The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 03, 1940, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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Read Randolph’s Article
%SSL'ti£%2'Si?Mm «Po,t 0—■ ^ Ntbr- uadw Act ot M“ch * l>74~ Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, August 3, 1940 OUR 13th YEAR Number 20 ~~
Opening advertisenvnt in the
campaign to( advertise Nebraska
■was ’•eleased today. It is directed
to the people of Nebraska, urging
them to “see Negra,ska first” and
will appear ip every weekly and
daily newspaper in the state. Rad
io announcements stressing the
same idea will be broadcast from
all Nebraska radio stations.
This follows the policy of the
tttate advertising commission an
nounced at its first meeting in
Lincoln July 8, that part of the
advertising app-opriations will be
devoted to educating Nebraskans
on the points of interest and 'ta
creation in their own state.
Memberts of the commission point
out that stimulating travel by No
graskans within the state will
keep money in Nebraska which
might otherwise be spent for va
cation travel els*'wihe'<e. and will
create additional expenditures for
local travel, both of which will
benefit the state.
Text of the advertisement points
out tha Nebraska has wenty-six
recreation grounds and seven
state pa *ks, and urges Nebraskans
to become better acquainted with
the Cornhusker state.
Washington, July 31 (ANP) —1
Challenging Congressman Arthur
Mitchell to a debate on the merits
of the New Deal as far as the Ne
gro is concerned Per^y W. Howard
Republican, National committre
man from Mississippi, takes issue
with the congressman on several
vital points.
Declaring that the New Deal
has added more than 500,000 whit
es to the pay-rolls of the govern
ment and less than 200 Negroes.
Howa-'d facetiously adds that the
exception is the CCC which is in
the woods and the Democrats
‘‘‘have kept the Negroes in the
woods for the last 300 years.”
Continuing, Mr. Howard points
out, “During the last eight years,
practically every Negro has ’res
igned or retired or who has been
let out of the service, has been re
placed by a white person.
•‘We do not have a single Ne
gro internal revenue collector or
collector of customs under Mr.
Roosevelt’s regime.
‘‘All of our assistant U. S. at
torneys of color have been displac
ed by whites, excepting two.
“We are unable to find more
than five Negroes that have been
appointed undo a the civil service
in seven years of Democratic mis
“Even the little segregated
groups of Negro employes such as
the mail rooms in the department
of justice have been wiped out.
‘‘Seregation has been allowed to
run rampant.
‘“Phe Neg->o contingent in the
army has been emasculate^ at’d
the Negro boy cannot beg or fight
his way into the army aviation
Mr. Howard has given wide pub
licity to his challenge which was
issued early this Week. Mr. Mit
chell hasn't as yet replied.
Noiiogenarian Debunks
Jesse James As Popular
St. Louis, Aug. 1, (ANP) Mrs.
Frances Marie Oliver, 91 years old
and former superintendent of the
Colored Old Folks Home here, this
week removed some of the glamor
associated with the spectacular
career of the one-time famed band
it. Jesse James.
She said: ‘‘-James and his men
were just plain bushwhackers and
there weren’t any romantic stor
ies about them”. She stated that
about 76 ysars ago, she remembers
seeing James shoot and kill a
blacksmith at OtterVille, Mo., af
ter forcing the victim to kneel in
the *>oad and pray- She was about
15 years old at the time of this in
cident, M|rs. Oliver recalled! and
had been released from slavery
three yeatjs previously.
Mrs. Mlabel Baskerville Worth
am. 1940 graduate of the Atlanta
University School of Social Work,
has recently been employed as case
Worke- on the staff of the Wake
County Board of Charities and
Public Welfare Raleigh, N, C.
She is a native of North Carolina
and also a graduate of The Win
ston-Salem Teachers College. Win
ston-Salem, N- C., Prior to he"
enrollment in the School of Social
Work, Mr;s. Wortham had taught
for a number of years in North
Carolina, and had served as a book
keeper and seceirtary at Hender
son Institute. She is a member of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
Wm. Lewis Confers with
Chairman Martin
Washington, D. C„ —William H.
Lewis, well known Bostonian, and
Former Assistant Attorney Gen
eral of the United States under
PiV'sidemt William Howard Taft.
—the only Colored person so fa"
appointed to this position—was a
visitor at Republican National
Committee Headquarters last
week. He called upon and conf
erred with Joseph W. Martin, Jrv
Chairman of the Republican Nat
ional Committee and Campaign
Manage" for Wendell Wiillkie, Re
publican Nomijnee for President
of the United States.
'Mir. Lewis whs greeted by his
old friend ami neighgor. Chairman.
Miantin. with “Hello Bill.1' There
were -(tminiscences of Mr. Lewis’
athletic provness at Harvard and
his professional success.
Mr. Lewis told Chairman Mart
in that he had not come in to offer
bim any advice or to ask fo-' a job,
but simply to say that he was not
personally talking any “ifs”, “ands
or buts’’ but is declaring “to ev
erybody that Mr. Willkie will sure
ly be elected in November.’’
Mr. Lewis believes the Candidate
meets all of the requi”emnts of the
New Yo-k. N. Y„ Aug. 3 —The
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People to
day again requested Majority Lea
der Algen W. Barkley to set a date
for debate and vote on the pend
ing Wagner VanNuys Capper-Oav
agan anti-lynching bill. The re
quest was based upon the pledge
of Senate" Barkley before Negro
delegates 'to the Democratic nat
ional convention in Chicagb that
“the ai^Li-lynching bill will be vot
ed upon before Congress adjourns.
“We are certain that Negroes
throughout the country were heayb
ened by this declaration,’’ the let
ter said. “The organizations and
individuals who have been for
years working for enactment of
thy* legislation ara gratified at
your statement and look forward
to the opportunity to have the bill
voted upon by the members of the
United States Senate.
Servitor Berkley w|as reminded
of the recent lynching of Elbert
Williams in B'oWhsville, Tenn.,
and the fact that Several Negroes,
including Reverend Buster Walk
er. have been unable to return to
their homes because of the continu
ed threat ofc mob violence in the
The branches of the NAACP.
and coperating organizations ami
injteiiested individuals are urged to
immediately write or telegraph
Senator Aiben W, Barkley re
questing an early date, fo" a vote
on the anti-lynching bill prior to
adjournment of Congress.
St. Louis, Mo., July 30—Skirting
any mention of the coming presi
dential campaign, John L. Lewis,
CIO president, declared today both
major political parties had failed
to face the problem of unemploy
ment and inadequate income for
millions of Americans.
Lewis said thorfe weie 10,700,
0000 unemployed, in the country,
including 3,500.000 young men and
women between the ages of 19 and
24, and a national study of 29 mil |
lion families ihad shown that 19
million “subsist on a family in
come of $69 a month.’’
Speaking at the convention of
the United Automobile Workers of
America, second largest union in
the CIO, Lewis said: “That is
what is the matter with America
—an insufficient national income
to permit the population to con
sume our awn production.’’
Declaring the platforms of both
major political parties fail to state
“what they’re going to do about
it.’’ Lewis said:
‘‘Some day the people of this
country are going to lose confi
dence in the existing political par
ties to such a degree that they are
going to form their own party.”
Lewis denounced pa-opbsals for
universal compulsory military
t'iainin and demanded that the gov
ernment “refrain from giving its
business to concerns that deny the
rights of labor.”
The national defence program he
said was "making it profitable for
industry to be patriotic’’ but he
asserted, firms receiving govern
ment orders “'have just as much
moral compulsion to accept the
Wagner labor relations act as
they have to observe state laws
against stealing chickens.”
Lewis assented enactment of
pending ('-on.script km (legislation,
would be “planting the seeds of
destruction and paving the way
for a new imperialistic nation with
in the confines of the United
“I wonder,” he commented, “if
in our zeal to protect our country
from the shadow of Hitler we are
not using some of Hitler’s meth
ods that will in the end proscribe
our civil liberties and create soc
ial confusion and unrest to the
point that will bring about the
very conditions we a~e trying to
time and situation!.
‘‘The United States,” he added,
“ha^ had former Presidents who
were Generals and lucky politic
ians; one, at least, a School Mas
ter, but never a business execut
ive—that is what the country
needs at this time—a business man
as President of the United Stat
M1. Wilkie not only has had
successful exerience in managing
large affairs,” Mr. Lewis remark
ed, ‘‘but he is also an attorney of
distinClion. He knows what war
is, having been enlisted in the Ar
my during the Wo-ld Wart and
having served overseas. He can
not fail! He has everything.”
The Boston attorney spent two
days in Washington on rofessional
Radio ' Speedboats Near
Algonac. Mich., July 30— Four
nad|o-controlled speedboats v^Ricli
will be used in target practice of
United States nava( air bombers
are nearing completion here in
the Chris-Oraft corporation plant.
Corporation officials declined to
discuss many details of the 34 ft,
rion-sinkable craft, but said that,
in time of wa- their hulls could be
filled with high explosive powder
and directed against enemy ves
Engines of 275 horsepower, en
abling speeds up to 35 miles per
hour will be installed in each boat.
Radio will start, stop, shift them
into gear and send them in any
Ate Glass, Sewed Buttons
On Arms To Annoy Wife
Rochester, N. Y„ July 30 —As
se-ting her husband chewed razor
blades, ate glass and sewed but
tons on his arms ‘ju(St to make me
nertvous.1' Mrs. Estelle G. Van De
mark, 24, wbn an annulment of
her marriage.
She said she didn’t learn until
after her marriage* last February
to Robert C. Ban D-mark, 26, that
he once performed in a circus.
New York. July 31 (ANP) The
award of four fellowships for ad
vanced study in the field of Social
Work was announced Saturday by
the National Urban League. Win
ners of the awards for) study dur
ing the school year 1940 -41 are
Joseph A. Allen, Jr., Cleveland;
Roger F. Gordon, Philadelphia;
Edith A. ockiey, Philadelphia and
Gertrude A. Tanneyhill. Norwood,
iM-r. Gordon, who will study at
the New York School of Social
Work, received an Anthony Bene
zet fellowship, as did Miss Lock
ley. She wail pursue study at the
School of Social Service Adminis
tration of the University of Chic
ago. Mr. Allen, a graduate of the
Yale Divinity scho ol, will study at
the New York School of Social
Work, and Miss Tanneyhill at the
Unive->sity of Pitt burgh on a fel
lowship maintained jointly by the
Mis. Rebecca Stiles Taylor, founder and past
president of the Savannah Federation; of Women,
past president of the Georgia State Federation, foun
der and past president of the Southeastern Federa
tion of Colored Women, and at present executive sec
retary of the National Association of Colored Wom
en, and at present a memlier of its administrative
board \yho will be presented as a candidate for presi
dency of the NACW. at its 22nd biennial contention
in Oklahoma City, Okla., July, 1941. Well kno^n
throughout the country as an educator, social and
civic worker and an experienced journalist, Mrs.
Taylor at present is copy reader and columnist for
the Chicago Defender. (ANP photo)
No one can say that Allen T.
Hupp^se cretary of Omaha Assoc
iated Retailer, is a piker.
Taking over the chairmanship of
the Creighton university football
season ticket sale campaign, Hupp
announced calmly this week that
the drive, opening August 1, will
“dispose of double the number of
season ticket,, that were sold last
‘^Patronage,’’ Hupp commented,
“contributes as mtuch to the thrill
of a football game as any single
factor, and We will leave no stone
unturned to fill Creighton stadium
for Coach “Skip” Palaang’s inaug
ural season as Creighton varsity
Assisting Hupp on the season
ticket committee are (J. E. David
son, president of Nebraska Power
Company, Paul Gallagher, presi
dent of Paxton & Gallagher com
pany, and F>lwa-d J. Connors, as
sistant to the president of the Un
ion Pacific Railroad.
Sale of season tickets Hupp an
nounced, will continue until Sept
ember 25, wli,th a reserved seat for
all five home games costing only
six dollars, saving the purchaser
27 percent over the single game
admission total of $8:50. A box
seat season ticket willl cost $7.70.
Hupp u'iged purchase^ to mail
their orders to him in care of the
Creighton University athletic of
fice, adding:
"This drive is going over 100
percent, and those wanting choice
seats had better get their season
ticket o'ders in at once.”
Niftibnail lM>an Leairue and the
Urban League of Pittsburgh- The
Beneezt Fellowships are for $1200
each, and the other two for $1,000.
The National Urgan League with
branches for social work among
Negroes in 45 cities, has awarded
92 fellowships to colored students
since 1910, Thits- ytowrjsi fallows
were selected from a total of 112
candidates by the League’s Fel
lowship committee..
Boise, Idaho, Aug. 1, —With dvn.
aimite, tea gas and bullets a posse
today blasted a barricaded Negro
squater from hip grazing land
shack after he had killed two fed
eral officers who came to evict
The killer Pearl Royal Hendrick
son, 50. died of multiple wounds in
an ambulance enroute to Boise.
He was clutching a hook entitled,
“Egyptian Secrets’’ and wore a
c”,oss and rabbit’s foot around his
For three hourp he returned the
firo of state police and G-men. In
cendiary machine gun bullets or
dered try Guy Bannister, FBI di
rector at Butte. Monte, finally
filled the dwelling. Choked by
smoke and helpless from his
wounds, the Negro ceased firing
and the officers d"agged him out
of the fire.
Hendrickson had been ordered
off the federal property, but re
fused to comply.
Today Deputy United States
Marshal John Glenn motored with
Boise Police Capt. George Hask
ings to Hendrickson’s clearing to
serve a court order to> vacate.
Glenn stepped out and approached
the one room .shack. A 3030 rifle
bullet killed hiirn
Haskins returned fa- Marshal
George Meffan, democratic candi
date for governor in 1936.
Meffan met Glenn’s fate. Again
Haskins went for help and some
50 men responded.
The clearing Hendrickpon occu
pied whs to have been included :n
a recreational park.
Gigantic Prisoner Dies
In Cell
Lumberton, N. C., /July 31 (AN
P) The first death in Robeson
County jail in 20 yearn was that
of John Robeson, 36, a near seven
footer, who succumbed to uremic
poisoning while awaiting transfer
to the State Hospital in Goldsboro.
Robeson, 6 feet 11 and one half
inches tall, was brought to the
jail after he became violent f'tftr,
mental effects of the disease.
Establishment of a NYA project
in North Omaha to train Negro
boys and girls for housekeeping
and custodial jobs may depend on
whefcbe« city funds may be used
legally to sponsor sueh activities
Request for nine hundred dollars
of city funds to provide an eight
room house as a training headquaf
ters was asked Tuesday afternoon
in a letter fqom the Urban league
and a civic committee headed by
State Senator John Adams, Jr. A
similarp roject has operated under
NYA more than a year for white
students only. The council reliev
ed action pending a legal depart
ment ruling.
Dr. Calvin Perkins of Birming
ham. Alabama, the chairman of
the Educational Board of the Na
tional Baptist Convention, one of .
the leading pastors of Birmingham
National Evangelist, and Pulpit
Prince, will be in Omaha on an of
ficial visit. He will preach at the
Mt. MYHah Baptist Church, 2tth
and Ohio Sts., Wednesday night,
August 7. at 8:00 o’clock and on
the 8th at one of the other Bapt
ist Churches of the city. You ran
not afford to miss hearing this
great man. Gome early.
F. P. (Jones, Pastor. ?
Episcopal Group Visits
Packing Plant
Armourjs Packing plant was tbor
oughly cove-ed from top to bottom
by a group of St. Phillip’s Epis
copal Church, parishioners on a
visit arranged by Mr. Harvey Car
ter, employee of that industry, on
Wednesday mo-rning, July 24th.
The visitors including Father G.
A Stains, rtector; Mr. Raymond
R. Brown of the Omaha Urban
League. Mr. and Mrs. George
Watson; Mrs. E. P. P-yor, Misses
Algernon Proyor, Delores and A
melia Jackson, Doris Wi/lburn and
Olive Willi8 and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Carte" and daughter
Gwendolyn were escorted by Mr.
Van Riper-, personal manager of
the Omaha plant. He explained
in detail (from the slaughter to
shipping) all the operations involv
ed in packing and p-eparing meats
Following the tour. Mr. Van Rip
er took Father Stains, Messrs. R.
Brown, Watson and Ca-ter to the
main office where they met and
discussed labor problem^ and con
ditions with M*. Englehart, the
General manager and superintend
From ten to twelve percent of
Armour's plant employees are ne
groes. The visiting party saw
futile a number ctf Color (xl men
Fire Death Toll Rises To
Dunn, N. C., July 31 <ANP> _
he third of a trio of children
died Saturday when Lois Stokes, 9
succumbed to the effects of burns
received July l when the pallet on
which she was sleeping with her
two b-others became ignited by a
falling lamp. Mrs. Frances Stok
es, mother of the children, is still
in a critical condition in a Fayet
teville hospital. She was burned
trying to extinguish the blaze.
O'Dell McNeill, friend of the
m/other, is in the county jail await
ing trial at the Septemger te-yn
of Superior Court in connection
with the fire. The State contends
the fire might have been caused
to collect $100 insurance policies
on the children, which went into
effect a few days before the fire.