How New Year Speeds Around the World When 1940 reaches New York City in a blare of noise at 12:01 a. m. Monday, it will already be early Monday evening just east of Australia in the Chatham islands. Meanwhile, at Honolulu the clock will register 6:30 p. m. Sunday. The new year is born on the lonely Chatham islands, 414 miles southeast of New Zealand and races west ward at 1,000 miles an hour. About 200 shepherds and fishermen in the Chatham group celebrate the New Year by ringing the church bell on Hanson island. The international date line, near these isles, was set by the British admiralty and runs near the 180th meridian of longitude. ^HUffiPoDmo I I ^ I :g*EEK) ■QJO«n nauanjirs ” (FRENCH)'* (HEBREW) What Do You Know About 1939? •» Who is this handsome youngster and who di vorced her—to marry what swimmer, who was recent ly divorced? 2 These feel belong to a ^ baseball player who had to quit In 1939 after playing about 2,300 con secutive games. Who Is he? •> Whose nose Is this? When and why did It make news most of last summer, and where did all this take place? A This horse won a big race last May and his name Isn’t Man O’ War, Lawrin, El Chico, or War Admiral. Who is he? What race? " This Italian gentleman’s name was Filippo Pa relll. What happened on his son’s 63rd birthday, March 2, 1939? This demonstration ended when someone said, “You cannot strike against the government.” Who said It? To whom? n Something quite aston • ishing happened to the piece of land shown In black. What’s it’s name and who owns it now? o This young gentleman ° went traveling abroad last summer. What is his name and where did he go? What’s wrong with him? U This man left on a long, cold trip, and he won’t be home until late in 1940. Who is he ? W'hy did he go where? HERE’S THE ANSWERS; DON’T PEEK! 1. Fanny Brice, divorced by Billy Rose to marry Eleanor Holm. 2. Lou Gehrig. 3 Submarine Squalus. sunk off Ports mouth, N. H. Picture taken during un successful attempt to raise her. 4 Johnstown. Won Kentucky derby. 4. Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli becamt Pope Pius XII. 6. President Roosevelt said it. WPA workers were striking against new wage provisions. 7. Albania, seized by Italy Formerly ruled by King Zog. 8. Fred Snite Jr., infantile paralysis victim, went to shrine at Lourdes, France. 9. Admiral Richard E. Byrd. He went o Antarctic to stake out land claims for he U. S. Warning for Bachelors: Maids Propose in 1940! Run for cover, you bachelors. It’s leap year! Twenty-nine days hath February in 1940, which gives the maidens free rein to blurt out those marriage proposals they’ve been saving since 1936. Leap year is so-called because it “leaps forward” a day as compared with an ordinary year. It so hap pens that the leap years coincide with years divisible by four without remainder. ‘Self-Serve’ Party Enjoyed by Guests On New Year’s Eve Entertaining guests on New Year’s eve? It’s being done more than ever before this year as Amer ica turns to stay-at-home entertain ment. If so, you'll want an informal af fair with a buffet style supper late in the evening, patterned after the Swedish “smorgasbord.” The table is generally placed in the center of the room and covered with any kind of linen suitable for the occasion. Plates are placed in a pile at one side of the food to be served—you’ll find guests enjoy serving them selves! Your menu can be very plain or very fancy, as you prefer. Here are a few samples from which you can choose: Menu No. I Chicken Mousse on Lettuce, Rolled Sandwiches Sliced Meats. Assorted Cheese, Crackers Olives Radish Roses Hot and Cold Beverages Menu No. II. Spaghetti and Chicken Livers Assorted Sandwiches Cold Meats Pickles. Olives, Stuffed Celery Frozen Dessert Small Cakes Beverages Menu No. Ill Lettuce Sandwiches Toasted Cheese and Bacon Sandwiches Ham or Chicken a la King in Patty Cakes Mixed Sweet Pickles Orange Layer Cake Beverages Menu No. IV. Assorted Canapes and Relishes Crabmeat or Shrimp Salad Welsh Rarebit Hot Biscuit Wafers Chocolate Cup Cakes, with Whipped Cream Filling Beverages Plan a "clock party” to entertain your guests New Year’s eve. For this you’ll need all the alarm and “striking" clocks you can find Set them at different hours and put them in all sorts of unusual places so that chimes and gongs will sound from everywhere in the most un expected way — under davenport cushions, in the dining room buffet and behind the radio. Use black-and-white decorations, with clock faces drawn on white cardboard peering from everywhere, black-and-white paper drapes, a black-and-white checkered paper cloth for your table, and black and-white glass or china. You can have a clever question and-answer clock game, too. Have your questions typed on slips of pa per with space for answers. Pass them around, set a time limit for answering, and make your prizes something to do with time—a calen dar, diary, kitchen clock or egg-tim er. Here are some typical questions: 1. What book of the Bible is on a clock? Answer—Numbers. 2. What part of a clock means most to an Oriental? Answer—Face. 3. What has a bed in common with a clock? Answer—Springs. 4. What part of a clock would most interest a lawyer? Answer—Case. 5. What do you have that a clock has? Answer—Hands. One Hundred Years Ago 'Old Hickory' Revisited the Scene of His Triumph Over the 'Red Coats' at New Orleans By ELMO SCOTT WATSON (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) WHEN members of the Democratic party all over the United States gather together at their an nual Jackson day dinners this year, they may well point to a celebration which took place just 100 years ago as the precedent for their mak ing the anniversary of a great American military victory the occasion for a political rally. For January 8, 1840, marked the climax of a 10 day celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans and the hon or guest there was the hero of that battle-^Ex-President Andrew Jackson. It came about in this manner: During his second administration "Old Hickory” had decided that Martin Van Buren, his vice presi dent, should be his successor in the White House and, despite a revolt within the party, forced the nomination of the New York er and aided in his election. But Van Buren’s term as President was not a happy one for either him or for his friend and counsel or, the ex-President. Within a year after he took of fice, the speculative craze which had swept the country brought the inevitable result—the panic of 1837. Jackson’s financial poli cies were blamed (and wrongly, so the later historians assure us) for the disaster but since he was no longer in the White House the anger of men who had seen their fortunes go crashing down in ruins was turned against his "hand-picked successor,” Martin Van Buren. By 1839 business conditions had improved somewhat but not enough to reassure Van Buren that he could again defeat Wil liam Henry Harrison, the Whig candidate, and serve a second term. When congress convened, it quickly passed an independent treasury bill, taking the fiscal af fairs out of the hands of the banks and completing the work which Jackson had commenced back in 1829. By now the country had begun to realize that “Old Hick ory’s” financial policies were sound and his popularity, which had waned during the panic years of 1837-38, began to revive and give renewed confidence to Van Buren and his colleagues in the Democratic administration. 'Come to the Aid of the Party.’ Down in New Orleans the Lou isianians began planning a for mal observance of the twenty fifth anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans and President Van Buren, believing that the pres ence of General Jackson at that celebration would aid the cause of Democracy, wrote to him ask ing him to go. Much as Jackson would enjoy revisiting the scene of his triumph, there were sev eral reasons, however, which might prevent his going. He was a tired, old man now. “Old Hick ory” they still called him, but age had weakened the tough fiber which that name suggested. Such a journey and the excitement of the celebration would drain him of much of the strength he still had left. Then there was another reason. The General had lost one of his best friends, one upon whom he had come to depend greatly. That was Ralph E. W. Earle, the wan dering portrait painter, who had come to the Hermitage 17 years before and found there the only home he had ever known. Earle died in September, 1838, and the gray head of the general bowed a little lower after that date. “He was my constant companion when 1 traveled. Had I a wish to travel I have now no one to go with me,” he said mournfully. But the most important reason why such a trip was doubtful is suggested in a letter he wrote to a friend at about this time— “Again I am out of funds, and I cannot bear to borrow or travel as a pauper.” When Andrew Jackson went to Washington to become President, he carried $5, 000 with him. When, at the end of eight years, he returned to his home in Tennessee there was only $90 left of it. An Expensive Son. Then came the panic years and “Old Hickory” was hard put to it to remain solvent. His diffi culties were increased by the un businesslike practices of his adopted son, Andrew Jackson Jr. He prevailed upon his foster fa ther to allow him to buy a 1,100-acre plantation in Mississip pi for which he agreed to pay j $23,700 in four yearly install ! ments. On his way home from making this deal, young Jack son stopped at Nashville and, un ANDREW JACKSON IN 1840 This portrait was painted by Jacques J. Amans during "Old Hick ory’s" visit to New Orleans to join in the 25th anniversary celebration of his victory over the British there on January 8, 1815. The original hangs in the Brown University library, Providence, R. I. (From an il lustration in Marquis James’ "Andrew Jackson, Portrait of a Presi dent," published by the Bobbs-Merrill Company, by whose courtesy it is reproduced here.) known to his father, bought an expensive piano, also on the in stallment plan. Nor was this his only extrava gance, for while Jackson was making plans for the journey to New Orleans he received a let ter from his old friend, Maj. Wil liam B. Lewis, asking that a note for $550, signed by young Jackson and already two years overdue, be paid. This money had been used to buy a carriage and Andrew Jr. had assured his father that the money had al ready been repaid. “I have exerted all my means to clear my son from his foolish as well as useless debts. They are all exhausted, I can do no more,” the General wrote to Lew is. By this time he had about given up his plans for going to New Orleans. Then came a crushing blow. It was the financial collapse of Albert Ward, a son of one of Jackson’s old friends and one of the richest men in Middle Ten nessee. When his creditors be ANDREW JACKSON JR. A portrait ot Jackson’s adopted son by Ralph E. W. Earle, owned by the Ladies’ Hermitage Associ ation, Nashville, Tenn., and re produced in Marquis James’ "An drew Jackson, Portrait of a Pres ident.” gan securing writs of attachment against those who had gone se curity for Ward it was learned that Andrew Jackson Jr. was one of his principal sureties. More over, as the panicky creditors began to press their claims, oth er debts which young Jackson had contracted, unknown to his father, came to light. “Old Hickory," tired and ill as he was, rose superbly to the occa sion. First he made certain ar rangements with the Ward cred itors in order to gain time. Then he decided definitely to go to New Orleans. “If the trip should help the prospects of the Democrats, well and good;” writes Marquis James in his “Andrew Jackson— Portrait of a President,” “The real object was to relieve his son. “The time was short. On De cember 23 the General drove to Nashville and drew in advance on his cotton. After paying two notes for young Andrew and a few other bills only enough re mained for traveling expenses to New Orleans. So he borrowed $3,000 which was placed to the credit of his son. “On the day before Christmas Andrew Jr. had not returned from Mississippi. Jackson could delay his departure no longer. Scratch ing directions to the boy to pay the Lewis note and other debts to the extent of $3,000, Old Hickory was off for Louisiana to make his first public appearance in nearly three years.” A Near-Tragic Journey. Concerning that near-tragic journey and its results, James also writes: “New Year’s day of 1840 was spent aboard an Ohio river pack et menaced by drifting ice. At Memphis Jackson obtained from Albert Ward pledges which he hoped would balance Andrew Jr.’s obligations to the Ward creditors . . . “On January 4, the steamer Vicksburg, chartered by the state of Mississippi and loaded with notables, took the General aboard. What followed was a nightmare. Stricken with a hem orrhage which made every breath torture, the veteran drummed out the last reserves of his will-power ‘determined to go through (with the journey) or fall in the strug gle.’ “ ‘I have found that complain ing never eased pain,’ he said. The endless receptions, the speeches, the pageantry, the fire works, the shouting, were some how endured for 10 days and nights. Leaning on his cane, the chieftain slowly mounted the mouldering ridge that had been the rampart beside the Rodriquez canal. Dim old eyes looked on a level field of cane stubble . . . which memory may have peo pled with pulsing platoons in red tunics latticed by white cross belts . . . hedges of bayonets re ceding into infinity ...” Thus did the “Hero of New Or leans” look upon the scene of his triumph a quarter of a century earlier where he had won that amazing victory with which, in the words of another biographer (Gerald W. Johnson in his “An drew Jackson—An Epic in Home spun”), he had “saved the self respect of the country.” Because of it that country was “literally crazed with joy and in its de lirium flung the name of Andrew Jackson against the stars.” A Hero Goes Home. After the 10-day celebration was over Jackson started for his home in Tennessee. “Alone in the cabin of a homeward bound steamer, the pain passed and a feeling of peace filled the heart of the soldier,” writes James, “He hoped he had done some thing to save Mr. Van Buren. In any event he believed he had saved Andrew.” As it turned out, both hopes were vain. For in the tumultuous “log cabin and hard cider” cam paign that year the “singing Whigs” with their shouts of “Tip pecanoe and Tyler, Too!” and “Van, Van is a used-up man!” swept the “Little Magician” out of the White House and installed “Old Tippecanoe” Harrison there in his place. As for Andrew, it is true that his foster father “saved” him— but only temporarily. For the young man seems to have had a perfect genius for bad business practices and before the weary old General had laid down his burdens on June 8, 1845—five years and six months, to a day, after his triumphant return to New Orleans—those burdens had been added to, by his foster son, to the extent of $24,000. As Andrew Jackson, returning to New Orleans in 1840 experi enced the "endless receptions, speeches, pageantry, fireworks’’ etc., one wonders if, perhaps, he remembered the reception that had been given him by that city immediately after his victory 25 years before—and, remembering, smiled inwardly at the recollec tion of what followed so soon aft erwards! That reception is de scribed in the first of Marquis James’ two-volume biography, "Andrew Jackson, the Border Captain" as follows: "... The city gave him a Lat in welcome. Pierre Favrot, seat ed by a window overlooking the Place d’Armes, undertook to de scribe it to his wife Never my dear have I seen such a crowd ... All the troops arriving to the strains of military music & of the cannons . . . more than 12,000 people of whom 8,000 were armed . . . Tomorrow they . . . will crown the General; twelve young girls will strew his path with flowers . . .’ ” This they did on the morrow, and much more. "At the door of the church he was received by the Abbe DuBourg in his robes of office and attended by a col lege of priests . . . The choir began to chant the majestic lines of the Te Deum. The people in the church took up the hymn. It spread to the lips of the throng that filled the square as all New Orleans poured forth its grati tude for deliverance.” Short-Lived Gratitude. But that gratitude was short lived, and the hero of yesterday was, in their minds, a tyrant the next day, when "New Orleans awakened somewhat amazed to find itself, to all intents, once more in a state of siege. The tight restrictions of martial law were reimposed. Militia com panies which had looked forward to prompt disbandment were marched into camps and set to drilling. Reserve companies not under arms before because there were no arms to give them were called out, the dilatory cargo of GEN. ANDREW JACKSON, 1815 A miniature on ivory made in New Orleans by Jean Francois Vallee, a Frenchman who painted in tbe “Napoleonic tradition." War department rifles having ar rived. Andrew Jackson expected his victory to have bearing on the tedious negotiations he as sumed to be in progress at Ghent, but he took no chances." As rumors that a treaty of peace had indeed been signed be gan to drift into the city, the dis satisfaction with Jackson's re strictions on the citizens of New Orleans and the resentment of the volunteers and the militia against being kept under arms in creased. There were frequent desertions and finally open mu tiny. To deal with both, Jackson used the same iron hand with which he had ruled his soldiers during the campaign against the Creek Indians. This brought him into a collision with the civil au thorities. Clash With Civil Authority. Federal Judge Dominick A. Hall was determined to establish the fact that a writ of habeas corpus issued in his court should not be superseded by the rules of martial law. Jackson had not only dared to disregard such a writ but had arrested Hall for "aiding, abetting and exciting mutiny within my camp" and locking him up. Freed when martial law was revoked at the receipt of the news of the peace treaty, Hall had mounted the bench again, issuing a summons directing Jackson to show cause why he should not be held in con tempt of court for his refusal to recognize the writ of habeas corpus. So it came to pass that late in March, 1815, the “Hero of New Orleans” stood before the bar of civil justice and heard Judge Hall impose upon him a fine of $1,000 and costs but refrain from includ ing imprisonment in the sentence because it “was impossible to forget the important services of the defendant to the country.” After that "Jackson walked out of the court-room the idol of the cheering crowd. They unhitched the horses and dragged his car riage to the Exchange Coffee House.” The idol of New Orleans he re mained until his departure in May for his home in Tennessee. That departure “was taken in triumph—public farewells, private leave-takings, excherrrgBs of cost ly gifts. A purse wa» raised to discharge the fine imposed by Dominick Hall, but Andrew Jack son waved it aside, requesting that the money be distributed among the families of soldiers who had fallen in battle.”