“Doing the Stroll” CHOCOLATE AVENUE RICHARD BERNET STANLEY FIRE DAMAGE COSTLY On the night of December 22nd, about 10:45 PM. the Omaha Guide the oldest colored newspaper in Omaha was burned, almost com pletely destroyed. In fact I believe it was a total lost including Mr. C. C. Galloway personal items. My /JVAWMVVWAWMW. CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe .. 2010i/j N. 24th St. JAckaon 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 «. m. American A Chinese Dianes ^Hollywood BREAKFAST SPECIALS Soups & Sandwiches 2418 N. 24th St. © - Johnson Drug Co. Prescriptions LIQUORS, WINES and BEER WE. 0999 1*04 N. 34th St. heart* goes out in sympathy for the publisher of that great paper. May he get started again within the very near future. FINANCIAL LOSS Poor Junior Love. He claimed he lost $900 dollars in the Cotton Bowl crash and $300 dollars in another business venture. Boy you better take it easy. You will be in the hands of the receiver before long. What you need is some legal ad vice on how to invest your dough before it is all gone. Yes sir. YOU SAPS WHO STARTS FIGHTS Say you fellows. You got a wonderful chance to watch the city grow if you get wise to your self in time. But if you don’t your folks are going to watch the grave yard grow. Remember the grave yards are only one third full and h—1 ain't even started to fill up, so get wise to yourself. Cut the comedy when you feel kind of good. Just laugh if off. McGill takes this means wishing and hoping all of his customers and friends a Happy New Year. The old Blue Room still packs them in. Al so still wide open for private parties without any charge to you. Fall Money Savins: Specials MEN’S LIST X- SUITS Cleaned & Pressed 80c 1- SUIT and 1 TOPCOAT ....80c 1- SUIT and 1 FELT HAT.80c S- PAIRS OF PANTS.80c LADIES LIST 2- TAILORED SUITS . 80c 2- PLAIN DRESSES .1.00 3- PLAIN BLOUSES_. 80c 3- PLAIN SKIRTS . 80c OUR MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN HANDLING J FINS APPAREL ENABLE US TO GIVE EVERY GARMENT THE PARTICULAR CLEANING SKILL IT DEMANDS—-RELY ON US. Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY LIGHT IS An abundance of light gives new life to every room in your home. Do away with dreary rooms and dark corners by having plenty of the right size Mazda Lamp Bulbs. Check your fixtures and lamps today and make sure they are filled with the proper size bulbs for easy seeing and eyesight protection. Your Dealer will tell you what size you should have for every seeing task in your home. U\l £2/£ft ••• ELECTRICITY 1$ SEE YOUR DEAIER or NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY So take advantage of this chance to entertain a whole lots of your friends and club members. Also club any night but Saturday or ' Sunday. JUST MEDDLING Our good doctor Solomon and i wife dinning at King Yuen Cafe. Mrs. Edna McClutcher Christmas shopping everyday. (Whew) What a lots of friends. Miss Juanita Cole enjoying a wonderful lunch at the Champion. My good friend John Elliot out swinging Benny Good man. Wyonnia Harris looking for some place to crack those crude jokes of his. Drummer Buford looking for some place to beat his drums. Also for some black for est. Hep Hep. NEW YEAR RESOLUTION Earl McClutcher: No more horses for me; Skaggs: No more pin ball for me; Jess Hardin: No more stag parties; Spencer Grey: No more loans to waiters; Earl Parks: No more scotch and soda; James Jewell: No more Buick cars; Lyle Lawson: No dead end kids for me; A1 Brewer:: No more dominoes. No Sir. McGee, the barber: No more hunting. I mean birds; Bailey: No more wheaties, unless with cream; Bill Jones: No more hold cards unless aces; Cur tis (Small) Evans: No more 5th and 20th for me; McGill Bar: No more running short on liquors; Herb McAllister: No more drink ing, perhaps water; Sheep Long: No more whiskey for me; Knox, head waiter: No more losing my temper; Bill Rawlin: No more of any kind of drinks; Fred Dixon: No more of the other fellow’s girls; ;Travis Dixon: No more Tom Collins individuals; John Elliott: No more drinking people under the table; Robt. Jackson: No more Artie Shaw; Mose Ranson; No more nine ball; John Riley: No more setting up the house; Cleo Mortimer: No more raising cain with coppers; Dutch Smith: No more fighting 6 people at one time; Lee Washington: No more giving away dollar bills; Gap Eye:: No more offays for me. No sir.; Hez zie Stewart: No more Bracy Mor row; John Philips: No more cookie; Fat Sam: No more rummy until the next time; Wynnia Harris: No more putrid jokes. (I hope.) SOME WOMEN ARE FICKLE Yes, Yes, she is awful funny. Three months ago she used to darn the poor things socks, but oh how times do change. Now she gets a quart beer bottle and sock the darn thing' She used to fix him fried chicken often but for thanksgiving she merely fixed him neckbone with navy beans dressing. Lay off the rought stuff Buddy. Maybe she will change. In fact she told me so. STAG PARTY Only Jess Hardin knows how to put one over on everybody. Food was bountiful. Well more food than a political meeting. But who was the fellow that his coat poc kets was so greasy the next. Of course I don’t blame him for look ing out for tomorrow. It will be way up in April before the Union Pacific will put back that seventh man or extra diner. Take care of yourself Buddy. Winter ain’t half gone. Just backing up for a run ning start. Say Jess Hardin your trusty employees want to know when are you going to broil some more hog wrinkles for them. One more encore. STORZ BREWERY The management of the Storz played host to about 115 of our people and what a reception. Everyone enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Those bartenders just would not let your container get half empty. And Chef Jones cook ed about a wash tub of hot dogs for the gang and they were deli cious. Tasted like chicken. No use talking about this and that, the management of Storz Brewery have demonstrated time and time again that he wants our business. COKE ALL GRADES 8.75 to 13.50 per ton Semi Anthracite 9.50 to 11.50 per ton Special- Pickwich Mix 8.00 OMAHA LUMBER & COAL CO. Glendale 4123 40 th & Lake St. He has spent oddles of money and time to prove it. You would be sur prised at the path that our peo ple make to the Brewery office asking for this and that and the majority come away satisfied. But the best you can hear is don’t i drink Storz Beer. Me for one, thinks that Strozs brews the best in this man’s town. I can only speak for myself. Lete look at the real good things Storzs have did for our people. No as individuals but as a whole. Not by giving away beer or hot dogs (but financial aid to many of our group who never mention the same to others. So lets be a little more considerate in 1940 and for get the past. Three cheers for Storz Beer. AFTERNOON SPOILED I feel awful sorry for the little lady whose afternoon was utter ly spoiled in the Blue Room Xmas Eve night. I know not of the facts in the case but I know how your feelings was wounded. I can only heap praises upon his big brother for putting forth his best ef fort avoid all the terrible mess. Here’s hoping you have a Happy New Year with our being hinder ance at least by the same people. H ANI) M H and M buffet as their yearly event gave free of charge to all whom wanted real rich and mel low egg nogg. Some of the boys made their third and fourth trip to the big white crock. HEY YOU FELLOW The young man that has the nerve to squirt carbonated water on the rest of the party. It is all right when you poured one half pint of whiskey in the young lady lap. She only thought it was acci dentally and you poured coco cola in the gents lap. He thought you was just drunk. But when you squirted carbonated water on the folks Christmas eve, they think you are a nut and I am inclined to agree with them. I believe you can have fun without expense to the other fellow. It cost money to send clothes to the cleaners. So behave yourself with your crude jokes. WORKMEN1S COMPENSATION LAW By Judge Lawrence Welch In order for a workman to re ceive workmen’s Compensation under the Workmen’s Compensa tion Law, he must have sustained an “accident” which arose out of and in the course of his employ ment. The term “accident” as used in the law shall, unless a different meaing is clearly indi cated by the context, be con structed to mean an unexpected or an unforseen event happening suddenly and violently, with or j without human fault, and produc ing at the time objective symp toms of any injury. From this de finition it can readily be seen that if a workman falls from a ladder and breaks his leg or arm, he can qualify for workmen’s compen sation from his employer because this was an event which was un expected and unforseen, it hap pened instantaineously and was of such force as to cause a frac tured boe, and it caused an injury which could be seen by any exam ining physician. Objective symp toms as used in the above defini tion means injuries which can be seen, felt or heard by a doctor and not injuries which the injur ed person must tell about, such as a headache. In the interpeta tion of the compensation laws, the Courts in many jurisdictions have held that strains which cause some physical defect to the body can be classed as accidents. For instance a workman who strains his back f from lifting heavy objects may recover com pensation for any disability he may receive, under certain con Suits &0*Coats $4.95 and up Dcnenterg Jewelry 402 NORTH 16th STREET ditions. Hernias from strains are likewise considered compensable if the workman can show it came from a sudden strain, which caused him immediate pain and other objective symptoms. Occupational diseases are con trasted from accidents in as much as they are sicknesses which come on a person gradually and not suddenly. For instance a work man who gets dust in his lungs from his employment over a per iod of years which causes tuber culosis. This is an occupational disease. Occupational diseases do not come under the compensa tion law except those occupation al diseases which arise out of and during the course of the employ ment and are peculiar to the smelting, metal refining or bat tery manufacturing industries and which are contracted by workmen employed in said indus tries. Occupational diseases from these industries are the only ones which, thus far has been brought under the Workmen’s Compensa tion Law. According to the 1930 Census, there were almost 12 million Ne R ABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park— groes in the United States. Over 34 percent of this Negro popula tion was under 16 years of age. NEURITIS^X Rheumatism^ To relieve torturing pain of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, or Lumbago in a few minutes, get NURITO. the splendjd formula, imed by thousands. Dependable—no opiates. Does the work quickly. Must relieve cruel pain, to your satisfaction, in few minutes or your money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for NURITO on this guarantee. TUXEDO Barber Shop 2225 North 24th St. Are you a clean Shaved Man? IS Your Hair Cut Right? When You Leave the Tuxedo Barber Shop You have a feel ing of Satisfaction that com es only from Superior Oper ators. M. A. McGee, Prop. gy . . . ■ -( 5 IMPORTANT' • medical tests reveal how thousands of WOMEN “ GET NEW ENERGY If you feel tired out, limp, listless, moody, depressed—if your nerves are constantly on edge and you’re losing your boy friends to more 1 attractive, peppy women—SNAP OUT OF IT! No man likes a dull, tired, cross woman— All you may need is a good reliable tonic. If so, just try famous Lydia E. i Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound made especially for women. Let it • stimulate gastric juices to help digest and assimilate more wholesome food which your body uses directly for energy to help build up more physi cal resistance and thus help calm jittery nerves, lessen female func tional distress and give you joyful bubbling energy that is reflected thruout your whole being. Over 1,000,000 women have re ported marvelous benefits from Pinkham's Compound. Results should delight you! Telephone your druggist right now for a Dottle. _ WELL WORTH TRYING. Thia big, up-to-date Webster Dic tionary has more than 900 pages i i i over 40,000 words . . . many special features. Bound in semi flexible black artificial leather, gilt stamped, round corners, red edges, headbands, four-color frontispiece • i. printed on strong white paper* It will be sent you postpaid in an attractive carton. I The New Universities I WEBSTER DICTIONARY I With Your I New or Renewal Subscription I f The OMAHA GUIDE at Only r- $250 per year T TERE is the most sensational subscription offer you have ever seen I This big 900 - page New Universi ties Webster Dictionary is yours—ABSOLUTELY FREE— with your new or renewal subscription to this paper at the regular rate of (your rate). YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY! This amazing SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER is limited. Mail your subscription NOW! ACT TODAY! USE THIS FREE DICTIONARY COUPON MAIL TO OMAHA. NEBRASKA ■ M MIA GUIDE BUB. < <> GRAND STREET r-USE THIS COUPON OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO 24IS GRANT STRhKT Please send me REE New Universities Webster Dictionary* I am enclosing 2.50 ' my subscription. NAME R. F. Dt or ST.__ CITY_STATE