weather -1 \ Pi 'frlk ^ Outlook for period Nor 21 f*» 1 | 1 1 Hll j jjm ^P^ Nov. 25. Upper Mias. va” y gen 1MI H Mm ^B . orally fair, except rainy extreme! 17 ni^PTJjL south portion; temperat o. e- nor Ivj ^ I J.vxi i real or above In general. PR,£E «™ «"T“/JUSTICE/EQUAUTT j HEW TO Ttic^_, .ARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY Entered aa 2nd Clast Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebr., under Act of March 8, 1874. . SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25, 19:9 TEL. WE. 15'7 NUMCZ *. 35 LABOR LEADER WILL SPEAK AT A MASS MEETING AT ZION Pullman Porters Will Sponsor Banquet Mr. A. Philip Randolph, presi dent of the Brotherhood of Sleep ing Car Posters and Mr. M. P. Webster, firet, vice president will speak at a mass meeting Thurs day Dee. 7th at Z on Baptist Church at 8 PM. Mr. Randolph is just returning from a two month tour that carried him to •11 of the Brotherhood Divisions on the Pacific Ooa*t. On Friday, Dec. 8th, at 7:30 PM, a banquet *nd testimonial dinner will be given in honor of Mr. Randolph and Mr. Webster. Special meeting for Pullman Porters and U. P. Chair Car Porters will be held at the Urban Lsague at 12 noon on the 7th and 8th. The wives are also invited to attend. Tay lor Muerell, Secretary. Brie! Sh* tch of A. Philip Randolph— Mr. A. Philp Randolph, was one of the founders and organizsrs, togather with about a half dozen ' porters, of the Ifrothei'hpod of | Sleeping Oar Porters in New York j Gity ,in 1925. Since then, he has been the International President Prior to and during his work with the Brotherhood up to 1928 i or later, Mr. Randolph was one of the editors and publishers of the Messenger magazine, cel bra-1 tod for iia militant voice and emphasis upon economic factors ah constituting the basis of the ( Negro problem. « In 1925, he was selected to speak on a program With ex-1 President Herbert Hoover and secretary of Si ate, Kellogg as the representative of the Negro people at the opening celebration of ;he Sds abolish the color bar... in the Trade Unions, and some definite progress has been made on this matter. In May, 1939, he called a con ference of Negro Railroad work ers for the purpose of develop ing a program to stop the dis placement of Negrors on Rail road jobs. A continuing commit tee was set up in this conference to watch legislation affecting Negro workers and to work for tho elimination of color discri mination in the Raihoad Unions. He cooperated with the Red Caps in establishing the Inter national Brotherhood of Red Caps and also assisted in developing a national organization of Dining p Car employees. Mr. Randolph is els"' cd’ tor of the Black Worker the of ficial organ of the Brotherhood, and contributes araichs to various publications. -0O0 Rabbit’s Foot Gift May Bring Youth Bad Luck Charles Ntl^on, 16 of 2867 Binney street, got a rabbit’s foot for good luck November 11 when p. friend killed a rabbit. A week ago Nelson dev; loped an eye infection. Sunday he was taken to University hospital. Doctors are making tests to de termine whether the infection is a sign of tularemia, or “rabbit fever.” __rvGn_ Suit F r UNIA’S $300,000 Lost By Marcus Garvey New York, Nov. 24 (C)—Rul ing that the Universal Negifo Improvement: Association, Inc. 01 1918 nevei had its charter cancelled or aiTCnded, His Majes ty’s Privacy Council, the highest judicial tribunal in the British Empire, denied the pet (t:on or appeal of Marcus Garvey who had sued to recover an estate of approrima ely 00,000 bequeath ed to the 1918 UNI A by the late Isiah Emanuel Moi'tpr, a N gra who died in British Honduras Ip 1924, Because the original Garvey organisation was “bui dened with judgments” a new or ganization was farmed in 1929 and Was known as “The Univer sal Negro Impiovement Associa tion and African Ccmti’unities League August 1929 t>? the World. Garvey arghed *thru coun sel, that che 1929 organization was entitled to the legacy, but lost his coro when evidence prrtv- 1 ed that the lW.‘8 organization had never ceased to exist, now headed iby tor. lifevnel Francis. Uetailg of the case 'wei« published by Wil liam R. Ferris, former editor of the ONIA’s mouthpiece, The Ne geb World. —^-oOn Todd Runcan, Guest Star On Commercial Pr* gram New York, Nov. 24 tC)—Todd Duncan, baritone appear d Nov. 21?t on the ‘Echoes of New York’ program of the Consolidated Edi son Company, broadcasted over Station WEAF here, at 7:30 p.m. Duncan, singing star of George Gershwin's ‘‘Porgy and Bess,” was fea ured on the same pro gram on November 10, being the only Negro among six artists signed for three appearances each on this program. The singer is managed by The Musical Artists’ Bureau’ 312 I Manhattan Avenue. -oOo—■■ i Mrs. Bethune On Tiwn Hall Radio Pr gram New York, Nov. 23 (C)—“Th? Town Hall of the Air” rogram, the most distinguished forum to day for the maintenance of ideals of Democracy, will have as its principal speaker Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune. Sunday evening November 26. Mrs. Bethune is widely known as the head of the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration. \ She is founder and prrsident of \ Bethune-Cookman College in Fla. 2,200 To Share In $50,000 Christmas Club Durham, N. C. Nov. 23 (C)—It will be a Merry Christmas this year for 2,200 members of the 1930 Christmas Club of the Mechanics and Farmers Rank hero this year, the bank announc ed recently. On December 1 it will give out checks in the amoun , of more than $50,000. This club ir believed to be the largest in mor'bership and in money to be paid out. -oOo New York May Get Negro City Councilman N:w York, Nov. 24 (O)—Ben jamin E. Bu.ler, Jr., a Brooklyn candidate for the City Council has a chance of winning, accord ing to observers who took note of Butler’s count which found him fifteenth oil the list. If he can pick up enough votes to pass a white candidate on the same tic ket, he would have a more than good chance of winning, it wa< reported. Percy Foster, the Ne gro Democratic candidate in -iVaniattail, was eliminat'd on the eight count, after poling 22,717 votes. * __aAo - -- - - FSA WORKERS AT TUSKEGEE PARLEY, SEEK INCREASED PERSONNEL Tuskegeo Institute, Ala., Nov. 23 (ANP)—'Colored workers of the Farm Security AdminifN ra tion who ga.hered here rec nlly for their first ip Service study conference to gel fir^t hand infor mation and instruction in FSA procedure, declai'ed the confer ence so helpful they wanted it held annually at Tuskegee insti tute. The meeting was authorized by Dr. Will W. Alexander, Wash ington, D. 0., Farm Security ad uninistratlon. Resolutions of interest to farm ers and rural home owners, pass ed by the study conference dele gates, including the follow'ng: 1. That the Negio personnel in rural rehabilitation, re«ettl ment projects "and tenant purchase be more integrated into the planning and execution of farm manage ment, home management and service operations affecting the tvell-being of borrowers, and hoimesteaders (under their juris diction. 2. That a larger number of Negroes be integrated into the several branches of the Farm Security Administration. (a) That on projects where thers is sufficient Negro per sonnel to warrant clerical help that such clerical help be provid ed and that on these projects where th? number of families is so large as to prevent adequate personal supervision by the pres ent staff, additional Negro per sonnel be added. (b) in those counties wnere there is heavy population and correspondingly h avy case loads, rufficient Negro farm and home rural rehabilitation supervisors and nurses should be added to the County Supervisory s'.aff. (c) We believe there is a defi nite need for an increase in the number of Negroes on regional and State sup rvisory staffs in areas where there is a large Ne (d) We further recommend gro case load. that wh:re there are group heal, h and medical associations, composed wholly or largely of Negro borrowers, that competent Negro physicians be placed on the eligible; list to serve these bor rowers, and that when the asso eia'.ion employs a physician, and it is a Negro association, a Ne gro physician should be employed or considered. CENTRAL CLUB SPEAKER Presidential. Aspirant «• ■ • • ■ .v.v.-m-. . i v '•• vw n i | ynm| SENATOR ROBERT A. TAFT Republican of t>K;o, addr:ssed a large audience at the Central Club Auditorium Thursday night. Reporting a constantly growing republican trend in his own state and other sections of th: country ho has visited, the Ohio presi dential asp'rant was optimistic over changes of a decisive repuo lican victory next year. BISHOP GREGG HOLDS ARK. ANNUAL AME. CONFERENCE Little Rock, Nov. 20 (By L» M. Weaver for ANP)—The 74th session of the Arkansas Confer ence of AME church convened h ie Wednesday hrough Sun day at Bethel church With the pastor, Rev. G. W. Plakely, serv ing as host. The conference opened Wed nesday morrfng with Bishop J. A. Greggs, presiding. The annuad sermon whs delivered by Rev. W. T. Pope, missionary evangelist. Holy communion Was administer ed by Dr. J. G. Robinson of Phil adelphia, editor of AME Review; Rev. J. H. Clayton, editor of Southern Recorder, Rev. J. A. Alexander of Evanston, 111.; Rev. V. M. Thomas, P. E. of Hot Springs district; Rev. P. L. John son, P. E. of Ftorest City dis trict and Rev. E. J. Lunon and O. Sherman. The conference wrfs organized by the election of F. G. Gipson, R. D. Brownlee and R. H. Thomp son a* secretaries and the com mittee on finance: Rev. W. T. Eskridge, G. Wayman Blakely, S. E. Rolen, J. H. I/ewis and Dr. J. G. Thornton, Dr. A. S. Jack son who succeeds the la'e John R. Hawkins, as the church’s fi nancial secretary was present. Speakers on Wednesday’s civic I program were: Father G. C. Wal 1 ker, Mayor Satterfield, Atty. W. j A. Singfield, Dr. Gaston E. Foot1. I Music was rendered by the choir« | ol' Bethel, solos being given by Mrs. Wilma Cole and Ernest Coving.on. Delegates to th? general eon ! l’erence, elected o n Thursday were: Rev. W. T. Eskridge, G. Wayman Blakely and S. E. Kol n delegates and Revs. Lowry, Den nis and Roundtree, alternates. Mrs. Lucy M. Huge*, Connoc t'onal president of Woman’s Homo and Foreign Missionary Society stroke on missionary night and the Rev. J. S. Dennis of Mprihon delivered the sermon. Pictures of conditions in Africa were shown during the confer ence. Bishop Gregg read the appoint i ments on Sunday night. Hillside To Have Choir Appreciation Day Sunday morning at 11 o’clock ! and afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Hillside Presbyterian church will have choir appreciation day. In the afternoon, The City Service Orch stra, Bethel Baptist Church, Clair Chapel, Ml Moriah and Christ Temple choirs will present a very interesting program. Mr. If. L. Preston has charge of the musical arrangements. The Hill side choir as host, will take pari only in the opening of the ser vice. Remember the hour, its 3:30 The Rev. Sears of St. Johns AME church will give the invo cation. _gvDn_ FSA SUSPENDS OFFICIAL FO RBEATING NEGROES Washington, Nov. 23 (ANP)— Farm Security administration of ficials lost no time in dealing with John C. Gaine, assistant county rehabilitation supervisor when an investigation conducted by the FSA revealed him guilty' of assaulting two Negro FSA 1 rehabilitation borrowers. The two Negroes. Geerge and Sarah Howard, residing in Dallas county, Alabama, fled the county following the incident which was reported through channels to the Washington office. Witihin three days time, the Howards were as far from the i sceno of the assault as tll ir I meager fund i would carry '.hem. However, they were located by I governments who saw h ir con dition and promptly moved them j to a hospital and arranged for j the medical attention they so j badly needed. Meanwhile th? official investi i gation moved in'o action and it developed that Caino admitted engaging in a dispute with the two, charging self defense. On Oct. 23, some dispute arose with the Howards and Came as the principals, A» a result, vhe two Negroes sustained a beating which necessitated hospital treat ment. A fluid and unablj to se cure attention for themselves, they fled the County. As a result of the findings of the investigation, Caine has b:en suspended from office pending decision a* to further disciplinary action J All information obtained by FSA investiga'ors will be turned over to stata and federal offi cials for further investigation. -nflrt TEXAS MEDICS LAY PLANS FOR 1940 CONVENTION , Dallas, Nov. 23 (ANP)—As * result of the meeting of the board of directors of the Lone | Star State Medical, Dental and ! Pharmaceutical association held in Dallas Thursday, committees j are being formed and all of the preliminary preparations are be ing began for a typical Texas welcome to the hundreds: of de legates expectsd to come to the slate for the 40th annual con vention of the National Medical association in 1940 at Houston. I>r. Thelma Patten-Law, well known physician and surg on of Houston who is president of the state association heads he execu tive or steering for the enter ninment of th? national convention. Other members of that committee include Drs. C. R. Yerwood of Austin, secretary of th3 committee, C. A. Whittaker, of San Antonio, vice-chairman, and chairman of the state asso ciation board of directors, ami O. I.. Bledsoe of Marshall. -oOo—■—— CAMERA CLUB MEETS | Gateway Camera held an inter esting meeting Thursday night at the Urban League. Guest speaker 1 was from Calandra Camera Go. -_ - —*-—— A Study In Art and Beauty L * — _ PEGGY JOHNSON PRESENTS A VERY BEAUTI- IN THIS SHOT. Photo Bracf. PUL STUDY FOR CAMERAMAN| DR R. A. ADAMS TRANS FERED FROM NEBR. TO KANSAS CONFERENCE -- (j Over three years ago Dr. R. A. Adams came to Omaha, St, John’s AME Church. During the thre? years of un tiring work, the Church indebt edness was greatly reduced, and at present ther3 is le^s than four thousand dollars on the Church property. Dr. Adams *tay in Omaha, was helpful to the thousands that knew him, and the life he lived, was oti3 that all who knew him could say that he was an upright man. A man of God who was not afraid to preach the truth, and • help sinners to find, “The Risen ' Christ.” The same record that has fol lowed Dr. Adams during his forty-seven years of service in Ministry, still follows him. He is a clean upright Christian Minis ’ ter, and one who’s integrity has never been questioned, b cause the God that he serves protects him from evil influence. Accompaning Dr. Adams to his new field is his loyal wife, Mrs. Laura S. Adams, and their ac complished grand-s o n, Master Floyd Collins, who made quite a record in school activities during their stay in Omaha. Before taking their departure for their new field of labors in Wichita. Gansas, Dr. and Mrs. Adams, and Floyd was given th? surprise of their lives. A surprise party honoring Dr. Adams’ three years of loyal service was ten dered them. Returning from a dinner in their honor, imagine their sur prise when th:y entered the Par sonage and was greeted with one of Dr. Adams favorite songs, “I’ll b? rT.itimr up Ther".” A happy evening was s]>ent by all thu happy friends who gath ered there to honor their depart ing Pastor, and at the same time welcome aheir new Minister, and hi? wife, Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Sears. This little party was so se-ret that Dr. and Mi*. Adams were* unaware of what was taking place, and while they were in the dark concerning this movement, tho various clubs of the Ohuir!» formed their committees, and mad 3 their arrangements, an 1 sent their purchasing committee, consisting of Mrs. Eva Ray. Mrs. Altha Vann and Mrs. Thom as H. Goodwin to purchase the gifts. Mrs. Pearl Young President of ■ cne pf the various clubs who con tributed to the success of this j entertainment acted as mistress of ceremonies. Mrs. Altha Vann made the pre sentation?. Presenting to D rv. Adams a lovely briefcase. To> Mrs. Adams a twin set, consist ing of a wardrobe case and A week-end case and to Master Floyd Collins a lovely bill-fold. Among the guest present was tho Presiding Elder Dr. J. W. Williams and the present Pastor of St. John’s A ME Church and his wife, Dr. and Mils. T. A, Sears. All present express'd regrets at seeing Dr. Adams leave them, bu; was happy to know that he was going to a place equally as good as St. John’s and equally as happy to know that anoth'r good men was sent to serve the people of St. John’s AME Church. Tho mambers of St. John wish for Dr. and Mrs. Adams and Floyd, God’s choicest blessings, an 1 much happiness in their new field of labors. -oOo_ HONOR GRADUATE Out of a class of approximately Helm E. Johnson, wa' an Honor Grad along wi;h about 10 others. To be an honor graduate one must make the Honor Roll , twice of his or her senior year. Helen graduate from Tech Thurs.