The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 03, 1940, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 241820 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Ma'X'h 15, 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. H. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Flurna Coopen, — — Vice Pies. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher ond Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway, — See’y and Treas. SUSCrTptTON RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Year — — — $2.00 Six Months — — — 1,25 Three Months — — — -60 Single Copy — — — 5c All News Copy of Churches and all organizat ion,'! must be in ou*1 office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre cervVnf' date of issue, to insure publication MOBILIZE NEGROES’ BEST MINDS by A. Philip Randolph Because of the tragic and dread ful hour of crisis through which the world and America are passing, Ne groes, along with all minority groups are troubled and bewildered. In very truth, they are distressingly unwitting of their way. Myriad, complex, difficult and dangerous problems confront and challenge them. What is to be clone; is tne ques tion on millions ctf tongues. What is to be done about the relationships of the Negro people, in Africa, the West Indies and these United States, to the present war? Does it mean anything to them whether the Battle of Britain is won or lost by England or Germany, and if so, what? What effect would the sweep of totalitarian dictatorships over Europe have upon the future for tunes of the black men in the world Assuming that the world, Europe and America, will not be the same when peace comes? What of Negro labor, if totalitarian barter supplants the bourgeois-democratic gold stand ard as the world’s system of exchange? Can the modern trade union movement survive under a barter economy? What will be the effect upon the Ne gro, the first fired and the last hired, in competition with European slave-la-# bor standards? But today, here in our own land,! what is to be done by the Negro on the movement of national defense ? Should Negroes seek to be integrated into ev ery phase of this plan, or not? Should Negroes oppose universal, compulsory military training? If so, why and how? If not, what should be clone about it? What is to be done about organiz ed labor? Should Negroes support, or oppose, the American Federation of Lab A' or the Congress of Industrial Organization, or support, or oppose both? Should Negroes support,, or op pose, legislation to outlaw trade unions that ban Negro membership? What have the Communists dor/e for, or against, the Negro, and why? Is Fascism, Communism and Naz ism a promise, or a menace, to the Ne gro people and the darker races? Are there arty movements f,r Negro liberation that should be whol ly under Negro leadership, control and financial support. If so, why, and if not, why not? What do the tendencies of the centralization apd decentralization of federal government contrjol over edu cation, relief and political problems mean to Black America? ? How will the European refugee affect the Negro? What, if anything, should be done about it? What of the rise of anti-Semitism among the NegflO people? What is its cause and cure? These are hut a few of the ques tions that clamor for an answer from thd Negro people. What are the ans wers? Who knows? These questions suggest problems that cannot be settled by snap judge ment. The answers can only come as a result otf calm, dispassionate inquiry and discussion, and the discussion must be conducted by the best minds in the race. They are question^ of theory and practice. Without a broad, clear, theoretical understanding of modern social forces, world revolutionary mov ements, right, center and left, capital ist, Fascist, Nazist, Socialist, trade un ion and Communist, corrct action is impossible. But the answers must be given. They will not wait. Upon these answ ers, the fate of Negro America de pends. When, and how', should the Ne gro people approach them? I suggest a small conference of the best minds of the Negro people to face these issues and present their conclus ions and findings. This should not be a delegate conference, but just a confer ence of persons who can think theoret ically about the aforementioned ques tions, upon a basis of knowledge, ex perience and devotion to the well-being of the Afro-Americans. Negroes today need guidance. They need intelligent direction. Their leadership need a broad, universal kr|owled|ge and unquestioned' honesty and cdurage. They need more light and less heat, more of the luminary and less of the thermal rays. Albeit, the problems We must gapple with are not simple. The main and basic troubles of the Negro today arise on account of the i lack of understanding as fty what is to be done, what to support and what to oppcjse. The leadership lacks a solid grounding in the theoretical founda tictfis of the movements that are shap ing human action and determining hu man. institutions. The times demand more explanation than exhortation, more discussion than emotional explo sion. The writer would be glad to have this question further discussed. Holti—You* Question Witl Bh Answered "Free” in This Column For > "Priv.t, R'ply" . . • Send only 2Jc for my new Astrology Reading & Fu, *Y Day Chart tnd receive by return mail a confidential letter of Frrr i iff an ' '1 log three (J) Questions privately. Sign your full name, address, an, ’.n ill letter*, ind pletse include a self-addressed, ttampti envelope or care of Abbe’ Wallace, P. 0. Box Atlanta, Georgia. M. C. B.—Is it advisable for me to go ahead with the building that I started back in early spring. For some reason I am afraid as I do not Want to lose the money that I intended to invest? Ans: You are perfectly safe right now—your lawyer has suc ceeded in getting the title to this property clea- and it is quite all right for you to proceed with the building. The mistake you mad1 was not having the title checked ;n the first place, but everything is straight now so finish your build ing. ****** E. L M.— Have been going with this man for several years and I like him very much but he is so different. He doesn’t show a bit of affection for me. Shoulc [ consider this other man? Ans: I can’t see where you will ever find the happiness you are seeking with this particular man. He’s fond of you—but that isn’t what you want. Show this man in the distant city that you would liko to renew his friendship— he would make you a better life mate ****** L. C. B,—I intend to leave here and go back home. I wdander if that is the best thing for me to do. I read your column all the time and I am sure that you will advise tpe all right. Ans; Stay right where you are. You left your home town Le caU|se you couldn’t find work and didn't make friends with the home folks very well. Take a trip and visit them a few weeks if you like but betum to the city to makt your home. ****** B. B C.—Am I cut out to be a stenographer? Honestly I am GARCIAS FAMED , BOlQ PUNCH f STARTS BACK. / here v [ t s. V V // c\ %'Yhe former middleweight title-holder TRIES a NEW ! comeback:, can the 'boloV punch CARRY GARCIA TOa THE TOP ACAIN^ THCY NCVER*) COME SACK, v-rr—'SC I 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiifiima FASHION iiiiiiii!ii'ii'iiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii:iniiii For the late summer and ea'jly fall the trend is toWtard the new silhouette, bloused and straight as shown in the above creations. Theise are more back-bloused than all-around gloused and the fullness of the skirt can be eased by pleats A—A beltless dress, just the th;ng fo-' those who are bored with the inevitable belt and buckle rt ha§ a fetching midriff and if fitted closely with gathers above and below will make your waist line tiny. This dress will look e qually Well with or without the | pleats and fullness of skirt. B—This dresf presents the new silhouette, a two-piece frock with a jacket-like blouse. This gives a slenderizing Vfeet especially if the pleats are cento ed in the front. This arrangement should ho a favorite as it tends to break up one’s width in a neat slim man ner. As a suggestion, 'emember that black, heavy sheer is always very smc."t in the late summer 01 d early fall-____ keen to look at and eve-yone says I *-<ive plenty of “umph’ and I know* that I could make any office attractive. Give your views? Ans: You wouldn’t run into any difficulty getting a job—but could you hold it? Brush up on tha* typing and take a couple of months more study in business school before applying for work. You are smart, capable, and with a little more practice would be ef ficient—I am sure that you will get work. It is my suggestion that you do not try to show too much of your “umph” around a ■business office. Sometimes it gets girls in a jam. Display your in telligence as well as your looks. ****** G. C.—Five years ago 1 mar-tied my wife and every since the day of our (marriage I have tried to teach her tho ways of life. She’s stubborn, butt-headed, inconsider ate. and hopelessly lazy. What is a person to do unde- such circum stances ? Ans: Weil friend, your little wife is still not GROWN. She is about to reach her twentieth birth I day and you spoilexl and pampered | her until she hadn’t the slightest idea what is expected of a wife. Send hei< home for a couple week3 vaiyJ|on—’/sen, sljo comics back givo her full --esponsibility of the ! house- That is the quickest way to make her act her age. You married her too young. ****** G. G. X.—Mr. Wallace, my dau ghter has shown extraordinary talent in fine aits. I plan to send her away to college this fall and • we wonder if it would be well to NORTH 24th ST SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 YOU CANT TELL THEY \RE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD "Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. —POPULAR PRICES — RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street _Always a place to park— nmkr’X'S!,i'i|!i!iit::iiiiiitii!iii-, ,:;i:;i:iiwii:wiiui» CITY FISH MARKET 2118 North 21th St. HOME OF FINE BUFFALO FRIED FISH & RAW FISH AT VERY LOWEST PRICES FREE DELIVERY 1 JA-4617 iiaiii«iii!:uiniB;;j:iwiiHiiii:iiiiimriiiiiiii!iHtiiii!!!i!iraiii!)iiiini!iiffliiHyi«iiiuni have her specialize in such? Arts: A very fine idea to push her ahead in the things that she seemH most talenjted. isi my suggestion that you accompany her to tho college thi,s fall a day or so before the official opening period and have a talk with tho idea. Work out her studies and p-epare her iso that she will get the most from her education. ****** It. W.—On three different occas ions I turned this man down and (row he has asked me to marry him again. For some unknown reason I have a deair® to be his wife. Is it dove? Ans: Yes indeed it is love. He has known for imany months that you we e changing your mind. Ac cept him—he’s a fine man. As Mercury Hits 98 Man Places Wife On Hot Oven New York, July 28,—Heat wave payoff: Harrison Matthews 53, a Negro was held for grand jury action to day on a felonio-us assault cha/ge detailing that, as the temperature hit 98, ho picked up his wife and set her on top of a hot stove. Read the Omaha Guide - ONE HORSE STORE W. L. Parsley, Prop. WE. 0567 2851 Grant I '■-1^ ,^1=-^=i SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET 2520 Cuming St. WEBSTER 4277 FRESH EGGS DAILY FREE—Delivery—FREE I -IP ,,, ■ We Offer for Y«ur Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 7G0LDEN-GL0 BEAUTY ESSENTIALS B Tl •Jr MAILED DIRECT TO YOU A bis beauty box containing seven facial necessities all of the finest ingredients and weighing over two pounds now only 98tf, plus postage. You will adore the smooth tex C.O.D.. pl»a when Mil man ddl>ar»| box to yon; or tend manor order for SI.IS and aaf will mail at »ur», charge. WORTH SL00 «I SOLD SEPARATELY., ture of these Goraen-oio proaucis. They give that appeal which is the ultimate to feminfn. beauty and the subtle Intrigue of perfect make-up. Golden-Glo'. Incomparable cosmetic combination — •even invaluable aid* to beauty, finest quality. HERE IS WHAT YOU GET-ALL FULL SIZE 13.00 value box of 7 Golden-Glo beauty aids Regular retail priew Cleansing Cream.50# Vanishing Cream ....................50# Foundation Cream........25# Face Powder "Tan”.50# I.ipetiek .*5d - IIAir Dresner. 50* Ointment. ....50* — all the requisites for complete exquisite beauty treat ment that would cost you $3.00 If bought individually. Our Special Offer brings you this entire set of 7 GOLDEN* GLO COSMETICS for only 98* plus postage. Agents Wanted for Golden-Glo Products {( --SEND COUPON * GOLDEN-GLO PRODUCTS. Inc. 106 East 41st Street. New York. N. Y. Send me your Golden-Glo beauty box eor.tahsmg 1 fmsl size Golden-Glo products. When delivered by Postmaa I will pay him 98* plus postage, or I am enclosing flAl money order which covers all charges for delivery fca mm. Name ... (Print name dearly) Address ••••••••••••.. City...Stats.