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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1940)
“Doing the Stroll” —.- - RICHARD BERNET STANLEY - BEAU BRUM .WELL— The one and only men’s club that is full of action at all times, gave their yearly event at the Dream land Hall. Such a wonderful turn out and everything went on as pre arranged. The members of the club left no stones unturned for the success of their affair from the looks of those beautiful corsages— the florists in town sincerely wish that all dances were formal affairs. Well I guess the Beau Brummells will just about wind up their form al affairs for the season. All the the clubs are now looking forward for next year, for a bigger and bet ter entertainment, but first let’s all heap praise upon all the clubs for their activities during the year. The Club members are now busy figuring how to replenish their treasure for the coming season— Good luck and may success greet you on every corner. QUACK CLUB— A little bird flying around whis pering in certain peoples ears — warning them that those Quacks COCXOXXXDOOO CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010ft N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi American & Chinese Dishes 5Hollywood Grill BREAKFAST SPECIALS Soups & Sandwiches 2418 N. 24th St. • ~~ —4 Johnson Drug: Co. Prescription* LIQUORS, WINES and BEER WE. 0999 1904 N. 24th St RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brand* •f BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park— ■amaiufflJBiiiuiiiuiiijiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnniit'.i^iiimiinEiuimnmmmimniu'iinuBaa BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE Get tihe Best in Quality at the Lowest Price NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. PHONE WE. 4137 Suits &0'Coats $4.95 and up Denenberg Jewelry 402 NORTH 16th STREET SMOKELESS HARD VERY LOW ASH WILL NOT CLINKER —HOLDS FIRE WELL— BLUE IRIS The Pride of Arkansas Spellman Fuel & Supply Co. 2002 Izard St. JA-0478 arc at it again. Yes folks, in Mar. one of the biggest style revues in town ever pulled. Just watch for the date and place and be sure and don’t miss, because you will be sor ry for a long time to come. Just a word to the wise,—the Presid^t Julia Williams and the financial sec’y. Thearis Taylor and Sec’y Lu cille Irvin also that erstwhile and busy reporter Mrs. Leola Jones and other executive officers of the club are preparing a gigantic style re vue. So don’t say I didn’t tell you next month. PEACE MAKER— A couple of matrons agreed to disagree on North 24th St., last Saturday night about a couple of seats from Mr. Polly Gordon’s. Just as the larger of the two be gan to get a half nelson on the smaller one, up steps Mr. Jordon— says he break it up, break it up I say. Good old Polly. One of the large girls complains that she got bit on the cheek,—the large one. From where I was standing, the little one wasn’t tall enough to reach her cheek with her teeth. What puzzles everyone who saw the scrap is wondering where Pol ly got the lipstick on his cheeks and lips or did Polly do the Mayhem.— Something funny somewhere. Oh yes, the girls started about whose hair the other girl was wearing. The tall one accused the little one of buying or borrowing the hair, she was wearing. Sounds kinder funny, eh! Borrowing hair—one never knows, does one—funny old world!! SAY YOU FELLOWS— You must buy some ciggies. Some time you almost got caught kidnap ping that man’s package Saturday night. I know if he had caught you—you was only joking, which you were joking. Are you ashame to pull out that granger twist. Af ter all, it’s yours if you like Grang er that's your business. But I ad mit it’s rather strong to roll into a fag specially at the Blueroom. I ain’t telling who you are at this time, but when I come down where you work, you must buy me a Coca Cola or give me one on the House. Lee Washington is my friend. He doesn’t mind. 1 will be down be tween 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Now remember 1 will expose you if you don’t. Your friend—RBS. OPEN CONFESSION— Dearest Helen:— I won’t be able to come over Sun day as I have to allow sohrty a chance and I have to play Shorty ; awhile. Hope you don’t feel hurt but above all Shorty must be tak en care of at 'ill times. Lovingly yours, Paul. This letter was written by one of our local boys. But you mustn’t leave such important stuff lying a round kid! May be one of your other flames might night like it or may get the wrong idea—of course I know you were only foolin’ when you mention Shorty, because you are the only one—maybe . RABES BUFFETT Breeze into Rabes Sunday night looking the situation over. Seen quite a few old timers still whoop ing them up. Frank the Bar-keep still giving that fast service as us ual. Somehow Rabes’ got a fol lowing that hardly goes any other place. Well the old saying is if you treat ’em right, they’ll stick by you. Looked in the show case over in the lunch room-—Jim Bell bad a | large baked ham, sure looked good to me—in fact that hani looked good to anybody regardless if they were not hungry. Rabes wants all the boys to drop around sometime also the ladies—lots of booths for all. BLUE ROOM— Same old story—you just got to get Fall Money Saving Specials MEN’S LIST LADIES LIST 2- SUITS Cleaned & Pressed 80c 2- TAILORED SUITS . 80c 1- SUIT and 1 TOPCOAT_80c 2- PLAIN DRESSES .1.00 1- SUIT and 1 FELT HAT.80c 3- PLAIN BLOUSES . 80c S- PAIRS OF PANTS.80c 3- PLAIN SKIRTS .80c OUR MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN HANDLING FINE APPAREL ENABLE US TO GIVE EVERY GARMENT THE PARTICULAR CLEANING SKILL IT DEMANDS—.RELY ON US. Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY there early to get a table. Large crowds and everybody seems to be having a gofkl time. What’s mat ter boys, can't you fellow find no girls to help you store away the stuff. I seen about five tables of stags. I know times are tuff, but there are lots of females that are willing to help you feelgay. Also seen quite a few girl parties off to themselves. Just can’t understand —this is Leap year that is true, but girls just don’t horn into parties unless they are invited. JEFF’S GOIN’ TO LEAVE US— Yes, good old Jeff’s got a sign on the window that he is goin’ to move soon. We will miss that beautiful decorated window and those swell pies. Good luck J$ff wherever you go. NICE PEOPLES— Mrs. Bernice Wright, that swell little waitress is well and hardy a gain after being confined for two weeks with a severe cold. Well kid, the boys hop you stay well from now on, because you certainly helped them out when they are a little low and they really appreciat ed those favors. So don’t forget your galoshes and stay well. BASKETBALL— Mose Ransom serves notice on the boys that from now on he will be in there pitching. So watch out for the HSS. says Mose. Mr. Tra vis Dixon in fact the Dixon Broth ers say there are goin’ to be some changes made real soon. So watch out fellows. Some of you will have to play with the Ramblers if they will consent to have you. In fact some of the boys are playing out of their class. Remember the girls have got a few teams —tryout with them. Maybe you might make the team. I CAMPBELL AND LEARY FILE FOR ELECTION TO UTILITY HOARD Present Members Seek Return to Hoard in April 9 Primary Edward F. Leary, attorney, and Linn P. Campbell, realtor, present members of the board of directors of Metropolitan Utilities District, have filed as candidates for reelect-1 ion to the board in the primary e lection, April 9. Mr. Leary, 66, and a native of Omaha and a Democrat, was chos en unanimously to the board by the members in January to succeed Frank J. Burkley, veteran Demo cratic board member, who resigned and whose term would have expired Jesse’s Cafe A New, Clean Place to EAT GOOD MEALS 15c & up Give Us A Try 1426 North 24th Street How To Relieve Bronchitis Bronchitis, acute or chronic, Is an Inflammatory condition of the mu cous membranes lining the bronchial tubes. Creomulsion goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding that you are to like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis And that's no fooling. Mister This Is a young man's world. If you don't believe It, look around you and see. You can probably count the gray-halred workers on your fingers. But don't let that alarm you. You can keep gray hair from showing up your age. Get GODEKROY'S LARIEUSE! It's no trouble to apply. Just follow directions for use in the package. Colors hair evenly—al most instantly. Makes It glossy and take* years off of your looks. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy or your dealer will promptly refund your money. If your dealer doesn't have Larieuse, send $1.25 (we pay postage) direct to ... CODEFROY MFC CO., .1510 OLI\E STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. * ■" ". " ■ ■ ■■ ■' .— I Grains for Brewing Would Fill Train Spanning Three-fourths of Continent UNITED States p AMERICAN farm products pur chased by the brewing Indus .ry since beer’s relegalization in 1933 have reached a total of 25 bil lion pounds, enough to fill a freight train extending from Los Angeles to Detroit. More than three million acres of farm land must be cultivated each year to raise tha billions of pounds of barley, corn, rice and hops for which brewers pay approximately $100,000,000 annually. In 1939 alone nearly four billion pounds of these products were used to make the 55,191,103 barrels of beer, which the United States Bu reau of Internal Revenue reports were produced last year. These are among the develop ments recorded by the United Brewers Industrial Foundation In Its annual survey of the brewing Industry. The past year also witnessed rapid expansion of the industry’s program of active cooperation with local law enforcement officials to at the end of this year. Although active in civic affairs and prominent in the legal frater nity of the city and state since his graduation in 1907 from the college of law, Creighton University, Mr. Leary never before has been a can didate for public office. Since 1913 he has been legal counsel for the Omaha Catholic diocese and in 1931 the rank of Knight, Order of St. Gregory, was conferred upon him by Pope Pius XI for "outstand ■■■■ ... .. ■ ' ...... —- ..-I eliminate anti • social cona'tions wherever they may surround the sale of beer. The number of states in which Industry committees dedi cated to this purpose are in opera tion increased from one to nine. Similar programs are to be in stalled in additional states during the coming year. Direct taxes collected on the 1939 sale of beer totaled $411,596,780 and averaged $7.80 per barrel on the 52,768,818 barrels withdrawn for sale. This revenue is ear-marked for old age pensions, educational institutions, public health, aids to agriculture and other special pur poses In many states and munici palities. The remainder. Including the Federal Government’s share of $267,642,983, is allocated to general expense funds. The 1939 payments bring the to tal tax revenue collected by Fed eral, State and local agencies since beer's relegalization to approxi-; mately two and a quarter billion dollars. ing civil service in promoting the and public life.” Mr. Leary is known as a man of sound judgement, broad business AVrtAWWWiVAWWW Duffy Pharmacv 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS We. 0609 Free Delivery experience and with a deep inter est in Omaha, of which he is a life long resident. His election to suc ceed Mr. Burkley on the Board was highly commended by members of the bar and business and profession al men of the city. Linn P. Campbell, 61, president since 1934 of Byron Reed Company, pioneer Omaha real estate firm with which he has been actively connected for 35 years, is a repub lican and was elected by unani mous choice of the board last Sept ember to succeed H. Malcolm Bald rige, appointed legal counsel for the district. In November, Mr. Camp bell also was elected a director of the United States National Bank. A resident of Omaha since 1900 and a graduate of Omaha’s public schools, Mr. Campbell’s long asso ciation with the business life of the city and his deep interest in civic activities, particularly qualify him for useful service on the Metropol itan Utlities District board. As is the case with Mr. Leary, this is al so his first time to be a candidate BIRMINGHAM. MEMPHIS HAVE LARGEST PERCENTAGE OF NEGROES IN TOTAL POPULATION Birmingham, Alabama, and Mem phis, Tennessee, had the largest percentage of Negro population in 1930, according to the Census of that year. Both had slightly more than 38 percent. Whether or not the 1940 census, which will start April 1, will show other cities with larger prportions is a question that will not be settled until the results are announced late this year. for election to public office. He is a member of the First Presbyter ian Church and the Masonic order. One republican and one demo cratic member is elected every two years to the Utilities board. Nom ination in the primary election is I tantamount to election, since both | major parties must be represented. The final election in the fall is a routine matter. Both Mr. Leary and Mr. Campbell are now serving on the board. * North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th si WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING. METHOD “Leaves No .Repair. Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— $55.00 Worth of Goods FREE!!! Men—women to supply colored peo ple with the famous 12 SISTERS’ products. Deep Cut Prices and lovely preminums. Send No Money. $55.00 worth of FREE goods given. 12 SISTERS’ PRODUCTS, 74-14 Baker Street, Gaytan, v)hJo Vegetable Laxative Has Important Points Most people want a laxative to do three things: (1) act punctually (2) act thoroughly, (3) act gently. Here’s one that usually fills all three requirements when the easy directions are followed. It’s an all vegetable product whose principal ingredient has medical recognition as an “intestinal tonic-laxative.” That s the ingredient which en ables BLACK-DRAUGHT to help tone lazy bowel muscles. It is the main reason for the satisfying re lief from constipation that gener ally follows next morning when BLACK -DRAUGHT is taken at bedtime. The millions of packag es used are proof of its merit. Xhis big, up-to-date Webster Die* tionary has more than 900 pages i i i over 40,000 words . . . many special features. Bound in senai* flexible black artificial leather, gilt stamped, round corners, red edges, headbands, four-color frontispiece t.. printed on strong white paper. It will be sent you postpaid in an attractive carton. ACT TODAY! USE THIS FREE DICTIONARY COUPON MAIL TO OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418-20 GRANT STREET OMAHA. NEBRASKA The New Universities WEBSTER DICTIONARY * With Your New or Renewal Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE at Only $250 per year BE RE is the most sensational subscription o*Trr voe have ever seen! This big 900-page New Universi ties Webster Dictionary is yours— ALoOLUTELY FREE— with your new or renewal subscription to this paper at die regular rate of (your rate). YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY! This amazing SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER is limited. Mail your subscription NOW! -USE THIS COUPON OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO 2418-20 GRANT STREET Please send REE New Universities Webster Dictionary. I am enclosing ' my subscription. NAME__ EL P. IX or ST.__ CITY_STATE__ «