The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 06, 1940, CITY EDITION, Page 10, Image 10
Hamilton Republican Natl. Chairman May Request A Negro Conference Washington, April 4 (ANP) — Sources close to Chairman John Hamilton of the Republican Nat ional Committee, intimidated today that a conference of Negro republ icans may be called to meet in Washington at some time in the near future, to discuss plans and issues of the forthcoming campaign $10,000,000 JOB INCREASE quota for negro brick layers Increase Quota of Negro Bricklay ers on Chicago Housing Project Action foilows protest of brick layers Masons’ Brotherhood Club —R. R. Taylor, CHA Vice Chair man, Calls Three-Way Barley to Air Controversy at Ida B. Wells Homes—Colored Workers, Skilled and Unskilled, Now Earn Nearly *2,000 a Bay on Big Federally Sponsored Project. CHICAGO, April 4 (ANP) Last Wednesday, following a protest by members of the Brick Masons' Bro therhood Club that they were being given the “run around,” and that more Negro bricklayers should b« given work on the Ida B. Wells Homes, representatives of the var ious groups concerned met at the site office of the supervising ar chitects in an effort to settle the controversy. The meeting was called by Rob ert R. Taylor, vice chairman of the Chicago Housing Authority ant sole colored member of that body Among those attending the confer ence were: J. William Wade, rep resentative of the South Park Houi ing Architects and general super intendent of the project; H. L Small, U. S. Housing Authoritj Construction Adviser; Lemuel Mi Bougall, widely known colored ar liMlIlllllllllllMllllilttlillHIIIIilllllllllllllililllliltililllinHIfllll illlllllllll!hllll!t,,lillltl,|||!||!l Henry R. Meissner Republican for PUBLIC DEFENDER NOMINATE HIM HE IS CAPABLE • EXPERIENCED IWlllMIMpMIMllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllWIlllllllllllllirillllllllll (Political Advertisement) Sawtell FOR DISTRICT JUDGE • • • 54 years of aite , . . \ Qualified by 29 years of active law practice. Vote Well • Elect Sawtell CHARLES J. (Jeff) Southard FOR COUNTY JUDGE • 30 YEARS A PRACTICING LAWYER IN OMAHA. • AS TO HIS EXPERIENCE. ABILITY. AND CHARAC TER, ASK YOUR LAWYER OR ANY LAWYER OR ANY JUDGE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. MMoMiiiMMaiMMMM', (Political Advertisement) chitect and assistant superintend ent of the project; Wm. Covington, Joseph F. Hicks and Duke Hodges, representing the Brotherhood; A L. Foster, executive secretary oi the Chicago Urban League who re presented a citizens’ committee anc several others. The Hon. B. Kelly Co., is th< brick masonry subcontractors ii charge of that work on the projec and the firm was represented at the meeting by John Walsh, superin tendent and T. F. Costello, assist ant superintendent. After an hour s discussion, 11 which all angles of the labor ques tion—both skilled and unskilled— were considered, it was agreed thai in future, of every three bricklay ers employed, one will be a Negro Officials of the Kelly firm pointei out that at present they are emplo; ing 20 percent Negro skilled labo (bricklayers) and 47 percent un skilled or common labor. The colored bricklayers, all Un ion men, earn $68.00 for a five da; 40 hour week, the prevailing wag scale for that trade. Unskilled, o common laborers also Union mer are paid at the rate of $ 1.02VSi a hour, or $41.00 for a 40-hour week Kelly Company officials explain iii'.itimmimi iiit>iiinim:iiiiiiiiiium<iii<iHiiinmiiiiiiiiiii:iiii;iiinumiii!MiMiuiiiiiiiin ed that 9 of every 30 bricklayers now working, are colored, and that nearly half of the common laborers are colored. With the latter quota maintained and the colored brick layers’ quota increased to the 1-in 3 ratio, as agreed to at the meeting many more of the Brotherhood’s 140 unemployed members will find employment. A. L. Foster, as head of the local Union League and an official of the Chicago Council of Negro Or ganizations, aided the Brotherhood members in presenting their case to the housing officials and the sub 1 contractor’s representatives. At 1 the meeting’s close, all present ap peared satisfied with the new work ! ing arrangement. Housing officials declared that when the sun “hits both sides of the street,” upwards of 1500 men will be working as employes of the gen eral contractors, Thompson-lSter rett Co., or of the 60 or more sub . contractors who have construction ■ contracts. It was also pointed out . that there are about 20 subcontrac I tors, in addition to Thompson-Ster ’ rett, now working on the site, and • that colored workers, skilled and ■ unskilled, are paid nearly $2000 a day In wages on the big project. Located at 37th and South Park r way, in the heart of the near South 5 side district, the Ida B. Wells Hom r es is being constructed for the low , income families by the Chicago i Housing Authority. It will have . about 1,650 family units and cost - about $10,000,000. MISS MARY WHITE OVERTON Miss Mary White Overton who is one of the founders of the NAACP and who has set as Chair man of the Executive Board for 12 years :s fighting for the Anti-Lynch Bill. The bill that Sen. Burke re fused to vote for, the Cloture Rule. •** ' 1 ' : MMawwmWHR *<. TOW x- SflWWW : i' SS\ <'x>:. >x*x?S*:*.«<: :< SENATOR KENNETH S. WHERRY Sen. Kenneth S. Wherry, Chairman of the Cen tral State Committee who has labored hard to bring the progressive Republican, who left the party and the Standpatters who had almost given up hope, back together and put them to work in harmony with lots of pep. The Sen. has been successful in getting every Candidate to hue along the line and all of the speeches made throughout the State about the poli cies that they stand for and how they believe the office they should be run. Not a single Republican SELF-MADE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER AT THE AGE OP TWENTY-FIVE k y _ A * • US SENATOR AT 44, VETERAN IN GOVERNMENT AND CAN DI OATE FOR PRESIDENT AT 56 (' V \ /' ,'W I V C^r ,fB.NK \ > OEPOSITS SECURITY U.S. SENATOR AITTHUR H VANDENBER6 act A MIDWESTERNER QUALIFIED BY THE SENATOR IS RESPONSIBLE ACTUAL EXPERIENCE AND NATIONAL FOR THE ACT UNDER WHICH PRESTIGE FOR AMERICAS HIGHEST bank deposit insurance ccirc STARTEO ano led the fight <J|-MUfc _ FOR REVISION OF THE SOCIAL A CT___ SECURITY ACT _ 0 W FREE ENTERPRISE, AMERICAN STYLE. BETTER BUSINESS. MORE JOBS. BETTER MARKETS FOR THE FARMER HE KEPT THE FLAME OF HOPE ALIVE FOR THE G.O.P. DUPING THE DARK DAYS OF THE NEW DEAL ECUPSE Illillllllllilmii'llllllllillliillllilltlinil'IUlllllIlH Candidate has made one sluring remark about any other Candidte, this is a record to be proud of. Every one of the Candidates who has filed for Nomination in the April 9th, Primary has agreed to roll up his sleeves pull off his coat, hang up his hat, and go to the bat for all their is in him for the winner on April 9. This is another record to hang up in the Calendar of memory. Never in the History of the State of Ne braska, at least for the past 37 years, has such a record been made. The whole Primary fight has been for the Republican party, one for all and all for one, without hundreds of lively, joyful, peppy meet forings in every County in the State of Nebraska. The Republican State Official family has a keen eye for party success when they selected Sen. Kenneth S. Wherry as their leader for the 1940 job, to awaken the Standpat Republicans to the point where he would be willing to give and take and the progres sive Republican to come back into the folds and put forth a hero effort, and also to make the party a success for the 1940 Campaign throughout America. We don’t know of another man who could have did this job so thoroughly. And appreciations for this hard work will study the character and the princi ples of each Candidate that has put forth in this Campaign and study the ability of the individual to get votes and then pick the best mn on Primary election day on April 9. Of we all do this it will make the job for the Chairman of the Rep. Central State Comittee, Sen. Kenneth S. Wherry, a much more pleasant one to perform between now and the 4th of November. THE ABOVE IS AN INNOCENT MAN THAT WAS DENIED THE RIGHT OF A TRIAL BY A JURY OF ITS PEERERS AND WAS BURNED TO STAKE BY A MOB Yes by American citizens without any disquise on their faces who stood abreast for their pictures to be taken and broadcast throughout the world. Mr. Negro Voter, if you believe in this kind of justice, for yourself and your fellow countryman then you should vote for Senator Edward R. Burke. Last week we printed in our paper Sen. Edward Burke’s record of the Anti-Lynch Bill in Washington, D. C. in the Senators Chamber for the NAACP 69 5th Ave. N. Y. City, N. Y. We hope you read it and un derstood it if you did not you should take it to your neighbors and you both should talk abut it until you have a thorough understanding about it. And then go the poll, April 9th and vote according to victims of your own heart if you are a Democrat. If you are i a Republican, take this record to a Democratic ' neighbor. For this is not a Partison it is a thing that 3,000,000 American citizens has spent their money . Judge Arthur C. Thomsen who is now on the District Court Bench of the 4th Judicial District is up for re-election. In fact the whole of the present of District Judges, is up for re-election with excep tance of Judge Yeager. Judge Yeager is a candidate for the Su preme Court Bench. No Judicial District can claim, to have a more fair and impartial Judicial Ad ministrations, regardless to race, creed, or color in the State of Ne braska than we here in the 4th District have at the present. Let us hope for their nominations and elections. TO YOU, A VOTER: A Railway Commissioner, like a bank EXAMINER, should be an expert in fact finding, familiar with accounting and investigation and should understand the law. If his decisions are to be wisely j given, a railway commissioner I shook", know the problems of the farmer, trucker, railroader, ship per, business man and the citizen generally. ■ JJ The service I rendered as a bank EXAMINER is a quarantee of the work that I will do as Rail way Commissioner. I can truly present myself as a “CITIZEN OF NEBRASKA.” I shall give everyone, every business every town and every sec tion of the state a SQUARE DEAL. Sincerely, RICHARD H. LARSON. of Lincoln, Nebraska MR. WHERRY IS RIGHT Mr. Wherry is right in assur-} ing you that I believe that your ; 'people should share in patronage.! I appreciate your concern for the future of your youngmen and wom en. A reasonable hope of employ ment is the greatest incentive for good citizenship. If I am elected I will use what influence I may be able to exert at your request. Yours, Edna Basten Donald. MRS. EDNA BASTEN DON ALD CANDIDATE FOR NA TIONAL COMMITTEE WOMAN BELIEVES THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE A JOB AND IF ELECTED WILL SEE THAT THE YOUNG MEN AND WOM EN OF OUR GROUP WHO ARE QUALIFIED WILL GET THEIR PRO RATA OF EMPLOYMENT. miniii!ii!iii|iiwninfflnHmiiiiiiiHiiuiiiMiUHiitiHiiuiiiimiwwMiiiiMKuwi(H>| For Supreme Court Judge • ELECT • LEO FRIED TO THE SUPREME COURT IF YOU DESIRE A JUDGE NOT OBLIGATED TO ANY CORPORATION, ORGANI ZATION, ASSOCIATION, LAW FIRM OR INDIVIDU AL, AND ONE WHO HAS NOT ACCEPTED ONE CENT IN CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THIS CAMPAIGN. iiiiwiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflam ed bronchial mucous membranes. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell; you a bottle of Creonuision with the understanding that you are to like the way it -auickly allays the cough or you ye to have your money back. CREOMULSION fof Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis -- - • ' , to lynching and burning human beings by mobs. Yes, Senator Burke was a power in U. S. Senate, and a leader), of a group of rebelicious Senator from the Lynching South. Now what is the whole thing about Burkes record from the NAACP in N. Y. City these were registered to secure an additional pledge from Senator Ed. R. Burke. The following is a statement made, to the NAACP, May 18, 1937 from Sen. Ed. R. Burke, quote: “I have always been heartily in favor of legislation of this kind. When the matters was before the Senate last year. I assure Sen. Van Nuys, Sen. Costigan that I would help them in every way possible. I believe if you will check the votes that were made while the matter was under discussion you will find that I lived up fully to that agreement. Nothing has happened since then to change my views in any respect. It would therefore by my present attention to support the bill actively. It would requqire some very compelling arguments on the other side to cause me to change my views. Mr. Negro Voter, above is the exact words wrote and signed by Sen. Edward R. Burke. That letter today is in the NAACP office in N. Y. City. Now can you Mr. Negro Voter imagine a man making a pledge in his home town and a similar pledge to the NAACP office and then when his vote was needed to cinch the bill we were denied the priviledge of his vote, yet you will think all through the procedure. (Yet what did he do) The NAACP executive secre tary, Mr. Walter White and Senator Wagnor of N. Y. the Senator Van Nuys, had been successful in getting enought Senators to pledge to vote for the Anti-Lynch Bill. And the President had agreed to sign the bill if the Senate passed it, and what hap pened. The Southern Senators proceeded to bring them out a tilibuster against the bill. And they filibustered six weeks. I believed, which was the same trick they pulled to the Senate after it passed the house for the last 25 years. This was expected by everyone who knew about the record of this bill. The interested parties in this bill to secure signa tures of Senators to a petition to stop the filibus ers by voting to in vote the Cloture rule. Now here is the part your Honorable Sen. Edward R. Burke played to defeat this bill after making his definite pledge to support it. When the vote was taken on Cloture rule the rule to stop the filibuster, 42 Sen ators voted for the Cloture rule, 46 voted against the Cloture rule, that was 2 more votes against the rule that there was for the Cloture rules. That was a shock to every Negro that voted Sen. Burke in the State of Nebraska. Now Mr. Negro Voter how zan you afford to put your trust in Sen. Edward R. Burke and let me tell you Mr. Negro Voter, the place to stop Sen. Edward R. Burke is at the poll? m Tuesday, April 9th, at the Primary Election. It s commonly said, that if the Democratic nominate 3en. Burke at the polls in Primary Election, Apri )th, he will be elected on November 4th. So if yoi are a Democrat, it is you duty to register votef against Sen. Edward R. Burke, Tuesday.