Says Mexico Offers Onportunitv For Trained Negroes SUGGESTS ATHLETIC CONTESTS REWTEEN MICRO, MEXICAN COLLEGES M»xico City, Sept. 7 (By K Dolphus Stroud, for ANP— A* the hour approached for my1 re turn to the USA and its practical rushing life, replete with Jim crowdism and prejudice of every kind-—'•omet Tres ?o cruel an L--^- V-AgUMO-* I ivOTR>—rear question will he analyzed frit In (his column amly when yen include a clipping of fJiis column and sign your full name. binkdati and correct address to'/our letter. For a “Privati Reply"... send only 25c and a t tamped cdvelope'fer say latest ASTROLOGY READING covering year birth Jolt; also a fru litter af mdoiti analyzing three Questions. Explain your problems clearly and con* ■as your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning. — Semb You* Lzrrza To — ABBE* WALLACE. P. O. BOX 11. ATLANTA. GA. R. C. B.—I have been here in the north every since the last of April and I wish to know if I would be using gotyl judgment to return to the south this winter? Ans. Make arrangements to leave the north around the first of November. Each win ter you try to remain in the north, you always have a ter rible seige of sinus trouble. Go,on to Florida as you have done each year and enjoy good health. ¥ ¥ ¥ R. E. W.—The girl who recently left here keeps on my mind. 1 undoubtedly took her too serious ly. Does she think of me and will 1 ever see her again? Ans: She too, has thought of you frequently since she has been in Detroit. Get her address from her relatives and write to her. She won’t visit your part of the country be fore next summer. She would welcome letters from you. ¥ ¥ ¥ R. R. J.—I am hoping to sell some property of mine and I wish to know if I should do so ? Ans: A very sensible thing for you to do. You need the money badly and you haven’t the money to improve your property, so make the sale. You should be able to dispose of this land in six months or a year. ¥ ¥ ¥ 1. 8. 4.- Does this tall fellow I havo in mind care anything at all for me. Ans: He thinks you’re swell, but he isn’t ready to marry you by any means. The short man that you keep company with could be won quickly, but it will take a lot of shrewd handling to change the mind of the tall fellow? ¥ ¥ ¥ A. H.—If I do work around this SILK DRESSES 10c Men’s Suit' $2.00. Coats $1.00. Shoes 50c. Hats 40c. Many other low-priccd Bargains. FREE CATALOGUE. Send name on postcard. No obligations. Write to-day. FAIKMOUNT CO., 160-N Monroe St. New York, N. Y. ! town will the company that I used j to work for pay me if they find it out? Ans: It isn’t likely that they would. If you are disab led to the extent that you re ceive compensation, then the company will not pay you if they find that you are able to work. You wouid be better off to go back to work and stop the compensation as soon as you are able. * * * N. S. B.—I am expecting to go north to sch'yl and wonder if ! my divam will come to pass? Ans: Not this year, but it i-i indicated to me that you will attend a northern college within a couple or three years. * * * R. C.—I want to send for my Astrology Reading but I don’t know how to send the money. How must 1 do it? Ans: Wrap your quarter in a piece of paper. Enclose it in the envelope with your 3 questions, full name, and cor rect birthdate and address. You will get your reply in a few days time. * * * P. R. C.—Can I depend on this lawyer getting my son out of the trouble that he is involved in or what would be the best thing for ‘me to do? Ans: You are doing right to secure the services of a law yer, but I fear that he will have to serve some time for , HERE \&t the most sensational sub 1 scription offer you have ever seen! This big 900 page New Universities Webster Dictionary is yours—ABSO LUTELY FREE—with your new or renewal subscription to this paper at the regular rate, $2.50 per year. YQU MUST ACT QUICKLY! This amazing SPECIAL SUBSCRIP TT 3N OFFER is limited. Webster Dictionary —WE. 1517 today— Free _ i I an offense of this nature. He ; needs dise pline badly at this period and it won’t hu’"t him a bit to serve a little time. -0O0—-—— JESSE O. THOMAS GIVES KEYNOTE ADDRESS AT NATIONAL URBAN IJ5AGUE CONFERENCE The Green Pastures Camp, Jack son, Mich.—“Three decades after the founding of the Urban League movement we have as enibled in ths atmosphere of tranquility at a time when the diplomatic rela tionships around the world are hanging by a thread of circum stances. Perhaps at no time in the history of the League movement or in the history of organized so ciety have the peoples of the earth been more conscious of their economic uncertainity as is true of people everywhere at the pre sent time. It is such a time as this that members of the Urban League family, both staff and board affiliations, are called upon to re-evaluate our program a gainst the rapid changes that are taking place in our economic so ciety as a background. New skills must be employed, new technique developed. “Notwithstanding these has been a marked decrease in the morbidity and mortality rates of Negroes during the history of the League movement the rates are still both high. The same thing is true of the crime rate. There are economic causes, we admit, which are contributory factors to this abnormalty. However, these rates must come down. It is for us to decide what we can do about it. ‘The present low-cost housing program has not been able to reach or benefit directly Negroes below the middle class or econo mic level. Negroes in the lowest income brackets can only be bene fited by a larger subsidy by eith er municipal, state of Federal governments. By and large, the wages or salaries of the middle class Negro appropriate the level of the wages or salaries of white persons fh the lowest income gfroup. The Negro both as an integrated and participating ele ment in the total American pic ture ad as an enforced separate social and economic community, must get hold of and control more financial and material resources if his organized buying power is to enhance his employment oppor We Pay Cash For Old & Antique . Guns WE 2869 521 Ne. 16th St. S-:—:-« Bernard Market 2612 No. 24th St. We 1073 WE SELL FOR LESS | ^-r~-r-— /AVWAWATAVWVWWVVV CHOP SUEY Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. King Yuen Cafe .. 2010 ft N. 24th St JAckson 8576 American and Chinese Dishea /AV.VAW.W WWWW To Settle An Estate Must be sold. Seven Room House, Modern except heat. Rented for $18.00 per month. House needs repairs, but someone will get a Big Bargain. Make me an Offer. Ellen McShane 215 N. 30th St. HA. 3123 \ V . V | tunities. As long a? we are with out money, which means power a.'i organidation which stimulates political action in the language of a Chinese statesman, ' we will be of not consequence.” “ Vi oujr oonside.'^tion of the problems of youth, in addition to calling their attention to the spe tacular manifestations of social measurements w-hich their seniors are passing on to them. We should j not ovetiook the opportunities their forbears have vouchsafed un to them and the responsibility which is also a part of their social heritage. ‘‘The future demands that Ne gro leadership will greater empha size upon developing cooperative societies which presupposes coop erative culture among Negro on all cultural levels. ‘‘The time has come when the Negro community must give more consistent support to the type of leadership it demands and to the lookinq for a O ! Start making money. Up to $5.00 day spare time, $45.00 week full time. Follow Lucky Heart's money-making plan. Thou sands of men and women agents everywhere mopping up. No ex perience needed. You see custom ers when you want to. For FREE PICTURE CATALOG and BEAU TY BOOK, FREE SAMPLER of our guaranteed cosmetics, medicines, '•'trios, write Lucky Heart Co., institutions of which the Negro is th't beneficiary.” Hie want a] ? MAN FOR I TH/SJOB (Vcnc IcnrA. 1 tbo-oil) J Yea, employers do Judge your age by your hair. And it your hair ia gray you might as well wear a tag saying, "I'm old —too old for thit Jobr a Have you ever lost out on good Jobs for this reason? If you have, don't worry - you can keep It from happening again. Simply color your hair with Godefroy's Larieuse. No matter how gray yours is now. It will instantly take on glowing, youthful-looking color whets Larieuse Is brushed through lb No experience necessary — directions In package tell you how to apply Larieuse. Takes only a few minutes. Color will not rub off or wash out. Use Larieuse — keep your age a se cret. Who knows. It may mean a new job for you . .. and new friends . . . and new chances for romance. Get a bottle today. IP YOUR DEALER DOES NOT HAVE IT. SEND SI.2S (no extra postage? DI RECT TO •ooifaev MFC. CO . 3510 Ollvs St.,SLlasts. Me. _i_ DO YOU ROB THE LIVING ROOM to light thv kitrhvn? Aha, Mrs. Homemaker! Caught in the act of robbing your husband's reading lamp of its nice, new 100-watt bulb! Why stoop to this, when you can buy another for only 15 cents? This national pastime of robbing one light socket to fill another is one reason why 2 out of 3 bulbs in homes today are wrong size for easy seeing. Protect eyesight! Check your reading lamps, to make sure each one totals at least 100 to H>9 watts ... if not, get the right size bulbs today! SEE YOUR DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY ' “t * * ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP • .. i i . . ■ \