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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1939)
75 Years of Negro Progress Exposition In 1940, 75 years will have passed since the American Negro became a citizen, three quart, p* of a century since he was a chattel. An assembly point where an inventory of our achi vements to evaluate our contributions to our country, as well as honor the many brave Men and women, both black and white who made i'j possible for ub to share the Ji ritage of free men and women hod to selected. Detroit was the set.jrig of im por'ant conf rentes pri^r to the CTjvil War, the final satbm of tho underground railroad wh nee slaves fled into Canada and safe ty. “It is fitting,” remarks the Rev. George W. Baber, General Chairman of th » Seventy-Five Years of Negro Progress Expo sition, “Detroit be the scene of this jubilee celebration.” Tentatively headquarters, pend ing hhe selection of a site, and 1 definite dates, are • in Ebenezer 1 African Meiliodist Episcopal Church, 4225 Brush Street at j Willis. Eddie Tolan, who won athletic fame at Cass Technical High School at the Univers ty of Michigan, and as a men ber of tho United Slates Olympic Team is Exccu iv: Director. As outlined, the Exposition calls for the portrayal of Negro I effort in Art, Uw, Science, In- [ ilustry, Medicine, Religion, Home Ruild ng, Athletics, Gov rnment, Architecture and Engineering. In addition tc the 48 states, Afri ca and the West Indies will be iupresnte'1. “A. thi time we will ask whi o Amcrca to pause a lntle while to become cognizant of thi i spectacle, 15,000,000 p ople demonstrating and exhib ting tiheii* contrlbulaon to civiliza.ion,” Eddie Tolan said. Of the 15,000,UUO Negroes in 'he United States, Detroit and Michigan hav 269,000 according . figures available. And ior.> than 500,000 are expected to p, tend tin' Exposition. In con junct on with this event is the c ’T lrennlal conf rence of the A 1'i'ican M"lhullflt Episcopal Chuich. A campaign is un ler way j to bring anirial conventions of1 other Negro organizations to the ct’ty durinr Exposition period events that usually draw hou aands. For the* first time, bus in ss men ard manufacturers will be able to contact a buying f ire • that represents 10 per cen of thnation’s population. Negro men and women who have made oi< are making important contr- j bu .ions to the caries fields will take an active part in the conduct of various exhibits. WOMEN! read how thousands have been able to GET NEW ENERGY IMPORTANT Medical Tests Reveal WHY Famous Lydia L Plnkham’s Vegetable Com pound Has Been Helping Weak, Rundown, Nervous Women For Over Half A Century I If you feel tired out, limp, listless, moody, depressed—if your nerves ■re constantly on edge anil you’re losing your boy friends to more at tractive, peppy women—SNAP OUT OK IT! No man likes a dull, tired, cranky woman. All you may need is a good reliable tonic. If so try famous Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Comoound. l.e( 't Ktmiulnte g utric juu 1 - to lu:b> digest and aastmilate more whole some food which your body uses directly for energy—to help build up more physical resistance and thus help calm jittery nerves, lessen fe male functional distress and give you joyful bubbling energy that is re fleeted thruoui your whole being. Over 1,000,000 women have re ported marvelous benefits from Pinitham’s Compound. Results should tlilitiht you' Telephone your druggist rigl t now for a bottle. I “Privet# profit has no part in I thi'J Exposition,” Eddie Tolan Ex cuivo Direc or explains. “Re I veniue derived goes into two I funds. One will help in the fur therance cf such Exposition.; throughout the United State*. The other t» assis'. toward the euro of the tubercular. Unfor tunately, deaths fron tuberculo s!s are h’tt'her among Negroe Records of the Exposition of I Rtcor of the Exposition cf I Hotels show tha in the 75 year I since the Negro was emancipated ho had held only one Exposition, at Atlanta, (korgia, in 1895. To him, this is the most important even; of i s kind in 45 years and every effort will be towards that end l)r. Raber believes th Exposi tion appropriate since the demo cratic ideal is on trial in United Sta es and elsewh re. “It remains for America to show tha world d < rjocacy is no idle boast but is r, fealify and workable. At no other time has the problem of racial pr judice and narrow bigo try been so acute.” One of Uhe several purposes is Jo found a new concept of race relations. Once tha Negro, eman cipated though he wr.s from chat tel slaveiy, lived in bondage non" tho loss, and only now begins to shako off th yoke. And through ,iho Exposition lie hopes to aid America to cast off its yoko of false iduas concerning tho Negro race, Dr. Bab r in d cated. Correspondence and pledges of Negro intellecturals, scholars, writer', t achers, and artists are united in seeing the Exposition serve as a means 'jo the further ance of (better racial und r.stand ing, it must be in opposing sub versive influences to agitate for hatred and strife. Tho nature of Detroit's indus trial organization and its capacity to rejuvena, e the nation’s eco- I nomic life makes it wise to bring to notice (the hithrrto unrecog nized purchasing power of 15, 003,000,000 Negro33, the co vjriit ti e agrees. An. investiga ion by the Work Progress Administration of New Jersey in 1909, tho purchasing l>ower of the Negro was d sclose.l us two b'tlion (2,000.000,000) an nualiy. The Negro value is no leas potent ,no less felt in all phases of national life, the re 111 imi ■■ r ■» I'Wll «r-^MiriTT~—ITT^mi „ CUBE yOU GET X 0OTTLES ,y «0ME CARTON make sure IT£ fiX-WAVS PURE AND GRAND-TASTING " BUY THE CARTON A I port said in effect. Among the items on the com mittee’s book-' is a plan to pat tern in some way exhibits from the New York World’s Fair. On the commercial side there w 11 be animated and working models of various inven ions and proces ses never before shown to De troit or the world. Housing of exhibits will be either in the State hair Grounds or Convention Hall. __n/lfii The L w Down • • From Hickory Grove Jokes, they are good medicine —when the joke i* on the o (her guy—like where yo-u let sums othe,. person’s hat ge1! blown off and run over ly a truck. And I got to thinking about joke-, and who they are on, on account of the goings-on down in Old Spendthrift Town. A f w years back, our Agricul tural Department, :M told the faiirrrs it would be wonderful to raise the price of corn-meal, al ■ bacon. But instead of being v, joko on the city folks, it was r. tack fir:, and the farmers got their eyebrows singed. And then 'they tried selling cotton in Eu ' ro, t cheaper than at home, and this time it was a joke on just, about everybody—except the guy in. Europe. And now we have padlocked the wheat in the farmer’* crib, end nob dy knows who th s last joko is on bu'! the taxpayer, he in commencing to scratch his wrinkled brow. And thy Farmer in the Dell— 1 o is in a mess. I’ack yonder aroun 1 a y ’ar ago, everybody was all work’d IV about '.bp business of investi gating the fracas down ther on the Tennessee River. And I been th'nking about it, from seeing an oi l paper which I run across when I was kinda '('dying up cry d°sk, b fore my Sus''c come-, jn and does it her self—and I would never know, j thereafter, where to find any thing. Investigations are gr at nv'di c'ne, if you can choose yeur own jun.,'. A honfs-thief could ask for t o hing nilcdr—or surer. Bu; ti n TVA whitewash it has queued fobs in *cme pat's of th i country - and has about blown ever. But in Tonn ssee, tv . f Iks tl ere are in a differ o Vak—;hny re wonde hvg rb a1, who is gonna dfiy up tho r-H v inia to pay thrii '‘Cob 1 -! 'kachers, ifc., since Uncle Samuel n oved in. Sam! o [ a'-’s t .xes to ! n.l -ly just eolke's. Glamour, the diet onaky rayo, means something that is artifi cially glorified. Also it means ILLUSION. TVA was no slouch, in is day- on glam ur. Yours, with the low down, JO SERRA —i-v/ v/j-- — FAUSET RESIGNS FROM PA. LEGISLATURE Harrsbug, Pa. Nov. 23 (ANP) —Resignation of Crystal B. Fau s:t from her post as member of the Pennsylvania state legisla tin'.) o accept an appointment as assistant stale director of the VVPA education and recreation program, was announced by Col onel Philip Matthews, state WPA Administrator, early in Nov. In addition to her duties with the educat:on and recreation pro gram, the fii'*t Negro woman ev ;• to be electevi to a s ate leg islature will act as consultant and adviser on all race relations pucstions and problems in the works program a wealth of ex Mrs. Fauset brings to the works progitam a wealth af ex p rience in educational fields. Sho was educated -t Boston Nor mal school and the Teachers col lege of Columbia university. Her work with social service educa tional and r. creation agencies is nationally recognized. She was xoimerly field secretary of the national board of the YWCA; board member of the Philadelphia YWCA; chairman of the Phiia delphia league of Negro Women; ' executive secretary of the Insti tute of National Relations at Swarthrrore college during the summers of 1933, ’34 and ’35; member of the board of trustees of Cheyney Teachers’ college and interracial lecturer for the Amer ican Friends Service in Eastern Secondary Schools and Colleges. Several years ago Mrs. Fauset served with the recreation pro i^r_K rjy» -£2jaaKHgj> Johnson Drug Co. Preseripitians LIQUORS, WINES and BEER WE. «9»9 1991 N. 24th SL gram of thj WPA in Pennsyl vania. -0O0 Calvin’s Newspaper Service TESTED RECIPE By Frances Lee Barton ■ COLORS have certain traits that are universally sensed. The green of grass or leaves, the green or me ocean; green salads, beverages and desserts — all give one a feel lug of coolness „ at sight. ' Remember this ' when serving ■ meals. A cool looking salad at tracts. A cool tasting salad delights. ! A carefully balanced green salad is ! Ideal for these early Kali days, par ! ticularly when the thermometer is ■till too high for comfort. Sea Dream Cheese Salad 1 package lime-flavored gelatin; i cup hot water; 1 cup grated cu cumber; 1 tablespoon vinegar; fa teaspoon scraped onion; dash ol cayenne; fa teaspoon salt; 1 pack age (3 ounces) cream cheese; 14 I cup sliced green pepper; 1 cup diced celery. Dissolve gelatin In hot water Add cucumber, vinegar, onion, cayenne, and salt. Force through sieve. Chill. When slightly thickened, add fa to softened cream cheese. Fold in green pepper and celery, turn into Individual molds, and chill until firm. Fill molds with remaining thickened gelatin mixture. Chill un til firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise, if de lired. Serve* 6, READ THE OMAHA GUDE .V.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.‘.v. 1 CHOP SI CY King Yuen Cafe 20 0 i N. 24th St. JAckson P.G76 Cp n from 2 pm. until 3 a. m. A m :r ctn & Chinese Dishes ■■.v.v.v.v.v.v. w.v.v.v, ® Hollywood Grill BREAKFAST SPECIALS Soups & Sandwiches 2418 N. 24th St. ®....- -? NO EXTRA OOST * SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS (BLACK CR MCNTHOL-St) Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH BRING IN YOUR BROKEN WINDOW AND WE’LL GLAZE THEM FREE! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN & FENCE WIRE OUR STOVE, FURNACE. PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, ROOFING AND GUTTERING ARE COMPLETE. ‘Everything At A Low Price” (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1«*>?-24 N. 21»’> Sr. Tv-------—-A 2 SUITS 80c*s GASH & CARRY Plain 2 DRESSES CASH & CARIO r SUIT & 1 DRESS 80cts CASH * CARRY SHIRTS 1 cts CASH & CARRY EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2101 North 21th Street LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS -;-§ Amazing Hew Hollywood Discovery FROM THE MAKE-UP CENTER OF THE WORLD “fflammir Beauty ,Om£s fc S Si OI Lightens the Complexion Performs the Rites f Loveliness for Thousands of the Smartest Women! HAVE THAT LOVELY VELVETY, ATTRACTIVE COMPLEXION By Using “GLAMOUR LIQUID Beauty” This preparation will not peel or harm the most delicate skin in any way. It’s for the Modern pursuit of lovcliuss This lovely liquid preparation lightens the complexi n and produces a softer and smoother tone. It radiates and is alluring. It is an aid to clearing the complexion of a muddy, sun-tanned appearanc. It is a protection against { winds and heat that dry the skin. It will rid your c mplexion of that terrible oily appearance. Glamour Can Be Yours! This wonderful preparation is not something CHEAP that you will be afraid to usa. ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. UNQUESTIONED PURITY. Prepared By £? MARIE WEST PRODUCE OF HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA Distributed By THE SCOTT COMPANY ORDER i OUR SUPPLY FOR THREE (3) MONTHS NOW ONLY ONE SIZE. PREPAID TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES. Price 01 Only y | SEND COUPON BELOW THE SCOTT COMPANY In Care of THE OMAHA GUIDE 2418-20 GRANT ST. OMAHA, NEBR. PLEASE send to me by return mail one (1) b ttle of “GLAMOUR WHIT ENER ” YOU WILL FIND ENCLOSED $1.M for Same. Name--Address-^ City and State-— s . N C*