Cayton Resents Negro Baiting Slur By U. C Magazine Chicago, Nov. 23 (By Albert 0. Barnett for ANP)—For many years Chicago's colored leaders have openly charged that the University of ('hicago, through i& assistant business manager, George E. Fairweather, and as spciates, has preached segrega tion, advocated property restric tive covenants, and led the fight to keep Negroes from buying or renting homes in the Woodlawn ...WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR HAIR LOSES ITS COLOR ) r If your hair is gray, discolored, laded — don’t despair! Let (iode jifni’s Larieuse come to your rescue. This quick-acting, easy-to-use hair coloring transforms dull, spirit less— yes, even gray hair—with new life and beauty. Your hair once again will be uniformly beau tiful. It will gleam like silken threads. And the color won't rub off or wash out! Ask for and see that you get Larieuse, the hair coloring in the RED BOX. If your dealer can't supply you, send $ 1 ,2i(we pay postage) direct to 1»0»EF BOY'S,. HAIR COLORING ( 3510 Olive St. • St. Louis, Mo. < ) —1 area—60th to 63rd sts., Soutl Parkway to Cottage Grove Ave. In the October issue of PULSF official student magazine of th. Universi.y of Chicago, the editor threw caution to the winds, com m 'nted so caustically on th< subject that an immediate pro test, was sent the ivaguzine’e edi tor by 11 ware It. Clayton, F’ellov of the Roeenwald Fund and i noted sociologist and housing ex pert, who earlier this year con eluded a City-Wide land-use su • vey for the Works Progress Ad ministration. Pulse Ed l or Haw Famous Family Name Editor of PULSE is a Jew— Emil G. Hirsch, IT, report d'y related to the late, great Rabbi Ifirsch of Chicago’s Sinai Tem ple, who was respected as a hu manitarian and friend of the op pressed and a frequent speaker at Douglass Center, fore-runner of the Chicago Urban league. Local colored leaders art wondering how N-grosbaiUng Editor llir*ch himsrlf a -Jew) can square h s present attitude with the treatment acootded his Gennan cousins by Jew-baiting Hitler who recently seized one fif'.h of tho wealth of German Jews ($300,000,000) as “indem nity” for the slaying of a minor Gennan embassy employe in Paris, by a young Jew, Grynzpan. Here are a few hot excerpts from tho article in Editor Hiitsch’s PULSE magazine. Halls Negro Landlords Profiteer* “Probably the ordy ones to fain through a low; ring of the -estrid Ivo barriers wjould be :er',ain Negro landlords, who ifter buying property cheaply ’rom whites fleeing the Negro nvasion, would turn about anil harga exhodbitant rentals to in -oniing Negroes, in spite of the tad-i thiid: "last week, ’.;he Validity, force and effect of an agreement made in '28 barring Negroes frtom owning or renting property (in the disputed Wood lawn area) wa« upheld in the case of Lee vs. Hansbnry. “This property borders on ex tensive holdings of the Univer sity; i\: is and will be a centinual worry to Fainveather (U. of C. assistant business manager), who fear a drop in value and Univer ity income if Negroes are not barred frun it by restrictions. “It has been charged that the University is responsible for c:r tain conditions in the Black Belt since it allegedly has lobbied for restrictive agreements through certain community councils in which it hoi ’s the balance of power, notably he Wood lawn Property Owners’ association; President Hutchins, though re gretting it, declares «uch a stand in pragma ideally necessary to pro tect he University’s holdings.” Cayton’s Reply to Editor Hirsch Rosenwald Fellow Clayton, who has also done graduate work at the University of Chicago, wrote Editor Hirsch in part, as follows: “In the first place, the recent decision iby the Slate Supreme Court was based upon a decision which was laid down in a previ ous case brought before the court. A Mr. Iiansberry intends to appeal vihis case the legal fight on restricted covenants is far from settled. You might be in terested to know that recently a I Stave Supreme Court has held them as constitutional. You state that the only ones to gain by the lowering of the res- j tricVive barrier would be certain Negro landlords, who after buy ing restricted properties from incoming Negroes. This is obvi ously an over simplification, if not distortion of the truth. GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE HONORS T-B ESSAY CONTEST WINNER Industrial College, Ga. Nov. 23 (ANP)—At a public masting Wednesday n:ight sponsored by the state ami Chatham coun'.y tuberculosis associations, a crowd 'caazagraaigax? .v-xaacggabg: Johnson Drug Co. Prescriptions ! LIQUORS, WINES and BEER WE. 0999 1904 N. 24th St £=i Lucky Heart Aeent maki TWICE AS MUCH MONEY. Agents that used to make $10 to $20 a week can make up to $15.00 a week full time, FROM NOW ON' Be a Lucky Heart Agent. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Write now for $9.00 worth of guaranteed cosmetics, medicines, flavorings, curios and BIG SAMPLE. CASE FREE of extra cost. Lucky Heart Co., Dept. 1-11-73, Memphis Tenn. AVAILABLE AT YOUR FAVORITE TAVERN OR LIQUOR STORE RECOMENDEO BY t Olson Company INC. WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS Omaha, Nebraska IMPORTANT!, medical tests reveal how thousands of WOMEN W GET NEW ENERGY If you feel tired out, limp, listless, ' moody, depressed—if your nerves are constantly on edge and you're losing your boy friends to more attractive, peppy women—SNAP OUT OF IT! No man likes a dull, tirc