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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1939)
I "'~r” | ©mafja (^tube's 4"' I World of ^ [Society CL BEAUTIFUL FALL LUNCHEON Mesdamcs Eari Wheeler, J. ib Lewis, G. B. Lennov ind Lizzu Buford w re co-hordesses at an elaborate four course lunchejn bud Friday in the social room of the Logan-Fontenelle homes. Mrs. Blackwell of Baltimore, Md„ is the house guest of Mrs. Mahain mit. The four-chair tables at which tfia guests werte seated were very beautifully laid with dainty linen luncheon cloths with linen nap kins. The center of table held a bud -vase with a white rose. Mrs. J. I). • Lewis received at the door, Mrs. Buford took North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24'h SI • WE. 4240 YOU CANT TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING MBTHOD ‘Utvi's No . Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— CAREY'S NABGAHOOD Grocery Spring Chicken Cheaper than Bacon 18c lb. OPEN SUNDAYS ANI) EACH NIGHT ’TILL 10 P. M. WE. 6089 We Give Green Trading Stamps wraps, and Mesdames Wheeler and Lennox received and introdu ced the gue*ts to the guests of honor. A delicious four course menu was served by the hostes ses. There were about fifty of the Omaha’s elite present and all were attraotvely diessed in af ternoon fall dresses of black and dark colors. Mrs. Blackwell, who w si s lavinhly feted, is ono of the retir ed principals of Baltimore, Md., public schools and is taking a w'cll-enrned vacation in Omaha All the guests present enjoyed a lovely afternoon. -oOe The Friendly 16 Bridge Club j held its regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellick Hil ton, 22nd & Willis Ave. The meeting was conducted in fine «tylo by the president* All mem bers were in the best of spirits. One change and four hands of HOME WORK IS ROOD WORK WHEH , BETTER LIGHT DGES IT’S SHARE Home work is good work with plenty of soft, glare-free light. A new I.E. S.* Better Sight Lamp, equipped with the right size bulb, will let your children do home work in less time without dangerous eye strain. Tests prove that any seeing task is easier with adequate, diffused light. See the many beautiful Better Sight study lamps and table lamps on display today. * Approved by Illuminating Engineers Society LIVE Even Better... ELECTRICITY IS Even Cheaper SEE YOUR DEALER or NEBRASKA POWER.COMPANY bridge were played. The honors awarded tn> Mr. S. Weed, and W. T. Ford after which a de ll ious luncheon was served by tho host and hostess. Mr. Avant, pres., W. T. Ford, reporter -0O0 MODERN MATRONS CLUB The Modern Matrons Club met at vihe home of Mrs. Laurence L:iwis, 1412 N. 23nd St. Nov. P. Tho club discussed plans for the Carnval to be given at the Negro Welfare Club, 24,;h Parker, Nov. 24 and 25. The club rrgnubers do nated prizes to be given at the booth in which they will have. Very nice prizes were selected. Tho nublic is cordially invited Co visit tho Modern Matrons booth at the Carnival. Mrs. Buster King, president Mrs. Ijawrence Lewis, rep. __ In_ PASSES EXAMINATION Mrs. M. L. Cooper, Blondo, wishes her many friends to know that she successfully passed the Ntbr. State Board of Cosmetology which was held in Lincoln, Nefbr. in Oct Sho had to her credit no less than 1507 Hours, staring with the NorL'hside Beauty School and finishing with the Althouse Beau1 ;y School. She was given a very high rating and reg'ster d 98 per cent with the Bureau of Examining Boards. She received by mail her Certificate of Cos metology which makes her a licensed opera to,, in' Beauty Cul ture. She will probably be iden tified with Miss Versie Winston of tho Winston Beauty Shop, 22 and Ohio. -oOo Tho Zoo’s Bar-B-Q and Lunch Room, 2210 N. 24th street was broken into Thursday night; The music box was broken open and momy taken out. Also, the cash register was tampered with, but no imoney was theft'’ as Mrs, Walker had carried the days re ceipts with her when *he closed. Fortunat >ly, Mrs. Walker had tho music box open tihat day and only the night’s receipts were in it. Mrs. Walker was in a car ac cident on Thursday, the 9th, but received only slight injuries. -UV/O— - ■ Mrs. lone Hanger! residential head of the Community Chest, was ill in bed with a cold ati the close of the drive. We are glad, at this writing, to know that she is feeling par-excellent. -0O0 CARTER CHARITY CLUB Tne Carter Club held its Nov. Alico Smith, 2409 Blondo St. Nearly the full membership being present. After the business the vico preside it, Mrs. A. L. Haw kins was asked to introduce the visitors. This she did in her jovial manner. Responding was Rev. and Mrs. Story and Rev. and Mrs. Sanford. Mrs. Roberta Bai RUMMAGE Store EVERYTHING CHEAP IrADIES & MEN’S O’COATS 50c & up 1406 North 24th Street Women’s Pain Relieved By “Build-Up Method” Do you suffer periodically from headaches, nervousnes, irritahll i^p-. restlessness or cramp -like pains? If so, here’s good news! Th«e may be symptoms of func tional dysmenorrhea, which is so often GHUsed by undernourish ment. By fnproving the appet ite, digestion, assimilation, thru the proper use of CARD'D I, worn (* en by thoui&nds find they are able to build. strength, energy, and nerve-force. Thus periodic^ al pain is relieved Tor many us ers of CARDUI. By taking it just before and during "the time,'’ women by ftiousands report that CARDUI also helps to allay the pain and discomfort of the pecipd ley, chairman of the Program Committee assisted by Mrs. Ha zel Walton, presented Mis* Washington and her brother, Mr. Washington in a very deligh tful musical program. Th? four hos tess, Mrs, Myrtle Metcalf, Mrs. Alico Smi.ii, Mrs. Ida Wiley and Mrs. G. Deckard served a deli cious lunch. After a very pleasant social hour the meeting adjourned to m et in December at the resi dence of Mrs. Gertrude Green. -0O0 Mr. C. A. Franklin of the Kan sas City Call was in the city Nov. 10 to 12. While here, he visited the Omaha Guide Plant. -0O0— Mesdames Eaid Wh eeler, J. D. Ijowis, G. B. Lennox, and Lizzie Buford were co-hostesses at an elaborate luncheon last Friday at emu p. nv. honoring Mrs. Black well of Baltimore^ Md., house guest of Mrs. Mahammit. The largo affair was given atf the •social room at the Fontenelle Housing. -0O0 Editor C. A. Franklin of the Kansas City Call his wife and mother, Mrs. Clara B. Frank’In of Kansas City. Mo., were week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Sin goton. -0O0 Mrs. Katrina Graham, 201(5 N. 22nd Street daughter of Mrs. Penola Simmons is ill in SC, Joseph Hospital from an opera tion. Her condition in reporitedl good. ——oOn THE QUACK CLUB Tho club m eting opened Fri day Nbv. 10 at 8:30 p.m with 'he president presiding. Thirty min utes wa« given to group singing lead by the music chairman, Mrs. Lucy Mae Britj after which the member ship chairman, Mils. Sarah Bradley closed the club year membership drive by enter ing 15 new members to the club. Tho piesidenf gave them a hear ty welcome into the club then surprised everyone with delicious cookies and coffre. Everyone had a lovely time. jJulia Williams, president Leola Jones, reporter -oOo Mr. Perry Smith, 2304 N. 29 St., died Nov. 13jh at his home l'rom old age. Mr. Smith, a local minis/er, had been ill for four y -ars. Survivor* are his daugh xr, Mrs. Dora Bluford; two sis ters-in-law, Mis. Ada Wbodson, and Mrs. Irene Faulkner; two grandchildren and two great giandchildren, and a host of fri ends. The funeral was 2 p.m. Wednesday at PI asant Green Baptist Church with Rev. Rey nold"! officiating. J. D. Lewis had charge of the body. -oOo Mrs. J. C. Jones has returned to her home 2724 Parker St. from M thodi«t Hospital where she has been confined. She is convales cing nicely. Mr. Guy Singleton, father of Millard “Buddy’* Singleton who died abciut two weeks ago was in Omaha for the funeral of his father, Millard F. Singleton. _nOn . .. _— HIGHLIGHTS OF CIRCLE TOUR OF UNITED STATES OCEAN TO OCEAN by Mrs. Hiram R. Greenfield (Part 7) Detroit—Philadelphia—New York City—Harlem After the days trip to Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, the world’s I most famous undergiound fairy -1 land, I arrived back by bus to El Paso, Texas 8 p.m., just barely had time to get on my train which left at 8:06. (The Golden State #t reamline for Chicago via Kansas City, Mo.) I was tired and hungry. A lasting memory of the glamourous wojmk'T of wonders. State Troopers are guides in the Caverns and ask all visitors not to speak any louder than can be heard by the person walking by your side. They request that all walk two aibreast. The tom i *'• * ^YYlcO\jj^ (yXJjlTiOTiCJL \ Bee. U. S. Pat. Off. /f } BEflum^RomnntE^ ■T.lill1'H»ltm«fi'fiilH.iagS>j The Larieuse Beauty Foundation was established by / \ the Godetroy Manufacturing Company to study methods '*00‘ of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public. FOR GIRLS — OLD AND YOUNG The younger girl seldom gets her share of attention when it comes to advice on beauty. But with all the teen-age girls going back tp school and making good resolutions to study hard and have fine grades, I think this is a good opportunity to encourage them to make a few beauty-wise resolutions ns well. | When you nre young you feel that the world is yours nnd that you will i never have to worry about keeping i your complexion or figure. But, if you would face the truth, now Is the time to set about systematically keeping what you have. It is a lot easier to keep your skin smooth and weli-cared-for and your figure trim »nd well-proportioned than it is to try to regain both fnce and figure after they are gone. If you practice a few simple beauty rites every day, it will save you a lot of more com plicated efforts later on. Keep Skin Clean Even young skins collect dirt nnd dust. If you will make it a practice always to cleanse your face thor oughly twice a day either with a good cold cream or a bland soe.p, de pending on the texture of your skin, | the dirt nnd dust will not have a ' chance to become lodged in your pores, causing blackheads, enlarged pores and any number of unsightly blemishes. Middle-aged skin Is not caused by years but by neglect. Anyone can have a smooth, youth ful looking skin if she will take the proper cure and necessary precau tions. Brush Hair Regularly Nor Is there any reason why your hair should lose Its youthful sheen as the years go by. If you will make It a rule always to brush your hair betore going to bed, or at any other convenient time during the day, you can keep It as shining and healthy at forty or fifty us It was at fifteen. If It tends to turn gray or become strenked, It is a simple matter to touch it up with a good liair color ing. The important tiling now is K brush it regularly, wash it at least every two weeks and let nature take cure of the rest. Watch Your Diet And start watching your waistline now. Many young girls have a ten dency toward protruding “tummies” even in their teens. Correct that situation before it is too late. The first few pounds you gain won't make so much difference, but it is much simpler to keep your weight down to average for your height and nge now, than it will be to lose ten to twenty-live pounds ten years from now. And do take care of your hands. They say there is no easier way tc tell a woman’s age than by her hands. If you let your hands be come rough and calloused from lacli of care, they will add ten years to your appearance just when you would like to take ten off. So make it a point to treat your hands to a little special attention. Get a good lotion and apply it to your bauds every time you wasit them. Remember, you won’t always be as young as you are now but if you try, you can look it. What are your beauty prob lems? Write Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Foundation, Room 321 — 319 North Fourth St., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. I perature in the Caverns remain a'j 56 degrees, the year1 round, necessitating a light wrap. We were told more than a million persons have visited the Caverns and gone away as our party of fourteen hundred had, almost un believable, but enthusiastic, over tho sacred majestic granduer. El Paso, Texas has a popula tion of 103,034, a thriving city. Fort Bliss, the largest U. S. Army calvary post, was an in teresting part of our tour thru El Paso. The Rio Grande river separates El Paso, Texas from Jaurez, Old Mexico which has a population of thirty thousand Mexicans. Our guide also inform ed us thaii the toll fer pedestrians to go across on the International Bridge was two cents. My next stop-over was De-! tioit, Michigan. I arrived there on Friday afternoon visied fri ends until Monday afternoon. I had just changed stations in Chicago, wheite I boarded the Canadian Pacific Streamline for Detroit. I had left El Paso Wed nesday night and the two nights and days continuous trip was restful and interesting. I visited a life-long friend in Detroit, Mrs. Dora Manly. I went to the New Bethel Baptist Church with Rev. and Mrs. Z. F. McGee on Sunday morning, also spent the day with thorn,. Mrs. Manly and I called on Mrs. Brooks, the mother of Joe Louis, bub shei was out. Met one of his sisters, Mrs. Davis, she told us Joe Louis had bought each of the seven brothers and sisters a beautiful home, all within a stone’s throw of each other. The Mother’s home which he purchased as a gift to her for nine thousand dollars is a lovely red press brick two story house, nicely located on the «prner. After seeing what I co<uld of fcho automobile city in such short time and with friends a'j the sta tion to bid me “goodbye,” I left Monday afternoon for St. Thom as, Ontario, Canada; Buffalo, N. Y.; and Philadelphia. On the modern streamline trains, travel by rail is a perfect joy. All employees lc%>k aft'er your com fort in every det ail. My itinerary was made out for for me by my railroad gen‘1 passenger agent in Omaha, was a great advantage for all arrangements were pre arranged. When traveling thru the country, one is inspired by all the beauty. The first rain I encountered was in Canada. It was refreshing for 'the thirsty crops and gardens. All race g*oups ate at the same tables with no excitement created in Canada. Having visited Niagara Palls three time* before, I has tened on without stopping there. It would take volumes to tell of the many highlights in the above cities. Philadelphia is one of the worst congested cities in the east. Our race is doing very com mentfa'ole. After a djop-over for a day in Philadelphia, I left for New York City. Arriving at the across Continent Atlantic Ocean within two hours, after traveling under (he Hudson river, we were at Hudson Terminal Depog. And what a real thrill among the hustle-amd-bustle of our largteti city in the USA. A taxi to Harlem soon landed mo at the beautiful five-story National YWCA. The Emma Ransom residence, West 137th Street, where I had a room l'or my weeks slay in the Metropolis City was a complete modern home fo,- gitis and women of two hundred thirty-five bedrooms, besides lobbies, gym rooms, club rooms, cafeteria, coffee shop, etc. In the business building all adjoining is every modem equip ment for teaching business trades to girls, and a large swimming pool and Auditorium. There are beautiful courts, so restful and comfortable with shubbery flow ers, seats, lattic, and urns that open from 'the lobby and hall way. Everything is spotless and the management is like a big swanky hotel with maid, porter, and elevator service for the ask ing. There were two hundred seventy-five women housed in the Residence the week I was there. It was a real crowd of lovely women and girls from everywhere. So much dignity and' fine manners manifested. My room on the second floor, over looked one of the lovely courts. It was ideal to sit out in the air and visit with friends who called to see us. The rooms, and meals which are par excellent, clear i enough money to pay all ex-1 penses for maintaining this big building and they have surplus each year. (Continued next Week) -0O0 JAIL PANAMA AL BROWN ON IMMIGRATION WARRANT New Pork, Nov. 16 (ANP)— —Alphonse Brown, 29 known to the boxing world as Panama A1 Brown, formerly 'bantamweight boxing champion, was arrested Monday by detectives of the police alien squad on a federal immigration warrant and turned over to authorities at Ellis is land. He came here from France last March with a visa permitting residence here until last Sept. ENROLL NOW—Day and Night Classes. The Very Latest— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quanole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 NAVAL NOTES ' — • «&■ Polaris, the pole start is one of the most important stars for navigational purposes of ships in northern latitudes, because this - star bears akr.Ost true North and from its altitude the ship's lati tude may be computed at any in stant. The average depth of the • ocean below sea-level is about 12,000 feet. The greatest depth yd] discovered is the Mindanao Deep, near the Philippines, where sounding* of 34,410 feet have been recorded. After the President of the United States has made a trip on a Navy ship, his official flag is forwarded to the Navy De partment, wi ll a record of the - cruise for historical purposes. The Naval call ‘Ah<-y’ has des cended through the centuries front - the dreaded attacking cry of the Vikings. Men who go to sea are still often called Tars. The name TAR was derived from the old custom of fighting sailors who applied tar to liheir clothing to niike them waterproof and heavily tar red their pigtails which all men wore braided down the nape of" their necks. This was to provide* protection against decapitation from broad sword blows from be hind. Flush Poisons from Kidneys and Stop Getting Up Nights Be Healthier, Happier Live Longer When you can get for 35 cents a safe, efficient and harmless stimulant and diuretic that should flush from your kidneys the waste matter, poisons and acid that are now doing you harm.— why continue to break your rest ful sleep by getting up thru the night? Don’t be an EASY MARK and accept a substitute—Ask for Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules — right from Haarlem in Holland. GET GOLD MEDAL—the original —the genuine- Look for the Gold Medal on the box—35 cents. Other symptoms of weak kid neys and irritated bladder may be backache, puffy eyes, shifting pains, burning or scanty passage. A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme. CJ. Walker’s Preparations “I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. Mme. C. J. Walker's Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, diiect. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. Read The Omaha Guide