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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1940)
YANCY’S CELEBRATE 15TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OLD OMAHA FAMILY; GREETS MANY FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Yancy. 2871 Maple street celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary at their home Sunday, April 21. Hostesses were; Mesdames A L. Hawkins, and D- W- Gooden. At the table were the Mrs. lone Hanger, Louise Deckard, Mrs. L. L McVay and Mrs. Ger trude Lewis. House decorations were tales man roses and snap dragons. The table flower scheme was carried out with ealendas, daisies and nausturtians- Mrs. Yancy wore cross bared organdy with huge printed flowers. Mrs. Cleota Parker was dressed In black crepe and Mrs. Hanger wore a springy doubonet chiflon Miss Dorothy Scott was charming In a blue taffeta with a dainty Corsage of pink carnations and white hyacinths. In a powder blue crepe gown. Mrs. McIntosh was seen chatting to Mrs. Rodney Williams, attired in a burnt orange chiffon. The Mrs. Gertrude Lewis und Louise Deckard chose black and pea green chiffon while Mrs. McVay preferred pink lace. Mrs. A- L. Hawkins chose a navy blue lace while Mrs. D- W- Gooden was dressed in pink satin. Mrs. Joseph B- Taylor and Mrs. Lenora Gray were in charge of Berrice. Mrs. O .Roundtree, Jr.( prepar ed the anniversary cake. It was ‘‘delicious” the guests said. 200 persons attended. Mrs. Rod ney Williams registered all guests. LEI' ’EM EAT GRASS SAY 3 MISSOURI CHEMISTS Cincinnati, Ohio, April (CNA) Three white Kansas City, Mo., chemists reported to the Americ an Chemical society this week that they had found a way to enrich the diets of the poor by using grass as a food. W It Graham ,G. O. Kohler, and C. F- Schnubol, connected with a big Kansas City butter concern, reported that they had made “the first successful effort to trans mit tlie unique properties of grass directly into human nutrition.” VEGETABLE LAXATIVE WITH PROVED FEATURE The punctual, satisfying Teller from constipation and its head aches, billiousness, bad breath, so «ften experienced by users of this laxative, is mainly due to its combination of purely vegetable ingredients. BLACK DRAUGHT'S Principal ingredient has high medical rec«g nition a9 an "intestinal t»nic-laxa tive;” helps mipart tone to lazy bowel muscles. A little 0f this spicy, aromatic product by simple directions at bed time generally allows time for a good night's Irests; acts gently, troroughly next morning. Next time, take time-tested economical BLACK-DRAUGHT. I !■ - I Joe’s Food Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY SUGAR, 5 lbs. _ ___ _ 25c COFFEE butter-nut "lbTSc «r POLGERB PUKE Lard, lb. ... _ 714 OLEO Margarine, lb. 9*4 PURE PORK Large Link Sausage lb-15c Veal Roast, lb. 15c ROBERTS Process Cheese, lb. 25c ROBERTS Longhorn Cheese, lb. 23c Jell-o All flavors, pkg. 5c PORTO RICAN YAMS, lb. .. 5c EVAPORATED MILK, can 6c Catsup, large bottle 10c DILL PICKLES Qt. Jars 10c PEACHES, large can 10c In Heavy Syrup TOMATOES OR CORN, 2 cans 15c FLOUR, 5# bag ~~ T5c Matches, 3-5c boxes, 10c FANCY COOKIES, lb. 17c a skin made ! THER TER I if Nadinola s amazing | ment A . m | WHY put up with a dark rough skin—with ugly blackheads, unattractive shine? Thousands of women are improving their com plexions amazingly with Nadinola Bleaching Cream. It’s so easy. Just use Nadinola daily according to simple directions in the package. It contains medicated ingredients that gently act to bleach the skin to a lovelier, lighter shade. It helps loosen ugly blackheads, promotes a softer, smoother, finer skin surface. Money back if you'ro not satisRsd Every package of Nadinola con tains a written promise to give you your money back if it doesn’t help your complexion. So with so much to gain and nothing to lose, why don’t you start using Nadinola this very day? A full size treat ment jar costs only 50c—contains enough of this wonderful cream for six weeks’ daily use. Buy a jar of Nadinola Bleaching Cream today 1 NAD 1IN 0 LA Indexing Names in Social Security Board Files _ ___ -.-. . ■ ■ Scpne shows file clerks at work in part of the visible index which includes the names of 50,000,000 worker! covered under the old-age and survivors insurance provision of the Social Security A-t Note:—You* Question Will Be Answered "Free" in This Column. For a "Ertvote RrF/y" . . . Send only 2Jc for my new Astroloot Reading 8c Lucre Dae Cisaet and receiee by return mail a confidential letter of Free Advict analyz ing threa ()) Questions privately. Sign your full name, address, and birthdate to *11 letters, snd pleas* include a self-addressed, ilamped envelope for your reply. W til letter, to: ABBE' WALLACE, cere of THE OMAHA GUIDE, 241$ GRANT ST, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. L. T—I was boi'n June 5, 1911C and am a constant reader of your column. Will I fee able to get a city position and if so what should I study, bookkeeping or filing? Ans: Both- It it is your desire to get office employ ment, then take a complete business course. It would be pioy.ment, begin a business unwise to start hunting em ployment. Begin a business the fall of thj8 year you will be qualified to hold down a good job. * * * M. C.—I am In lbve wfttl ano ther man and I am a married woman. It Is hard fbr me to get out and be with him and I won der does he love inrve? Also tell me if I will take the trip this summer ? Ans: Sister you aren’t in love. You are out to seek new thrills In life. It had better come to a stop, for onPe your husband gets wise to your little scheme, and he will put you out on your ear. No, he Isn't going to give his con sent for you to make the trip alone. • * • E. R—I am coming to you [ilear Sir with my problems. Why is it I can't handle money like other men, can’t own a nice car like other people, and can’t en joy life like other folks? Can you help me? Ana: Your whole difficulty is that your income isn’t as great as some of your asso ciates and you can't stretch it any. Also .you are little TOO GENEROUS with what you do have. If you want a nice home, car and little spending money too, you will have to find good paying em ployment and learn to be more Conservative with your money. * * * M. S.—Do you think that I will be able to pay for my home and to support my little girl too. What must I do about my broth ers ? Arts: It is indicated to me North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th ST WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING. METHOD “Leaves No .Repair. Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— ') that you will be able to pay for your home In time. But you may be forced to rent out a portion of It in order to meet the notes. Don’t worry about your youngster, as you will soon be well and able to care for her again. About your brother, put them out of your home now, If they do not wish to pay their share of expenses. You’re not physi cally ale to support anyone other than yourself and child. * * * G. A. IVL—What make» my boy friend so tight with me? Does he really mean to marry me like he said? Ans: Your frien disn’t turn ing any of his money over to no one- He is going to spend what he makes himself and just as he pleases too- His affection for you isn’t ‘‘true love”. Neither is he making any plans ot take you for his wife. There are too many stories circulating about him, some of them are true. * * * T. L. R.—I have prospects 6r getting another position and won der if I should take it if I am fortunate along this line. Could I get my Astrology Reading and Lucky Day Chart now? Ans: By all means take the job if presented to you. Hold to the place that you have now and in the meantime study an(d prepare youtrself for this other job. You will make a change before the end of this year. Yes. send for your Astrology Reading and Lucky Day Chart now. The Price is only 25c * • * A. E. VV—I have a boy friend who I have been going with for the past five years and I want to know if if should marly him or not? Ans; He cares f»r you. but concentration reveals that you aren’t in love with this boy. You do not approve of his ways and the longer you two lived together, the worse a thing like this would get. and you can’t change them. Make s«me new associates before thinking of marriage. i«wnniniiiiiiiniiHiiiiinwwinuimliniiii:i)iiiniiiiiniiuiiiiniiii!iiimiiiiiu;;ii!i!;i;!niii BILL’S LOAN BANK & MERCHANDISE —Store— Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchandise at a Great Reduction. Up-to-date Clothing. Dry Goods, Ladies Ready to Wear Milline'v, Hosiery, Blank ets. Shoes for tbe Entire Family. 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 BRnrnini)n!iiiii>:';!;ui!!:i!!i:uniiiimiuiiitui!Uimuflii!itiumiiu:iiiimm!muiiimi:vinm CIVIC BAND PREPARE FOR MUSIC WEEK MAY 15 Omaha Civic Orchestra this week is busy preparing for Music Week May 5th- Principal program to be given by the orchestra will consist of a concert at Joglyn Memorial 4:00 o’clock Sunday af ternoon. Featured on this concert will be the Student Nurses Chorus of the University of Nebraska- Another program will take place in con nection with our Music Week act ivities is the Community Sing and Concert to be given at Elmwood Park Sunday evening. May 12th. This is sponsored by the Golden Spike Committee in cooperation with the Music Project. Other Music W’eek activities will include three appearances by the Clark son Hospital Student Nurses Chorus on Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday .May the 7, 8. and 9 inclusive. Programs by the orchestra In the schools during the week will feature the Annual Tirade Trip and will not be available for WPA engagements. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Monday, April 29—St. Cecilias, 39th Webster, 9:00 AM; Kellom 22nd Paul, 1:00 PM Tuesday, April 30—Manumouth Park. 33rd Ames, 9:00 AM; Druid Hill, 31st Spaulding, 10:30 AM; Miller Park. 27th EUlson, 1:00 AM. Wednesday, May 1—St. Francis 4700 So. 32nd. 9;00 AM; St. Brid get, 26th F, 20:30 AM; South Din coin, 27th F, 2:00 PM. Thursday, May 2—Park, 29th Woolworth, 9;00 AM; Field Club, 23th Hickory, 10:30 AM; Mason, 24th Mason, 1:00 PM. NEGRO BAND—NONE I I - JOHNSON DRUG CO. NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th We. 0998 Free Delivery _ MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS American Memorial Co. Quality at A Price—None Better TWENTIETH & CUMING STS. PHONE AT. 4927 Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Ine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to put in it—Cali CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has got the works and knows what to do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. NEWS AGOSSiP ON CENTRAL'S CAMPUS 7 by Blanche Phifer Negro students at Central High School elected officers for the Cosmopolitan Club Wednesday, for closer relations of Negro stu dents at Central. Mrs. Robbie Davis is sponsor. Officers elated are: Kenneth Love, president; Joyce Hall, vice president; Frances Jeffetson, sec retary and Harold Boggus. This club will meet every Tuesday morning just before homeroom. CAMPUS MUTTERINGS— Girls around Central are jea lous of Connie Hill. I wonder why. _*_*_ Bryce Dorris and Joyce Hall , are both atwitter over the same boy. I wonder who has his heart. _*_* Around 235, study hall, 8:00 A. M., there is quite a bit of sit uating going on. Does B. W. * really like H. B or is her mind wondering? It must be. Beatrice B.—Who were you dressed up for Sunday It couldn’t be Earl H- could it. _*_*_ A certain person is playing second fiddle to W. H- We won der who she is. _*_*_ Dorothy Popps, why are you chumping so many boys? Don’t play on the wrong string. Social Security Official yaama umm i GEORGE E. COHRON, manager if one of the largest social security hid ofhce3 in the country. It is lo cated at 209 Wc3t 125th Street, New York City. PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO- PAINT SAGE SPECIAL— MAPLE ST. HDW. 24th & Maple The Toaet from Coast to Coast DICIt WHEATON’S Cafe Restaurant—De-Luxe 137th Street & Seventh Avenue New York City “DINING, DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT HOT.’’ —Ted Yates In the Bamboo Room—Skeet’s Talbert’s Orchestra with Roimaine Jackson, Buddy Bowser, Em-Cee. ^ItchinrS For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask your dniggist today for O. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. lll!i:!lll.llll!l!l!llil>l!ililiUll!l!llil!liill!lilll!lll!lll!!li!lllill!!l!i!lillllllll!lll!l!IUIIIuli|IUIIl CITY FISH MARKET 2406 ERSKINE ST. HOME OF FINE BUFFALO PRIED FISH & RAW FISH AT BERY LOWEST PRICES. FREE DELIVERY JA-4617 lllllllMi'llllllllllllliilliilllllillllilW^ IDEAL FURNITURE MART R. H. Spiegal, Prop. We Buy, Sell & Exchange Mew and Used We Pay Highest Prices for Merchandise Sell Us Yours WE. 2224 2511-13 N. 24th St. BACKACHE? • •• Try Flushing Excess Poisons And Acid Thru Kidneys And Stop Getting Up Nights • •• 35 CENTS PROVES IT • •• When your kidneys are over taxed and your bladder is irritat ed and passage scanty and often Bmarts and burns, you may need Gold Medal aarlem OH Capsules, a fine harmless stimulant and diuretic that starts to work at once and costs but 35 cents at any modern drugstore It’s one good safe way to put more healthy activity into kidneys and bladder—you should sleep more soundly the whole night through. But be sure , to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s a genuine medicine for weak kidneys—right from Haarlem in Holland. Don’t accept a substitute. Kilpatrick’s Beautiful New Cut Crystal • 1 * Boudoir^ LAMPS' Lamps to add a shimmering loveliness to your dressing or bedside table. Gracefully shaped with washable shades of Clair de Lune in floral sprig patterns on ivory backgrounds. Stamped Pillow Cases 42 laches Wide Fall Length. Pr. Good quality of muslin In wid* rang* ol pattern* ior *asy embroidery. 2-inch h*m* or hemstitched ior crochet De signs ior simple stitches. Utility or Knitting Bags Wide rang* oi patterns and iab- Jd rics. Wood handles. Mads by 1 Hiawatha, each___ 1 Kilpatrick's Art Needle Section Third Floor 4 **Mh**h*m**t*****H ii 0i*t***m