BETWEEN THE LINES (by Dean Gordon HaneVk for AND) THE REAL TROUBLE When Italy went into Ethiopia a few years ago and slaughtered its defenseless inhabitants, it had the tacit unVlerstanding with England and France that its course had their approval. Two years before Mus solini ordered his armies t| 1 strike, he had the date marked on his calendar; and France and Britain knew it was marked. Ethiopia was a member of Britain’s Leaguei of Nations arid appealed for help, But no help was forthcoming; and £»;• the little empire was subjugated by Italy that tried out new methods of modern warfare upon a tribal people and gloated over its success. It is true that France and Britain talked about sanctions, but this was a hypocritical gesture to appease the international indignation that their treachery rightly incurred. Haile Selassie made the grave mistake of taking seriously the pledges of the League of Nations and while he should have been occupied with the defenses of his country, he was drinking from golden goblets, wearing his white trousers and carrying the wrhile his inevitable umbrella. Umbrella carrying Selassie was duped and so was umbrella carrying Chamber lain. We hope that our statesmen will not take to their umbrellas for whenever the statesmen take to their umbrellas, their nation^ must take to the bushes for protection*. It is true that the French did not have their umbrella statesmen, but these walked in the shadow olf Chamberlain’s. With outstretched hads Ethiopians cried unto God and Britain’s League of Nations for help in her distress, but she found herself forsaken and her allies in federation with her enemies. This was the boldest stroke of internation al hypocrisy every witnessed before the bar of public opinion. Today we read that Great Britain with her back the wall is acclaimirtg Ethiopia as her ally. The Ethiopia that was sacrificed a few years ago is now hailed as her comrade in arms. Great promises which she will never fulfill are being vouchsafed unto Eth iopia in the hope that even the little help that Ethio pia may render in her prostrate cotaditidu, may re lieve some of Britain’s pressure. When a so-called mighty nation like Britain seeks help from poor Ethiopia whom she betrayed before the startled gaze /;f a wondering world, thirigs must be serious indeed. It all goes to show what England is at heart. A side from its great protelstatiorfs about its contribu tions to western civilization; aside from its pretenses at international paternalism, the fact must be faced that Britain has dlone her share of the dirty work in this world. Germany is not the only international danger this world must deal with. After the French bore the brunt of the fighting on the First World War’s western front, England imposed upon Germ any a shameful peace, and it is this that largely made Adolph Hitler possible. It is safe to say that Hitler was “made in Britain” Wrhen Britain recognized Haile Selassie as the ruler o*f an empire that was sac rificed on the altar of international duplicity, we get an idea of the real trouble with the modern world. For quite a huridred years Britain has ruled the waves and the miles and the modern world is largely of her making. The heart ctf Britain can best be seen in her recent transactiorts with Ethiopia. To pro claim as ally one recently betrayed by her is the - '' ■ - ii-1 - il £?■ !■■ IIMr VM Joe’s Food Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY— SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ORANGE AND BLUE FOOD STAMPS RE DEEMED at JOE’S Food Market at Low Prices. ****** SUGAR Five Pounds" COFFEE Butter - Nut, pound FIRST QUALITY Butter, lb. 27c RED PITTED Cherries.tal) can Jftc GINGER Snaps lb. 9Vqc SODA Crackeds. lb. box _lftc EGGS, dozen l tV^c FRESH Peaches, fruit basket 17c Watermelon, lb. 1 3-4c Onions, 3 lbs. 10c SUNK 1ST Oranges, dozen, 19c PURE LARD. lb.__6V2C OLEO, lb. 10c U. S. CHOICE Beef Roast, lb._ 18c Beef Bains, set 7VaC PURE GROUND Beef, lb.12Vac Catsun, larjre battle 10c PURE Apple Butter, qt. jar 15c FELS-N A PTH A Soap Chips, pkjr. VAc LIGHTHOUSE Cleanser, 3 cans 10c LOUIE AND BING Louis Armstrong pictured here with Bing Cros by, the movie star. Armstrong and his band are on tour, typhoto. MhmiMiminiiiiiiiMinlUiniiimiaiiimiiiiiitiniimmnurrfiiiiirawBiiiniiiniDimMiimmtMinHiiiliHRWMiwiuiUlu.. wiMraiiiii height of international hypdcrisy. In other words, Britain can use Ethiopia now and she so proceeds. Britain used France for many generations to bear the brunt of her fightihg, and now Frace is no more, she turns to puny Ethiopia whom she stoted by and saw despoiled. She stood idly by and saw a cripple struck down by a giant and offered no succor. It is this kind of spirit that has brought damna tion to Europe. It is this kind of spirit that will ever make the nations mourn. It is this kind of spirit that will keep this world with Hitlers. So we are justifi ed in saying that the real trouble with Europe today is that it has been largely ruled by a nation that will use those whom she has betrayed. Britain is not in terested in the restoration of Selassie’s kingdom but in the preservation of her own hegemony. The REAL TROUBLE. TO DALLAS ON VISIT M(rs. Fred McDaniels has gone to Dallas and Emory, Texas for a v'M|h with her grandmother and relatives. She is being accompan ied to Texas by her father, Mr. R. T. Donelt of Coffeyville. Kans. Colored Cabin Camp Opens In Miss Tiri Williams Cafe and Stone cott ages on lakeshore on lake of the O7.arks, 8 mile,* south of Bagnall dam, one qua"ter mile north of Glaize bridge, 9 miles north of Linn Creek, 1000 feet of lake shore line. Ix>t.s off fish^ shady, zy npok. Ideal locafjpn for a private vacationing spot. Cott ages at present will accommodate; 20 oat more, are equippo^ with watc. electricity and hydro gas, beds and bedding. All necessities can be obtained on grounds or in near by town, Linn Creek, the only camp of its kind in the United States. Investigates welcomed, campers solicited. Your cooperation in letting the ooloi-ed folks know about this camp will ge appreciated. Cabin rates 50c pc' person to $1.25 per person per 24 hour day. This camp is on hiWay 54 extending to the luke on thirteen and one half acros of land. 1,000 feet of ,shorteline. George J. Williams, is the oper Calvin’s Newspaper Service TESTED RECIPE Francet Lee Barton■ IT’S easy tp make a mountain out of a mole htll if you are pessi mistic by nature. It's just as easy to mane a treat ] out of a trifle — even though you assure your friends that "you ) never were a good cook.” Fol low this simple > recipe carefully and you’ll pre pare something surprisingly delicious. Call It a "Gelatin Trifle” If you wish. Your guests will assure you It is a “Treat." Gelatin Trifle 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin; 1 package strawberry-flavored gela tin; 2 pints hot water; 1 cup diced canned pineapple; 12 marshmal lows, finely cut; lady fingers or strips of cake; canned pineapple fingers; 1 cup cream, whipped. Dissolve each package of gelatin in 1 pint of hot water. Turn into shallow pans. Chill until firm. Cut in cubes. Combine lemon-flavored gelatin cubes and pineapple. Com bine strawberry - flavored gelatin cubes and marshmallows. I.ine large serving dish alternately with lady fingers and pineapple Augers. Place layer of lemon gelatin mix ture in serving dish, then layer of strawberry gelatin mixture; repeat, finishing with layer of strawberry gelatin mixture. Top with whipped cream. Garnish with gelatin cubes, if desired. Serves 10 to 12. atoi. Write George Williams, Linn C-eek, Missouri. ENTERTAINED The Omaha Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society was en tertained by the Auxiliary at a picnic supper Friday eventing at Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Jue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to put in it—Cali CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has got the works and knows what to do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. LUMBER SALE After Inventory Sale on Over-st:cked Lumber Items. • •• 2x4x6—11c 2x4x8—13c 2x4x10—18c 2x6x6—16 l/2c 2x6x8—22c 2x6x10—271/2e 2x8x8—29c 2x10x8—361 Uc 2x12x6—32c 1x4x6—6c 1x4x8—9c 1x12x7 Rgh. 25c SPECIAL CLEAR PICKETS 4c . 4 Inch Drop Siding 4 to 7 feet. per 100 feet-$3.33 6 Inch Drop Siding 4 to 7 feet per 100 feet—$3.87 14 Inch Blanket Insulation, per 100 feet—$2.85 • •• i i 19th a Nlcholoi—JA *000 ,mA%W.V.V.VAW.W.V Hummel Park. Thse present were i Dr. Graigi Mcrtrie, President of j the Society and Mrs. Morris. Dr. Price Terrell Secetary,, and M g., I Terrell and son Price Jr., Dr. HeT- s be d Wiggins, Teasurer. and Mrs. 1 Wiggins, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Goo- I den, Dr. and Mrls. A. L. Hawkins, i Dr and Mrs. Wesley Jones, Mrs. 1 Milton Johnson, Dr. and Mr3. G. ' B. Lennox and daughter, Majo'iie Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Madron, Mats. S. B. Northcross, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Peebles, Dt and Mrs. W. W. Solomon. Also p-esent were Mrs. James White head and son of West New York, N. /J. They are the houseguesta of Dr. and Mrs. G- B. Lenjiox and Virginia Gash of Denver, Color ado. the hoqseguest of Dr. and Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Terrell is pres ident of the M. D. P. Auxiliary, Mrs. Wiggins, Vice Pres., Mrs. G. B. Lennox, Treas. Mrs. Jones, Sec retary and Mm. M. Johnson, Asst. Secretary. ASK NEGRO ADVISOR IN WAR DEPT. Washington. Aug. 1 (ANP) Ex pressing a desii'fcf to have a Negro well qualified for the position he'y in the war department set-up as an advisor on Negro affairs to protest the interests of the racial group in the military department requests are being made of Gen eral Marshall, chief of staff, to place Lieut. B. 0. Davis, Jr., in that capacity. Basing the argument on the fact that Lieut. Davis is a young man qualified under military laws and training fo- such a position, and desiring to make this a more m• less permanent assignment, members of the United Govern ment Employes through the presi dent of the organization, are urg ing this appointment feeling that the emergency which the coui'tty now' faces demands action of this nature. clinic opened in jackson, miss. Jackson, Miss., July 31 (ANP> Opening of a free medical clinic to serve Negroes of small income here wa,s announced last week. The clinic will be operated solely for those who a-e unable to pay JOHNSON DRUG CO. NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th = |We. 0998 Free Delivery! i -=ir -_\c=l.i “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. I-- n ■ ii~ ■■ .i HOMING TO NEW YORK FOR THE WORLD’S FAIR? THE GARRETT HOUSE ‘‘Homelike Comfort” ROOMS One Dollar Per Day & Up Transient — Permanent 314 West 127 Street, N. Y. C Tel. UNiversity 4-7553 BADGES AND EMBLEMS TO ORDER Lodges, Clubs and Religious Organizations Write L’OUVERTURE COMPANY JEWELRY 165 West 131st Street, New York City For Reservations: Tel. AUldubon 3-9385 THE HOTEL MELRAH ROOMS Accommodations for Out-of Town ers—Transient and Permanent Guests 21 West 135th St. New York City The Toast from Coast to Coast DICK WHEATON’S Cafe Restaurant—De-Luxe 137th Street & Seventh Avenue New York City “DINING. DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT HOT.” —Ted Yates In the Bamboo Room—Skeet’s Talbert’s Orchestra with Romaine Jackson, Buddy Bowser, Em-Cee. Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH BRING IN YOUR BROKEN WINDOW AND WE’LL GLAZE THEM FREE! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN & FENCE WIRE OUR STOVE, FURNACE, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ROOFING AND GUTTERING ARE COMPLETE ‘•Everything At A Low Price” (Open Evenings) ^_^--_WE^1607—oc_>1822 North 24th St. or medical advice and services^ L Buxton Keeling rector, 3aid. To be open from 10 to 12 every Thursday, the clinic will give Was erman blood tests, examinations or high glood pressure, kidney dadderk liver and stomach ail nents, and innoculations against ypjhoid. d.iphtheri and smallpox vill be administered. A Negro physician and a regis .ered nurse will conduct all exam- ' nations and treatmemt. CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010'/] N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi American & Chinese Dishes ^Scratchine^ For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. $55.00 Worth of Goods FREE!!! Men—women to supply colored peo ple with the famous 12 SISTERS’ products. Deep Cut Prices and lovely preminums. Send No Money. $55.00 worth of FREE goods given. 12 SISTERS’ PRODUCTS, 74-76 Eaker Street, Dayton, Ohio SPRING TIME IS MOTH TIME Have your winter garments cleaned and stored in our modern storage vaults and pay only cleaning charge next fall FUR COATS CLEANED, GLAZED AND STORED FOR ONLY $5.U0 Emerson-Saratoga: LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St. WE. 1029 FLUSH KIDNEYS OF POISONS & STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS LIVE A HEALTHIER, HAPPIER LIFE Thousands of men and women wonder why backache bothers them—why they have to visit the bathroom often* at night—why flow ^ scanty and sometimes smarts and burns. Any one of these symptoms may mean that your kidneys and blad der need attention now before these minor symptoms may devel ope into se-ious trouble. To flush out excess waste pois ons and acid f'om kidneys, soothe your irritated bladder and put more healthy activity into them, get a 35 cent package of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Capsules and take as directed. This harmless, tried and true medicine gives results— you should feel better in a few days, as this effective diuretic and kid ney stimulant drives excess uric acid from the body which is often the aggravation of joint agony, sciatica and neuritis. Don't bo ah EASY MARK and accept a substitute—Get Gold Med al Haarlem 03 Capsules— the or ig.nal and genuine. Look for the Gold Modal on the box—35 cents. I Second Printing THE BOOK YOU ALWAYS WANTED: “THE PROGRESS OF A RACE” ' By E. J. Nichols < < ; • Dealing with the American Negro in Amer ] iea, beautifully illustrated and cloth bound a , $2.50 book value. i • Ten Million Negroe’s in America, “Who is Who” what progress have they made—read what Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Says and many others. This book should be in every home.” The Editor. NOW ONLY $1.25 PREPAID • By Special Arrangement we are able to offer this famous book to our readers for a limited time only. “YOU CAN HAVE IT NOW” Mail Coupon today! BOOK — VALUE — COUPON Address—Book Depart. The Omaha Guide, Omaha, Nebr. Enclose please fine Money Order for $1 25 Please send me a copy of “The Progress of a Race prepaid: Name _ Address _ City and State _ (Write Plain) Co-operative Book Service \