CL’iCAGO STOCKYARDS WORKERS CHOOSE CIO AS BARGAINING AGENT C/hicasro. Dec. 7 (AND—Last Tuesday, at an all day election, sponsored and directed by the National Labor Relation" Board * • ' t iirinking plant of Armour and company, the Packinghouse What Do You Know About Health? By FISHER BROWN and NAT FALK _ _■ -- —-«i ,.Who is S'/ OTTO MEYERHOF ? --- aV^HAT IS . NARCOLEPSY? ,3Whv ARE l CW.NMTANE)5 VcONStRUCTEy 3 50 THAT EACH I^NSEAf WILL FSb bUSTAIN - | 30C POUNDS? A nrumrc >. Awarded Nobel /Answers. prjIe j„ J922 with A. V. Hill. They made it possible for doctors to understand how muscles work in carrying on their activities. Their studies have been ol the greatest importance ti our un derstanding of fatigue and effort. 2. A strange nervous disorder char acterized by sudden and irresistible attacks of sleep. More than a hun dred cases have been reported in the United States since 1918 in which the sufferers fell asleep, for example while shopping, swimming, telephon ing, and even driving in traffic. Vic tims of this ailment arc now being relieved by a drug. 3. When a man arises suddenly from a sitting position, the additier a! weight momentarily created by the action nearly equals his normal weight. Therefore, grandstands and stadiums are usualls construrird u that each seat and the standing space in front of it will sustain a loud ni at least 300 pounds. IMPORTANT!, * medical tests reveal how thousands of WOMEN W GET NEW ENERGY If you feel tired out, limp, listless, 1 moody, depressed if your nerves ' are constantly on edge and you’re losing your boy friends to more attractive, peppy women—SNAP OUT OK It! No man likes u dull, tired, cross woman — I -AH >'ou ,naiK need is a good reliable j tonic. If so, just try famous Lydia K. » Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound | made especially for women. Let it stimulate gastric juices to help digest and assimilate more wholesome food which your body uses directly for energy to help build up more physi cal resistance and thus help calm jittery nerves, lessen female func tional distress nnd give you joyful bubbling energy that is reflected thruout your whole being. Over 1,000,000 women have re ported marvelous benefits from Pinkham’s Compound. Results should delight you! Telephone your druggist right now for a bottle. WELL WORTH TRYING. * PSatB f© iSftfeisa? COOKING SCHOOL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 Peginning at 2:15 P. M. Ritz Theater 24th and Patrick CONDUCTED BY MRS. T. I*. MAHAMMIT. ASSISTED BY MISS LILA PRYOR Nebraska Power Company Home Service Demonstrators You'll be glad you came to the Cook ing School. You'll get lots of new ideas, new recipes, new short cuts to better cooking. Skillful demonstrators will ex m plain everything thoroughly, and will answer your questions about cooking and homemaking. Be sure to attend. NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY —.■ -■* Week rs’ Organizing Committee, affiliated the (ingress of industrial Organizations, was se lected by the workers as the agency to represent them in eol t ctive bargaining. Two other choices were given tho employe*: to vote for Amal ga rated Meat Cutters and Butch er Workmen of Any rica, an Amcr can Federation of Labor affiliate, or to vote aaginst being represented by eithei union. Ot tlii 7,253 workilo eligib.-.* t'o vet,-, ab .ut one thirl are colored Rad the balloting was the one big topic of d scussion during lb , d^y througnout the stock yards area. In the election, 0,307 ballots wen certified :*s valid and the w rki-rs voted as follows: for tho CIO, 4,006; for AFL, 1,047; against Union representation, j ,254. A total of 785 did not vot and 161 other ballots were dis quauf ed. No note of disorder mark, d tho halloting. Armour and company cooperated fully by providing p-ollin r places and send ing workers to vote by depart, meats. After tho polls had closed and the workers’ choice made known Don Harris, national director of tho Packinghouse Wc r’t rs’ Or ganizing committee, said: “Th>-j victory constitutes noi only a fitting an. by the Armcui workers to the tied baiting earn paign of the combined forces of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters Armour and Congressman Dus, but is also a clear mandat* to iho I*VVOC to continue full steam ahead in its campaign for wag', increases and better working ■ conditions under an Armour con-j l ifict.” -oOo YOUTH COMMISSION FEARS WAR ENTRY UNLESS JOBS FOR YOUNG PROVIDED Washington, Dec. 1 (ANP) Gloomy indeed iH the picture painted by the American Youti Com mission, a non governmental nganizat.on of industrialists an, educators headed by Ow n I). Young, in the report just released o the American public. Warning that continued unem ployment during a war boom may ad to involvement in the Euro pean war, tho commission reco i mend i that the fe ieral gnver ment inagurate a special progra ,if public works for 4,000,000 job less youth. "Net ev n a war boom,” say* j Lho report, “can supp y jobs v t ally needed for the nation's vas reservoir of unemployed youth.” The report urged th,» gnv.n-' menS to assist those who do not desire to continue school bu. i wh > are unable to find job- in pri vate indu try. "Some action is imperative for tp' nutional welfare,” continued the report, "because of the (inn gerous effect on American youth of prolonged and widespread un employment plu* th strain o the present wer's. “The continued pressure of un employment on youth, in th° midst of a war boom, will add to the danger of drifting into activ participat on in the war,” th commission added. Tho commission which has con ducted a four year study of youth problems declares that it had been hoped that war orders in thi gountiy would cieate between 2 and 3,000,000 new jobs Youth unemployment, it added, approxi mates 4,000,000 young peopl be tween 15 and 24, or ore-third of the nation’s unemployed. The commission proposed that tho special works piogram pro vide employment for youths in conservation activities similar to the OCC program and in the con struction of useful public build ings. It also proposes projects that , would afford young persons an opportunity to produce goods and services to supply their own t\?eds. Such work, it added, would | not compete with private industry and would be preferable to ‘‘the levels of taxation necessary to support a decent bvel of subsb- ; tence for those in need if they are t» be allowed to do anything for themselves.” Whil,9 this and other proposals call for an increase in federal expenditures, it is said in other circles that the president is being advice*! to not mak;e any addition al expenditures in order to cut down the public debt and to work oiut sou-re plans whereby the present heavy tax load will ,hs de creased. Robbings Pharmacy 23#« N. 24th St. WE. 1711 ERSKINE HAWKINS EltSKINE HAWKINS SIGNED FOR BROADWAY’ EARLY SHOWING New York, Dec. 7 (C)—(Ex clusive1- Ei.kine Hawkins, who with his trumpet and orchestra have set a n w, all time high in attendance since returning t) the Savoy Ballroom on Thanksgivn? Night, has been signed tc. a lead ng role in “ Young Man With a Horn.” Rehearsals ar1 scheduled to begin in New Y’oik n December 12th. Ella Fitzgerald, who is on the road touring with her orchestra, vv 1 ilso have a part in tlv play, -singing and a few i'nes, whim i ba d on the life of a famou rumpet player, white, who lied several years ago, Bix Beider becke. -oOo Organizations Give Fine Response in Xmas Seal I)ri\*e New York Nov. 30—With loss thn'1 50 000 seals to be distribut ed tbe National Association for tho Advancement of Color d Peo ple announced today that all of tin1 Avoc ation's 1,000,000 Christ mas seals are expected to be in be hrn's of seller^ within th aexj few day*. Individual an:) organizations, including sororities and fraternities have given excel lent respan; e and arc sen 1 ng in hew money rapidly, official s •aid. Money from the se'ds will be used to bolster the NAACP’s general legal d fen«e fund. YsOimYWEWANTA} I YOUNGER MAN FOR 1 {THISJOB i f (Vcnc £truk. 1 i tacr o&!L) J Yet, employers do judge your age by your hair. And If your hair la gray you might aa well wear a tag saying, **i’m old — too old for this jobr Have you ever lost out on good jobs for this reason? If you have, don't worry — you can keep it from happening again. Simply color your hair with Godefroy's Larleuae. No matter howr gray yours is now, it will instantly take on glowing, youth-ful-looklng color when Larleuae Is brushed through It. No experience neceaaary —directions In package tell you how to apply Larleuae Takea only a few minutes. Color will not rub off or wash out. Lae Larleuae — keep your age a se cret. Who knows. It may mean a new Job for > ou .. . and new friends .. • and new chances for romance. Get a bottle today. IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT HAVE IT, SEND $1.35 (no extra postage) DI RECT TO tODEFtOY MFC. CO . 3510 Ollvs St..St. Unis. Ma Jehnsen Drug Co. Prescriptions LIQUORS, WINES and USER WI. 999ft 1904 N. 24 tk St - ____ __ I .V.V.V.SVW.V.V.WAW. CHOPSUEY King Yuen Cafe . 20'O'^ N. 24t'i St. JAckson £076 Cpm from 2 pm. until 3 a. m. American & Chinese Disnes .V.V.V.V.V.W A’.y.VAV "Hollywood Grill BREAKFAST SPECIALS Soups & Sandwiches 2418 N. 24th St. «>---t QUESTION Vy/i/ch ore the on/y cough drops containing Vitamin A ? (CAROTENE) -a Bolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH BRING IN YOUR BROKEN WINDOW AND WE’LL GLAZE THEM FREE! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN & FENCE WIRE OUR STOVE, FURNACE. PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, ROOFING AND GUTTERING ARE COMPLETE. ■‘Everything At A Low Price” (Open Evenings) —WE. 1 (>07— 1^22-24 N. 21th St. IV---fc 2 SUITS ds I & CARRY Plain 2 DRESSES 80