The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 17, 1940, CITY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4
News from the Church MT. OLIVE RAPT. CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosely, Pastor Emma Curtis, Reporter Sunday, February 11, 1940— Sunday School 9:45 a. m., Morning Worship 11:30 a. m.. BYPU. fi p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. The Sunday school has increased We had several visitors. We trust it will continue to increase. Our morning worship was well attend ed and everyone seemed high in THE OMAHA GUIDE SATURDAY, FEBR. 17, 1940 Published Every Saturday, at 2418 Grant St., Omaha Nebraska. $2.50 per year. 5c single copy. “Entered as second class matter March 18th, 1927 at Che Postoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS American Memorial Co. Quality at A Price—None Better TWENTIETH & CUMING STS. PHONE AT. 4927 CLASSIFIED ADS HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades to order. 182 N. 24th St. WE. 1607. LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24bh WE. 0066 EMERSON LAI N DRV 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great i values. Enjoy terms made to ■ order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant St. Call WE. 6653 or WE. 2410. Front Room, modern WE. 1024. FOR RENT—A four room Apt. Modern, Call WE. 3030. An Apt. for Rent, WE. 2365 For Rent, 2 apts. WE. 2737. Furnished Apts., 2 rooms, $3.60— 3 rooms $4.60. Utilities paid, JA. 0986. We Aid the Poor with Your Waste Materials. Throw Noth ing Away. We Need Clothing, Papers, Furniture. Anything. SALVATION ARMY INDUSTRIAL 209 North 13th A-B BUFFET, 1616 N. 24th St. WINES—LIQUORS at Popular Prices Courteous Service at all Times spirits. Rev. Camel brought to us a very impressive sermon. Our hearts rejoiced as he brought to us the many wonderful things ac complished by faith. Songs were rendered by our choir which was wonderful. Our BYPU. was well attended. The evening was very impres sive. Our pastor preached a soul stirring sermon. It was enjoyed by all. Visitors are always welcome. CLEAVES TEMPLE ( ME. Church 25th and Decatur Sts., L. A. Story, Pastor. M. H. Young, Reporter Sunday School 9:45 a. ni. Morning Worship 11 a. m. League 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. with Union Sprvice. We again had a good attendance at the morning services and our pastor brought us another good sermon. If you don’t attend the morning worship you are missing a spiritual blessing. We worshipp ed at Zion with the Union Service at 7:30 p. m. The Union Service will be at Pilgrim Church Sunday. Rev. G. D. Hancock, host and Rev. F. C. Williams of Zion will bring the message. His choir will furn ish the music. We had about two hundred per sons attending the world day of prayer services. There were ten pastors present with members and friends. There will be a program sponsored by the Usher Board Sun day at three o’clock. The public is invited. THIS WEEK IN RELIGION AND THOUGHT by Robert L. Moody Negro History Week— Another year has passed and we are observing Negro History Week again. This observance is becom ing more and more popular. Schools churches and civic groups are spon soring programs that give much in formation and inspiration about the progress of the race. The Negro showed his ability in many fields before Emancipation. There were inventors, orators, tea chers, preachers, etc., during the days of slavery. F'reedom has, merely accelerated the speed of our progress. We are htankful for accomplish ments that we have made in our 77 years of freedom but this is no time to stop and pick flowers by the way. This merely indicates what we can do if we continue and trust in Clod. May every young Negro use the hardships and ex amples of the past as a stepping stone toward higher goals. TEACHER PLACEMENT Among neighboring states North Dakota, Colorado, and Kansas have provided for teacher placement since this Service was set up in Ne braska. South Dakota and Iowa preceded Nebraska. Wisconsin was the first state to establish spec ialized placement service for tea chers and Indinna the most recent. In most of the states Teacher Place ment Service was establish with the cooperation and assistance of Ft-’- ■ IFF" ' II—:-ZZ=] Slyter Ice & Coal Co. 2412 Lake St. AT. 7225 Omaha, Nebraska NO FINANCE CHARGE! (-- ),—— if-— ■ i LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Hread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St, At Willis Avenue Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH BRING IN YOUR BROKEN WINDOW AND WE’LL GLAZE THEM FREE! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN & FENCE WIRE OUR STOVE. FURNACE, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, ROOFING AND GUTTERING ARE COMPLETE “Everything At A Low Price” (Open Evenings) — WE. 1607— 1822 North 24th St. "Build-Up" Relief Explained To Women A simple method has saved many women a lot of suffering! It is based on the fact that head aches, nervousness, cramp-like pain to analyze your case—send three are often symptoms of functional dysmenorrhea due to malnutrition. Help for this condition so often follows the use of CARDUI, be cause it usually increases the ap petite and the flow of gastric juice; thus aids digestion and helps build physical resistance. Usual results is less periodic distress. Many who take CARDUI a few days before and during “the time” have found this also helps ease per iodic discomfort. Women have us ed CARDUI for more than 60 years! TOWARD NATIONAL FAME Four years ago Edward Leroy Loper, young Wilmington, Delaw are artist was totally unknown. To day his talents are pushing him to ward national fame. The Federal Art Proect of the Works Adminis tration is responsible for this suc cess. Mr. Loper is pictured here with his prize painting entitled, “Taking Down Clothes.” This cre ation and other productions place Delaware high up in a list of Stat es where the Federal Art Proect has encouraged and materially aid ed promising Negro artists. Mass achusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois are among other states whose native Negro artists have become nationally famous through the WPA. Art Program. (WPA Photo) Joe’s Food Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY Butter-Nut Coffee II). 25c CAMPBELL’S Tomato Soup 3 cans 25c Catsup, large bottle 10c Pork & Beans, 1 lb. can 5c Dill Pickles, qt. jar 10c Crisco OR Spry , 3 lb. can 48c Corn, Green Beans, Tomatoes, 2 cans 15c Peaches OR Pears, in heavy syrup can 15c Sugar, 5 lbs. 25c Tomato Paste, can 5c Free—2 bars Palmolive Soap with large Blue Super Suds 24c ROBERTS Process Cheese, lb. 25c CUDAHY’S Picnic Hams, 4 to 6 lbs. average, lb. 14c u. s. FANCY Beef Roast, lb. 15c LEAR & MEATY Spareribs, lb. 10c PURE Pork Sausage, lb. 12y2c MORRELL’S Bacon, y2 or whole, lb. 19c PURE LARD, lb. 6«/2c Oranges, sweet and juicy, doz. 15c PINK Grapefruit, 3 for 10c Onions, 3 lbs. 10c PORTO RICO YAMS, lb. 4«/2c We will Always Carry A Full Line of Fresh Greens ROBERTS longhorn Cheese, lb. 23c State Departments of Education and or State Teachers Associations whose journals have given teachers placement facilities wide publicity. UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT Lincoln, Nebr., Feb. 15, —Heavy i seosonal unemployment partly due to excessive cold weather resulted in a marked increase in state job insurance benefits payments dur ing January, according to R. T. Ma lone, director of the Nebraska Un employment Compensation Divis ion. January figures released today by Malone show that 18,321 weekly benefit checks totalling $169,167, were mailed out to claimants in January. This represents an in crease of 6,581 checks and of $63, 453 over December. Initial claims filed in January numbered 7,270, compared wtth 2,847 in December. Continued claims numbered 19,037 compared with 12, 451 in the prec eding month. The January average check for weekly benefits for total unemploy ment amounted to $9.45 as compar ed with $9.21 in December. Past experience shows that the bulk of the money paid out in benefits is returned almost immediately to Ne braska trade channels by the eligi ble claimants, whose buying power is thus sustained in periods of heavy unemployment. WOMEN RALLY TO ELECT MRS. BOLTON TO CONGRESS Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 17, (ANP) Forming the Cleveland Association of Republican Women at the East ■End Community Center, here last Friday night, colored women of Cleveland in large numbers are ral lying behind the candidacy of Mrs. Frances P. Bolton of this city to the congressional seat held by the late Chester C. Bolton, her husband and one of the foremost members of the house of representatives. RUMFORD SALESMAN RETURNS TO FISK i RANDALL L. TYUS On February first RandalT L. Ty us, for seven years salesman for the Rumford Baking Powder Com pany, was added to the Endowment Campaign of Fisk University. Mr. Tyus was graduated from Fisk Un iversity in 1932 and since that time had been engaged by the Rumford Company up to the time of his ap pointment by Fisk. When Mr. Ty us entered the employ of Rumford he had the natural ability and am bition to become a salesman but no actual experience as that afforded by the Rumford Company. How ever, by hard study and close ap plication he gradually forged ahead of those who had been in the Com pany’s employ for years and it must be remembered that all of the sales force of the Rumford Company had been exclusively white until the employment of Mr. Tyus. It was Fisk University that broke down the color • line in the Rumford Company's sales force through Mr. Paul K. Edwards, at that time head of the Department of Economics. Mr. Edwards show ed the Company the possibilities of the Negro market and recommend ed Randall L. Tyus. Mr. Tyus has received many commendations dur ing his rapid rise in the Company and leaves behind him a perfect re cord with Rumford and the officials of the Company regretting to lose him. ■ N 60 SECONDS ANY 110 k VOLT •1L LINE Millions need Hpaed King D . VLWJ 1 —Rives you hot water fast Hit and cheap. Drop Into arty e*um « pan of water — plug Into SAMPLES socket— In 60 seconds you FOR AGENTS have hot water Hush your L. V ™ 1 name for sample offer for SEND NAM El use as demonstrator. Plenty —-I cash for agents No money. Just send name. Nu-Waj, Dept. 9.32, Walnut Bldg.. Des Moines, Iowa. Watch for Opening of J e’s Market 2422 N. 24th St. Full Line of Meats, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables Joe Sokolof, Prop. DO YOU WANT Success IN LIFE? Stop Worrying! Do you Need A New Start? Write Me Today. Information FREE! M. WILLIAMS. DEPT. O Journal Square Sta. Jersey City, N. J. Fl\ish Kidneys of Poisons 0^nd Stop Getting Up Nights LIVE A HEALTHIER, HAPPIER LONGER LIFE Thousands of men and women wonder why backache bothers them —why they have to visit the bath room often at night—why flow is scanty and sometimes smarts and burns. Any one of these symptoms may mean that your kidneys and blad der need attention now before these minor symptoms may develope in to serious trouble. To flush out excess waste poisons and acid from kidneys, soothe your irritated bladder and put more healthy activity into them, get a 35-cent package of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Capsules and take as dir ected. This harmless, tried and true medicine gives results—you should feel better in a few days, as this effective diuretic and kidney stim ulant drives excess uric acid from the body which is often the aggre vation of joint agony, sciatia and neuritis. Don’t be an EASY MARK and accept a substitute—Ask for Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules — right from Haarlem in Holland. GET GOLD MEDAL—the original —the genuine. Look for the Gold Medal on the box—35 cents. Man Chooses Pie Frances Lee Barton ASK almost any man to list his desserts in their order of pop ularity and he will head the list ,-v with "PIE.’’ He may hesitate afterward, but his first choice is instantaneous. Pies are eco jnomical and easy to prepare, yet they never lose their ap peal. Here is a pie recipe you will find invaluable: Banana Chiffon Pie 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin; 1 pint hot water; 1 cup mashed bananas; 2 tablespoons lemon juice; Vi teaspoon grated lemon rind; 4 tablespoons sugar; 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten; % teaspoon salt; 2 egg whites; 4 tablespoons sugar; 1 baked 9-inch pie shell. Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Combine bananas, lemon juice, rind, 4 tablespoons sugar, egg yolks, and salt in top of double boiler, mixing well. Cook over hot water until mixture coats spoon, stirring constantly. Remove from Are. Add gelatin and stir until dis solved. Chill until slightly thick ened. Beat egg whites until foamy; then add remaining 4 tablespoons sugar gradually, and continue beat ing until stiff. Fold into slightly thickened gelatin mixture. Pour Into cold pie shell. Chill until firm. i H-M Buffet 2420 A. 24th St. JA. 88.52 Best Chili in Town Liquors, Lunches $ Beer ' ' RELIEVES MISERY OF COLDS LIQUID - TABLETS FAST SALVE- NOSE DROPS I---)£■.■■■■■ . IEET- •' ~ 1 “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. I IF-' -II- - I " -i— -i SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET 2520 Cuming St. FREE—Delivery—FREE FRESH EGGS DAILY WEBSTER 4277 The One Horse Store 2851 GRANT ST. W. L. Parsley, Prop. WE. 0567 ^ItchinrS For quick relief from itching of eczema, pim,.le . athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and Other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid I). D. D. Prescription Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itrhing. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. m Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme.CJ. Walker’s Preparations I > “I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. , ■> ' LIGHT UP AND LIVE! Light up! You'll find living brighter, cheerier, happier. Fill empty sockets with bright new bulbs. Replace burn outs, too. And see that you have the right size bulb in every socket to make seeing easier. Better get a fresh sup ply of Mazda bulbs today. Good light and good lamps cost less than ever. LIVE &8U ... ELECTRICITY IS £/Ut SEE YOUR DEALER or NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY