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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1939)
CHURCH NEWS \ 'IT. OLIVE BAPTIST IHUKUi Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pas or Emma Curtis, Reporter Sund y School opene<l at its rsus' tire. The lesson for today was “Tue Works of the Messiah.” I can save y :ur sole’ I DR. TAYLOR SAYS— A COMPLETE LINE OF FINE QUALITY MATERIAL THE LAKE SHOE SERVICE AT-7060 2Ith & LAKE ST. ■ till’S Loan Bank 'ND MERCHANDISE STORE 'onflder.ttal Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan tise at a Great Reduction. Up >n-l)ate Clothing, Dry Goods, l.adies Ready to Wear Millinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the Entire Family. 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a, m. JAl 9411 McGILL’S— BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2428-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS ic Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. )pcn for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Oharjfes—. VE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to put in it—Call CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has cot the works and knows what to do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. 5) It was Reviewed by our Supt. Morning services were high in ■ spirit. Our pastor preached a sou! stirring sermon. I am sure everyone received a good thought. BYFU is progressing rapidly. The president asked all members and non-members to come out. The True and Tried group will ie id r a program next Sunday. Evening services opened with a song and prayer service. The message was delivered by R v.C. C. Pttaus. Subject: ‘‘He Knoweth the way I take." This sermon was very uplifting. Visitors are always welcomed. Meet Omaha at the Elka Charity Ball, De ember 4, 1939. CLEAVESTEMl»LE ( ME CHURCH Rev. L. A. Story, Pas.or M. H. Young, Reporter 26th and Decatur Sts. Sunday School, 9:45 AM. Morning Worship 11 AM. Ep worth I.eagu 6:30 PM. The Sunday School attendance was good with the adults and children. The lesson was well dis cussed. The lx*ague also had a very interesting lesson. We had I I vj I BUY YOUR Holiday Poultry AT TUB NEBRASKA PRODUCE GET THE BEST IN QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICE N EBBASK A P ItODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Phone WE 4137 Special Bargain Prices 1939 Ambassador Sedan $575 1937 Plymouth 4 door Sedan $450 1933 Plymouth Coupe - $175 1938 Pontiac delux coach $550 1938 Ford delux coach .. $575 1935 Buick four door sedan “ $350 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556 •.. Here She Tells You Why “I was almost at wits-end wondering what to do about my hair,” says Kate. “It was dull, drab, lifeless looking, had been scorched by hot irons. “Then a friend suggested that I use GODEFROY’S LARIEUSE HAIR COLOR ING. I followed her advice. Now my hair is beautifully colored—gleams like satin!” If your hair is dull, lifeless looking, or streaked with gray, just try GODEFROY’S LAR1EUSE. Easy to apply (follow directions for use in the package). Colors hair almost instantly—evenly. Makes tresses lovely, allur ing. Permits permanent waves and use of hot irons. No muss. Not sticky or smelly. Will not rub off or wash out. Choice of 18 colors, including jet-black, black and brown. Get a bottle today! Satisfaction Guaranteed—or YOUk MONEY BACK! Yes, LARIEUSE must completely satisfy you or your dealer will promptly refund your money. If your dealer doesn't have it send $1.25 (we pay postage) direct to GODEFROY MFG. CO., 3510 OLIVE ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. ut HAIR CototSsia with us Rev. W. M. Black of Ohio who brought us the morn ing message. He spoke as a man endowed with power from on h.:gh. The Tea that was at the home of Mrs Washington was a success. Rev. Banks of Ohio was the evening speaker and all who heard him enjoyed Iris good sound teaching. We trust we will have the pleasure of h:aring both peakus again soon. We were happy to see visitors at each service. Come again at your arli st convergence We also en joyed being with Ple- sant Green in the Thanksgiving Service. The Church program rendered Tues day night was well carried out. Let each member see his or her class leader each week as our pastor and family must live every week. -yVAl ST. JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church’’ Re.. T. A. Sears, Pastor Wc ai'j glad to say S’. John is taking on new life under the new administration. Many oil members as w.ll as new are lin ing up to work again. Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Sanford, who once pastored at Bethel AMR i.burch of the City came to cast their lot with St. John last Sun day. We welecmria the good peo ple in our church. A«fc this i" Thanksgiving s ason Rev. T. A. Sears preached a ser mon fitted for the day. He point ed out that we have many thing' to be thankful to God for and wo shmil.' ry to help our fellow man likewise. Thu Choir’s fourth Sunday night’s request program was re ceived by a large appreciated congregation. The choir is very glad to have to have new mem bers coining to it. Mrs. Rose I r wn Buckner is one of our lato memh-rs. Mr*. Buekrr has been out in California and while out there join d the AMR church and when she came l*ack to Oma ha she joined St. John. We are glad to have her in the Choir as well as some of our Omaha peo ple who have come to work with us. Wo aro glad to see our many visitors each Sunday and invite them to make St. John their Church home wh le in the City. -0O0 < LAIR CHAPEL CHURCH Rev. G. I). Hancock, poster Mrs. Ellis Kir, ley, Reporter Sunday school was opened at 9:30 by the Supt., Mrs. Norman. At 11:00 AM. Dr. W. C. Oonwell of Reloit, Wis., a former pastor of C lair Chanel filled the pulpit and his scriplui^ was taken from tho 11:10 of IP brews. All gave Rev. Conwell u hearty welcome. The Pew Rally sponsored by Mrs. Wado and Mrs. Justus of the Ladies Aid was very well attend ed Sunday night. 1 he h ashion Revue, was quiite successful on last Wed. evening, and \ye thank you for your at tendance. The Happy Time Club will meet with Mr. C. B. Wilkes, Tuesday evening. Mr. John Davis presirent. All (members are urged to i)|a‘present at 8 P.M. Tho District Supt. Rev Hamp ton James will fill the pulp t Sunday morning and evening. Dr. T. A. Sears and Choir of St. John Church will have charge of the 3 P.M. service. Visitors were many and very welcome. Mrs. Goosby is still confined to the house. We hope to see her at her post soon. -oOo iWAWAV.’.V.V.WV^VW MEET ME AT— SHAPIRO'S 30th & PINKNEY STS. The Store of Better Grocery Market OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS FREE DELIVERY Good Cold Beer NW.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W.W THIS WEEK In Religion and Thought ROBERT L. MOODY Frozen Horses— Anoth r very interesting ac ! count has been reproduced in the “Sign? of the Times” magazine. The writer reproduces a report about ten large hors e that were 1 found far out in the cold wastes of Sfbtria. Their bodies were found in perfect shape. They were saddled for th:jr riders and hitched in the stalls. The scientifoc fact was that: A flood had covered the enti re re j gion and washed sar.d and other matter about the at' a. Then a blizzard had set in and froze all life. The eyes of the e horses were open and their stomachs contained partly d gested food. How lrng they had been there o.‘ who their owners are is not yet known. But scientists have calculated 10,000 year-* as a fair linrit fcr the exist Tice of these fossils. We are not able to prove that human mca urements of pas: ages are infalliatole. But whether tha world is 6,000 years old or thousands more, we Christians belrw that this find ing proves two thing-*: (1) It substantiate our belief that the flood of Noah’s time actually happened. (2) That hors.s looked much the same 10,000 years ago as they do now; thus weakening the belief in the evolution of one animal into another. Other than e-volution as confirm by Goi, this proves that the B ble is true. -oOo Bethel AM EUsher Board held their regular m eting at 2924 N. 26uh St. wi h an entertainment known as “Guest Night.’’ Among their honored guest were Mr. E. Hubbard, president of Salem Usher Board; Mr. O. Johnson of Zion Usher Board and Mrs. Josie Bruno of which gave very inter esting lecture?. All had an en joyable time. Next meeting Dec, 8, at 2817 N. 2H.,h Ave,. Mrs. AJ.ibie Buchanan, Pi'es. Annie Thames Miason, Rep’t. -oOo A RADIANT CROSS One, long ago. on a bare bleak hill At a place called Calvary A rude cross stood. It spoke of death And pain and agony llut the sacrifice and matchless love Offered there that day Have made the way of the cross A glorious, shining way, Because He loved; because He gave; That cross of anguished pain Became a cross of wond,enous L'ght, Of high, triumphant gain. Today, a cross with a double bar Beckons to you and me To join hands in bringing gifts To help make mankind free From the scourge we call the Great Wh;t' Plague By holding a Torch of Light And helping those battle death To fight a winning fight. All honor to the radiant Cross! Let’s keep its symlbol true— How far it throws its beam of light Depends on me—on you. Edna J. Paden Kansas State Sanatorium Edition About Negroes Just Out The seventeenth edition of “100 Amazing Facts About the Ne gro” by J. A. Rogers, author, historian and traveller has just appeared with additional new and striking information about peo ples of African descent through out the ages and on the five con tinents. One reads, for instance, that the fiirst inhabitants of the New World were Negroes and photo Notice New Prices REDUCTION IN YOUR LIQUOR PRICES IN THE BLUE ROOM AT McGILL'S BAR. NEW RATES. BIG, LARGE 16 07.. GLASS BEER ONLY 10c 2 DRINKS OF 3 YR. OLD WHISKEY FOR ONLY 13c ANY MIXED DRINK IN THE HOUSE FOR ONLY 15c ALSO OLD TAYLOR, BOTTLE IN BOND, OLD GRAND DAD YELLOWSTONE BOTTLED IN BOND WHISKEY ONLY 15c per Drink. The SAME PRICES EXIST IN BLUE ROOM ALSO. EUGENE MeGILL, Prop. 24th & LAKE ST. Now you can DANCE in the newly decorated Blue Room at all times. New waxed floor for you entertainment. Day or night. Private Parties invited. ' '1___._ __ " 1 ■ 1 n Classified Telephone Directory Beauty Culturists ~CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE It Pays To Look Attractive 2122 N. 22nd St. WE. 0846 CE CREAM JOHNSON DRUG 1906 N. 24th St. WE. 0998 DFFFY PHARMACY 24th & Lake Sts. WE. 0609 HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE ■*8101, Gl-ss and Varrtksh. We do (lazing and make window shades u order. '822 N. 24th WE. 1607 Laundries & Cleaners EDHOI.M * SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6035 F M ER SON f .AUN DR Y '. 2324 North 24th St.. WE 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great , values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. People? Store, 109 S. 16th St. WANT DAY WORK WE. 0337. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apa”*ments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 G«an* «t- Call WE. 5553 or WE. 2410. 2 two room apts. for rent. Price reasonable 2766 Grant. 4 Room Apt. for Rent WE. 3030. Apt. for. Rent. AT 9460. FOR RENT 2 room Apt. A large roomi Two separate beds. Convenient tor ' two people. We. 0718. 2 Room Apt. for Rent, 2902 N. 25th St., AT-5246. A. room and Apt. for rent. We. 2365. Vis t Zoe's Lunch & Barebcue, 2210 No-th 24th St. We Aid the Poor with Your Waste Materials. Throw Noth ing Away. WP Need Clothing, Papers, Furniture. Anything. SALVATION ARMY INDUSTRIAL 209 North 13th Front Room, modern WE. 102T A-B BUFFET, 1616 N. 24th StT WINES—LIQUORS at Popular Prices Courteous Service At All Times graphs of Negroes as gods on the most ancient monum.nts of Central America are given to bear this out. Also that a Negro grl saved the life of George Washington at a most critical time in the nation’s history; that Abraham Lincoln said four times that it was the N?gro that saved the nation during the Ovil Wat ; that the garb of the Ku Klux Klan was copied from that worn in Spain by Negroes five centur ies ago; that 41 Negroes won the Congressional Medal of Honor, America’s highest decora tion, together with a wealth of information on miscenganation, veneral disease, morality, educa tion, invention and so on. A Negro empetor of South Amerila once ruled a Euro pean country from h.'s South American throne. Napoleon, to solve the race problem in Haiti, tr'ed to make it legal for each man to have two wives, one whits and one black. Ona reads also that a Negro king in Arahia stalled the first world war in the 6th Century which lasted a thou sand years and spread from France to Japan; that Imhotep, a Negro of Anihnt Egypt was the real Father of Medicine; that at one time in the world’s his tory, devils and good men were depicted as white peopl.s; and gods and saints as black; that tne son of a Pop>e by a Negro woman once ruled Europe’s most cultured country; and a thousand 1 other facts about the Negro, past and present. More than a half of tho book is devoted to giving proof, with quotations, authors, and dale of publication. More than 200 names of great, and in most cases, little known black men of world importance are given in addition. There are also s:veral full page illustra tions, one of which is a Black Venus of 15,000 B. C. and another of 1818 A. M. Most striking of all in that of a Negro wearing the German ,€agle on his head cen turies ago with a p'eture of Hithv, besitJe him Wearing the same. The book consists of fifty large double-pages and may be had from 4. A. Rogers Publica tions, 37 Morningside Avenue, New York City for fifty-five cents by trail. -oOo INTERESTING NAVAL NOTES Saint Barbara is regarded throughout the European Armies as the Patron Saint of Artillery, and more than that—a picture of Saint Barbara hangs in the of fice of the Ch^ef of the Bureau of Ordinance of the United States Navy. 'The largest group of men in our Navy are between the ages of 21 to 24, while the group from 25 to 29 comes next. In active service are five bluejackets be tween 50 an 64, and one man aged 69. During the World War two English dfstroycrs of the same class, the ZULU and the NUBI AN bumbed into mines and were damaged beyond repair, the former losing her bow and the latter her stern. In the Navy Yard, the ships were cut in half and the good bow of the NUBIAN fas welded to the good stern of the ZULU and the ‘new’ ship MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Better AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO.. TWENTIETH & CUMING STS PHONE AT. 4927 ADVISING THE “CITIZENS OF TOMORROW* f ' ~*—t--- - Bishop Noah W. Williams taker, time out during his recent St. Louis annual A ME conference to discuss practical education with the young people of his Epis copal district, and from the seri ous facial expression of the child rtn pictured albove, his words caii-y weighty conviction. He told tho young people attending the conference that the race leans toward too many doctors and lawyers and not enough toward skilled tradesmen. (A_NP Photo) was named ‘ZUBIAN.’ Ttya original Sea Witch lasted on'y one-half hour due to the strenuous nature of the duty performed. It was the duty of all hands on the watch to man the pumps because the ships leaked so badly. Tim, s certainly have changed. The call used by boatswains’ mates bo ‘show a leg’ is derived from the days when women were carried on men-of-war at sea. The wives of ^faitren who put out a stockinged leg in the morn ing were not required to turn out at reveille. —--0O0 HOME OF HOWARD PRESIDENT HAS ANOTHER FIRE Washington, Nov. 30 (ANP)— For the second time within a year, Pres. Mordecai W. Johnson and family were routed from, their home on Howard university campus by fir;a last Wednesday night. Firemen reaching the scene found Dr. Johnson busily spraying a fire-extinguisher on blading rubbish in the basement, and rang in a second alarm when flaarres wfre discovered creeping up inside the walls. For a time the 30 year old structure was threatened with complete des truction. Only last spring the president’s house was found ablate, before the family had removed (hack to it following relocation and reno vation incidental to clearing the site of tl^e new library building. Damage was of sufficient extent to require same time for further renovation, during which time Dr. and Mrs. Johnson and their five children found temporary abode in Howard hall where they also had been during the period of removal of the house to its present location. -0O0 The Charity Ball is given by the Elks to spread Joy for the Needy on Christmas. How To Relieve Bronchitis Bronchitis, acute or chronic, Is an Inflammatory condition of the mu ! cous membranes lining the bronchial tubes. Creomulsion goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm. Increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding that you are to like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis PAIN IN BACK MADE HER^ MISERABLE Read How She Found Blessed Relief Muscles were so sore Mf' ^L \ she could hardly touch ' ] them. Used Hamlins Wizard Oil Liniment and found wonderful relief. Try it today if yout muscles are stiff, sore, achy. Rub it on thorough ly. Feel its prompt warming action ease pam; bring soothing relief. Pleasant odor. Will not stain. Money-back guarantee at all drug stores. 7JAML i $100 A Month Pension g without Taxation WANTED CLUB ORGANIZERS AND ^ PETITION CIRCULATORS ^ FOR NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE OMAHA Nebraska Security League I 310 MERCHANTS NAT'L BANK BUILDING W_ 13r•■» & FARNAM STS OMAHA