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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1939)
SOLUTION TO TODAY'S HEXOGRA.M Beautiful and Cool BLUE ROOM Wishes to Announce the Inauguration of First Class Floor Show Such talent as: Velma Morris, Song Bird; Harold Smith, Hoofer Deluxe; Georgia Redd, Song and Dance Superb. LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service ^ Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits ( with Your Orders without Extra Charge 24th St. At Willis Avenue SEPIA CHARM BUREAU The Original Clinic for Brown Beauty and Personality Prob lems—Conducted by DEZBE HILLIARD-KNIGHT BOTTOMS UP! Clothes cover a multitude of i sin! But what’s the use of trying! to kid yours:If? You know what’s ; wrong underneath, and the know ledge has a bad psychological effect. It makes you feel “ungla morous." You’re probaibly are well ac quainted with your face—know all the hills and valleys, blotches and blights, but how about the rest of you? In this gusiness of being “a joy forever” you have to start from the bottom up—and out! Why not face the naked truth? How can you be a ‘‘glamour gal” if you’ve got lumps in the wrong place? A hump in your back? Legs and arms that look like they belong to somebody else? (Joe Louis, f’rinstance.) While intensifying my “tan" on the sandy shores one day last summer, I overheard some gen tlemen discussing the pros and cons of the bathing beauties who passed them, lhsy all seemed to agree on the following figure faults: 1. The bulging abdomen. (Why is it that girls with this blight on the body will pull belts as tight as possible, and simply refuse to wear girdles?) 2. Th: hunk below the hip. (Girls with this figure * fault seem to dote upon standing with one 1 e g thrown out of joint, so that the bulge i« even more noticeable.) 3. Shapelessness at the waistline. (Nothing be tween the breast and the hips—or too much ) If it’s a protruding tummy that you’re nursing, wear a girdle with some stiffening in the front. Don’t let that stiffening change from a straight line to an obnox ious curve; sit, as well as stand, j straight. Go easy on the liquids. They bloat a sensitive stomach. | For figure fault No. 2, simply lie down on the floor and roll it away. Meanw'hile, wear a long [ girdle (the reducing kind.) You can fool some of the people some j Sebastianeum Sanitarium Horn# of Se-Basto Tea. Founded many year* ago deep In the heart of the European Continent by the revered Priest - Empiric Investiga tor, Father Kneipp. Now conducted by the Brothers of Mercy for §er» OFFERERS From Rheumatism, Arthritis, Kidney and Bladder Trouble GIVE THANKS For Father Kneipp’s Discovery! FATHER KNEIPP Daring hia aNal days. Father Kneipp was eickly. He began ex perimenting with varioua herb teaa and from them regained hia own health. He epent the reet of hia long and robust life ministering to suffering humanity. Today, Father Kneipp’s wonderful work la carried on by tho Brothers of Mercy at the Sebastian cum Sanitarium. 1-—■■ - - ~ lYOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AND , |LOVED ONES TO Make this test Countless numbers of suffering people the world over have found welcome relief through use of Se-Basto Tea. You, too, may find it the answer to your distressing need. It costs so little to try it . . . only $1.00 for a liberal package containing a two weeks' supply . , . and with it you get a positive money-back guarantee of satisfaction! Why delay discovering Se-Basto Tea for your aelf? You brew it like tea . . , you drink it like tea ... it tastes like tea with that ■ame smooth, mellow, satisfying character • . . yet, Se-Basto is more than a tea . . . it’s a careful blend of medicinally tested and proved herbal ingredients just as the Brothers of Mercy prepare it in accord with the principles discovered so many years ago fegr their revered preceptor, Father Kniepp* Decide now to take advantage of this un usual opportunity for welcome relief from ■uffering . . . pin a one dollar bill to the coupon below and your two weeks’ supply of Se-Basto Tea will be seut on its errand pt mercy by return mail. / — SpPCT COMPOUNDS^ I . *2srs sgf A BLESSING TO THOUSANDS WITH POSITIVE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE If yon are not absolutely satisfied with Se-Basto Tea IN EVERY WAY . . . return the empty carton and your money will be refunded without question. of the time about this malady if you’ll do this: When stand ng. tighten the muscles of thighs. It will pull in that hump like any tll*ng* Never stand on one foot with the other “at ease,” and don’t flex the knee nearest the b holder in the accep.ed manner of the movie star nosing for fashion pictures. Stand straight and ke.'»p the thighs tense. Stretching will put on or take off, whichever is needed, ths nondescript waistline. Stetch down until you reach the floor and stretch up at something that you cannot quite reach. Do this five minutes daily, upon arising and retiring. It will put the right “lumps” in the right places —a panacea! Believe it or not, swinging your hips in the well-known hula-hula motion is grand for muscular suppleness. Even if you do ty*, 1 silly, go ahead and do it. You’ll “slay ’em” when you walk! Now that you've courageously faced the sins which your clothes have hypocritically covered, you con r.pent in haste by disguising them until you’ve had time to correct them. Proper use of line and color will work wonders during the transformation! Tho Sepia Charm Analysis be low was created by cosmeticians, beauticians, and stylists who have studied your problems; short haiiS dark skin, flat noses, large mouths, and all—«nd know the answers. Wouldn’t you like to kn'ow what type you are? Which colors to wear? Where to get the pro per make-up for your particular complexi|on ? Whati to do about heavy lips, or too-dark skin? Tho Sepia Charm Analysis will tell you, absolutely free! Fill out this form below and send it in today, before your sins find you out! SEPIA CHARM ANALYSIS Sepia Charm Buerau Calvin’s News Service 143 West 125th St. New York City Mesdames: I am enclosing a 3-cent staiir.p for which please send mo my inrividual type ana lysis. Name ...*.. Address .... Age . Weight. Height. Black Hait.. Gray Hair. (Check One) COMPLEXION Very fair. Olive. Tan (yellow) . .. Light biWon. Medium brown Tea brown Ginger brown. Seal brown. Chocolate. EYES a4J Blue. Gray. Green. Hazel. Light brown. Dark brown- Red brown. Black. Red H)ad—light. dark. Blondes—light.Dark. Brownette—light. Dark. Lloyd Hunter and Kyles will try to make your evening at the Char ity Ball an evening that you will not forget. w>---® SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET 2520 Cuming St. FREE—Delivery—FREE FRESH EGGS DAILY WEBSTER 4277 ®-<8> I DO YOU WANT I Stop Worrytnf! Do Too Need a New Start! I Writ* Me Today. Information Frea. " M. WILLIAMS, DEPT. O JOURNAL SQUARE STA. a ___JERSEY_Cm^N;>J;l__J| | “Cab’s in town” CAB CALLOWAY. TKn POOR* BOY WHO MADE GOOD, TO APPEAR IN OMAHA NEXT WEEK Cab Calloway and his Hi-De Ko orchestra and “Cotton Club Revue of 1939” which co-stars the sensational Sister Tharpe, colored swinger of Spirituals, take hold of the Paramount thea tre stage in Omaha for a six day engagement beginning Friday, December 1st. The sensational Calloway’s be ginning was humble. Born of a poor family in Rochester in 1908 Cab’s family moved to Baltimore where his father, Cabel Calloway hung out his shingle to practice law. For a brief period, the Callo way fortunes managed to hold it’s own with the butcher and the baker. Cab Jr. managed to ! graduate from High school but any thoughts he haa of follow ing his father’s footsteps, were dispelled by a sudden falling of the family fortunes. While attending school, Gab sang in the choir of the local church. Faced wieh the dismal prospects of having to go out and not only earn his own living but also for his parents, Cab ob tained occasional jobs as a sing; r in smlall night clubs. A letter from h ijs sister, Blanche, brought him post haste to Chicago where he obtained a singing spot in a tab show in which she was appearing. When the show folded, and no singing jobs were in sight, he signed on as a drummer with a local five pieco band. Soon after he began singing with the band. A driving ambition to lead his own band soon resulted in an eight piece combination called “Cab Calloway and His Missou rians.” The combination achieved a fair measure of success in Chicago so the boys jumped at the chance to open in New York’s famous “Connie’s Inn.’ Unlike the aver age success story, the band was a flop from the start. Irving Mills, an enterprising New York theatrical manager, heard Callo way and with keen foresight, placed him in front of a n organized orchestra and presto, o v e r night, Calloway’s stock mounted in the theatrical firma ment. The rest is Broadway his tory. -0O0-— Calvin’s Digest By L. Baynard Whitney The Mound Bayou Murders A vivid, symbolical oil painting of contentious Negroes, in the nude, hung in the American Con temporary Aits Building at the New York World’s Fair. It arous ed a strange, morbid fascination but the truth of it was more sickening than all. It made one feel like slashing it or tearing it from the wall. It was too true! Briefly, it was a story of self ishness, greed and murder. The slaying of Eugene P. Booze the famed Republican politician of Mississippi, made me think of that picture at the World’s Fair. The slaying of Booze’s sister-in law by white peace officers al legedly summoned by Booze, only a month prior to Booze’s murder appears to have been an anti-cli max to what came later. Booze said before that “political jeal ousy” caused hig assassination. Both tragic incidents seem to have been the shameful outcome of protracted, fierce hatreds which finally liquidated two of the chief participants. The rami fications and significance of these acaths roach deeply into the Ne gro character. On the other hand, fifty-two years of exemplary all-Negro Government of a Mississippi town remains a record of which our race can be proud. Negro Women Score Highly Jane Bolin, America’s first Ne gro woman judge, gave supreme lustre to the brilliant meeting of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc., held recently in New York City. Its membership of outstanding feminine lights in many professions revealed the very flower of our accomplished womanhood. WE DO NOT KNOW HOW HIGH COAL PRICES WILL GO WE DO KNOW YOU CAN SAVE BY BUYING NOW PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Banner, Sugar Creek Coke^74xV"ch ’nd u.p;; RUBY GLOW Spadra Anthracite Grate . . . $10.75 POCO, as high in heat and low in ash as semi . S 9.00 BROKEN ARROW Lump . S8.75 ILLINOIS Lump . . . S 7.SO DANDY Lump-$7.CC. Nut S6.50 Liberty:;', Z Tioer N“' • ‘ • • ,6'75 ■ Igvl Lump ... $7.25 PARIS, fancy lump or grate . $10.50 CALL US FOR LOWEST PRICES ON SEMI BLACK DIAMOND - PARIS ■ RAINBOW WE HANDLE STOKER COALS Traditional male dominance of the female h largely responsible for the “career woman,” she who »eeks thru every channel of human expression to demonstrate woman's equality. The early | Christ an Chuich at one time denied that woman had a Soul (her Spirit was declared to be a dependent segment of the male Soul), and all angeli were strict ly male. Today we recognize God as Father, Mother, and women and men as negative and positiva expressions of Divinity, co-equal I and mutually dependent. Thu year u hered in more than merj “*ocialist”-<politic«. Regard less of political party ,the time was ripe for a great expansion of woman’s place in vflorld af fairs; this, regardless of race, creed, color or geography. Negro womm today recognize no un conquerable harrier to equality of opportunity. A I’lca for College Culture Rowdyism, according to news repoits, broke out among rival factions of the A. and T. Col logo football team in a mm’s dormi tory following a recent game with Hampton Institute. During the flree-for-all, one player was dangerously slashed with a razor blade and required 27 stitches. We are accustomed to think of college men a® “gentlemen” (a word of elastic definition these days). No matter how tough, college football players are ex podted to act like gentlemen, ccdleg e gentleman. Jnvtir.ably they do. This unhappy exception sug gests a “harmless” method of allowing young hotheads to fight it out —like gentlemen. the two fellows who harbor the major grievance put on hexing gloves and go m many rounds to a de cision or a knockout. In the went one of the contestants is uneven ly matched, a more suitable op ponent shall be selected by mu tual agreement. May the best man win, and the losing side take their licking lik/»—ge^.lem n! -0O0 NEURITIS::: Rheumatism"^ I To relieve torturing pain of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, or Lumbago in a few minutes, get NURITO, the splendid formula, used by thousands. Dependable—no opiates. Does the work quickly. Must relieve cruel pain, to your satisfaction, in few minutes sr your money hack. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for NURITO on this guarantee. A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme.C.J. Walker’s Preparations "I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation," stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine. although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reasoh for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker's Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. Read The Omaha Guide For Economical Sure Fire Advei tisement TRY A CLASSIFIED AD