The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 27, 1940, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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    PRICE _ 5cts.
New York—Colored workmen
were urfred by the NAACP to ap
ply for jobs at all plants which are
manufacturing products for the
national defense program, and Re
port at once if they arte refused
jobs. The national office of the
NAACP. here at 69th Fifth avenue
(will forward all suifh complaints
immediately to the national def
ense council.
1* PoM °ffice- 0m*ha- Nebr■undw Act •* 8- 1874- Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, JULY 27, 1910 * OUR 13th YEAR Number It
Mfes Dorothy Scott, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Scott and grand-daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Scott of Omaha has
chosen' 29th, for the
date of her marriage to William
A. Glenn of Hope. Arkansas. It
was announced at a formal dinner
party give at the home of her
aunt, Susie Yancy, 2871 Maple
Street, Omaha, Saturday evening.
July 20th. Guests we’e: Misses
Velma Rose, Mary Ellen Dicker
son, Charlene Lewis, Johnnie Gor
don. Lorene Lewis, Irene Harrold,
and Mesdames Margaret Wight,
Lucille Young, Mabel Lee, Aleth
ia Dixon, Malty Goldston, Mabel
Glenn and Geraldine Hands.
Miss Scott is a graduate of Cen
tral High school. Omaha, wherb
she majored in stenographic work.
She was secretary in the Nebras
ka State Legislative, 1937 Session,
later she became Recording Sec
retary for the Protective O'fler of
Dining Car WlaitepS, LfcaL No.
465, the position she now holds.
Her fiancee attended the Univers
ity of Nebraska where he affiliat
ed with the Alpha Phi Alpha Phi
Ailpha f latomitty, sljudied at the
university of Minnesota, and is
now working Howard his Ph. B.
if. Degtbee in Journalism and Pub
lic peaking at Creighton univers
ity in Omaha.
2927 North 28th St.,
Omaha. N ebraska
Ilhe Band known as the Des
dunes Band was organized in
1887. By W. M. Lewis and J
N. Thomas, retired Detective
Sarg.. and was known as the
Omaha Military Band- This
Band wlas directed by Mr.
Thomas a very accompcl'ished
musician. Mr. Thomas and I
were seeking the best talent
we could find. In 1904 the
Gidons Minstrels came to O
maha and were showing at
the old Trackodar Theatre on
14th and Harney Sts., Mr.
Thomas and I went to see a
man by the name of Dan that was showing
wuth t hat company. The
Omaha Military Band at that
time had became to be
known all over the country,
under the direction of Mr.
Thomasv We engaged Mr.
Desdunes to come to Omaha,
which he did after giving his ten
days notice to the manager of the
show. Mr. Thomas and I rented an/
apartment in the present Dr. Haw
kins Building for Mr. Desdunes and
when he returned to Omaha he was
al! ready to go to house keeping.
House furnished, rent paid for
three months. We then organized
the Desdunes Orchestra All of
the dancing and social functions
were played at that time by white
Orchestras. Namely Dimmicks
Orchestra, Olson and Franks
Clark Orchestra, but when Des
dunes got going there was no
more work for the white orches
tras to do for our group. We also
cut in on their group playing.
Desdunes sent for some of his
musicians to come to Omaha.
Such musicians as Prof- George
Bryant the present director of the
Desdunes band and a man by the
name of Sidney darter. After
several years iim Omaha Mr. Bry*
an" west and continued in the
Minstrel business until the latter
part of the twenties. After which
he went into a theatre with an or
chestra and had charge of Burles
que and vaudeville acts.
Between 1904 and 1907 the Om
aha Military Band became the
first regiment band of the milifa»-y
department of the Knights of Py
thias. Mr. J. N. Thomas was
commissioned Col. of that depart
ment and resigned from the band
m Director and I. W. M, Lewis
was commissioned Captain and
Desdunes was commissioned First
Lieutenant and band master. The
band became famous overnight The
band went to the K of P conven
tion of K. C., Mo., in 1911 and won
the second prize after competing
r-—- - ~
with such bands as the Eighth
Jteg. Band of Ghjcago With Bill
Barry directing. The St. Louis
Band under the direction of Wade
Hammond new with the Ninth
Calvary band and W. M. Jackson
of the 115th Reg. Band of Topeka
Kansas and the Second Reg. Band
of K. C.Mo under the direction
of W. M. Mel'ford.
The Press and the general opin
ion was the Omaha Band should
have had first prize. Desdunes be
came the talk of the country. He
was 25 years ahead of the times.
He introduced a piece of music
which rearranged known as the
Missouri Maze- That set the con
vention hall on during the contest.
Over 15,000 people were in atten
I then went after big jobs, such
as the Nebraska State Fair, Ak
SarBen Parades, Trade Extension
Trips of the Omaha Chamber of
Commerce. We have played the
Nebraska State Fair from 1915 to
1937, the Trade trip from 1920 to
Desdunes died in 1929, then
Frank Perkins became drector of
the band to 1930 Then another
great bandmaster came to town.
The return of Prof. George Bry-1
ant. These twd great bandmast
ers, Dan Desdunes and George
Bryant, the present bandmaster in
my estimation we o on par. Des
dunes, the modern, Bryant, the
more sincere and clasic.
I was commissioned Captain in
uniform department of the
| Knights of Pythias, THAT’S WHY
" ' ' (
Washington ,
July 25 (ANP)
Appointment of
a national def
ense committee
was announced
by D* - Waldo
Howard, Houst-,
Dr. Ferebee on, president, Na
tional Dental association. This
committee will aid in listing the
national colored dentists who can:
f/ialffy for military service and
will cooperate with the American
Dental association, war and navy
departments, United States Public
Health se'vice and the recently
cheated President's National, De
fense council.
Dr. C- Thurston Ferebee. Wash
ington, was selected Chairman of
the national defense committee of
the NDA. and also president of
tiho Robert. T. Fiteenian Dental so
ciety, D. C. and 1st lieutenant,
dental corps, a "my reserve. Dr.
Ferebee says that the 2,000 Negro
dentists in this country, both
members and non-members of the
association, soon will receive forms
requesting detailed, confidential;
information about thei" profession
al qualifications and military ex
perience. When the forms are
completed and the data filed it
will be made available to the fed
eral government. This defense
committee will not only aid the na
tional defense council and the war
departments in the selection of
men fit for milita y service bin it
will, in the event of an emergency |
render every possible aid to d< n- .
tists who enter the military serv- ,
ices as well as those who will, for
one reason or another, remain at
Assisting Dr. Ferebee in compil
ing this survey are the following
members of the committee; Dr. J.
C. Braaier, Washington, D. C-; Dr.
R. E. Beamon. Cincinnati; D t. II.
C. Edwards, Washington; Dr. A.
S. Hunter. Durham; Dr. R. A. Dix
on, Washington; Dr. Q. L- Toler,
Greenville, Miss.; and Dr. M. R.
Dean, Washington. Any dentist 11
1 Chicago, July 25 (CNA> Gaining
impetus from preliminary decis
ions, the legal staff of the United
Transport Sendee Employees of
America has onte- ed the final
stages for the next push in the un
ion's proceedings against several
Proceedings, in which the stakes
include a possible settlement of $5
000,000 or more for 75 pe-cent of
the nation’s net! cap’s, has become
the largest recovery suit under the
Wage and Hour Law and the larg
est suit eve- filed by an American
labor organization.
Composed of several prominent
Negro and white attorneys, the
nine-nianeinergency legal staff of
the UTSEA is headed by Leon M
Despres of Chicago and George C.
Hayes of Washington.
not receiving the survey form is
urged to write Dr. C. T. Farebcse.
1809 2nd Street, Northwest, Wash
ington, without obligations on
their part. Complete defense com
mittee reports will be given at the
National Dental association con
vention, Augk Vt 2-1(5, 3*>. T ools,
Norfolk, Va., July 25 (ANP)—
Melvin O. Alston, whose fight for
’qual salaries for Negro and white
eacher.s against the Norfolk
school boa-’d brought victoryt on
m appeal to the United S'ates
circuit Court of Appeals in Ashe
ville, N. C-, recently has been of
fered a new teaching contract for
1940-41, it wa8 announced here last
,veek- This move is seen aa a sign
)f weakening by the board, al
hough indication** have been made
hat it will appeal the decision to
he U. S. Supreme court, because
Miss Aline black, who sued the
>oa’»d (in a similar case in 1929.
vas dropped from her post for h< r
Two thousand merchants from
half a dozen surrounding states
ere expected to be in Omaha tor
Merchants Fall Market Week
which opens August 19, Chairman
Jerry D. Alexander! of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce comittee in
charge, said today.
With approximately 50 Omaha
wholesaling, jobbing and manu
facturing houses playing host to
the visitors, three big nights of en
tertainment are planned, Alexand
er said.
Peony Park’s beautiful outdoor
Royal Grove will be thp setting
for an elaborate Style Show on
Tuesday evening, August 20.
Framed in an arc of colored lights
beautiful girls will model the lat
est Fall and Winter styles. An
additional feautre of the evening
will bo an up to the minute floor
show. Visiting merchants will
dance in the breez,e swept grove to
strains of a nationally known
band following the style revue.
Peony’s Parks pool will also be
open for those who care to swim
before or after the program.
Lyle DeMoss of Radio Station
WOW wil be featured entertainer
in a Fun night ‘‘Quizz-Fest”, Wed
nesday evening in Hotel Fonten
elle. DeMoss will match wits with
the visitors with a array of attrac
ive gifts as rewards for quick
tbimking. Dancing will fallow la
ter in the evening.
Thursday’s Gift Night and Grand
Ball at tfye Omaha Field Club will
feature distribution of several
thousand dollars worth of gifts to
the visiting merchants and their
families. An added attraction
will be a demonstration by the O*
maha Fir,e Department’s Rescue
S juad Dancing will also bo in
cluded on the evening’s schedule.
Market Week firms are prepar
ing a giant' ‘open house” program
for th,e benefit of their guests and
a number of special exhibits, dis
plays and entertainments are al
ready being added to the week’s
program. The latest styles and
merchandise will be available and!
merchants will have an opportun
ity to pre-vue stocks which will bo
in demand during the Fall and
Winter* seasons.
Sponsors of Market Week in
clude: Anderson-Moschel Mercan
tile Co.. Beebe & Runyan Furnit
ure Co., Benda Bag Go., Bordy's
Garment Co., Carpenter Paper
Co., John lit ere Plow Co., Egg
eress O’Flyng Co., Falstaff Brew
ing Co.. Fontenelle Hotel, Gate
City Hat Co., Independent Biscuit
Co., K-B Piining Co., Don
Furniture Co., Loose-Woles Bis
cuit Co., McKesson Robbins, Inc.,
R. A Man- Grocery Co., Omaha
Crockery Co., Orchard & Wilhelm
Co., Paxton & Gallagher Co., Pax
ton Hotel, Superoraft Garment
Co., Tootle 1 ampbell Dry Goods
Co., Trimble Brothers, Wm. Wolk
eT & Co., and Wright & Wilhelmy
Previous decisions have been
handed down in the U. S. cou-ts
»lj Chicago and Dallas, Texas*
The Chicago court has ruled that
a representative suit can lie filed
in behalf of employe* in conform
ity with Section 16 (b) of C e
Fair I*abor Standard* Act, nd
that the employes have the %*i
to designate representatives to file
in their behalf. The Dallas court
ruled that tip* do not constitute
The court ordered the payment
of back wages, and recently denied
a motion of the railroad company
for a new tidal.
Recently a dual AF of L. “splin
ter'’ organization of red caps in
Philadelphia, headed by A- C. Me
shed, an expelled vice president
of the UTSEA, filed an independ
ent suit. The cou~t set this care
aside in order that the legal way
may bo cleared for the larger and
more representative suit of the
. , — it. -
Washington, D. C.—Continuing
a -ound of interviews with import
ant individuals of all races, creeds
and professions, Wendell L. Will
kie, Republican nominee for Presi
dent of the United States, at Col
orado Gyi mgs. Wednesday .'hrfy 17,
received the Ileverend G. W.
Reed, a Bishop with Headquartejs
in the West, and J. Finley Wilson,
Grand Exalted Ruler of the Ne
gro Elks of the United States who
discussed problems confronting the
Colored people of the United Stat
es, particularly discriminatory
Another visitor*? came away de
claring: only a man of Mr. Willkie
courage and understanding can
cope successfully with the financ
ial pxublemg that demand solution
in his country.—He has all the
Qualities and qualifications for a
great President in a time of a
great emergency”.
This statement epitomizes the
general reaction of men and wom
en everywhere, contained in into )
views. letters, and telegrams
which have reoched the Campaign
Management of the Republican
Party, and have served to encour
age the confident belief that, :n
the struggle ahead, thousands and
thousands of voters, in weakness
of spirit, are calling and praying
for a change.
Congressman Everett M. Dirk
sen of Illinois has summarized this
feeling, and has pointed out:
‘The people want a victory ov
e - the problem of joblessness, but
after‘more than seven years, un
employment is still our primary
problem. The farmers want a
victory ove~ the problem of in
adequate prices, but that problem
is still with us.
“The people want a victory over
the problems of expanding debt
and increasing taxes, but those
problems are more agg ravated to
day than at any time in the his
tory of the nation. After making
due allowance for the many good
things which the administration
has accomplished, the primary
problems of unemployment, low
farm prices,, business stagnation,
debt and taxes are still heTe.
“People are seeking a leader in
his own field of private endeavor
has evidenced remarkable results
in behalf of the thousands of
whom he has served as a leadc
and as a trustee.
“There must be a resurgence’’ be
said, "of the will to recover pros
perfity, and Wendell Willkie has
the capacity for supplying the
spa-k-That) is why Wendell
j Willkie ha,s capivated the fancy of
i people in all walks of life. He is
regarded as the embodiment of a
new trend. People will listen to
(Continued on page 4)
D .Lethia C. Fleming, Cleveland
Ohio-, prominent member of The
Grand Temple of Elks, and one qf
the most widely known women in
the country, is said to be the lead
ing candidate for Grand Daughter
Ruler of The Elks.
The Grand Temple meets in St.
Louiig next month.
sidelights on the democratic conv
start on front page
Chicago. jJicly 25 (By Roscoe
Dunjee for ANP1—More than 25
Negro delegates sat on the floor
:»f the Chicago stadium this yea-'.
When tihe committee named by
the National Colored Democratic
association appeared befre the Res
alutions committee at the Black
stone hotel they received an ova
tion- The entire committee arose
and cheered following the present
ation by Bari Dicke nson. Senator
Peppei* followed the commi'tee in
to the hall and said he approved
all of the program suggested re
garding civil rights.
Cotton Ed Smith did not take a
»valk this year. Perhaps it was
aecause he likes! the p-ayer offer
id by Bishop Reverdy Ransom
aetter than the (invoking ability of
Marshall Shepard.
And by the way Marshal Shep
ard made a big mistake at the sta
iium. He thought he was seating
himself with the Pennsylvania
(Continued on page 3<
©Farley Distributed As Condition Is
Brought To His Attention—Mich
elaon, Corner***!, Makes Changes,
But We're Still Not In Pres* Box
Republican National Committee
Publicity Division,
718 Jackson Place, N. W.,
Washington, D. C.,
From Pittsburgh Courier, July 20
Chicago—Charging that they
Were being* discriminated against
1 y being given seats in the first
balcony instead of the elaborate
press box here, reporters for a
half dozen Negro newspapers pro
tested to National Chairman Jam
es A. Farley. Sunday on the eve
of the Democratic convention.
Badges marked ‘‘Keneial Press'
with admission ticketg for unres
erved seats in the balcony were
distributed to all of the Negro re
porters ot Democratic headquar
ters over the week end.
The situation wfes brought to
Mr. Farley’s attention Sunday af
ter he had addressed a Negro mass
meeting at the Eighth Illinois ar
mory. Visibly disturbed by the
situation, after the rtepo-ters
painted out that Negro reporters
were given equal accomhdotions in
the press box at the GOP conven
tion in Philadelphia, Mr Farley
r-omised to confei* with Charles
Michelson, Democratic Publicity
Director, within a half hour.
The indignant reporters did not
wait for tho conferences, however.
Going gt'vught to Michelson’s off
ice In the Stevens Hotel, they in
formed him of their protest to
Farley and demanded immediate
Tlici miKlioiftf n I *•<>nf ri i o>■ 1 n i .
ed responsibility for the situation
although the badges had been is
sued through bis office. He dedar
ed that a presp committee compos
ed of representatives otf the daily
press, had completed the arrange
ments, leaving out a number of
small white dailies and weeklies.
When the Negro reporter re
mained insistent, however, Mr.
Michelson provided them with new
credentials which would permit
them to go anyhere in the conven
tion stadium. He also provided
c* edentials for three Negro photo
graphers. The new credentials
still will not extend the facilities
of the press box to the Negro rep
resentatives, however
Chicago. July 25 (ANP) — The
second three month session of the
non-collegiate pilot training cours
es conducted by the National Air
men’s association will begin Aug.
5, it was announced this week by
Willa B. Brown, CAA director of
flight training.
Atlanta, Ga. —Mrs. George W.
White, mother of Walter White,
NAAGP. secretary, died of a heart
attack at her home here Thursday
night, July 18. M'"s. White was a
Widow, her husband having been
killed some years ago in an auto
mobile accident. The NAAGP
secretary, who was on a vacation
with his family in New England,
was present for the funeral.
Chicago—A kn|ty-n opposition
of Negro voters in the North and
West to candidates from the Deep
South for Mice President of the
United States on the Democratic
ticket, may have been a factor in
the refusal to nominate Speaker
Bankhead of Alabama, Senate
James Byrnes of South Carolina,
or Congressman Sam Rayburn, of
Texas it became known he-f> in
connection with the federal anti
lynching bill. Bankhead has been
no friend of Negroes. Rayburn has
n« special record on the Negro but
he comes from a state whose rec
ord is bad.