The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 02, 1939, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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£ tt pL j&B Weather Outlook for the peril I
lil 1 November 27 to December 2. U>
i E«J H nor Mlc,» .vallev and Northei t .J
T'rVinni/WT Great Plains, week comparative';
li I ■■ I If 1 |\j dry with temperatures mostly a
JL/JL/1 1 JLV/11 _____________ , bove normal.
Entered as 2nd Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebr., under Act of March 8, 1874. SATURDAY DECEMBER 2, 1939 ' TEL WE’ 1517 Number 34
. — -— - ——■ ;
--- _______ •!
Workmen's Compensation Law
€>---—-- By Judge Lawrence Welch -—-®
Part II
As stated in the former article
the Workmen’s Compensation on
ly applies to a man or woman
■who had an accident and an in
jury whi'e working for his em
ployer. When such is the case, his
employer must pay him medical
and hospital enpense and pay
him two th'rdr. of his wages, not
to exceed $15.00 non week, while
he is disabled.
The Workmen’s Compensation
Law is not a local law which is
operative only in the State of
Nebraska. It is a law which will
be found in almost every state
of the United States and in most
all of the European Countries.
In the early years before
machinery was used to any great
extent, an employee, when he
was injured, had to pay all of
his own medical costs and suf
fered the loss of his wages while
was disabled except in those
few instances where the employ
ed was conscious of a moral ob
ligation to take care of hir. e:n
acts of raegl.gtwe Iby the em
ployees or where there was some
With the advent of the indus
trial revolution in th3 latter part
of the 18th century and the de
veknment of machinery on a
I art "i physically han heaped
rtorkmtrf' were, becoming quite
preylaut^ and the various oom
muniiies had to take car/ of
then and their children.
In 1883 and 1884 Switzerlaid
and Germany passed the first
Workmen’s Compensation Law.
Legislators and civil leadtrs of
that period reasoned that a
workman was very similar to a
| piece of machinei'y in as much |
as both were only a means for
the output of work. They said,!
'‘when a niach n,: breaks down ^
tho employer had to repair it
at his own co»t and charge it up !
to the industry.” Theq said, “if
e. man has to repair his machin
ery at his own cost in case of an
ace'd nt, he should likewise be
required to repair his men in
case of an accident and that the
cost of the accidents of the men
as w 11 a« the machinery should
Ibe charged to the inuustiiy caus
ing them.”
Upon this theory the first com
pensation law was based. After
Switzenand and Germany passed
the law it spread to almost all
countries of Europ: and fmally
into the United States. Today 47
out of the 48 states have this law.
Nebraska passed this law in 1913
and it has been operative since
that date.
Tim workmen’s compensation
law applies to any person, firm
or corporation employing one or
more employees. However there
are a few exg ptions to this gen
eral rule. The state law wpecificly
excludes employers of the house
hold domestic ^nwants and em
ployers of farm laborers. Rail
I road companies engaged in inter
st"te or foreign commerce are
likewise ek mpt because they are
declared subject to the powers of
congresp and not within the pro
visions of the state law.
It rather difficult to explain
why some of th?se occupations
are /not included in the law but
the basic underlying principal
serins to fall more on tradiiion
^han for any other reason. When
the law was first put into effect
in 1)^3 19th century in Europe
the lords and barons maintained
a class of servants who lived
within the walls of their master.
As stated btfore this law was
created fundamentally to apply
to industrial workers. Since
hous hold woi<k was considered
no part of an employer’s work or
industry, the legislates of that
period excluded household, domes
tic servants. Since that time,
each compensation law, which
hai, tpen patterned the old
European Laws, has excluded
this particular occupation. How
ever, in ltecent years a few of
the states have expressly included
this occupation within its laws.
Nebraska has not as yet.
The exclusion of farm labor
was perhaps based on legislative
expedience for it may be stated
that the farm industry is per
haps leas ab^e than others to add
the cost of compensation insur
ance to the market price of its
products and pass it on to the
consumer because that price is
as a rule fixed by those in con
trol of di»t|a | mark ts and is
perhaps also more quickly af
fected by the law of supply and
demand than the products of
most industries.
The law also excludes casual
or, occasional employment unltssr
said occasional employment
doqj in the regular trade, busi
ness or occupation of the em
Tha next article will deal with
the kinds of disabilities and the
amounts the employer must pay
to the injured t employee.
Christinas Seal
Campaign Starts
November 30th
Th;> thirty-third Christmas Seal
campaign of the Nebraska Tu
lerculosis A. scoaitiou begins on
Thanksgiving Day, November 30,
and is of great importance to
every man, woman and child in
Nebraska. Funds raised through I
this annual ur'ive will be used to ]
continue the unc:as’ng warfare
against tuberculosis.
This Seal Sale, continued
through Christmas, supports the
Nelbraska Tubeifculosis Associa
tion. Ninety-five per cent of the
fund remains in the state in which
it is raised; five per cent goes
to the National association for
educational and research work.
Tuberculosis is still the leading
cause of death in this country
between the ages of 15 and 45,
the most productive period of
life. Thus it becomes necessary
to inform the public that the
early discovery of tuberculosis is
imperative for a complete cure.
During the thirty-three years
of Christmas S:al Campaigns, the
death rate of the disease in the
United States has been cut more
than two-thirds. In 1907, the first
year of the Seal Sales in this
country, there were 179 deaths
per 100,000 population. Now th?
death rate is approximately 49
deaths per 100,000. Hence the
Christmas Seals have been the
chief instrrment during the suc
ceeding years in saving over 2,
000,000 lives.
Initiated by a woman, Emily
Birsell, the campaign continues
to owe much of the success to
women. In this state, a great
many of the Christmas Seal Sale
chairmen are women and much of
the preparation for thj 1939 cam
paign has been done by women
who volunteered their services.
/SV- ----
The Nebraska Tuberculosis As
sociation hopes to continue th^i
work being done to eradicate the
White Plague in this state. No
home will be safe until all homes
are protected. More money is
needed to carry on this great
work. Generous purchases of
Christmas Seals w.ll make this
Chicagoans Aim at $1,000
Goal in Red Cross Drive
Chicago, Nov. 30 (ANP)—A
group of prominent Chicago
women, headed by Mrs. Annie L.
Pleasant, chairman, have organiz
ed a committee to canvas? the
Southside in the drive for Ameri
can Red Cross memberships.
They are trying to raise $1,000
by the end of the month, Nov. 30
the date set for th& close of the
campaign. This is the first time
in recent years that an organiz
ed effort for Red Cross funds
has been made in the colored
Assisting as co-chairl.r.en are:
Dr. Wilehmenia Bowles and Mrs.
La Ursa Snelson-Hedrick, who
is also committee secretary. Cap
tains of thte various teams are:
Mesdames Millie Hobson, B. Mon
roe, A. Blanche Williams, Cera
Arnett, Annie E. Oliver, M. E.
Bluitt, Emmett Williams, Irene
McCoy Gaines, Annie Malone,
Pauline J. Lawrence and Dr.
Mary F. Waring.
Fort Worth, Tex. Nov. 30
(ANP)—At last Friday’s dead
line for the filing of applications
it was 1 arned that two Negroes
were numbered among the 65
candidates officially in the race
for the post of flotoria! represen
tative to the State legislature
from Denton and Tarrant coun
The number of candidates is
said to set an all-time record for
the state, and it is reportedly th,e
fii-st time a Negro has ever
sought public office in either
county. Thio colored candidates:
Phil R. Register, editor Fort
Worth Eagle Eye, weekly paper
and Jay Ford, Fort Worth labor
Missouri Law School
Meets Bur’s Approval
St. Louis, Ncv. 30 (ANP)—Th,’
now Lincoln university law school
opened in September in the old
Poro college building, has com
plied fuily with American Bar
association requirements and is
therefore an accredited institution
it was announced to the Lincoln
board of curators last week by
Will Shafrcth, adviser to the
section of the association on legal
education and admissions to the
Praising the administration of
Dean Louis E. Taylor, Shafroth
said he found the library physical
equipment, number of full-time
teachers, admission requirements,
length of course and number of
students “entirely satisfactory"
and asserted the institution was
not makeshift in any respect.
New York. Nov. 30 (C)—
“Ladies and Lynching” is the ar
resting title of a very revealing
article on the South’s great
shame, by Lewis f. Nordyke in
the November issue of the SUR
VEY GRAPHIC, monthly maga
zin of social interpretations. The
editor* describe Mr. Nordyke’s
contribution as a “remarkable
Miss Portia M. Tribbit, 19.TJ
graduate of the At'nnta Univer
sal y School of Social Work, ha*
recently been appointed Investi
ga or in the Tenant Select on
Office of the Columbus M tro
politan Housing Authority, Co'
umbus, Ohio. She is also a grad
uate of Ohio State University.
Miss Tribitt, who is a native of
Columbus is the daughter of Dr.
and. Mrs. R. M. Tribbitt, a mem
ber of the Alpha Gaopa Alpha
Sorority, and has an excellent
background of training and ex
perience for the position to
which she ha* been appoined.
'J ' against
forward by forty thousand south
ern women, backed by two mil
lion members of social, civic and
religious giPups. A Texas jour
nalist reports on the promise of
be'.ter human relations which dis
tinguishes this quiet but deter
mined movement for ‘self-recon
Chicago’s Provident
Hospital Gets Charter
For Insurance Plan
Chicago, Nov. 30 (ANP)—A
chart-r has been granted by the
: !ato to the Southside Hospital
Service Plan, Inc., which will co
operate with Provident Hospital.
Pnovident will furnish hospital
accrmodations to tho-'e enrolling
in the plan, it was announced by j
D . John W. Lawlas, medical j
Virgin Islands Judge
Home for Xmas Holidays
Chicago, Nov. 30 (ANP)—Chi
cago friends of Federal Judge
Herman Moore of the Virgin Is
lands received word from the
jurist that he will spend the
Christmas holidays at his home
here. His brief message «aid he
would arrive in Chicago about
Nov. 25 and remain until after
th,e Yule season. He sailed from
the Islands aboard the S.S. Borin
quen of the Porto Rico Line.
White Students At
Southern Meth dist
Uni. Hear Daisy
Lanipkin Give Talk
Dallas, Tex. Nov. 30—White
students of Southern Methodist
University’s school of religious
cudcation, here turned out in full
force to hear Mrs. Daisy Lamp
kin, field secretary of the Natrion.
al Association fpr the Advance
ment of Color d People, who
spoke at the university November l
1", on the organization’s fight to;
win full citizenship rights for
Negroe* in the United States.
Following her spe ch, the stu
dents, many of whom will soon
A big, grand benefit ministrel1
show will be given at the Hits
theatre, Saturday night December
2, at 11:45 p. m.
Hilson To
Rev. E. H. Hilson who has clone
much in the uplifting and relig
Colored society, lias been called
ious and civic life among Omaha
to The King Solomon Baptist
Church of Detroit Michigan which
has a membership of 3,000.
On Tuesday night a reception
was held in honor at the Salem
Baptist Church, which was largely
attend by the ministers and prom
inent residents of the city.
After saying goodbye to his
many friends and acquaintances,
lie left Omaha. Wednesday morn
ing, accompanied by his wife and
The Rev.'s new address is 575
East Kirby St„ Detroit, Michigan,
go out to pastor Methodist
churches throughout the country,
followed Mrs. Lumpkin into a re
ception room to express gratitude
for the frank and honest way in
which she approached the ques
tion of Negro rights. Mrs. Laimp
kin discussed the anti-lynching
bill, the campaign to erase educa
tional inequalities between the
races in AVa mica as it affects
teachers and students, and larger
cultural goals of the association.
Atlantic City Omega
Holds “Achievement
W e e k” Program
Atlantic City, Nov. 30 (ANP)—
A special showing at a local
theatre of the screen play “Way
Down South,” written by Lang
ston Hughes and Clarence Muse
was a highlight of the National
Negro Achievement Week pro
gram, Nov. 12 to 18, sponsored
hero by Upsilon Alpha, youngest
chapter of Orr.ega Psi Phi frater
nity. After the film presentation,
Raymond G. Robinson, ex-grand
basiRuo, spoke on the lif =* of
Hughes, famed poet and author,
and an Omega frater.
The week long celebration be
gan with a public me?ting on
Nov. 12, with 500 persons pres
ent. Speakers included Thomas
L. Hu iselton, executive secretary,
Atlantic City chamber of com
:rerc and J. Leroy Jordan, Eli
zabeth, N. J. On Thursday night,
at the local PTA meeting, Nelson
H. Nichols, Jr., addressed the
The celebration came to a clo*ej
with two student assembly meet
ings: one at Indiana Avenue
school, with Lloyd M. Wright and
Milton R. Palmer as speakers, the
other at New Jersey Avenue
school, James A. Ovfrty and B.
Napoleon Gupton, speakers.
Officers of Upsilon Alpha
chapter are: Lloyd M. Wright,
basileus; James A. Overby, vice
basileus; Walter I. Johnson, Jr.,
Keeper of records and seals; Mil
ton R. Palmer, keeper of finance;
B. Napoleon Gupton, keeper of
peace; Harry W. Scott, chapter
editor and Tayirond G. Robin
son, chaplain.
Washington, D. C. Nov. 30—
ANP()—The U. S. Civil Service
Commission this week announced
the following forthcoming exam
inations: Principal Editorial clerk
$3,000 a year and Editorial clerk
$1,800 a year, application dead
line dates Dec. 11-14; Assistant
Inspector of Shop construction
(m chanical,) $2,600 a year, with
U. S. Maritime Commission, ap
(*!--- --- - — - -<•
A. Phillip Randolph, Pres.
Brotherlfd Sleepin’ Car Porters
CITY—Big Mass Meeting at Zion Baptist Church December 7, 1939—
at 8 P. M. St. John Choir will render a special program under the
direction of Mrs. Pearl Hay Gibson.
Dec. 8th at 7:30 P. M.—A Testimonial Banquet will be given in
honor of the President and the Vice-President.
December 7th and 8th at |2 O’clock Noon A Speical Meeting will
be held at The Urban League for Pullman Porters, Chair Car Porters
of the U. P. and their wives also are invited.
plication deadline, Dec. 11-14.
The following positions in Air
Corps Technical school for assign
ment to U. S. Army Air Corps,
VViati Department, Chanute Field,
Rantcul, 111., Scott Field, Belle
ville, 111, and Lowi'y Field, Den
ver, Colo., Instructor $3,800 a
year; Associate In tructor, $3,200
a year; Assistant Instructor
$2,000 a year and Junior Instruc
tor $2,000 a yearj application
deadline, Dec. 11-14. For full in
formation concerning exams, see
local postmaster. j
.. —> -
Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 30 —
(ANP)—Dr. J. E. Walker, presi
dent, National Negro Business
league, an'punccl 1 today the
transfer of Joseph P. Geddes re
gional vice president for Ijouisi
ana to membership on the Steer
ing Committee of which Dr. F. D.
Patterson of Tusk'gee Institute
is1 chairman.
To fill Mr. Geddes’ place as
regional vice president, George
G. McDommonds, New Orleans
member of the League’s Execu
tive committee was appointed.
“Our Steering Committee’’ said
Dr. W'alker, “is the League’s
planning committee and was able
duiing our Oklahoma City con
vention to outline a program of
activities which i« largely respon
sible for the present widespread
interest in the leagu?.
Other members of the Steering
Committee are: George VV. Cox,
Durham; J. B. Blayton, Atlanta;
B. G. Oliye, Memphis; Edward
Simmons, Charleston, S. C.; and
Carlton Gaines, Detroit.
Memphis, Nov. 30 (ANP)—The
first agreement between the In
ternational Broth'rhood of Red
Caps and any southern railway
terminal was signed here last
week with the Memphis Union
Terminal company.
Certified by the National Med
iation board in July as th,2 collec
tive bargaining agency, the bro
therhood was represented in the
negotiations b y Ijitcrtfitional
Secretary-Treasurer John L.
Yancay and the local bargaining
committee which included Fred
Steele, Andrew Nash and H. Pr
White. Pres. R. M. Dozier and
Terminal Supt. W. S. Gadon sign
ed feu tH’ company.
Covering ru^-s and working
conditions for the 22 employes,
the agreement establishes senior
ity, hour* of service, leave of
abs nees, grievance machinery,
free transportation and many
other improvements in working
conditions and employer-employee
Extradition Case
Hearing Nov. 30
New York, Nov. 30—The hear
ing on the attempt to extradite
Willie Lee Butts, 14, from New
York City to Georgia on a charge
of rape was postponed from
November to November 30. Attor*
ney Donald Crichton is appearing
for Butts at the request of tv
Elks 33rd Annual Grand Ball, Monday, Dec. 4th—Public Invif