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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1939)
...- - RATING— THE RECORDS I ___I, By Frank Marshal! Davis (for ANT) At last Aimetfean music can 1 boast of a rhapsody in bln* that ia authentic not a hybrid co>i ooction like Gershwin's effort. Blue Note Records ha; just re leased THE BLUES, a marvelous masterpiece by the prreat VWWAVyVWyiwAWMV Duffy Pharmacv We O60P 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery WAWAWWJVAP.VWW “Lux” Lewis. Published in a spec ial folder, it consists of four 12 inch "ides representing 20 min utes of improvising, the longest and most pretentious solo piano recording in jazz history. If ever there has been greater blues piano than this, I have never heard it. At no point does the music lag. Using the mood and technique employed on his recent Melancholy and Solitude, ho at tinvs seems ready to bor row certain phrases from those pieces, then nuddenly changes in to new and breathtaking melodic lines that sparkle in tlyir ori ginality. His right hand is by turn gay and sad; there are moments when delicate figures aru about to fly to the stars only to have his sombre ba»s seize and anchor them firmly. And it is equally interesting to note that Meade’s Blues, strange as it may seem, has a spiritual kin s h i p with Lizst’s Hungarian Khadsody. Mead» Lux Lewis, playing the blues from hi* very soul, has set a standard on these four sides which will be the despair of most other artists. Coleman Hawkins has finally I started playing the tenor sax somewhat the way he did before going to Europe. On SHE’S FUNNY THAT WAY and MEET DR. FOO, a Bluebird, his solos are his best since returning home. With Reinhardt and Grappelly in top form, the f'reich Hot Club Quintet makes hot work of AVA LON and SWEET SUE for Royals. This will please both collectors and jitterbugs. Woddy ! H rman's Decca version of I’M COMING' VIRGINIA packs a kick, but his MIDNIGHT ECHOES is more Ellingtonish than blue, without the Duke’s genius. Pete Johnson and Joe Turner, who should record more, have a fine Vocalion of LOVIN’ MAMA BLUES with Boogie Woogia Boys, among them Lips Paige on trumpet. Very good, but not so the companion CAFE SOCIETY RAG, featuring Johnson, lux Lewir, and Albert Ammons with Turner’s patter. Al Cooper’s Sa- ; voy Sultans have a good rhythm section, but tfye melody instru ments are constantly out of tune. This spoils their Decca of LIT TLE WATER and LOVE GAVE ME YOU. Alec Templeton gives a concer t performance of the b autiful NIGHT AND DAY for f Sebastianeum Sanitarium Hum* of So-I'm to Too. Founded many yean ago drop In tho heart or the European Continent hy tho roeorod Print - Empiric Inreotlg*. tor. Father Knolpp. Now conducted by tho Brothoro of Morey foe eor* to mankind. FATHER KNEIPP Daring hi* indent day*, Father Kneipp waa aickly. He began ex perimenting varioua herb teaa and frem them regained bia own health, lie apent the reel of hie long and robuat life minlatering to Buffering humanity. Today, Father Kntlpp’e wonderful work U rarried on by the Brother* of Mercy at the fiebaatlaneum Sanitarium. SUFFERERS From Rheumatism, Arthritis, Kidney and Bladder Trouble I GIVE THANKS For Father Kneipp’s Discovery! YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AND LOVED ONES TO MAKE THIS TEST Countless numbers of suffering people the world over have found welcome relief through use of Se-Basto Tea. You, too, may find it the answer to your distressing need. It costs eo little to try it . . . only $1.00 for - a liberal package containing a two weeks' supply . , , and with it you get a positive money-back guarantee of satisfaction! Why delay discovering Se-Basto Tea for your self? You brew it like tea . , . you drink it like tea ... it tastes like tea with that same smooth, mellow, satisfying character « . . yet, Se-Basto is more than a tea . . . It’s a careful blend of medicinally tested and proved herbal ingredients just as the Brothers of Mercy prepare it in accord with tha principles discovered so many years ago fcr their revered preceptor, Father Kniepp, Decide now to take advantage of this un usual opportunity for welcome relief from suffering . . , pin a one dollar bill to the coupon below and your two weeks’ supply ef Se-Basto Tea will be seat Mt its errand mercy by re tarn msfi. If A BLESSING TO THOUSANDS WITH POSITIVE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE If you are not absolutely satisfied with Se-Bosto Tea IN EVERY WAY . . . return ths empty carton and your money will be refunded without quantum. Why Delay and Wish You Hadn’t? JjgEJggB} ~~;-- * Vu -—■—S.J.SI li'l I I'S^..'.. JL -■ Tot , Dr. Browm’a Clinic, •C* Phoonix Bldg, ' Minnoopolio, Minn, « PToom lend me a liberal two week*’ luppty package Rf Se-Baito Tea for which I atUch a on* dolls? bill (MBO). I understand that if I am not satisfied in every way with Se-Basto Tat. 1 max ratnra the amDtn ***** and my v wdl fee promptly r*(WHl*d with out question..^ ^ 4 *** ™a “* NAME__ , MDDRKSg t — _ WTY 4 SPATJL^ r Victor and it should appeal to ail except those who insist on tho hottest of jazz. The coupling is THREE LITTLE FISHIES, « musical caricature that doesn’t measure up to his others. Although is doesn’t equal h^r Tisket A-Tasket classic, Ella Fitz gerald's swinging of that old childhood rhyme, MY VVURBY DOLLY, should click with the public. The reverse of this Deeca is a modern version of YOU’RE GONNA LOSE YOUR GAL. A bulls tye is scored by the rhythm man Hylton Sisters on the Var. sity of TIN ROOF BLUES. It’s sultry as u 90 degree night. The coupling, THREE LITTLE MAIDS, is likewise swell. One of Gene Krupa’s most polished and relaxed double” of the year is his HODGE PODGE and ON THE BEAM a Columbia. Both sides are definitely in the groove. The all-star combination headed by Jess Stacy produces some of the Ij’st jazz turned out by any white group in NONI and JESS STAY the latter a blues, on Varsity. With all the boys getting in their hot licks, John Kirby takes ROYAL GARDEN BLUES for a royal swing ride on Vocalion. It’s happy and carefree. But on BLUE SKIES the other side, the boys have substituted mere clev < rness for good jazz. There’s a i white trumpet play r named Lee | Costaldo who has studied Louis Armstrong carefully leading off on UPRIGHT ORGAN BLUES by Glenn Hardman’s Hammond Fiva on Columbia. On the other side he plays in the Bix tradition on JAZZ ME BLUES. Lesl^r Young’s tenor is tremendous on both sides and Hardman employs a guitar technique to get inter esting effects from his organ. Ant Costaldo b ars watching. The new unit of Will Bradley’s fea turing Kay McKinley at the drums gives a commercial swing tinge to SPEAKING OF HEA VEN and 1 THOUGHT ABOUT YOU for Vocalion. Bifcdley's trombome, in case you haven’t Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids Excess Acids and poisonous wastes in your .flood are removed chiefly thru S million tiny lellcate Kidney tubes or Alters. And non organlc and non-systemlc disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder may cause Getting Up fights, Nervousness. Leg Pains, Circles Un ler Eyes, Dizziness, Backache, Swollen \nkles, or Burning Passages. In many such ases the diuretic action of the Doctor’s pre emption Cyatex helps the Kidneys clean out -xcess Acids. This plus the palliative work of Cyatex may easily make you feel like a new person In Just a few days. Try Cyatex under the guarantee of money back unless com pletely satisfied. Cyatex costs only 3c a dose at druggists and the guarantee protects you “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladles and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE Street <9> -.- 5 SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET 2520 Cuming St. FREE—Delivery—FREE FRESH EGGS DAILY WEBSTER 4277 ©■ .- --- (a) Sure I can save ycur sole’ DR. TAYLOR SAYS— A COMPLETE LINE OF FINE QUALITY MATERIAL THE LAKE SHOE SERVICE AT-7060 24th A LAKE ST. heard, is sony what similar to Dorsey’". IN BRIEFER MENTION YOU BRING ME DOWN and MAKE WITH THE KISSES. Les Drown holding his jazzicians un der wraps for Bluebird; ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE and THAT LUCKY FELLOW in typi cal vein by Tommy Dorsey on COLLEGE and ALL DRESSED UP SPIC AND SPANISH, fine performances by A1 Donahue on Vocation; I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TIME IT WAS and Victor; LOVE NEVER WENT TO MAKE WITH THE KISSES, well1 sung by Bea Wa.n for Victor; TWO HEARTS ARE BETTER THAN ONE and CUBAN BOO GIE WOOGIE, tly latter a disa ppointment, by Charlie Barnett on Bluebird; WHO TOLD YOU I CARED and ON A LITTLE STREET in SINGAPORE, Harry James sweet and subdued on Columbia; YOU’RE THE GREATEST DISCOVERY and BLUE RAIN, a fine pair by Kay Kyser on Columbia; HONESTLY and SCATTER BRAIN, two pop ular tunes by Van Alexander on Varsity; MY PRAYER and YOU RE THE GREATEST DIS COVERY, a beautiful tune and a hotter number by Jimmy Dorsey; ONCE IN A WHILE and I WALK ALONE, typical Martha Raye, on Columbia. On race lists: I WANT SOME SEA FOOD and BEER TAVERN r. double-meaner and a lament, by Pcctie W'heatstraw on D-cca, HARD DR1VIN’ WOMAN and GOT TO REAP WHAT YOU SOW, two earthly blues by Jazz Gillum on Bluebird; YOU CAN’T HAVE NONE OF' THAT and I’D RATHER BE DRUNK, a fc'ootl pairing by the Yas Yas Girl on Vocalion; HE'S MINE, ALL MINE and HOG WILD BLUES, excellent 'blues warbling aided by Chari s Shavers and Buster Bai Ky on Decca; JUNGLE MAN BLUES and CHANGING BLUES' by one of the best male indigo singers plus Honey Hill s marve. loun honky-tonk piano on Decca; YOU BROUGHT ME EVERY THING BUT LOVE and OH BABE HAS YOUR MONEY COME, a typical pair by the Harlem Ham F’ats on Vocalion; TREATED LIKE A DOG and LOCK AND KEY BLUES, poor singing by Leie Brown on Decca. -0O0 TOWNSEND NATIONAL RECOVERY PLAN, INC. The Townsend Club, No. 11 moots every Monday night at the Urban League Hall. Had their election of officers December 11. Mr. L. F. McDonald was elected president having faithfully serv ed the club, one term a8 vice president. Other officers were as following: Edna Mitchell Long, Estelle Saunders, Rev. W. H. Hall, Martha NaHh, Allen Jones, Georgia Hunter, Edith Harrison, Bertha Hawkins, J. H. Glover, J. R. Thomas, George Mitchell, W. E. Brown. Installation will be held December 18th and officers H Beautiful and Cool BLUE BOOM Wishes to Announce the Inauguration of First Class Floor Shew Sucl) talent as: Velma Morris, Song Bird; Harold Smith, Hoofer Deluxe; Georgia Redd, Song and Dance Superb. $100 A Month Pension without Taxation WANTED CLUB ORGANIZERS AND PETITION CIRCULATORS FOR NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE OMAHA Nebraska Security League 310 MERCHANTS NAT’L BANK BUILDING _13th *. FARNAM 3T3.—OMAHA . ' :v: t*?2naTCByz?2T2rL Omaha, Out of the Past An exclusive Omaha Gu d« feature MAY, 1931 Trjns.z' MODERN PRISCILLA ART AND STUDY CLUB Tho annual election of officers, of tho Modern Priscilla Art and Study Club will be held Thursday May 12, at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Vera Graham. Mrs. Lil lian Harrison will give a brie/ history of the club, other num bers on the program will include tho Presidents annual address. Among those making neserva- ; tions for the “May Breakfast,’1 i sponsored ty the club, are Rev. ani Mrs. J. H. Dotson, Rev. and Mrs Z. E. McGee. Dr. and Mrs. Poebles, Miss Opal Harris of Council Bluffs (a party- Mrs. L. M Lord, Mrs. M. D. Cameron, Mrs. J. F Dimick of the Omaha Woman’s Club. At Mrs. Vera Uranam's table, will be a paity of 12, including J'mray Jones and his papular or chestra. A group of head 'd by Mrs. Herndon, Pros, of tho Federation of Council Bluffs will be in attendance. The res ervations are coming in real fast. WHO WILL BE CROWNED? The third annual Coronation Fall, will be given by the Choir Guild of Sa nt Philips Churchy | May 19th. Fornrir Queens are Miss Dorothy Allen and Miss Ca- ; therine Wijliamp. Former Kings are Mr. E. W. Pryor and Sergt. Isaac Bailey. Who will be crown ed King and Queen this year is a mystery. will take the positions January. Come and join this great move ment and help put it over. This club has two hundred and sixty seven members. Edna Mitchell Long, Sec’t. -0O0 NEGRO BAND — ■ Dec. 18—So. High Sch. 11:45 1:15 PM. Tuesdaji, Dee. 19—So. High 11:45-1:15 PM; Benson High Sch. 12.1 PM; St. Adleberts, 2-3 PM;' Urban League 8-11 PM; Social Settlement 8-11 PM. Wednesday, Dec. 20—So. High Sch. 11:45-1:15 PM; No. Side Gym, 8.11:30 PM. Thursday, Dec. 21—So. High Sch. 11:45-1:15 PM; Benson High Sch. 12-1 PM; Urban League 1-3 PM; Bellevue, 8:30-11:30 PM; Urban League, 8-11 PM. Friday, Deo. 22—Urban League 8-11 PM; Miller Park Pavilion, 8-11 PM; So. High Sch. 11:45 1:15 PM. Saturday, Dec. 23—None. -oOo RESIGNS Mrs. Luciylle Edwards tended he? resignation to the Douglas County Democratic Central Com mittee as chair-woman of the second ward democratic Negro groups in favor of Mrs. Jesse Leland, 2824 N. 26th. Mrs. Leland was appointed and accepted. Mrs. Leland stir ted she will call all ward workers in her district to a get-together meeting soon and ask cooperation by all. At the meeting Monday night, December 11th, of the Douglas County Democratic Control Com mittee at the Fontenelle hotel, Mrs. Lillian Wright^ 5705 S. 33rd Street and Mr, Charley Womack, 3010 Y Street were voted as chairwoman and chairman of the Negro Democratic voters of the 7th ward. READ THE OMAHA GUIDE . ^-»i—..—■ ■ HEX OG RAMS **i»ee Me following IS letters Si ■t^a' a alkur so as to spell one S-let'er and five 4-letter word*. Aavowa *>*w c'rMtion of spoiling. •**■* latter has been plaearf hi tin proper pMee. Fill in tbe other twatva attars. - E «N-A-l-D-L-R \ W-T-O-H-S r Solution On P«g« 5 PAIN IN BACK MADE NEIM MISERABLE Read How She Found Blessed Relief Muscles were so sore Mf V shecould liardly touch them. Used Hamlins Wizard Oil Liniment and found wonderful relief. Try it today if youi muscles are stiff, sore, achy. Rub it on thorough ly Feel its prompt wanting action ease pain; bring soothing rcl,ef. Pleasant odor. Will not stain. Money-back guarantee at all drug stores. North 24th St. - SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th ST WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING. METHOD ‘‘Leaves No . Repaic. Look" ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN-, VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— mrmwmifii—n ?TUXEDO Barber Shop 2225 North 24th St. Are you a clean A Shaved Man? IS Your Hair Cut Right? When You Leave the Tuxedo Barber Shop You have a feel ing of Satisfaction that com es only from Superior Oper ators. M. A. McGee, Prop. i> j ' . . I 1 NEURITIS / Rheumatism"^ To relieve torturing pain of Rheumatism. Neuritis, Neuralgia, or Lumbago in a few minutes, get NURITO, the splendid formal*, used by thousands. Dependable—no opiat**. Does the work quickly. Must relieve cruel pain, to your satisfaction, in few minutes *r your money back. Don’t suffer. Ask y**r druggist today for NURITO o* this guarantee. 1 -- A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme.C.J. Walker's Preparations ‘‘I use Mme. C. J. Walker's preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late\ Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker's won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J.'Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana,,