DR. CARVER ADDRESSES NEW YORK FORUM TELLS OF IMPORTANT ROLE PLAYED BY CHEMISTRY IN WAR AND PEACE AWARDED V. ROOSEVELT “FOR D1STINGUSHED SER VICE IN THE FIELD OF SCIENCE” New York City, Nov. 9 (ANP) I .—A featured speaker on last Wednesday’s session of .he Herald-Tribune's Forum on Cur rent Problems was Tuskc Etituto’s famed Dr. Gi-irg; V*. ing.'rm Carver, scientist and "he mist, who discussed the parr p' ed by chemistry in warfare and in peace. Dr. Carver’s appearance as forum speaker was a prelude to the more formal occasion last Friday night when the noted chemist was awarded the Theo dore Roosevelt medal “for dis t'T.guished s.rvice in the field of Science.” The presentation was made following a dinner at Roo sevelt House on Fast 2l>th street and present for the impressive ceremony were Dr. Frederick D. Patterson, president of Tuskegee and Dr. W.n. Jay Schieff-din, chairman of Tuskegee'g board ot trustee.’ and Dr. A. W. Curtis, Jr., assistant to Professor Car ver. Co-speaker with Dr. Carver on the Forum program was Ool. Adelbo Gibson, chemical warfare officer of he United States Army 2n(| Corps Area. Dr. Carver told h's hearers that the present Eu ropean conflict would develop new needs of humanity whicn research chemists would try to sojve when peace came again, beclaring »ha the research chemist will be a great factor in future world de velopment, Dr. Carver said: "I b lieve that America is on the eve of the greatest scientific development it has ever known, and1 destined to become a leader along many lin s of practical endeavor heretofore unnoticed. The chemist will mo longer fbe satisfied to become a mere an alyse, often going over the same thirtg day after day. The idea1 chemist' of the future will be an investigator, one who dares tio think and work with an indepen dent freedom not p rmissable heretofore unfolding before fur eyes a veri 'able mystic maze of r.ew and useful products, from material almost or quite benratn eur feet and now considered of little or no value. “The Southern section of the United Sta es will probably be come the gr.atest beneficiary of this research, on account of its vast and varied storehouse Of undeveloped riches along many lines. We really know so little of those fields although they hold the golden keys of a happy and successful life, bubbling over with one joyous thrill after anoth er as chemical and physical dis coveries draw back the curcain on new wonders before our as tonished gaze.” —-ovo ONLY TWO SHILLINGS (By Charlotte C. Wright (C) Wo doubt if it is possible for 4iur American friends to visualizv ll'c uepths if poverty which su' pound many of our people in South Africa from the cradle to the grave. A few days ago Bishop Wrignt had a little meeting of the mis sionary women at Evation. We had expected perhaps a baker's dozen, but to our pleasant sur prise there were about thirty wo men and eight en. They have a deep interest in their problems and a yearning to rise abovo conditions which is very pathetic. This was just an informal, heart-to-heart meeting, in which they were encou^Hped to tell o' Hi-r problems, especially thos - pinaining to the education if their children. I wish I could draw an accurate peture of one of the women who rose to give expression to her I Notable Visit Episcopal School — --- -=rr-in mill - ,-■■■-— Group of outstanding visitors who gathered at S . Paul Normal and Industrial School, Lawr-ne ville. Va. last Friday. Congress man Arthur W. Mitchell deliver* e,| the principal address to a itatwide audience. Left to rinrht first row: Dr. RGiber A. Patton, Director of the I American Church Institute; Hon. Arthur W. Mitchell, Dean Peter Ridley; Seco r.l row: Dr. War lace A. Rattle, field secretary of the Institute which supports ihe Episcopal schools for Negroes in the country; P. D. Young, Nor folk, Va., distinguished editor lrd A. Holsry, Tusk. •:(■« field fficer, AAA. (ANP) iouill iuK«ri nit; woki-d Forty one thousand five hun dred children in the city public anf two children of fourteen and ter years of age; but you might have thought her a grandmother—it i noticeable that many of the wo men age greatly aft r marriage. Sho was short of stature, bare foot, dressed in a nondescript skirt, waisj and shawl, with a black scarf wound about her head. She said through an interpre ter that her children had been in How To Relieve Bronchitis Bronchitis, acute or chronic, la an Inflammatory condition of the mu cous membranes lining the bronchial tubes. Creomulsion goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm. Increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding that you are to like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis IMPORTANT! medical tests reveal ‘ ; how thousands of WOMEN GET NEW ENERGY If you feel tired out, limp, listless, " moody, depressed—if your netves are constantly on edge and you’re losing your boy friends to more attractive, Deppy women—SNAP ®UT OF IT! No man likes a dull, tired, cross woman— All you mjy need is a good reliable tonic. If so, just try famous Lydia E. Fiakham’s Vegetable Compound made especially for women. Let it ' stimulate gastric juices to kelp digest sad assimilate more wholesome food which your body uses directly for energy to help build up more physi cal resistance and thus help calm jitterv nerves, lessen female func tional distress and give you joyful bubbling energy that is reflected tbruout your whole being. Over 1,000,000 women have re ported marvelous benefits from Piakham’s Compound. Results should delight you! Telephsne your druggist right now far a bottle. _ WELL, WORTH TRYING. school before the winter holidays but on their return they w re re jected and as she spoke her tears fell to the floor. On inquiry as to why they were rejected she said that according to school regula tions there is a charge of one shilling f(>r the registration of every child after the holidays anf| she did not have the two shil lings! Her husband works in Johan nesburg, 30 miles distant. He does not send her money. If she goes to him she says he will help lur, but it costs about five shill ings for transportation to this “city of gold’’ and hack. How ever, we must not forget to teil you that this husband’s job pays him the magnificent wage of twelve shillings (a little less than three dollars) p?r month. Bishop Wright and I each con tributed a shining, which she re ceived with Doth hands, her changed countenance testifying to her extreme pleasure, and she said in her native tongue, “Both | of my chtldren will be sent bach to school tomorrow.’’ -i-vw; BUSINESS WOMEN HOLD MEETING Wilmington, Del. Nov. 9 (0)— The National Association of Ne gro Business and Professional Women’s club met in Annual Convention on the 14th and 15ih days of October. The principal discussion was based on mothods of creating opportunities for women in business. The aim of the Association has been to en courage women to make for themselves careers in the busi ness and professional field. -oOo —READ The OMAHA GC1IDE— Nf.W YORK MUSIC SOCIETY STARTS F A L L PROGRAM ORGANIZE GIRLS’ SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AND YOUNG PEOPLES RAM) MUNICIPAL ART COMMITTEE AIDS WORK New* York City, Nov. 9 {ANP) —Officials of the Metropolitan Music Society, Inc., have started ;n active Fall program which in cludes the forming of several musical units, both in Manhattan and in Brooklyn. Aim of the society, a non-pro fit corpora don, is to develop in the Greater New York area a appreciation for, music, in all its forms- Tho society was granted a charter (he Secretary of State o Oct. 7, thus paving the way for fulfillment of the organiza tion’s inter-city program. Officers of the society are Dr. Henry O. Harding, president; Mrs. Louise F. Morris, vice presi dent; Rev. John H. Johnson, treasurer; Miss Amelia B. King, stcretai y; Miss Adelaide De i Frantz, financial secretary; and Gaston 0. Saunders, Jr., musical I director. The board of directors of 35, includes: Rev. Shelton Hale Bishop, Roy Wilkins, A. G. Fall ings and Rev. O. Clay Maxwell. Jr-, Miss Vivian A. Roberts, C. M. Hanson and others. I Th‘„ Municipal Art Committee 1 of the City of New York will co-sponsor the work of the so ciety. Mayor LaGuardia appointed Mrs. Henry Breckinridge, chair man of the committee. Gaston 0. Saunders Jr., musi cal director of the society will be assisted by Marion Cumlbo, cellist; Raymonj LeMieus, violin ist; Miss Gertrude Peterson, con cert harpist, and other- yet to be na*ned Rehearsals of the Girls Sym phony Orchestra were begun on Oct. 28. Enrollment for the Young PHONE JA. 2033 Chet’s TOP & BODY SHOP 706 North 18th St. COMPLETE WRECK SERVICE —UPHOLSTERING—PAINTING FENDERS—TOPS—GLASS Ray L. Chester, Proprietor OMAHA, NEBR. FUEL Men ami women, get Luc Heart's BIG, new 58-page Cat log and make BIG MON Tells new beauty secrets or how to improve yout looks and shows you how to make money easy. Make up to $5 day spare time, 545 week full tune Satisfaction guaranteed For FREE CATALOG, FREE SAM FLES and FREE SAMPLE CASE offer write quick to Lucky Heart Co., Oept M .* NOTE:—Your question will bf analyzed free hi Oita column o»lj when yoo include a clipping of'this column and sign yonr full name. kirthdate and correct address to /our letter. For a “Private Reply"... send only 25c and a stamped envelope*for my latest ASTROLOGY READING covering rour birthdale; also a free letter of advice analyzing three Questions. Explain your problems clearly and con ■ne your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning. — Send Your Letter To — ABBE’ WALLACE. P. Q. BOX 11. ATLANTA. GA. M. S.—If you have space phase answ r nay question in the column I would like to know if it would ho advisable for me to answer the let er that I received recently? A ns; Ye*, do answer it. it would bo to your advantage to use care in what you wriie as It sr-ems to me that somf ono will READ THE LET TER you write this fellow. There is no harm in answer ing the letter and it will sure ly make you happy to do so. * V + F. C.—The work that I am do ing now is just too herd and I want to know if I give up ‘his job would I be able Jo get some thing a little different? Ans: Imbed you could. O.ie in your condition should not 'be lifting and doing such bard work at this time. I honestly feel that if you er plain your cas« to your pres ^cople’s Band and Orchestra is no in progress. R hearsals wi'l be held in Manhattan and in Brooklyn. The Manhattan Center is the Parish House of St Philip’s church at 215 W. 133rd street. The Brooklyn center is he Hudson Avenue Boy’s Club, 377 Hudson avenue. I " I j ent employer, she will see fit to give you work of a different nature until after I the birth of your child. * * * M. E. F.—Does .his boy still | care for me as lie says and vill ; we many ? | Ans: He does like you, but there isn’t that same feeling that you two experienced some years ago. Don’t encou rage his making up with you. Continue to go wi.h the young man you are keeping company with now a- well as encourage other friends. * * * W. P.—Please sir give nr: some advice as soon as you can. Doer, this party I am going uith mean rre any good? Ans: Sho seems to like you quite well, but I am afra d that if you don't g'>t you a JOB right away she is going to find someone with a iittla more monty to spena. Get out and look for work and you can find something to do. * * * M. A. P.—Will I ever go:, over thi, illness that the doctor has been treating me for so long'? Ans: Yts, in time you aie going to be well and healthy again. In the meantime, you should continue with yovr treatments and be very care ful about your health. You Lave made wonderful pro gress thus far. * * * L. T. G.—Tell me what to do as I have a little baby girl to support and I don't have a job and can’t even support myself. Tell me if there is a chance of ma getting a man that will help with th. child and support me? Ans: Why don’t you get in touch with this child’s xathei and i . him to con tribute to her support? Write him iir.irediately and veil him that if he doesn’t do so wi!i ially, that you will to force him to help out with this child. Now, for yourself, you will have to make up your mind .o get a job and do to b fore you starve. Leave the child with a fliend and find you something to do tnis vevy week. * * * F. C.—I am planning on mak ing a trip to Detroit this coming December and wonder if it would be die sensible thing for me to do? Ans: Maybe not so sensible but you certainly will have a swell time. The young man that you have been corres ponding with for the pa«* two years is counting the days until you get there. He wtll show you one swell time. I doubt seriously if you will make the trip home or not * * * F. C.—Is there a chance of my husband giving up his liquor in preference to me? Ans: No. He drank when you married him, and he wiii drink as long as he lives. Y >u may as wtll accept his drink ing. He doesn't han.n anyone and he does provide well f >r you. Amazing New Holly weed Discovery FROM THE MAKE-UP CENTER OF THE WORLD “Gla m ou Performs the Rites of Loveliness for Thousands of the Smartest Women! HAVE THAT LOVELY VELVETY, ATTRACTIVE COMPLEXION By Using , “GLAMOUR LIQUID Beauty” This preparation will not peel or harm the most delicate skin in any w^ay. It’s for the Modern WomanJn pursuit of loveliness This lovely liquid preparation lightens the complexim and produces a softer and smoother tone. It radiates and is alluring. It is an aid to clearing the complexion of a muddy, sun-tanned appearanc. It is a protection against winds and heat that dry the skin. It will rid your complexion of that terrible oily appearance. i Glamour Can Be Yours! This wonderful preparation is not something CHEAP that you will be afraid to use. ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. UNQUESTIONED PURITY. Prepared By MARIE WEST PR0DUCT« OF HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA / ' Distributed By THE SCOTT COMPANY ORDER i OUR SUPPLY FOR THREE (3) MONTHS NOW i ONLY ONE SIZE. PREPAID TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES. Price Q1 Only i| I SEND COUPON BELOW THE SCOTT COMPANY In Care of THE OMAHA GUIDE 2418-20 GRANT ST. OMAHA, NEBR. PLEASE send to me by return mail one (1) brttle of “GLAMOUR WHIT ENER.” YOU WILL FIND ENCLOSED $1.00 for Same. Name--— Address City and State —-—-*---——-- * _ __ _ »3 _ —*" -- --- * *■—"* ■ " - -■ '■ 11 — — - ~ ~ - i ili - ~~