19, but the
local branch, through its attorney
L .H. Hughes, has succeeded in
getting the case put off until the
middle of October.
In the meantime, the NAACP.
has set up a “Hazel Washington
Defense Fund’’ which already has
raised more than $100.
Membership Not Limited
To Ai\y Special Group
Dear Sirs:
In response to a large number
of requests received from Colored
People in the city of Omaha, con
cerning comrrainitfcr activities af
fecting our group, therefore we
were forced to organize. Being a
community-wide organization, Low
Wage and Unemployed Workers,
the membership is not limited to
any special group, such as busi
ness. professional, laborers, etc.
On the other hand, any pei-son or
organization of good standing, in
terested in civic, commercial and
industrial Welfare of the commun
ity, ^s eligible for membership.
The key people and ministers
of this city should support this or
ganization, and should desire to
Wendell hompson A Suicide
stimulate greater activity in de
veloping the general welfare of
our group.
Do a kind deed every day for
our people that’s unfortunate, and
also try to .make jobs for one an
other. Meeting, Monday 8 p- m.
Lit>WrWage and Unemployed
Workers, 2707 Lake St.,
Virgil Bailey, President, Doc.
Franklin, Secretary.
Willkie Campaign Under
Way In Washington D.C.
Washington, Aug. 12 (ANP) —
Incorporated under the laws of the
District of Columbia, the Willkie*
MjcNary Campaign league begins
functioning on a large scale am
ong the colored, residents of the
District shortly. Chief aim of the
campaign unit is to get out the ab
sentee voters, who having bona
fide residences in other states earn
their livelihood in the District.
Directors for the colored unit
include Thomas C. R. Bragg. Dr.
At one of the biggest labor de
monstrations ever staged in New
York City, William Green, Presi
dent of the American Federation)
of Labor, will address the open
ing mass meeting of the Brother
hood's Biennial Convention and
Fifteenth Anniversary’ Celebration!
Sunday, September 15th, at the
Salem Methodist Episcopal church,
129th Street, and 7th Avenue, New
York City, Recording to reports re
ceived from the Brotherhood’s in
ternational headquarters in New
This will be the second time that
President Green has spoken undei
the auspices of the Brotherhood
of Sleeping Car Porters in , New
York City. His first appearance
was some nine years ago. This
time he will speak for the Broth
erhood, which has successfully ne
gotiated a wage agreement for
Pullman Porters whicl^ has
brought to them recognition from
the powerful Pullman Gbmpany,
states A. Philip Randolph, Inter
national President.
President Green will discuss the
role of the Ajmerican Federation
of Labor in the organization of
the American workers in general
and the Negro workers in partic
John R. Francis, Isaiah Li.senby,
W. Anson Longe, Geroge Parker,
John T. Rjnes, M. T. Walker, J.
Franklin Wilson and Ella L. Wing
field. Location of the offices will
be in the Whitelaw hotel, conven
ient to all voters of the District
and accessible from all parts of
the city.
Stork Disappoints Couple
Fourth Time
Kinston, N. C., Aug. 12 (ANP)
Mr. and Mrs- Harry Edmunds de
vout couple here, were the parents
of three children, all girls. From
the time their first child was ex
pected they had yearned for a boy
but each new baby proved to be
of the feminine gendre. When a
fourth child was expected, Edm
unds and his wife prayed fervent
ly that it Wiould be a boy. Twins
arrived last week—both girls.
Duo to the amount of work that
has been] done by all Recreation
Centers of the city, Mayor Dan E.
Butler has proclaimed Sunday,
August 18, as Kiddies’ Day for
the City of Omaha.
Don't forget Sunday August 18
at Elmwood Park, 5 p. m. for the
big circus. Bring all the kiddies
out for their1 day. City Kiddies
Day. Also remember the Circus
Parade Saturday, August 17, a* 10
a. m. through downtown Omaha.
The Long and Corby Play
grounds girl/s have worked out a
very lovely Flag drill for the cir
I rus, also the Elks Drum and Bugle
corps will appear.
The next band conceit will be
Tuesday, August 20 at 24th and
Goiby from 0:30 to 7:30 p. m. Be
sure to come out and hear this
fine band under the able leader
ship of Prof. George llryant.
Otis and Clarence Page from
the Ix>ng Boat clas,s won 2nd priz
es' ii^ their respective classes in
the Annual City Boat Kegatta,
held at Riverview Park Friday,
August 10. This class was under
the direction of Mr. Alvin Good
win. Mrs. Berniece Marshall, Su
Dr. R. Nathaniel Dett, one of
tne most famed of Negro compos
ers, Was honored at -a reception
held last night at the North Side
YWCA., twenty-second and Grant
streets. w
Dr. Dett’s oratorio. ‘The Order
ing of Moses,’’ first presented in
Cincinnati in 1938 with Eugene
Gossens conducting, has since been
heard about 50 times.
Dr. Dett stopped in Omaha after
attending a Rosierucian meeting
in California. He left this morn
ing for his home in Rochester, N.
Dorn in Canada, Dett was grad
uated from the Oberlin college
i school of music, received a mas
ter’s degree from tne Eastman
school of music and doctorates
from Oberlin and Howard univers
ity. He has been director of the
school of music at Hampton insti
tute, and now heads the music de
partment of Bennett college.
Greensboro, N. 0. His Women’s
choir there, wnich tours each win
ter, has gained fame, one reason
being the development of altos
wiho reach notes commonly sung
by baritones.
Dr. Dett is editor of a four-vol
ume edition of Negro music and
in 1920 won the Harvard Bondwin
prize for an essay. ‘‘The Emanci
pation of Negro Music.” He has
received decorations from foreign
governments for his symphonic
a»‘d ehoal music, one of the best
known being —“Listen to the
A 30 year old evangelist, Rev,
Paul English, was shot and killed
by his wife, two years his senior,
at their home, 211 West 14th St.,
on Wedn*'sdoy as their four small
children played outside in ihe
The wife, Mrs. Mollie English,
told police that she and her hus
band had (juarreled frequently
during the past months and that
he had threatened to kill her.
Rumor has it that Rev. English
a part-time pastor at the Church
of Christ, 227 Lenox avenue, brag
ged about his conquests with oth
er women—some of them white.
The enraged wife could stand it
no longer, police said, and she ran
to the family trunk, pulled out the
.32 calibre Colt and fired.
Rev-En glish was shot in the ab
domen and in both sides of the
chest, according to police and
was beyond aid when Dr. Mostof
pky of Harlem Hospital arrived.
Mrs. English is said to have
been sitting beside the body of
her husband when police, summon
ed by neighbors arrived on the
scene, he still held the gun.
Detectives Connelly, Boyden and
Childs made the investigations.
Patrolman Fleming of the 32nd
Precinct Was the first at the scene
1 1 ■ i— 1 1 ■■ " - — ' ■ 1 — 11 ■■g-'i
Mrs. Mary Cardwell Dawson of
Pittsburgh, president of the Nat
ional Asoeiation of Negro Music
ians, announced this we«k, the list
of artists for the coveted places as
poloists on Artists’ Night at the
musician’s annual convention to
be held in Chicago, August 18th
24. Aubrey Ponkey, left, brill
iant young baritone from the Jul
' V •
liard School of Music; Etta Mot
en, center, stellar concert singer;
Orrin Suther, right, talented Chi
cago organist, and Pearson and
Love, sensational piano duet of
Kansas City, Kansas, will com
prise the group who will appear
as guests artists Friday night,
August 23, at Metropolitan church
9 Greenville, S. C.. Aug. 12 (ANP
The spell of murder suicides am
ong Greenville Negroes has been
broken. Staid citizens firmly be
lieve in the rule of three. That
all unusual crimes and killings
nun in threes, ip a belief among a
number of both white and color
ed folk.
With the suicide of Wendell
Thompson last Saturday, the thin!
in three months, the book is clos
ed and there will be no more for n
long time.
Th<‘ epidemic of murder suicides
started three months ago with the
suicide of Juan Molina, colored
architect wtho shot and killed him
self after shooting his paramour*
Miss Alberta Mack.
On July 4, Wendell Thompson
killed his fathea^-in-law after
wouniUfng his wife. Released on
bond awaiting trial, Thompson in,
a fit of remorse, killed himself GO
days (that three again) after the
murder of his father-in-law. The
coroner said that Thompson left
several notes ajuologizing to his
parents for causing them so much
It will be a long time before
Carolina colored folks agree with
the chaige that southern Negroes
do not kill themselves.
Elk Official ReNamed
City Marshall
New York, Aug. 12 (ANP)-J.
Dal/rmus Steele, prominent Elk of
ficial and for two years a city
marshall, was reappointed to the
post this month by Mayor La
Guardia. Steele i^ deputy grand
exalted ruler of a local lodge of
the Elks and one of tho standbys
of J- Finley Wilson.
Appointed two years ago to fill
an unexpired term as city marsh
all.. Steele under the terms of the
new appointment, will serve a full
six years. He is the third Negro
to hold this office in New York
Eugene Faulkner of New York
City and J. M. Washington of
Brooklyn are the other Negro
First Lady Buys First
Benefit Ticket
New York, (C) Mrs. Franklin Q.
Roosevelt, first lady, bought the
first ticket to the Bethune-Cook
man College Music Project Fund
benefit here last Wednesday. '1 he
Musical and sports festival which
will be held on August 22 at Polo
grounds, will include some of the
bjggesti names in the sports and
entertainment world.
) 1'KL.Ij ItItUUI “NO N-RS
Moncka Corner, S. C., Aug. 12
(ANP)—Five persons retuurning
from a church excursion at Euta
wville Sunday night were wounded
by shotgun blasts when they were
fired upon at a filling station in
Bonneau. rear here, by unidenti
fied white men, Francis Greene
was admitted to Dorchester Coun
ty hospital in Sumnerville suffer
ing from gunshot wounds of the
hips and legs, inflicted as he ran
from the scene. Others wounded
include the Rev. Robert Mack, pas
tor of Green Hill Baptist Church
in Charleston which sponsored the
excursion, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Davis and the white bus driver.
According to Rev. Mack, the bus
developed motor trouble and wns
driven into a filling station at
Bonneau and left by the driver
with consent of the operator while
another bus was being secured
from North Charleston. Leaving
Bonneau at 10 o’clock for the sec
ond bus the driver returned at mid
As passengers were transferr
ing to the second bus eight white
men drove up and ordered the *x
cursioners to get “out here right
quick. We don’t allow no d—n n
—n._. ,rs round here after sun
down’,’ The «xcu£?j mgts, the
whf>e driver and ihe station oper
ator tried to explain, the emerg
ency to no avail. A sfeApnd calr
drove up with eight more) white
imen who began firing on the
group with shotguns. Having no
Weapons the excursioneps fled in
to nearby woods. Many were still
missin when the bus left at 4;30
Monday morning.
Barkley Leaves Little
Hope fir Anti-lynch Biil
Washington, Aug. 12 (ANP> —
There appears to be little hope for
passage of the pernenial anti-lynch
ing bill this session. Senator'Al
ben W. Barkley, democratic senate
leader is reported to have told
friends that there was not a
chance in the world to pass the
measure unless cloture was voted.
Senator Barkley said that it wasi
impossible now to secure even a
majoritjy in the senate in favor of
cloture. Cloture of course, would
servo to shut off the debate of the
long winded southern senators
whose chief claim to statesman
ship is their opposition to human
rights when black people are af
Barkley himself claims to favor
the anti-lynching bill. From pres
ent appearances the measure will
be bobbing up again next session
of congress unless some new tech
nique is developed, will serve as
again a campaign issue.
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