The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 27, 1940, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2
FARMERS UNION PRESENTS SIX POINT PROGRAM TO REP. CONVENTION Philadelphia, Pa., (FR) Pres enting the statement of the Nat ional Farmers Union to the Reso lutions Committee of the Republi can Convention, President John Vesecky outlined a six-point pro gram for the preservation of tho family-sized farms. "We believe that in a country such as ours dit is a disgrace and a crime to compel any class of our citizens to supply the necessities of life to other classes at less than parity or the cost of producing such necessities,” said Mr. Ves ONE HORSE STORE W. L. Parsley, Prup, WE. 0567 2851 Grant H-M Buffet Hi<] A. }4th SI JA. 885? first Chili in Town Liquors, Lunches ft fieer I I you As you sip a bottle of 7-Up, read the new label. You will find this statement: “The ‘Fresh Up* Drink contains car bonated water, sugar, citric acid, lithium and sodium citrates, flavor . derived from lemon and lime oils.*' These fine JM ingredients are your as IfJ surance. They are the strongest reason why 7-Up likes you! sPr ~ ° u yj • w * u • • • • ecky. ‘‘Our farm program should bo so amended as to givp our far mers their fair phare of the nat ional income and, a8 far ap poss ible, to do this without recourse to annual appropriations.” The 8ix point program called for 1. Rehabilitation of down and out farmers, strengthening of the Farm Security Administration With ample funds for the tenant purchase division. 2. Deht-adjustment and refin ancing. 3. Income Certificate Domestic Allotment Plan legislation. 4 Extension of surplus removal program. 5 Fullest asistance to our far mers. .especially the low-income farmers for building sound coop eratives. . Anti-war; ' opposed to sending our boys across the ocean to fight in foreign wars.” U,e added that ‘ any workable plan of national defense must take into consideration the necessity of giving our people security in di'dr homes and in the excrete of their j rights and privileges as citizens.” ”We do nott believe it it is necessary nor good pel icy to curtail needed assistance to tho poor and under-privileged on our farms and in our cities in or der to make more money available for armaments.” “The American farmer is, as a rule, ready to defend his home and country with his life,’’ said Mr. Vesecky, "lnit the homes and coun try musH be ours to defend and to enjoy.” MAPLE STREET HARDWARE —24th & Maple— SCREEN WIRE NEW SCREENS REPAIRED JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and I>ong Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Holler, Mgr MfTm"TBTT7TTWT!^l id I | am 11 * I t f 1 a k^| U .1 t a I i IB f I Vi Men’s Suits $2 95; IllJj Over-coato $160; Indies Shoes 60 cents. Hats 69 cents. Many other ow priced IX)GUE. Send name one cent postcard. Write today CROWN CO., 164-M Monroe St., N. Y. City A Word to the Wives... CHEAP ELECTRICITY ' MEANS COOLER KITCHENS 4 There'3 really cool cock ing comfort in every ^ home where meals aro ** prepared electrically! Electric cookery gives • you time out to enjoy life and flameless electric { heat is cool and fast and clean! The cost of doing all your housework is just a few cents a day . . . the modern electric way! Your electric rates have been consistently reduced by the Nebraska Power Company ... for more than fifty years a Pioneer in Cheap Electricity. live wtot tfeil&i"' ELECTRICITY IS SEE YOUR DEALER OR THE NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY FATHER HINES BOOGIES FOR TROPIC CAST Wh "Kather’' Hines vi iU.d the Tropical Gardens of the , American Negro Exposition at the Chicago Coliseum last week where j the sensational new regue, “Trop ics After Dark,” is being present ed, he sat down at the piano and pluyed his recent record hit ‘‘Boo " - . ■■ ■■■■:- taw&asa gie Woogie on the St. Louis Blu es,” while the entire cast of prin ciples looked on. Included in the picture are Pork Chops Patterson, Dick Montgomery, Pops and Lour ie, Evelyn Landry. Jeannette Gri der, “Sweetie Pie” DeHart, Foster iJohnson, Walter Fuller of the Hin es band, Mitzi Mitchell and Ruble Blakey. Pointing toward the iv ory tickler is Teddy Blackman, pro ducer of the show, while seated on the bench with Hines is Kathleen Day. OPEN INVITATION— July 20. 1940 Dear Parents and Friends, The director and teaching staff of Woodson Center’ Vacation School invite you to attend the fourteenth Annual Closing Pro gram and Exhibit on Friday even ing, July 20, 1940. Articles made in the different classes of the school will be on dis play at the Center’s building, 3009 R Street. They may b*‘ seen from five until seven o’clock as well as afteil the program at Bethel chur'ch which begins at eight o’clock. Classes of the school have held in the Bethel and Mount Olive church (across the street and ar ound the codner) also, in ou small building and yard. The fine spirit of ou- neighboring churches and community at targe still con tribute much to the success of our program. 7 children between the ages of 6 and 14 years of age, were enrolled in the 12 different classes of the school, with an av erage daily attendance of 5 k Our regular staff and seven part time volnteers have carried the work of the school and the play ground. Children of the school will enjoy a picnic Monday July 29th leaving the Centep at 10 a. m. Parents are urged to enjoy this cutting with us. Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by parents o" relative eighteen years or oldep. Teachers of the school are; Mrs. Alyco Wilson. Mrs. E. M. Taylor, Rev. G. W. Hubbard, Mrs. Gert rude Janies, Mrs. M. Washington, Mr. Lee Moffat, Miss Annie Frank lin, Miss Enrnra Curtis, Miss Ed na Blaiir. Miss Loretta Agee, and Mrs. M. L. Rhone, Director of the School. z uuiiiiiiiiuiuiiiuii!iiiiiiiiuiuk.tiiiii)iimiiiiiiiiimiimiiiuiii.i!!iiiiiuiiiimuiimmi «■———■ ■■'■ — i ■ — - — —■> BILL’S LOAN BANK & MERCHANDISE —Store— Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchandise at a Great Reduction. Up--to-date Clothing. Dry Goods, Ladies Ready to Wear Milline"*, Hosiery, Blank ets, Shoes for the Entire Family. 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 RllllllllllllllllUIIIIHillllllllM Hiram E. Jackson, Jr„ of Spring field, 111., ig shown woiking on tha mural painting which, along with 34 photographs, comprises a pan el which represents Lincoln Uni versity of Missouri at the Amer ican Negro Exposition, July 4- to September 2, in Chicago. I he niural portrays the scene of a Ne gro relating to a group of Negro soldiers in 1866 hia conception of Negro college which became Lin LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St. At Willis Avenue uiiiitiiiiiiiufURtniitiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiuiiiiiiiumBiiitnBfiifliimnmiffi THOMAS : FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 linil|i|l!lllil!llllill!IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIi;illlllllUIII!il!l|||||; iiiiiWJillllllMliliMiiilllt it.*!*— ROTHERY CLEANING SPECIAL Cone-piece plain dresses MEN’S suits LADIES’ PLAIN JACKET SUITS LIGHT TOPCOATS LADIES PLAIN SPRING COATS Except White or Fur Trimmed pnpp ONE PLAIN SKIRT OR TROUSERS CLEANED FREE I KLL WITH EACH $1.00 ORDER FREE—“Moth-Seal’’ Hags or Free Storage for Cloth Winter Coats Cleaned Now at Our Regular Prices (Not Prices.) Fur Coats, values to $100, Cleaned and Cold Stored, $4.50 ROTHERY CLEANERS 2515-17-19 CUMING ST. JA. 7383 » _ | coin University. The Lincoln Un i jvein-.ity panel is included in the l Education exhibit at the Exposit ion. IDEAL FURNITURE MART R. H. Spiegal, Prop. We Buy, Sell & Exchanpt ,\nr a vd Usrd We Pay Highest Prices for Merchandise Sell Us Yours WE, 2224 2511-13 N. 24th St. W.V.W.V.V.VA’.V.VA* DUFFY Pharmacy 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS We. 0609 Free Delivery “TWO SISTERS TEA ROOM” 2640 Binnev St. For Reservation Call— AT-0998 l^OOOO^:OOZ.rt OUT NOW! NE6R0 DICE New — Popular — Exciting 96 page* all about black lolk— their preaent, past, future—in abort, easy article*. gripping atoric* by leading writer*. Buy it now at your newsstand or from the publiahera, 25 cent*; or get a aubacription and it will be delivered to your home each month. Native Son (uaually $2.50) goea with aubacriptiona: 4-iaaue aub acription with book, $2.50; 12 issue with book. $4; 24-issue with book, $6.50. Or without hook. 4 isaue. $1; 12-issue, $3 00; 24 issue $5. 1 West 125th St., N.Y.C. —In ex. fv.- CNS j DR. FOSTER, WIFE AND DAUGHTER VISIT IN CITY Dr. Foster, with his wife, daug hter and a friend, stopped over for a few hours in our city on their way through to New Yo-k City. A1 though their stay was brief, they enjoyed it very much, visiting with their friends, Dr. and Mrs. Price Terrell. BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE Get the Best in Quality at the Lowest Price NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. _PHONE WE. 4137 Always Carry A Camera... 2 Be Ready To Get '"'hat Shot! Choose your camera from our large ptock of all favor able makes. — i Our Stores are found f (d on a Policy o f Courteous Service and Competent Camera advice. KRETSCHMER COMPANY “Midwest Photographic Headquarters” 315 So. 17th St. 136 So. 13th St. OMAHA LINCOLN _ NEBRASKA ***m*m**t*i*H*0'*i+ti**+ “ classified ads“ One Fibnt Room. 2513 Hamilton, Si., Gall AT. 1897. FOR RENT—Apart’lent o- Run 2607 Binney St. FOR RENT—<QN TOP OF THE STREET CAR.—One room in pri vate modern home, for m,en only. Price reasonable, 2825 North 24th St., AT. 5988. FOR RENT Apt for iRent—2527 Blondo St. House For Rent, 2914 N. 25th St. Will pay $1.25 for vacant room— HA. 1190 between 3 and 5. Furnished Kitchenette HA. 6672 Apt. for Rent, 2226 Ohio after 2. FOR RENT. 5 room house, mod ern except heat, 2914 North 25th St., WE. 2365. FOR RENT—3 room modern apt. 2226 Ohio St., JA-0682. FOR RENT OR~SALE At 2611 Hamiton St., modern house, full basement, double gar age—$20 per month—small pay ment down AT. 4698. FOR RENT One Furnished Room. Ha. 2587. For men only. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, oj 2613 Grant St. Call WE. 5553 or WE. 2410. 9 Room House—All Modern— Will Decorate—$20.00 per month. On Corby Street. Phone JA5033. HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades j to order. 182 N. 24th St. WE. 1607.] "~9 A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme.C.J. Walker’s Preparations 4 “I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker's preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. i if Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh-, ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. „ - - M FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Furnished Apt., 3 rooms, private bath, 2517 Miami St., WE. 3653. LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24bh WE. 6065 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USEYOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Front Room, modern WE. 1024. FOR RENT—A four room Apt. An Apt. for Rent, WE. 2366 For Rent, 2 apts. WE. 2737. Furnished Apts., 2 rooms, $3.50— 3 rooms $4.50. Utilities paid, JA. 0986. 7 Room House—Pacific Streei. $12.00 perr month. Phone JA5033. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.” A-B BUFFET, 1616 N. 24th St. WINES—LIQUORS at Popular Prices Courteous Service at all Times Rheumatic Happy; Relieves Pain Quick Thousands who suffered from the torturing pains of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neu ralgia and neuritis—are certainly happy over their discovery of NURITO. Now they have found a quick-acting formula which speedily relieves those exhausting muscular aches and pains. NURITO is trustworthy and dependable —contains no opiates. If you want to feel again the joy of relief from pain—so you can work in peace and sleep in comfort—be wise and try NURITO under this ironclad guarantee. If the very first three doses do not relieve that cruel pain to your satisfaction—your money will he refunded. Don’t suffer. Ask your druggist today for NURITO on this guarantee. (T.N.C.) I. C. C. ex. for N. S. —AN URGENT MESSAGE —\ to women who suffer FEMALE WEAKNESS few women today are free from some sign of functional trouble. Maybe you’ve noticed YOURSELF getting restless, moody, ner vous, depressed lately—your work too much I for you — Then why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s I Vegetable Compound to help quiet weary ; hysterical nerves, relieve monthly pain i (cramps, backache, headache) and weak ! dizzy fainting spells due to functional ir- >■ regularities. For over 60 years Pinkham’s Compound i has helped hundreds of thousands of weak run-down, nervous "ailing” women to go smiling thru "difficult days.” Why not give this wonderful “woman’s friend” a chance to help \ OU ? Try ttt I. C. C. ex. for N. S.