I I _:_\ _ _ . _. .■ . CLARINDA.IOWA Second Baptist Church Rev. I). Nicholson, Castor Service all day was in high. A special program was had at 3:30. Rev. C. Adams pastor at the Par adise Baptist Church preached and a number of his members came with him. Mr. J. W. Dacus, p ci dent of the New Era Baptist BY PU. Convention made an inspiring talk responded by Mr. G. Wiley 0f the Johnson Di'ug Store. A tty. W. B. Bryant of Omaha made a vi^ y interesting and educational talk. We wtne pleased to have Rev. Goldsmith and members with us at the meeting. Rdv. J. H. Reynolds pastor of the Pleasant Green Baptist church Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S -p. BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Jue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to put in it—Cali CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has got the works and knows what to do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. (JET JOYFUL RELIEF FROM BACKACHE CAUSED BY SLUGGISH KIDNEYS Stop Getting Up Nights And Feel Healthier Here’s one good way to flush excess waste from kidneys and re lieve bladder irritation that often* causes scanty, burning and smart ing passage. Ask your druggist for a 35 c‘*nt biox of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules—a splendid safe anil harmless diureUi*c| and stimulant for weak kidneys and irritated! bladder. Besides getting up nights, some pymptoms of kidney trouble may be backaches, puffy eyes, and leg cramps. But be gtite to get GOLD MEDAL—it's a genuine medicine for weak kidneys. Don’t accept a substitute. » -- _ ~ ... ———~ - placed the cornerstone. Everybody enjoyed the basket dinner served by the Sisters of Cla-inda. Iowt with the pastor’s wi fe very active Rev. |J. H. Reynolds brought us a soul stirring message at the even ing service. We were happy to have Rev-.J. R. Lane a former minister of Claiinda with us all [lay. Visitors are always welcome to Claiinda and the Second Bapt ist Church. WILLKIE ON VACATION CONFERS ON RACE PROBI/MS (Continued fx>m page 1) him. And listening people become supporters. Wendell VVillkie brings a new emotional pattern to America. It is the pattern of plain and rugged speech coupled with a •ugged conscience.” NEGRO PROBELMS TO THE FORE The Colored group in the Unit ed Staten is deeply concerned with the primary problems deferred to —unemployment, low farm p pccs. and the general business stagna tion of the country, debt and moan t .ng, confirtcatoyyl taxes, and the domestic weariness which has bro ken the spiritual morale of so many millions of people, including our 12,000,000 Colored gioup which is struggling against odds that would rush a less confident and determined people. We refuse to accept economic and racial prejudices as factors to discourage oit* proper hopes and aspirations as we seek to rise to the full level of American citizen ship. We recognize the fact that, no political party alone can solve our age-old problems,. Wie know! we must do our part to ove |.'ome the normal difficulties of life, but while so engaged we shall con tinue to challenge the American Spirit of fair-play in a demand that abhorrent prejudice^ be re moved, and a fai” chance be giv en us to advance in the American way of Life DEMOCRATIC DISCRIMIN ATIONS CITED The Democratic Party, composed mainly of those Southern States which disfranchise u9 and deny us the primary privileges of our cit izenship, seeks continuance of its control of the Gove rnment and a strengthening of its power. Wo are called upon to meet the menace of such aontinutance, for the issue is now joined as to whet her a party which has been our consistent enemy, oppressing and debasing us, shall have our sup Joe’s Food Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY— SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ORANGE AND BLUE FOOD STAMPS RE DEEMED at JOE’S Food Market at Low Prices.__ BUTTER First ^ua,ity’pound “SUGAR Five Pounds BUTTER-NUT OR FOLGER’S COFFEE, lb. 25c PURE APPLE CIDER Vinegar_gallon 23c Ccrn or Tomatoes 2 cans 15c SWEET PICKLES OR SWEET Mixed Pickles, qt. jar 22c MUSTARD, jar 5c VANILLA Wafers, special lb. lie GINGER Snaps, 2 lbs.17c WHITE Onions, lb._4c OLEO, lb. 10c [PURE LARD, lb._ 6VaC [FANCY Veal Roast, lb. 13c Beef Tongue, lb. 17c PURE Pork Sausage, lb. 12 Vac CELUO-WRAPPED Bacon Squares, lb. 10c Smoked Hocks, lb. 10c GRAPEFRUIT Juice, 3 10c cans 23c PALLOON Soap Flakes, l’ge pkg. 29c SUNK 1ST Oranges, dozen 19c O_ HAWAIIAN BOXING TEAM INSPECT LOUIS TROPHIES mmhh— .—— —■■ ■■ -vmmmmimm* imtnr: >■' When the Hawaiian Amateur Boxing team which came all the way from the land of grass skirts to i>attle Chicago’s Catholic Youth Organization squad last Wednes day night, visited the Hall cf Spoits of the American Neg'p Exposition at the Chicago Colis eum, they immediately rushed to the exhibit of Joe Louis trophies which included two diamond stud d<4 championship belts, the gold medal awarded him in 1939 by Ring Magaame as the Fighter of the Year, and the boxing gloves he wore when he knocked out |fames J, Braddock, Jack Sharkey, Max Schmeling, Nathon Mann and Ha->ry Thomas. The Hawaiian boxerls, shown inspecting the dis play and with two members actual ly trying on the champion’s gloves were accompanied by Bishop Sheil who takes an active (interest in k port in this hour of supreme pe’.il to our country and the liberties of the people. Bp oppressive legislation, Jini crowijsm, discriminatory practices, and a formula of discouragement, meant and designed to consign us to a plact of pe-manent inferiority in the body politic, the Democrat ic Party has proved that it does not consider us free men and free women. Soft phrases and empty promis es by that Democratic Party on the eve of a P-eaidentiol Election cannot meet our demand that the which bind us be loosed, and the guarantees and plain mandates of the Federal Constitution be. no longer flouted and disregarded. It is folly to believe that the Democratic Party, chiefly respon sible for our ilia and humiliations seriously contemplates the remov al of these shackles, ft will not challenge itself to undo the wrongs it has inflicted upon us; it is sheer silliness to believe that it will re verse i*s general attitude toward us. ROBBED OF CIVIL LIBERTIES We are robbed of our civil lib erties, intimidated by mobs which go unpunished at the hands of the Democratic State and Federal au thorities, and subjected to every species of violence calculated bo destroy our freedom and liberty and citizenship. fThe past seven years of futile Democratic effort to solve the pro blems of the count jv, and to prove to the Negro group its sincerity with respect to the problems and injustices it now so blibly promis es, in its Platform to solve and a bate, prove tits incompetence and its unwillingness. The Colored People of the Unit ed States have a stake in this 1940 election such as they have never had before. It is not to be doubt ed that our men and women in the 15 Northern States where their votes are courted and counted will meet the Issue of the Hour by re fusing to go along with that Dem ocratic Pa by which oppresses and humiliates their kinsmen in the South, denies us steady jobs in in $55.00 Worth of Goods FREE!!! Men—women to supply colored peo ple with the famous 12 SISTERS' products. Deep Cut Prices and lovely preminums. Send No Money. $55.00 worth of FREE goods given. 12 SISTERS’ PRODUCTS. 74-76 Eaker Street, Dayton, Ohio dustry in the North and the South and ,seeks for us a serfdom we re fuse willingly to accept. Read the Omaha Guide - OIHB!l!l!llllllintilll!)llllHIIIIlMllll!IHlHlliHimillllHinilllllllillllinUilDlliltlUlllUIUlllltt LUMBER SALE After Inventpry Sale on Over-stocked Lumber Items. • •• 2x4x6—1lc 2x4x8—15c 2x4x10—18c 2x6x6—161/gC 2x6x8—22c 2x6x10—27V, c 2x8x8—29c 2x 10x8—36 V>c 2x12x0—32c 1x4x6—6c 1x4x8—9c 1x12x7 Rgh. 25c SPECIAL CLEAR PICKETS 4c .4 Inch Drop Siding 4 to 7 feet, per 100 feet-§3.33 6 Inch Drop Siding 4 to 7 feet per 100 feet—$3.87 I/2 Inch Rlanket Insulation, per 100 feet—$2.85 • •• r «lumbekto; 19th & Nichols*—JA 5000 '.V.V.V.V.'.WAV.V.V/.V.V And that's no fooling, Mister. This Is a young man’s world. If you don't believe It, look around you and see. You can probably coitnt the gray-halred workers on your Angers. Rut don’t let that alarm you. You can keep gray hair from showing up your age. Get GODEKROY’S LARIEUSE! It’s no trouble to apply. Just follow directions for use In the package. Colors hair evenly—al most instantly. Makes It glossy and takes years off of your looks. Every bottle Is guaranteed to satisfy or your dealer will promptly refund your money. If your dealer doesn't have Larleuse, send |1.25 (we pay postage) direct to .. • GODEKROY MFC. CO., 3519 OLIVE STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. HAIR COLORING JOHNSON DRUG CO. NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th jjWe. 0998 Free Delivery! i ■■-=inr .-■■J31=r-T=3 “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. ■■■ „■ — — ■ . ■ --nr ■■ i HAVE YOU TRIED BROWN BOMBER BREAD? WELL, THEN DO! WHEN YOU REACH N. Y. Telephone AUdubbn 3-7714 HOTEL MARTHA Awaits You ‘‘The Family Hotel” Clean Comfortable Airy Rooms One Dollar Per Day And Up 6 West 135th Street, N- Y. C. NEW YORKERS Recommend— ELK HOTEL One Dollar Per Day & UP Transient Rooms —Befit in Town— Facing St. Nicholos Park—At 140th Street, New York City 606 St. Nicholas COMING TO NEW YORK FOR THE WORLD’S FAIR? THE GARRETT HOUSE ‘‘Home-like Comfort’’ ’ ROOMS One Dollar Per Day & Up Transient — Permanent 314 West 127 Street, N. Y. C Tel. UNiversity 4-7553 BADGES AND EMBLEMS TO ORDER Lodges, Clubs and Religious Organizations Write L’OU VERT ERE COMPANY JEWELRY 165 West 131st Street, New York City For Reservations: Tel. AUtdubon 3-9385 THE HOTEL MELRAH ROOMS Accommodations for Out-of-Town ers—Transient and Permanent Guests 21 West 135th St. New York City The Toast from Coast to Coast DICK WHEATON’S Cafe Restaurant—De-Luxe 137th Street & Seventh Avenue New York City “DINING, DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT HOT.” —Ted Yates In the Bamboo Room—Skeet’s Talbert’s Orchestra with Romaine Jackson, Buddy Bowser, Em-Cee. CYO activities, shown to the right of the squad. In the rear is Ed. Smith, star Wisconsin U. high hur dle" wlio is one of the attendants at the Hall of Sporti, and to the extreme left is Civil Service Com rmisgioner Wendell E. Green, vie® chairman of the State Exposition commission. At extreme right is Truman K. Gibson Jr., executive di’ eetoil of the Exposition. Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH BRING IN YOUR BROKEN WINDOW AND WE’LL GLAZE THEM FREE! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN & FENCE WIRE OUR STOVE, FURNACE, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, ROOFING AND GUTTERING ARE COMPLETE “Everything At A Low Price” (Open Evenings) — WE. 1607— 1822 North 24th St. SPRING TIME IS MOTH TIME Have your winter garments cleaned and stored in our modern storage vaults and pay only cleaning charge next fall FUR COATS CLEANED, GLAZED AND STORED FOR ONLY $5.00 Emerson-Saratoga; LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St. WE. 1029 Second Printing THE BOOK YOU ALWAYS WANTED: “THE PROGRESS OF A RACE” By E. J. Nichols • Dealing with the American Negro in Amer ica, beautifully illustrated and cloth bound a $2.50 book value. • Ten Million Negroe’s in America, “Who is Who” what progress have they made—read what Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Says and many others. This book should be in every home.” The Editor. NOW ONLY $1.25 PREPAID • By Special Arrangement we are able to offer this famous book to our readers for a limited time only. “YOU CAN HAVE IT NOW” Mail Coupon today! BOOK — VALUE — COUPON Address—Book Depart. The Omaha Guide, Omaha, Nebr. Enclose please fine Money Order for $1 ?5 Please send me a copy of “The Progress of a Race” prepaid: Name__ Address _ City and State _ (Write Plain) Co-operative Book Service