The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 02, 1939, CITY EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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fit} Dean Gordon E. Hancock
for ANP)
Within fch? proven. genera ion
the Nordic doctrine h * rtxreived
jt tremendous inflation through
the propagandized preachments
«f Madison Grant, Lothroy Sol
*tard and William McKougal. On
appraised the Nordic stock has
<J»3 curb of world opinion and
raritad Impressive heights. N r
dic ideals and Nordic notions and
peoples who have not fallen down
to worship at t-h shrine or Nor- (
diom. ,
In my Atlanta address before |
the Baptist Worl i Al'ianci I tr ed
lo make clear the fact that th->
outstanding his tor cal fact 'of
the 20ih century is the domina
tion of the world !by the white
man and that the whi e man’s
world domination is characterized
by three thing- name'y, the
spread of the Christian ideal the
marvelous advanc of science and
the quickening of color conscious
ness. The white man takes great
pride in these things and well
he might, for th y hold much of
promise for the ultimate triumph
of mankind
No intelligent man will dis
parage the achievements of the
while m n even though we know
that he i.s a favorel child in the
family of mankind. He has in
herited a rich legacy from ■ oil
the p«»t but thi. does not deiract
from his ability to push forward
into unexplored r a'ms to startle
history with hi* scientific civili
zation. The achievements of the
white man are such as to inspire
Imdirg and Children's Work
A Specialty
—2422 lake Street—
| with:n him an unbounded and
I pardonable pride. It is a wonder
then that the Nordic doctrine
i h«s .swept the ear.Ji. It could
I hardly have been otherwise. The
Nordics are human and humans
aro prone to err and especially
when th re is some basis for
error. It is 'do be expec.ed that a
people situated like the Nordic
would !be over-extravagant.and
so^r ©times overbearing— in its
claim to graatness!
This same science that inspired
such hopes for a “golden age’’ is
iliroaK-ning /nankind with social
and economic damnation. Science
ha", utterly failed to work a
change for the better in human
hearts. Humans are still inordi
nately selfish and the world is
still wai ling fcr 'he sunrise of
righteousness promised by the
lowly Nazarene. The only hopes
for the world are these inspired
by this scientific teacher from
Galilee. Science has, like h great
•un-away within civilization- pro
lueed, and is producing, a pcssi
nian that! borders on de-pair.
The whi' e man who produced
cience cannot manage it and it
s Cast geting beyond control;
and if and when it doos, nobody
ran prophesy of the future.
Science has run away with
civilisation and how to fop it is
tho puzzle that vexes even the
white man, its creator. It must'
bo deflating to the pride and
claims of 'he white', man when
ihe science of which he boasted
is fast g tting b 'yond hi" control
for modern history must recog
nize the fact that wi 'h all its
science mankind is s' ill “in the
woods.” The science which the
Nordics created fails to prove
his auperloritiy and thus has
deflating effects of the Nordic
eau«o. Science to dale has ut
terly failed to sancrion the claim
that' heredity is more important
than environment in the social
equation. When he review' our
Nordic-dominated world with its
armies and navies and staggering
W'a.* debts and outlays we find
rnucth here to deflate Nordicism.
This world today is largely what
the Nordic has marie it, nnd what
kind of a world it Is!
The Nordic’s science is perfect
ing in a hundred laboratorien
| Mr. I. Knowltt . ..... . ^f,..nw
... ^*pa> ~ *-* ' - ■ —
hioughout the world more and
rroro destructive engines of war
fare. And what is more then*
engines are for 'he destruction
01 Nordics. 'I'he destruction of
o her; is mer ly incidental. To
my way of thinking this is one
of the most humiliating facts
that Nord:cs have ’been called up
on to face in the whole his'.ory.
Twenty y ars ago ten million
Nordic" were slain upon the bat
tle fields of Europe and today
the stage is set for the slaughter
of another " n million. There are
charges and counter charges as
to the guilt for the perpetration
of this hellish slaughter of the
flower of the world’s manhood.
Th i ugly fact must be faced
'hat wherever the blaire lies it
must lie at the door of the Nor
dics. The threat to civilization is
a Nordic threat/ Nordic Deflation.
New York, Nov. 23 (ANP)—
Fourteen members of the advi
sory council of the National As
sociation of Colored Graduate
Nurses met in the committee
room of the American Nurses’
association Friday evening to
evaluate the objectives of the
council as they palate to the ob
jectives of the three other na
tional nursing agencies and the
Negro nuhse. Mrs. Ituth Logan
Rdberts, chairman -of the coun
cil, presided. This was the first
meeting of the council and those
members who could not attend
What Do You Know About Hoaltb?
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Teachers College, Columbia Univer
sity, who for the past quarter century
has been fighting for a better Ameri
can diet. She was a member of the
I.eague of Nations board appointed
to make a study of the nutritional re
quirements of the world's population
and helped prepare the report plead
ing for more milk, fruits and vege
tables in the diet.
2. Before American sea captains re
ceive their licenses they must pass an
examination in mid-wifery and the
amputation of limbs.
3. According to recent statistics by
the Better Vision Institute 32,000,000
adult Americans wear glasses.
showed interest in the meeting bj
sending suggestions for the func
tioning of the council.
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Mrs. E«telle M. Riddle, former
president of the National Asso
ciation o f Colored Graduate
Nurses and now chairman of its
education committee, led the dis
cussion. All of the factoid which
now retard the Negro nurse were
frankly discussed. These persons
present agreed '-ha1, the time had
come to work for the complete
elimination of these factors. A
joint committee representing the
advisory council, ihe American
Nurses’ association, the National
League of Nursing Education and
the National Organization for
1 utlie Health Nursing was au
thorized at this meeting by the
membei-s present'. This committee
is to study the objectives of the
council and. suggest ways where
by they may function to benefit
the Negro nurse.
Those who attended Uhe meet
ing were Mrs. Ruth Logan Rob
erts, chairman; Dr. Maiy McLeod
Bethune, director, Negro Affairs
Mational Youth Administration,
and president of the Bethune
Cookman college; Dr. M. O. Rous
field, diree or for Negro health,
Julius Rosenwald fund; Dr.
Michael M. Davis, chairman,
Committee on Research in Medi
cal Economics; Dr. S. C. Guild.
National Tuberculosis associa
tion; Miss Alma Kaupt, director,
bureau of nursing, Metropolitan
Life Insurance company; Dr.
George E. Haynes, executive
secretary, department of race
relations, federal Council of
Churches; Miss Rilh I} ulton,
associate director, National Or
ganization for Public Health
Nursing; Mrs. John Hope, South
ern Interracial commission; Mrs.
Grace ^Johnson; Miss Alma
Scott, Director, American Nur
ses’ association; Miss Mabel K.
Staupers, executive secretary,
National Association of Colored:
Graduate Nurses; Mrl Jesse O.
Thomas, southern field director,
National Urban league and Miss
Clarfbel Wheeler, executive se
cretary National League lof
Nursing Education.
■ —
Tuskegee Institute, Ala. Nov.
23 (ANP)—It was learned ladt
Thursday that the Infantile Par
alysis Association has allotted
$125,000 for a research hospital
at Tuskegee Institute for treat
ment of infantile paralysis a
mong Negroes.
The hospital to be erected on
the Institute campus will be
similar to the one at Warm
Springs, Ga., President Roose
velt’s favorite philanthrophy, and
the colored institution will be
the first of it* type in the coun
try. The laboratory will develop
>. •* ^7y taAZe - C%P Ownbr uj,
fiW|py^pyyr^yi,wB»Hpytw[>^|Yif T|gg*y*CT|wy^g^”?y^iBr
The iarietilc faint) ?our.da tior, »it «t*'u!'wi«e by /
the Gode'roy Manufacturing Company to study methods
of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make
tho results of this research available to tho public.
The vast majority of women are
troubled with dry skin. Those whose
skins are only moderately dry can
depend throupli the milder mouths
nil au occasional application of niphr
icvani after their evening deaEsinp
t • keep their skin in fairly pood con
dition. Those whose skins are ex
tremely dry must keep at them all
year round to ward off flakiness and
premature wrinkles.
But whether your skin is very dry
r»r just dry, the cold weather is a
definite handicap to complexion
beauty. Winter winds are cruel re
gardless of the texture of your skin
ind if you don’t observe a few
jlmple precautions, your skin will
jecotne harsh, weather-beaten and
leeply lined.
Foundation cream bssentiai
One of the first essentials for a
ovely skin these cold dnys is a good
foundation cream. Never venture
into the wintry winds without first
severing your face with foundation
jrenm, wliicii also acts as a powder
jnise. As you know, this cream goes
t>n before your make-up and is a
tremendous help in blending your
make-up and making it adhere for
longer periods. It also protects the
skin agnlnst wind and weather and
prevents the dirt and soot from be
coming lodged in the pores.
In selecting a powder base, how
ever, be sure to get one that blends
with your complexion. Too light a
cream will give you a pasty, un
I healthy look while one that is too
[ dark will make your skin look dirty.
A lighter slmde, however, tnay ha
used «t night when rite lights ate
soft, just ns you may use brighter
rouge mid lipstick. If you are onty
going to have one founds thus. r renin,
however, choose one that matches
your skin tone its ueKt !.v is pr ssll.le.
Use A Rich Nig'nt Cream
Wliile a good foundation cream
will go a long way toward warding
off chapped skin, « rich nigh:, mean*
is also important to tlie woman with
dry skin. A good night cream, mb
hed info the skin after cleansing and
left on overnight, will leave the
skin soft and smooth regardless of
the weather.
And don’t forget your hands ar.d
el hows these Mood-chilling days.
Buy a good hand lotion and use it
every time you wash your hands. A
little of your night cream rubbed In
to your hands and elbows at bedtime
will keep them from looking red and
These are simple precautions and
well worth the time and trouble they
take. Beauty is only skin deep but
if your skin is chapped and peeling,
what have you left?
What are your beauty prob
lems? Write Marie Downing,
Larieuse Beauty Foundation,
Room 521—319 North Fourth
St., St. Louis, Mo., and she will
be glad to answer them. Be sure
tc enclose a self-addressed
stamped envelope.
“Where are we going this morning?”
cried Sara and Betsey to Mr. Van,
as they all started out early in .the
day, to make another tour through
the city of London.
“Let’s go some place where Gyp will
be welcome,’’ laughed Betsey, and
Gyp, her little dog, gave a sharp woof
weof, so that Mr. Van would not
forge; him.
*Tlfc. he'll be all right where we’re
going hsday." said Mr. Van, “for we’re
gatrg I* the Tower of London. Come
along, let's get into this cab.”
Threagh the winding city streets
they went, and then across the Lon
don Bridge, which. I’m glad to say,
(lid*; fall down, and then, the cab
put then down just outside the
Tower. New the Tower of Ix»ndon is
one of the eldest buildings in the
world: fer hnarLuds of year* it has
steed Muses; and through its gates,
kings and queens, so many you could
hardly met Mwaa. haws ceme in and
gent eut, the very gules our travelers
need AH the Mega and noble knights
with their ladles have disappeared
i;ew, hnt the eld Tower stUl stands
»nd moss day. whee you all go there,
yoe will have the same thrill that
dam and Betsey had when they en
tered Hie great courtyard for the Ant
The eeowt they stepped inside tha
yard the? «* a lot of big black birds
-vaBMag around en the paving stones.
Ted at the big crows," cried
Betas?, “they’re bigger than any I’ve
evar saw.”
“T>qee are aet crows, Betsey,” said
Mr. Van. “the? are the famous ravens
of the Tower of London. They lovt
any kind of bright shiny objects, and
they don’t hesitate to steal them eithert
All of these big black birds that w«
see are descendants of a pair who
made their nest way up in the highest
part of the tower, many hundreds of
years ago.”
“Oh, tell us about the first pair that
lived here,” cried Sam, catching on to
Gyp who was just about ready td
chase all the ravens he could reach.
“Well,” said Mr. Van, thinking very
hard, “there was once a beautiful
princess who was held captive by q
cruel king. And every day she toolc
part of her poor prison fare to feed
a pair of ravens that were negting on
her window sill, many hundreds ol
feet in the air. The cruel king, riding
into the courtyard one Raster morn
ing, was surprised, as he dismounted
f rom his horse to see one of the ravens
fiy by and drop from his beak a beau
tiful golden cross worn by the poor
princess. The king was much puttied
as he reached down and picked it *p
and read the prisoner’s name on the
back of it. ‘It is an omen,’ said the
king, ‘an omen for Raster day,' and
he forthwith pardoned the [rrirvreee,
who in gratitude to the ravens whd
had softened the king’s heart to her,
came every day to the tower as long
as she lived and fed the birds, who
grew in numbers all through the
years. i
“And strange to relate." aaId Mr
Van as our travelers left the Snwer,
“this is the only place in Lendna
where ravens are found.”
arl evaluate the experiments
made in the Carver Research La
boratory (under supervision of
Tuskegee’s fanned scientist, Dr.
George W. Carver), but the lat
ter unit will not be directly con
nected wf ih the new project
Most of the labor for the new
building will be supplied by stu
dents of the trades school. Faci
lities of the hospital will include
a modern gymnasium and swim
ming pool. Dr. John W. Chenault
of the Infantile Paralysis Asso
ciation said that in addition to
its research phases, the hospital
will be used for training colored
doctors and nurses.
All-Vegetable Laxative
Makes Happy Friends
Thousands swear by this wayj
to get relief when* they're lazy in
side and it has them headachy,
bilious, irritable, upset: A quar
ter to a half teaspoonful of spicy
aromatic BLACK-DRAUGHT on
your tongue tonight, a drink of
water—there you are! Tln-n this
all-vegetable laxative usually al
lows plenty of time for sleep, acts
thoroughly and gently. .'ini reliev
es constipation’s headaches, bil
iousness. irritability, bad breath.
BLACK-DRAUGHT’S main ingre
dient is an “intestinal tonic laxa
tive", which helps tone the in
testinal muscles. Millions of pac
kages used prove its merit! H
conomical—25 to 40 dose*, 2Sc.