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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1939)
"Fisk Jubilee Singers On Carnation “Contended Hour” •COAST-TO-COAST BROADCAST NBC—NOV. 27 The Fisk Jubilee Singers will be featured over 87 radio stations ooast-to-coast, when the Carna 'ta'on ‘Contended Hour’ presents LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge 24th St. At Willis Avenue Beautiful and Cool BLUE ROOM Wishes to Announce the Inauguration of First Class Floor Show Such talent as: Velina Morris, Song Bird; Harold Smith, Hoofer Deluxe; Georgia Redd, Song and Dance Superb. j , ~~~-(S Bernard Market 2012 No. 24th St. We 1073 WE SELL FOR LESS its International Nights program salUje to Nashville and the State of Ten ness e Monday evening November 27th at 10 p.m. East ern Time; 9 p.m. Central Stand ard Time; 8 p.m. Mountain Tire; and 7 p.m. on the Pacific Coast. This broadcast is one of the Con tended Hour series that features each week a words and music ‘visit’ to some famous world city. One of the oldest as well as one of the largest of national radio fa verities, millions of peo ple hear the Carnation ‘Content ed Hour’ each week in all parts of this country and Canada. Tho program also reaches by short wave 'jo South America and other lands. The Nashville Chamber of Commerce has been conferring with officials of the Garna' ion Milk Company for several weeks on the many details involved in such program. As now planned, the Nashvilla and Tenesse salute will open with spirited Southern songs presented by the Carnation Concert Orchestra and the Conti nentals Quartet and Chorus under the direction of tha famous con ductor Josef Pasternack. This will be followed with a tribute playing of the Boccherini Minuet as a musical reminder of the ro mantic days when the Hermitage was the General’s home. Songs of Stephen Foster—and modem miusic expressive of the present day cosmopolitan Nashville are salifji d its the program ends with songs of the Universities—and “Dixie.” The Fisk Jubilee Singers will be presented toward the middle of the program by direct wire to General Jaykson, and the from Station WSM in Nashville to the Carnation ‘Contented Hour’ studio a,. NBC in Chicago, and broadcast from there as an integral part of the program. Under the direction of their dis tinguished leader, Mrs. James A. Myers of Fisk University, they will sing a group of the spirituals for which they are famous, in cluding “Ezekiel Saw De Wheel,” “Swing IjOW, Sweet) Chariot,” and “Look Away in the Heavens, Lord.” World travellers—music critics —and a nation-wide audience have acclaimed the ‘Contented Hour’ International Nights series. Every effort is being made to insure that Nashville and Tenes ie:i ‘night’ on Monday, November 27'.ih, will score a new triumph for this weekly coasft-to-coast favorite. Se' asl'aneum San;!arium : Homo of Se-Basto Tea. Founded many years ago deep in the heart g^ of the European Continent by tho pjjg revered Priest - Emr’ric Investiga- RBflj tor, Father Kneipp. Now condvicted H| by the Brothers of Mercy for ser- HQ ▼ico to mankind. From Rheumatism, Arthritis, Kidney and Bladder Trouble GIVE THANKS For Father Kneipp’s Discovery! J FATHER KNEIPP During hia student days. Father Kneipp wo* sickly. He began ex perimenting with various herb teas and from them regained his own health. lie apent the rost of his long and robust lifs ministering to suffering humanity. Today. Father Kneipp’s wonderful work is carried on by the Brothers of Mercy at the Bebmtianeum Sanitarium. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AND LOVED ONES TO , MAKE THIS TEST Countless numbers of suffering people the world over have found welcome relief through use of Se-Basto Tea. You, too, may find it the answer to your distressing need. It costs so little to try it . . . only $1.00 for a' liberal package containing a two weeks’ supply . . . and with it you get a positive money-back guarantee of satisfaction 1 Why delay discovering Se-Basto Tea for your self? You brew it like tea . . . you drink it like tea ... it tastes like tea with that same smooth, mellow, satisfying character . . . yet, Se-Basto is more than a tea . . . it’s a careful blend of medicinally tested and proved herbal ingredients just as the Brothers of Mercy prepare it in accord with the principles discovered so many years ago Ilf their revered preceptor, Father Kniepp. Decide now to take advantage of this un asual opportunity for welcome relief from suffering . . . pin a one dollar bill to tha coupon below and your two weeks' supply of Se-Basto Tea will be sent on its trrand pt mercy by return mail. % A BLESSING TO THOUSANDS WITH POSITIVE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE If you are not absolutely satisfied with Se-Basto Tea IN EVERY WAY . . . return the empty carton and your money will be refunded without question. Why Delay and Wish You Hadn’t? NOW—TODAY! I Toi Dr. Brown’* Clinic, 80C Phoenix Bldg, Minneapolis, Minn, 4 Please send me a liberal two #eek«* supply package 8f Se-Hasto Tea {or which l attach a on* dollar bfll ($1.00). I understand that if I am not satisfied in every way withJit-J)aat® T.ff. I Mr return the empty carton and my dollar will be promptly refunded ^th out question. NAME r ' I ADDRESS — - - - - 0G ... _' CITY A STATIL-_—-~ ASK RETTKR FACILITIES FOR DOCTORS. NURSES (Continued from page 1> tageous under the circumstances for Negro medical student phy sicians and nurses to bo thor oughly familiar with the manifes tations, diagnosis, and reaiixent of a disease that exacts «h> heavy a toll among people of their own race. However, clinical facilities have heretofore been largely lacking, the result being a la mentable lack of practical know ledge and experience with the disease. Fortunately, however, the serious implication of this defect were recognized, even though tardily, and steps have boon taken to provide a 150 bed tuberculosis hospital in the Freedmen’n group. “What has been said concern ing the need for training and ex perience in handling tuberculo sis patienth applies equally to all phases of medicine and public health. It is estamated that in 1937 there were 4,000 Negro physicians licensed to practice medicine in the United States. In j order to olbbain these licenses the 1 physicians must have served ac ceptable internships in accredited Ipspitals. Since only half of the 200 Negro hospitals are register ed by the American Medical As sociation and since white insti tutions utilize Negro intcirms to a United extent or not at all, the difficul1 y of acquiring ade quate practical training and ex perience becomes apparent. “Whereas Negroes comprise approximately one-t'enh of the total population of the United States, there are hut two Negro medical schools, Howard In Washington, and Meharry in Nashville, as compared with some 70 schools conducted primarily for white medical students. There ara some 6,000 institutions, hos pitals for white patients, to many of which Negro patients ara ad mitted for treatment, butt to which Negro physicians are not admit ted for practice or instruction. “When the ration of white and Negro physician” o members of their own races are considered it is found that there is one white i i /T\ I SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET 2520 Cuming St. FREE—Delivery—FREE FRESH EGGS DAILY WEBSTER 4277 ®-® SILK DRESSES W 4A MM's Coats---75c I IvC Children's Coats —35c I Women's Shoes-25c ^B Many other typical bargains Hj Write for FREE Catalog. H MAMMOTH, 412 Grand St. DK Dept. E2, New YorkH I doctor to 744 white persons, and one Negro doctor to 3,000 Ne groes. Dr. Nuea P. G. Adams, dean of (he school of medicine ai Howard, staves that there is no evidence of a demand for a considerable increase of Negro medical students, but a definite need for improved facilities for undergraduate and graduate med ical instruction. Better education al opportunities for intern? and practical short courses for Negro practitioners also loom large a essential needs. “According to the National League for Nursing Education, there are only 24 accredited nurs ing schools for Negro students. In addition there Is one school In Richn-Jond, Va., for the training of Negro public health mures. There are probably 6,000 Negro nurses in the Limited States, 604 of whom are engaged in public health work and who are render ing excellent service. The ratio of all nurses bedside and public health, to the general popula.ion is one white nurise to 306 white persons and one Negro nurse to 2,076 Negroes. "Well train'd Negroes have demonstrated beyond a doubt their ability to render efficient service. Howver, to become effi cient, they must be able to obtain adequate training and tills can be received only in registered hos pitals, accredited schools and ef ficiency of existing Negro hospi tals or !by designating portions of whi' e hospitals for the care of Negro pati ills and by providing better training for Negro medical students, physicians and nurses.” -oOn--— S. C. GOVERNOR SEEKS TO PROTECT ’i NTERESTS OF NEGRO FARMER IN BIG POWER PROJECT Grenville, S. C.Nov. 18 (By H. S Percival for ANP)—Gover nor Burnett R. Maybank of South Carolina has taken up with Dr. Clark Foreman of the PWA at Washing on the matter of land acquisition by the government for the Santte Cc(-iper Project. The Governor said he is not en tirely satisfied with the way it has been handled. Since 95 per cent of the land owners in the Santee Cooper basin are Negroes the Governor’s action in their behalf is being commended. He said last Satur day: “I talked with Dr. Foreman by telephone in Washington today and asked him to confer with Mr. Pearce and Mr. Coop r (chairman and general (manager of the Au thority) on the land acquis ion question, in order that the people might get a fair and equitable price for their land and al the same time not make it to< burdensome for the Govemmenl in the purchase of the land. ] Ad No. 53&—105 lines x 2 coL Here's Hew to INSTANTLYj Color Hair JET BLACKl! t For Hair that is DULL, FADEDi, j STREAKED, BURNT, GRAY or - DISCOLORED TEST THIS REMARKABLE EASY HOME TREATMENT! If your hair is faded, burnt, gray or graying, streaked, dull or discolored . . . and if it is so unattractive that it is spoiling your entire appear ance ... if you can’t afford high-priced hair dyes or expensive beauty shop treatment . . . HERE’S GLORIOUS NEWSI NOW—for only 60c you can have the original, genuine BLACK DIAMOND HAIR COLORING. Follow the simple, easy directions and one application will give your hair that enviable JET BLACK glossy tone that will be the envy of all your friends and your own pride and joy. It INSTANTLY makes hair look soft, smooth, lovely. Try it TONIGHT, see for yourself its wonderful results. Insist on the GENUINE BLACK DIAMOND. POSITIVE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I BLACK DIAMOND must give you complete satisfaction or you may return it in 7 days for your money back in fulll So don’t wait any longer. Now, know the joy of beautiful JET BLACK HAIR. Insist on the genuine, the one and only— BE SURE TO GET ONE OF THESE FAMOUS PRODUCTS Black Diamond Hair Coloring (Containing a Coal Tar Derivative) OR Black Strand Hair Coloring (Containing a Coal Tar Derivative) Black Diamond and Black Strand are both made from the same formula. If your druggist doesn’t have Black Diamond, insiat on BLACK STRAND. It is exactly the same. If your druggist can’t supply you, send 60c to BLACK DIAMOND CO.-or-BLACK STRAND CO. Dopt. 536, Box 3374, Chicago, Illinois *___mil What Do You Know About Health? By FISHER BROWN and NAT FALK 2.Who is ,W«r EDGAR C. ■Zck ADRIAN ? °eath ? I s What art ISLANDS op LANGERMANS"? Answers: on for three years, England and all Europe were visited by a pestilence which returned from time to time afterwards. The disease was bubonic plague, and this first and most de structive visitation is usually known as the "Black Death." It has been estimated that half the population died during this epidemic. 2. Awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 1932 together with Dr. C. S. Sherrington for their monu mental contribution to our knowl edge of the function of the nervous system. 3. In 1867 Paul Langerhans de scribed groups of cells in the pan el eas which were different in appear ance from those that secreted diges tive juices. These cells were subse quently named "Islands of Langer hans.” They secrete insulin, and a disturbance of their function results in diabetes. am asking that this study be imade not in a spine of criticism but in behalf of all concerned.” The Santee Cooper proj eu is a twenty million dollar power and canal project in lower South Carolina. The land to be inundat ed is now owned by socna four hundred Negro farmers, the plan calls for the purchase of their land and the ^settlement and transfer of their families to like acreage with newly built homes greatly improved as to workt—'n sl.ip and facilities. This rehabili tation of these Negro land owners is to bo with their consent. An interesting fact about these colored farmers, is that they are tho direct descendants of slaves, memibers of ' he Nandinproes tribe of northwest Africa. The Nandin poes wer) considered by the slave owners because of their intelli gence and industry. 1 DO YOU WANT I Stop WnrTjrtnff Do Yon Need a New Start! I Writ* Me Today. Information Free " M. WILLIAMS, DEPT. O JOURNAL SQUARE STA. a JERSEY CITY. N. J. I THANKSGIVING ROPER GAS RANGE SALE This beautiful 1939 model Roper has ALL the features you want in your gas range. In face of rising gas range prices, the Utilities District is offering this Roper at drastically reduced prices, away below the regular selling price. During November you can get this new Roper for $79.50 and your old stove. If you wish the District’s liberal payment plan, there is a small additional carrying charge. See this modern homemaker’s delight at once. Price includes in stallation and free service. 50 and Your Old Stove PLUS CARRYING CHARGE Special Price During NOVEMBER ONLY »**• ^ I