The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 10, 1940, CITY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4
News from the Church CLAIR CHAPEL CHURCH Rev. G. D. Hancock. Pastor Mrs. Ellis Kirtley. Reporter. Sunday school was opened at 9:30 with the Supt. and teachers in charge. Morning services were opened with the pastor and senior choir in charge. The scripture text was taken from the book of Daniel. The Vesper Hour conducted by the Happy Time Club with Mrs. Kirtley and Mrs. Bennett in charge was indeed inspirational. We arc very grateful to those who took part on the Interracial program. Namely Mr. Harry Mendleson, At torney Adolphe Victora, Mr. Win. Davis, and Miss Johnette Coleman. The Vesper hour is conducted ev ery first Sunday at 5 p. m. Re member the Fellowship Tea Sun day February 11, 4 to 7 at Mrs. M. Chandler, 2804 North 25th St. Miss i Lucie Mae Collins, chairman. All members are urged to attend service Sunday morning as the dele gate is to be elected to the Annual Conference. The Union Services will be held THE OMAHA GUIDE SATURDAY, FEBR. 10, 1940 Published Every Saturday, at 2418 Grant St., Omaha Nebraska. $2.50 per year. 5c single copy. “Entered as second class matter March 18th, 1927 at the Postoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Maich Hid, 1879. MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS American Memorial Co. Quality at A Price—None Better TWENTIETH & CUMING STS. PHONE AT. 4927 CLASSIFIED ADS HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades to order. 182 N. 24th St. WE. 1607. t——. LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM& SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6056 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant St. Call WE. 5563 or WE. 2410. Front Room, modern WE. 1024. FOR RENT—A four room Apt. Modern, Call WE. 3030. \n Apt. for Rent, WE. 2366 For Rent, 2 apts. WE. 2737. Furnished Apts., 2 rooms, $3.60— I rooms $4.50. Utilities paid, JA. *986. We Aid the Poor with Your Waste Materials. Throw Noth ing Away. We Need Clothing, Papers, Furniture. Anything. SALVATION ARMY INDUSTRIAL 209 North 13th A-B BUFFET, 1616 N. 24th St. WINES—LIQUORS at Popular Prices Courteous Service at all Times I at Zion Baptist Church Februarj 11. Everyone is invited to attenc these union services. Mrs. Justus is still on the sicl list. We are sorry at this writing to learn of the passing of Mrs. Pen rose. Relative of Sister Bufford and Sister Toler. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. C. Pettis, Acting Pastor Mrs. E. L. Young, Reporter The Salem Choir will sponsor an evening of Music Sunday, Febr. 11, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Come and enjoy an evening of song and music. Music will be under the di rection of Mr. E. L. Young, Mrs. E. Porter at the piano. The Services at Salem were well attended Sunday and all services were enjoyed. Covenant meeting was held Sunday morning. The Church called Rev. A. W. T. Chism of Redland, C.aiif. as pastor. Mr. E. Hubbard will be ordained as deacon Sunday Feb. 11 at 3 p. m. There will be a Special Weight Rally on the 4th Sunday. The Funeral of Mrs. Mabel Diggs was held Friday evening at 2 p. m. at Salem. Come and worship with us. All visitors are welcome. CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH “Holiness Unto the Lord” Rev. I,. M. Relf, Pastor liertha Mallory, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a. m., Morning Worship, 11:30 a. ni. HYPU. 6 p, tn. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. Bible Study, Tuesday night. Prayer and Praise Service, Frid ay night. Morning worship opened with de votional service lead by the deac ons. At 11:30 a. m. the pastor preach ed a short sermon taken from the 52nd chapter of Isa. Text: “Put on the Garment of Righteousness." The evening service was opened with a testimonial meeting after which Rev. Burton brought us the message in his own way. After the sermon, the Lord’s supper was Berved. vome out and enjoy tne services with us. You are welcome. MT. CALVARY COM. CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour. We had a lovely discus sion from this subject: “Thought in Sacred”. Wo had a lovely dis cussion. Some beautiful points brought out. 11 o'clock service opened with the order of service conducted by the Ass’t pastor. Our pastor brought the word from Nemiah 9-16-17 verses. Subject: Christ the Re minder. Our hearts did burn as he spoke to us. Union began on time. We was very enlightened over our lovely crowd. A lovely program was ren dered. Our lesson was 6th Chapter Eph. 8 o’clock service opened with choir processional. The presence of the Lord was with us all day. Also a lovely Covenant meeting was had at 3:30 Our evening message. Subject “The Power of God”—Text St. John 11 39 and 44 verses. We had a lovely time in service. Everyone welcome to our servic es at all times. ST. JOHN AME. CHURCH "The Friendly Church” Rev. T. A. Sears, Pastor Mrs. Sara Walker, Reporter A beautiful and unique picture portraying faith, love and sincer ity was presented Sunday by the Stewards and Stewardesses as they encircled Rev. Sears and associate ministers during the Holy Comm union Service. One hundred eight een persons communed at this ser -It- ■ —<1— ■ —=1 Slyter Ice & Coal Co. 2412 Lake St. AT. 7225 Omaha, Nebraska NO FINANCE CHARGE! -H=" II---1 LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 21th St. At Willis Avenue ‘Build-Up ’ Important Protector of Women! A weak, undernournished condit n often enables functional dysm lorrhea to get a foothold; thus ads to much of woman’s suffer g from headaches, nervousness, her periodic discomfort. CARDUI'S principal help for ich distress comes from the way it mally stimulates appetite; increas j| flow of gastric juice; thus aids digestion; helps build energy, strength, physical resistance to periodic pain for many. Another way, many women find help for periodic distress: Take CARDUI a few days before and during “the time.” Women have us ed CARDUI for more than 50 j years! Left to right: Arthur Storz, Robert Storz, Adolph Storz, E. M. Von Seggern and F. J. Minder. STORZ AWARDED PLAQUE FOR 1939 ADVERTISING In recognition of Its "Outstand ing Use of Constructive News paper Advertising In 1939," the Storz Drewing Co., Omaha, has been awarded a special plaque by the Nebraska Press Association. According to E. M. Von Seg gern, publisher of the West Point Republican and president of the Nebraska Press Association, the award was made to Storz for its Judicious and successful use of Nebraska’s most powerful adver tising media, the combined papers of the Association. Through Its advertising in Nebraska's dally and weekly papers, which are so influential in promoting Nebraska industry and business, Storz has boosted Nebraska industry in gen eral, as well as creating a home market for Storz beers. The plaque was presented to Adolph Storz, president of the brewery, by Mr. Von Seggern and P. J. Minder, secretary of the Press Association, in a simple cere mony at the brewery offices Wed nesday afternoon, January 31< Arthur and Robert Storz, vice presidents of the brewery, and C. C. Buchanan, Buchanan-Thomas Advertising Co., agency for Stors, were present for the award. vice which was unusual because all of them took their own elements at the same time. The attendance at the Union Ser vices is growing and the ministers are urging that each member of the various churches do their part by bringing sinners and indifferent Christians to these services. Union services will begin at 7-:30 February 11 at Zion Baptist church with Rev. W. M. Camper and choir of Bethel A ME. Church conducting the services. All young people over fifteen years of age interested in the youth movement launched by Rev. Sears are requested to be present Monday evening, February 12 at the church for the get-to-gether meeting which will be supervised by M. E. Webb und the guides who have been sel ected to sponsor the many activities as planned for the future. Rev. Sears will speak from the subject: “Christ’s Way of Brotherhood” — Acts 10th Chap. 34 verse. The Minute Men’s Club held its regular meeting Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ('.. B. Mayo with a representative group pres ent. Both the club and the Wom en’s auxiliary agreed to support the entertainment planned by the choir for the 22nd of February at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McVay 2868 Corby St. CLEAVES TEMPLE CME. Church 25th and Decatur Sta., L. A. Story, Pastor. M. H. Young, Reporter Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. League 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. with Union Service. The morning service was well at tended. Our presiding elder Rev. L. E. B. Rossner brought the mes sage, which was enjoyed by all present. One member was added to the church. Rev. W. M. Camper of Bethel A. M. E. Church preached for us at the 3 o’clock service. His choir furn ished the music. Don’t forget to pay your general funds. We worshipped at St. John AME. Church with the Union Service. Rev. J. S. Williams of Hillside Church was host and Rev. G. Good lett brought the message. His choir furnished the music. Don’t forget this is enlistment month. If you are not active in some part of the church, start to day to be. For in Matt. 5th chap. 13 verse reads: “Ye are the Salt of the Earth, but if the Salt have lost his Savor, wherewith shall it be Salt?” It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out. And to be trodded underfoot of men. Lest not be cast out. Neither trodden underfoot of men, but enlist today and do your part. We were happy for our visitors to come again at your earliest convenience. NEW HOPE CHURCH 26th and Seward Sts., On February 11 at 3:00 p. m. a grand program will be rendered, namely: Sister Goodlett of Pilgrim Baptist, Sister Johnston of Mount , Moriah, Sister Georgia Scott—New Hope Quartet of St. John’s South side church, Sister J. D. Lewis, Bro. Edward Beasley of Mt. Moriah. Remarks by Rev. St. Clair of Pleasant Green. All churches are invited to at tend. This is the closing of a fin ancial drive sponsored by Sister Al ice A. Beasley captain., Sister Gun ner, assistant captain. Rev. Watkins, Master of cere monies. Rev. J. G. Carter, Pastor. THIS WEEK IN RELIGION ANI) THOUGHT by Robert L. Moody The World Day of Prayer February 9 th— Our calendar year is marked with many important observances. But the observance of World Day of Prayer, Friday, February 9th is of world-wide importance. Yet today the soul of man naturally cries to God for help and for that something that cannot be named. Yet is clear ly felt. Mankind in every land feels this urge. This is true of Christian, Mohammedan or heath en. Abroad, we have international problems of war and peace are con fronting the leaders of nations. Here in the United States, our do mestic problems of relief, elections, commerce and national defense re quire wise decisions and guidance. Besides these problems, we have many blessings to prayerfully thank God for. Someone has well said that: “Prayer is the Tuning of the Soul to the Broadcasting of God.” As we tune in on this day of prayer, may we well feel the in spiration of fellowship in this world-wide hookup in prayer for the salvation of men. The world needs salvation from sin and all of its by-products. Let us remember men everywhere and pray for their healing the leadership of rulers and the common man of every race, color, nationality and creed. PERSONAL NEWS Mrs. Nancy Hall was called to Dennison, Texas on account of the illness of her brother. Mrs. Hall is the wife of C. H. Hall, Hall Express Co. Mrs. H. R. Greenfield who has been confined to her home with a severe cold, is recovering. Mrs. Lottie Story, wife of Rev. L. A. Story, slipped on the icy side walks Saturday and received a lac eration on her forehead. Mrs. Smith, mother of Mrs. Stamps and grandmother of Lucie Mae Britt is very ill at her home. Mrs. Camper, wife of Rev. W. M. Camper, is ill at her home. FACTS ABOUT THE QUACK CLUB I For the benefit of those who read I this column, that do not quite un | derstand just what is being done I with monies raised by this club. Two money making events are given each year, proceeds from which are used to finance annually ‘as follows: 1 Send Girl reserves to summer j camp for two weeks. Two repre I sentatives to summer conferences. A delegate to the YWCA. Biennial Convention. Donation to the Y. W. C. A. Distribute baskets among the needy. A Christmas party for children. Fruits, nuts, crfndy for Old Folks Home, and also in many Abe Wallace MY NEW ASTROLOGY READ INGS ARE READY M. M. M.—Are we really in love with one another and will we really be married some day. We both like the same things and we feel that we could be so happy if mar ried. Ans: Love is a strange thing— you are actually in love with one another, but you are much too young to get married. I suggest that you wait at least another year before considering marriage, and by that time you both may have a change in mind. G. H.—Is this illness I am suffer ing with natural and when if ever will I get well and be my old self a gain? Ans: Your illness is natural— You have a good case of appendic itis just as your doctor tells you. Now make up your mind to go to the hospital and have this appendix removed. You will get well after the operation. X. X.— We are having some church trouble with our preacher and we wonder if we could get rid of him or not? Ans: Don’t you think that all this trouble should be reconsidered —there are always two sides to ev ery story and he isn’t altogether to be blamed for what has gone on. In a course of time the matter will be adjusted and settled in everyone’s eyes. A. C.—Should I go to work and plan to take this mail order course that I have in mind? Ans: It seems to me that you would profit more if you took this course in school instead of through the mail. Finish your training but it would be more thorough if you went back to school instead of try ing to get a diploma through mail. E. N. F.—I am in love with a cer tain young girl and I wonder if she loves me as much as I do her? Ans: Heaven’s no, she doesn’t love you or any other fellow. She has several friends that she is go ing with, but she intends to enjoy life and she isn’t going to start looking “moon eyed” at any one fel low at her tender age in life. You had better make you some more girl friends too if you expect to keep up with her. R. C.—I am anxious to send for my Astrology Reading but do not know how to send the money. Please explain it to me? Ans: You may send cash or stamps, money order if you prefer. If sending coin, be sure to wrap it in a piece of paper and enclose with your full name, birthdate, and cor rect address—also three questions if you desire my free opinions on same. L. C. B.—Where abouts in the home is my mother’s money buried and will we be able to get it or not? Ans: After giving this problem serious thought, I don’t think that there is any money buried in the place. Time spent in this search will probably be wasted and I sug gest that you stop worrying about it altogether. M. P. G.—I am asking should I consider marriage now or wait a while and which of these fellows should I take more interest in ? Ans: Don’t get married right now. If you had found true love, you would have known it, and in the mean time enjoy yourself and make up your mind to wait for your prince charming. other things sponsored by this group of young women. The cooperation of everyone is appreciated. “Pardon Me!” Do you want to know what the little Miss and Mr. are wearing for spring and sum mer?. Watch for the Quack Style Show. Julia Williams, President, Leola Jones, reporter. Watch for Opening of J Market 2422 N. 24th St. Full Line of Meats, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables Joe Sokolof, Prop. SPECIAL NOTICE Negro History Program and Banquet will be sponsored by the class in adult education and Sunday School of Mt. Olive Baptist church, Thursday, February 15, 8 p. m. There will be Negro Spirituals readings from Negro poets, talks on the progress of the Negro and i a quiz in Negro History. Dinner will be served for 25c per plate. Miss Emma Curtis, chair man, Mrs. Clara Prater, Pres, of class, Mr. Robert L. Moody, Inst. HELPING HAND CLUB The Helping Hand Club of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. M. Griffin, 2910 No. 28th Avenue, on January 30, 1940. After the Devotional exercises the meeting was turned over to the pres ident, Mrs. J. L. Betts. A brief business session was held and the club decided to give a Leap Year Chitterling Supper, February 29, 1940, at the residence of Mrs. M. Griffin, 2910 North 28th Avenue. Come and eat all you can for 25c. Don’t forget the date and place. Mrs. J. L. Betts, Pres., Mrs. Ida Willis, Reporter. A NEW MAN Rev. William Jack son of White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., writ es: “After using Dr. Piere’s Golden Medic al Discovery my diges ’ tion was better, I | gained in weight, my nerves were better and I felt strong and vigor ous once more. I felt like a new man and my friends all said I look ed much stronger.” Dr. Piere’s Golden Medical Dis covery is a tonic which stimulates the appetite and promotes the flow of gastric juices so that the food you eat is fully digested and nour ishes the entire body. Build your self up with the aid of this famous doctor’s prescription. Ask your druggist today for Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, i irj^_-■. ir^~" -—=i “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. EL-SaHEi-l'-' ■■ .:3^===1 r---~ l„ fl=====] SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET 2520 Cuming St. FREE—Delivery—FREE FRESH EGGS DAILY WEBSTER 4277 !=-■ I Ea.„ :i===l The One Horse Store 2851 GRANT ST. W. L. Parsley, Prop. WE. 0567 bitchiness For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid I>. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, oi your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ■> ^ A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme.C.J. Walker’s Preparations * “I use Mme. .C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building. Indian apolis, Indiana. - ■» ' I COOK ELECTRICALLY” Smart woman! She lets an Electric Range solve her cooking problems! Since it's automatic and requires no watching, she Just puts her meal in the oven, and sets the heat control . . . the meal cooks itseli! You, too, can enjoy these advantages and many others with Electric Cooking. Have a new model Electric Range demonstrated today. . . . See for yourself why Electric Cooking Is better 1 i LIVE tfetiet. . . ! ELECTRICITY IS €i/fH £Aftyt0l SEE YOUR DEALER or NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY __