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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1939)
EDITORIALS THE OMAHA GLIDE All News Copy of Churches and Organiz ations must be in our office not later than 6:0i) p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or paid articles not later than Wednesday noon, prececding date of issue, to in-ure publication. Here prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man mild pre vail. These are the only principles which w.ll stand the at id test of time. ■James H. Williams, James E Seay, Linotype Operators and Pressmen Paul Harnett, Foreman Published every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska— Phone W E. 4 517 Entered a<> 2nd Class Matter March 15, i927 st the Post Office at Omaha, Nebr., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THE RECORD Criticizing the institution of life Insurance has become a paying business. Hut these very voeui critics who cash in on criticism, d n’t seism able to suggest anything better. In past times, a few or their schemes have been tried—and usually found sadly wanting. What criticism cannot hid is that life Insur ance has given the American people more and bet ter protection than is enjoyed anywhere else in the world -that, even in the face cf great disasters, such as war, the percentage of life insurance failures has bees microscopic—and that life insurance, to the bulk of us, offers the only sure and practical means of providing for dependents, and f r our own futures. In other words, look at the record. The voices of life insurance’s most extreme critics are puny indeed when put beside it. —-:Oo If in order to combat the notion that Ameri can young people need to look f;r guidance to that dictatorial regime which is the embodiment of Com - munism, it is felt necessary to set up ounterorgani zations among youth, let such organizations have the sponsorship of leaders whose devotion to Ameri can institution has been tested.”—Raymond Moley. -'Oo--— "If the people of the United States are to weight intelligently the merits of public vs. private rendering of electric service, not only must public 1 systems include taxes at the same rates as those paid by private utilities, but they must als> accur ately bedit all free or under-cost services which are furnished by other governmental departments, and all of which represent an expense to the taxpayers.” -—E. R. Abrams. __ ! HILLSIDE XMAS SERVICE I - At the eleven o’clock service «on .Sunday Dec. 24th, the pastor, JTev. J. S. Williams will preach -the pennon. The choir will sing the beautiful sixteen century '•Vench Christmas carol “AngeLs O’ver the Fields” by Dickinson and “Rose of Sharon’’ bv Schu At 4:30 in the afternoon , ‘will be the 3rd annual candle- i light musical. At this service the choir will sing excerpt* from Handel’s “Messiah.” Augmenting the choir will be a young peoples chorus of 50 voices, incidentally stinging 3 outstanding Christmas canols, and serving in the capa city of an chorus. The young peoples chorus will join in the j concluding anthem which bring the service to a marvelous im- j gcaeive climax. At 8 FM. will be the Sunday pghool services at which time everyone will sing Christmas carols and the children will offer a program. Everyone is invited to these services. The afternoon program fol fcwsr Processional .-.J Invocation .... lord's Prayer . Deis Silent Nght, Holy Night (Antiphonal singing) Anthem “And the Glory of the Lord...-. Iflindel Anthem “Glory to God” Handel Lighitng of the Christ Child Candle . Anthem “Christ we do all adore thee” . Duboi-s Offertory .Adoi-ation .Gaul *He was Despised” (solo) Handel Mrs. Irene Morton ■*Behold the Lamb of God’ Handel ■^And the Glory of the Lord’ ” i (Mrs. Morton mSurely lie Hath Bom our Grief’ .-. Handel fAngels O’er the Felds’ Dickinson (For both choirs) Becessional .-Hark the Herald Angels Sing. benediction .-.-. The Ud'iN Auxiliary to the Broth** hood of Skipping Oar Porters gave a breakfast in honor of A Phillip Randolph, In ternational President of the Bro therhood, and M. P. Webster, First Vice president of the Bro therhood, at the home of Mrs. Selma Clark on Saturday morn ing, December 9th at 10:30 AM. Covers wjeiip laid for 30. Tho«e present included: Mp3. E. M. Harris, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, Mr. an.1 Mrs. F. W. Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. S. Woods, Mrs. I. Pharr, Mrs. A. Lewis, Mrs. H. Avant, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanford, Mils. L. S. England, Mrs. F. Moore, Mrs. Gleen Deckard, Mi's. Wesley, Mrs. Todd, Mat*. George Althouse, Mrs. Ned Moore, Mr. and Mrs. John Vonner, Mrs, B. Ray, Mrs. Olivia Kirtley, Mrs. Guy Smith, Mrs. George Adams, Mr. W. R. Johnson, Mr. W. W. Simms, Mr. S. Towles, Preskien\ ■ if tine Local Brotherhood, and Mr. Tayloi* Murrell, Secretary Treasurer of the Local Brother hood. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Sleeping Oar Por bei's will sponsor their annual Pre-Christmas Tea, on December 21, 1939, at the home of Mi's. Charles Woods, 2823 North 27th Avenue, from 4 until 8 PM. A beautful quilt will he given a? | door prize to the person holding the lucky number. Mrs. E. M. Harris, President; Mrs. F. Cloud, Reporter. -oOo Mb. Calvary ushars and usher ettes annual social that was held at 2608 Hamilton street, Decem ber 9th was a wonderful success. We want to thank the members and friends for their support in making thijs affair the success that it was. M. Warren, President Miss Peel, secretary For Economical Sure Fire Adver tisoment TRY A CLASSIFIED AD i Qnahe Get; Hew Street t I Mayor Dan Butler, top, re reiving, the Eighteenth S'ree marker from J. E. Davidson president of N.ebrasga Powe, < I nr*pany, after hav ng' nut th F&mam street marker in plac. at the City Hall corner. Thi brim' ceremony wup held Wedona day mor.wvg, December 6, to place the first of 267 street marker at 166 inte sect ons in downtown Omaha contributed by Net rask Power Company a- a service t .ho city. F'rst of 257 new street mar keri now beng installed at 150 downtown st.'cot intersections by the Nebraska Power Company, was put in place Wednesday morning (December 6) at the city hall corner, Kghteenth and i'arnam Streets, by Mayor Dan Butler and J. E. Davidson, pres ident of the power comp.iny. Workmen of tha power com pany expect to have the rema n .ng signs installed within the next week or the ten days, de pending on the weather. The new signs are of blue and white enamel with four-inch let ters designating the street each sign faces, and the intersecting steeet d tin giro bed above in 2-inch ; letters. Each sign is in an oma- j mental frame attached to the steel light pole at intersections i thtimghout the business district. They ara o<f the same type as are used in New York City. Thu old signs, to l>e replaced, because they had become faded and rusty after many years use, had letters but two inches high and did not designate the inter secting street. To visitor^ and a long felt need which the c ty more legible markers will prove of even greater convenience than to residents of the city. They fill a long felt need which the city has long recognized, but for which it could hardly spare the funds because of the many de mands for other necclnary cr.y act vi ties. In appreciation of the power company’s generosity in contri buting this service to the city, the city council, Tuesday passed a resolution introduced 'by Street ommissionon Jcftn Kit'll til I mik ing the company. The new signs are being in stalled along the following streets: Farnam, Ninth to Turner Bou levard; Harney, Ninth to Twenty sxth; Howard, Ninth to Twen tieth; Jackson, 9th to 19th Aw.; Jones, 9th to 16th, 22nd to 24th; St. Marys Avenue, 17h to 24th; Leavenworth, 9th to Park Ave nue; Douglas, 9th to 25th Ave nue; Capitol, 13th to 18th; Dav enport 13th to 16th; Thirteenth, Davenport to Hickory; Sixteenth leaven worth to Cuming. I Remarking all of streets throughout the city is ox ported to be done early next year, May or Butler announced. The city now has a WPA project pending for this work, he said. -0O0 Mr. John N, Thomas, 58 years of age diet! Saturday (Dec. 2 ’39) at a Iwal hospital after a brief illness, lie was a plasterer by trade and had lived in Omaha for twenty five years. His wife the former Miss Heneretta Wilson proceeded him in death 15 years ^ ;■'» For th> past ten years Mr ’hurman hud made his home vv th L“. and Mrs. Hit'v (y Norman, '527 South 2Gth street. Mr. Thurman is survived hy a fetor Mrs. Anna Butts of Duluth linn., and brother, Isiah Thur man of Detroit, Michigan. Fun eral services were h-rdd Monday De".. 11 in the afternoon with the Rev. R. W. Johnson of the Metro politan off ciating at the Thomas Funeral Home, 21)22 Lake. -oOo City Union of Ushers & Usherettes Jack Hall, Reporter WE. 2094 Last Sunday the 10th as you romember was Cabinet Meeting. And what a grand t me we had. It seemed like old times. After listening to the report, coming from Bethel Baptist, or shall I say letter, thank'ng uh for our visit of a couple Sundays agvp And also understanding more fully the nature of the meeting, Mr. Andrews, we believe we ow,e you and your local an apology for say ng what we did, we all make mistakes sometimes so we will shake, for give, and forget. But don't forget the Old Fash'on Box Lunch on the 2l«t, at Bethel AME on FrankFn St. Wo are expecting each local and its pastoa* and wife to be our guest that nite. I must remind you again that J’flWiViVW.W.W.-.V.V.'V' CHOP SUEY King: Yuen Cafe .. 20101, N. 24th St. JAckson 0576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. American & Chinese Disnes .V.V.V.,.V.‘.V.* W.'.VAV iaogie:Mzaacaejg^gacadaSuSzz Robbinys Pharmacy 2306 N. 24th St. WE. 1711 isoffwwf iv/wr/i] |YC)</VGF7? AfM F07? I [TH/SJOB (Vote lovh* -toxrM) Yes, employers do judge your age by your hair. And If your hair la gray you might as well wear a rag saying, “I’m old—too old for this Job!' Have you ever lost out on good Jobs for this reason? If you have, don't worry — you can keep It from happening again. Simply color your hair with Codefroy's Larleuse. N» matter how gray your* Is now, it will Instantly take on glowing. experience necessary directions In package tell you how to apply Larleuse. Take* only a few minutes. Color will not rub off or wash out. Use Larleuse —keep your age a se cret. Who knows. It may mean • new Job for you ... and new friends . .. and new chanceo for romance. Cat a bottle today. IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT HAVE IT. SEN1> *1.15 (no extra postage) DI RECT TO OOBKfBOn HAIR COLORING tOOSflWT NFR. CO..BIO outran..SLUtfs.*fc f Sunday, the 17th SalenT.s local o'" I which Mr. Herbert is president, >< having their pre Xmas Tea at 2423 Parker St Of course you may prefer coffee, but however vvo must drop in and sip awhile /ith th°m, because you will avj Something yours.If some me, then you can leave there .lid go over to Mt. Moriah on j.f.o street to the “White Gift” ervice. You know each local is ’"ked to send two uslwrs. Men n regular un'i! h'ms, w |nen in all white. Oh yes, strange but rue. So don’t forged your gloves, lean of course. You can leave our chewing gum at home this i.rie. Zion ushers had rather a try i ng day last Sunday due the i '.ct that Rev. Harper the ex-pas ! .■ preached and ev.rjtbody in town seemingly was out at all rviccs to sea and hear him. Be rg tra ned and accustomed to handling big crowds as they so iften do it was just another Sun. gathering in their line of work. It is worth a visit to go over thero some Sunday and see those u hers ‘struct their stuff.’ W,e were glad to see our i i secretary Mj». Goosby in our j . meret'ng last Sunday. The Presi- i dent announced that the next re gular meeting will be held the 1th Sunday in January. We learn Mrs. Henderson was reelected for presd:ent of her lo cal for next year at their, election of officei-s meeting last week. Mi's. Henderson, you must be a good president. Well, here’s hobing to see you later. I’ll be C ing-U. -0O0 The Friendly 16 Bridge Club , met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis, 2118 North 29th St. After playing twelve hands of bridge, the members was served a delicious repays by the host and hostess. Massay Avant, Prsodent Walter Ford, Secretary CURTIS BONDS The funeral of Curtis Bonds, a resident of Omaha for 18 years was held .Dec. 4th, from the Lewis chap<el. Rev. C. Q. Hicker tcn officiated. A large represent ation of the boys whom he work ed with at Armours were presen', and many other friends, paying the'r last respect}?. He is sur v ved by his sister, Mrs. Martha Smith, niece Thelma Smith, Mrs. Clara Samley and other rela tives. Interment Graceland Park eenystery. [Hollywood Grill BREAKFAST SPECIALS Soups & Sandwiches 2418 N. 24th St. ,«>— - — — —- $ Johnson Drug Co. Prescription* LIQI’ORS. WINES and BEER WE. 0999 1904 N. imp St Bolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH BRING IN YOUR BROKEN WINDOW AND WE’LL GLAZE THEM FREE! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN & FENCE WIRE OUR STOVE, FURNACE, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, ROOFING AND GUTTERING ARE COMPLETE. •‘Everything At A Low Price” (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-21 N. 21th St; ---i f 2 SUITS 80cfe CASH &~CARRY Plain 2 DRESSES 80cts CASH & CARR\ 1 SUIT & 1 DRESS 80^ , CASH A CARRY SHIRTS 12cts CASH ft CARRY EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS Amazing New Hollywood Discovery 't.*i * '• — ^ ’■ - FROM THE MAKE-UP CENTER OF THE WORLD “fllommit” Liquid Beauty 1IIUU ■ Lightens the Complexion Performs the Rites cf Loveliness for Thousands of the Smartest Women! HAVE THAT LOVELY VELVETY, ATTRACTIVE COMPLEXION By Using “GLAMOUR LIQUID Beauty” This preparation will not peel or harm the most delicate skin in any way, It’s for the Modern Woman.jn pursuit of loveliness This lovely liquid preparation lightens the complexion and produces a softer and smoother tone. It radiates and is alluring. - It is an aid to clearing the complexion of a muddy, sun-tanned appearanc. It is a protection against winds and heat that dry the skin. It will rid your complexion of that terrible oily appearance. Glamour Can Be Yours! This wonderful preparation is not something CHEAP that you will be afraid to use. ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. UNQUESTIONED PURITY. Prepared By MARIE WEST PRODUCE „ *. , . OF HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA " W Distributed By THE SCOTT COMPANY ORDER YOUR SUPPLY FOR || ■ — THREE (3) MONTHS NOW T TICC B" 1 ONLY ONE SIZE. PREPAID TO Am III Bll ANY PART OF THE Vlllj W0 | UNITED STATES. SEND COUPON BELOW - r ‘ ---- ---- - -—' THE SCOTT COMPANY In Care of THE OMAHA GUIBE 2418-20 GRANT ST. OMAHA, NEBR. PLEASE send to me by return mail one (1) battle of “GLAMOUR WH«F ENER.” YOU WILL FIND ENCLOSED $1.00 for Same. N»e-—- Address___’ City and State _____ _ _ ■ ■ " ■ « ■ ,i I. —, . ■ —~ i ■ .i - - | a