The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 16, 1939, City Edition, Image 1

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Entered as Second-Class Matter at Fostoffice. Oma>na, Saturday, September 16, 1939 „ .
Nebraska, under Act of March 8, 1874. __________ Number 23
u. s.
a _____
Nashville, Tenn—Mrs. Jessie
Hailey, daughter of the late Rev.
T. E. Dixon of this city and a
loyal member of First Baptist
Church, East Nashville, shot and
killed her husband. Edgar Hailey,
last Sunday afternoon at their
home, 320 Berry street.
Mrs. Hailey gave her age as 50
and the age of her late husband
as 57. At the police station it is
reported that Mrs. Hailey gave
the following statement to of
ficers: "He came home after doing
some drinking, and 'went to the
kitchen ami got a knife. He told
me that he was going to kill me.
I ran into the bedroom, and got
the gun and shot him.”
Attends Funeral;
Does Not Cry
•Surprising many of her friends
here, Mrs. Hailey attended the
funeral services of her late hus
band. During the ceremonies over
the remains of the late plumber,
:n the packed funeral chapel of
the Bert Oumby Funeral home.
Mrs. Hailey, who three days pre
viously shot and killed her hus
band, sat on the front row with
a cool, expressionless face and
gave no indication that she re
gretted the incident which rocked
East Nashville.
Following the gray plush casket
to the waiting before leav
ing the funeral establishment,
} crowds looked with amazement as
the widow with her daughter and
aister entered their waiting cars
for his last journey, and the end
of what was considered by many,
an unhappy marriage.
Bishop Wright Periled
by Auto Accident in
Wilds of Africa
■ ■■
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia,_
Sept. 14 <ANP)— Bishop R. R.
Wright, of the AME church as
signed to the African diocese had
a narrow escape from death last
week when his auto ran over an
embankment on a sharp curve
just 14 miles south of Lusaka.
Those in the bishop’s car at
the time were his wife, Mrs.
Wright; his son, R. R. Wright.
3. M. Mekone and the chauffeur,
3rd; Mrs. Luella G. Wright, Rev.
Josia Khampane. As the big car
caroned across the read the rear
wheels tilted downward at a peri
lous angle.
Trapped, the bishop and party
remained . helpless for several
hours until a gang of road work
ers nearby discovered their plight
and came to the rescue. The work
ers lifted the car bodily back onto
the road. Passing motorists car
ried work to Lusaka and a wreck
ing crew was sent after the car.
Leaving his son and chauffeur
(to look after the damaged auto,
the bishop and other members of
his party proceeded by train to
Choma to complete visits to sev
eral mission points. None of the
party was injured.
'rai' yfcu.i -j- f- t
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Officers Community Chest, Women’s Division
Mrs. Bernard Wickham, chair
man of the Women’s Division for
the 1939-40 Omaha Community
Chest Campaign has named as her
assistants on an Advisory Board
the following: Mrs. Howard Rush
ton, Mrs. W. Dale Clark, Mrs.
Charles W. Hamilton, Jr., Mrs. C.
Louis Meyer, Mrs. T. L Davis,
Mrs. J. P. McDermott, Mrs. J.
A. Kulakotfsky. and Mrs. Earl
C. Sage.
Divisional heads named are:
Initial Gifts, Mrs. C. Louis Meyer;
Publicity, Mrs. Frank E. Dusk;
Clubs and Churches, Mrs. Clyde
W. Drew; Maps, Mrs. F. Francis
McDermott; Motor Corp.. Mrs.
Samuel L. Oooper; Colleges and
Universities , Mrs. Donald W.
Lyle; Parochial schools, Mrs.
Deiss E. Muffitt; Division A, Mrs.
E. B. Raymond; Division B, Mrs.
Mildred Tfayjpr Hynes; Division C
Mrs. lone C. Hanger; Division P.
Mrs. H. Malcomm Baldrige; Divi
sion G. Mrs. Helen Adkins Scott,
Division J. Mrs. Roy Page; Divi
sion K. .iMrs. Richard L. Baker;
Division L. Mrs. J. Hewitt Judd;
DivNion M. Mrs. Lorenzo Donari
co; Division N, Mrs. Jack Abaji
an and Division O, Mrs. Elmer O.
Mrs. Wickham in announcing
the appointments said that meet
ings of her 1300 workers were
being scheduled during the last
week :r. October at various agency
cent* rs where the worker would
have an opportunity to view the
work of the agencies.
Alvin E. Johnson is general
chairman of the campaign for
Omaha’s 29 service and character
building agencies which will be
held October 30 to November 10.
■" - ir
Lorain, Ohio. (CNA)—Atten
dants at St. Joseph’s Hospital re
ported this week that William
Capps, plucky, 19-year-old youth
of Somerset, Ky., who amputated
his own foot after it was chrush
ed in a fall from a train was in
“good” condition.
After cutting off the foot at
the ankle with a pocketknife,
young Capps fashioned a tourni
quet from his clothing and made
a pair of crude crutches from
limb of a nearby tree. Then he
hobbled nearly a mile along the
railroad tracks to Vermillion, 0.,
whence he was brought here in an
“I just used my head,” Capps
said in describing how he ampu
tated his foot, mangled when he
fell under a freight train at Ver
million, 12 miles West of here.
Dr. William E. Wheatley, white
who attended Capps, praised the
lad's pluck.
“He is one plucky boy, and he -
did what few people would have
risked doing,' Dr. Wheatley said.
“He did a fair job of amputation
although, of course, he risked ser
ious danger of infection from his
knife. He’ll pull through all right.
] Hospital nurses said Capps was
the "best. natured patient we
ever had.”
Robber Who Got 20 cents
Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 14 (ANP)
—Arthur Morris, 20, known as
“the grey mouse,” was asphyxiat
ed at Central prison Friday for a
robbery that netted him 20 cents
| and a check he could not cash.
! Efforts were made to commute his
sentence, but Gov. Hoey refused,
saying Morris was suspected of
50 other burglaries. Smiling as
he entered the gas chamber, Mor
ris shook hands with the execu
tioner, R. A. Bridges, waved to
witnesses and calmly sat down in
the chair. He was pronounced
dead 15 minutes after the lethal
gas was administered.
Urge Negro Troops As
President’s Guard
Washington, Sept. 14 (ANP)—
Urging the use of colored troops
as a guard for the president, a
resolution was framed and adopt
ed Sunday by the members of the
United Government Employes
Father Devine Has
$15,000,000 Land
The Weather
Weather out for the period Sept
1i to Set rt. 1C. L%pei < Miss, and
lower Mo. valleys and Northern
& Central Great plains, not much
precipitation indicated during wk;
normal temperatures For most
part, but below normal beginning
of week.
when they met at Shiloh Baptist
church. The famous 9th and 10th
cavalry should be assigned to the
White House, the resolution said.
At the same time, equal oppor
tunity for colored men in the
army, navy and air corps was
Kansas Masonics Close
64th Annua] Conference
Wichita, Kan., Sept. IB, (ANP)—
The re-election here -last week of
Dr. J. G. N. Soanes, for the 16th
consecutive term as grand master
of the Prince Hall Grand lodge,
climaxed the most successful an
nual session the Masonics have
held in 10 years.
Both Gov. Payne H. Ratner and
Atty. Gen. J. S. Parker sent the
organization greetings. Others
elected during the session were A.
J. Payne, Topeka, grand emminent
commander of the Knight Temp
lar; P. G. Porter, Atchison, deputy
grand master; G. E. Watson, Ft.
Scott, senior grand warden; A.
J. Payne, Topeka, junior grand
warden; Neil Pierce, Pittsburgh,
grand treasurer; A. F. Wilson,
Kansas City, grand secretary; B.
C. Ester, Salina, grand custodian;
Thomas McCaleb, Lawrence, grand
lecturer; William Towers, Kansas
City, grand attorney, and V. T.
Watts, Hutchinson, grand orator.
Wages and Hours Board
Seeks Colored Inspectors
The Wages and Hours Board
of which Elmer F. Andrews is
the administrator is anxious to
appoint a colored person to its
staff of inspectors* spokesman
for the board said this week.
The inspectors will be appoint
ed from an eligible list of those
who successfully passed a civil
service examination given for this
purpose July 17th he said.
t -——
► . . m
Providence, R. I. ^-Father
Divine and his staff will come
to Newport to take over The
Castle, which was offered to
him by Mrs. Angela C. Kauf
man, it as learned today. Divine
said he would “respect the Con
stitution and the zoning laws"
in using the estate on Green
ough Place “for the purpose for
which I decide it is available."
New York—John Lamb, white
secretary to Father Divine, said
yester (Wednesday) that Divine
has a $15,000,000 found to buy
land “under certain circumstanc
He explained these “certain cir
cumstances” by saying it would
depend on a modification of tax
laws to exempt property improve
ments for the next five years.
Secretary Lamb further said
Divijie conferred several weeks
ago with Robert W. Goelet, so
cially prominent descendant of
early Dutch settlers of New Am
sterdam regarding the acquisition
of Mr. Goelet’s 2,500-acre estate
in the Hudson highlands back of
Newburgh, N. Y.
This would be the biggest single
piece af property yet offered the
famous Harlem messiah.
“Father has had so many fine
offers here late, he simply hasn’t
had chance to attend to all the
matters,” the secretary said.
“There have been many other of
fers which will be considered with
in the next to weeks, but the
prospective donors have requested
their names be withheld.”
He said Divine would meet this
week with Mrs. Angela Kaufman
“to arrange a date for signing pa
pers” whereby the cult would gain
posse-ison of the Castle, a stone
mansion in Newport, R. I., form
erly owned by the late U. S. Am
bassador Richard Washburn
-—oOo-- <
Chicago, Sept. 14 (CNA)—Chi
cago’s two-year offensive against
syphillis went into retreat this
week as members of the Chicago
Syphilis Control Project were fir
ed under the provisions of the
Woodrum Act, which call for the
firing of all workers over 18
months on WPA.
Divided on question of Negro l)i
vicion but all Oppose Use as
Labor Battalions; Some de
mand Strict American
Chicago, Sept. 14 (ANP) — If
the new European war continues
for any appreciable length of time
the United States will eventually
1*> drawn into it, h the majority
opinion of Negro leaders in a sym
posium conducted by the Associat
ed Negro Press.
As to the advisability of a se
I parate Negro division and what
j benefits would accure to the race
! as a result of this conflict, these
j leaders are divided. Only in the
belief that Negroes should fight
gny attempt to segragate them
into labor battalions is there un
animity of opinion.
Declaring his detest for the
methods and actions of Hitler and
stating the sympathies of the
American people and particularly j
Negrool must “almost naturally
be on the awN of the democn
cies," Dr. Rufus E, Clement,
president of Atlanta university,
“If the European conflict lasts
over a year, it is almost certain
we shall be drawn into it. Should
this come, I believe Negroes
should be included in all of the
armed forces of our nation, serv
ing in every branch. I should pre
fer to see Negroes completely in
tegrated rather than formed into
special divisions or units. But this
“If the nation goes to war, we
is not a major question,
must fight as we have always
done, and we must expect, with
the victory, a larger measure of
freedom and democracy for all of
the peoples of the country.”
Because “what affects Europe
will ultimately affect America”
and “the world is scientifically
one today,” AME Bishop David
Henry Sims, Philadelphia, foresees
America’s entry in hostilities con
tinue long enough.
“Negroes who enlist will have
a greater opportunity than before
for the reason that this war will
bring a fuller consciousness of the
Negro’s worth and service,” says
the noted prelate. “I hate war, but‘
since it must be, the Negro will
share whatever good there is com
ing out of it.”
Saying that if colored soldiers
were to be used exclusively as
service regiments or stevedores, it
should be fought to the fullest by
all leaders and churches of both
races, Bishop Sims added, "I favor
opportunity for Negroes in the
army equal to any other group,
namely, on the basis of merit. I
am opposed to compulsory segra
gation. The best service could be
secured from Negroes in Negro
unts, but let them enlist also in
whatever units they fit and de
A nationally known business
leader, C. 0. Spaulding, president
of the N. C. Mutual Life Iusur
ance Co., also forsees America’s
entry if the war continues for an
indefinite period, and declares, “in
this event, the American Negro in
all possibility will share the com
mon lot of all Amercans.
"I feel the Negro should be
accorded the status of an Ameri
can citizen in every respect with
out discrimination,” Mr. Spauld
ing adds. "As an American he'**
expected to measure up to recog
nized standards of citizenship. H
the role of a soldier, he should he
accorded the same consideration
ind treatment as other American
Another college president, I>*
Joseph J. Rhoads of Bishop col
lege. Marshall, Tex. favors a lea
gue of nations unarmed for war
with an adequate police force lo
prevent big nations from molest
ing small ones, thus preventing
wars similar to the new one m
Because of mutual interests, Im
proved methods of transportati n
and national sympathies for tti»
democracies, “America’s policy
of isolation i< untenable” an I
"under the cirmu«.tances Americas
involvement seems inevitable,”
opines I)r. Rhoads, pointing out
that this naton ‘‘faces the al
ternative of joining England an I
France in putting an end to the
present militaiy crusade for Euro
pean domination, or of preparing
to fight a greatly strengthen*'!
Germany single-handed later, in
the event that nation is victor
Negro soldiers should get ttu*
best possible training and be as
signed rank and responsibility on
“exactly the same basis as othe*.
racial elements in our population"
for “there is enough potential de
mocracy in America to sustain
that principle of action, if tha
president and secretary of war
could bo induced to adopt it ia
preparation for an impending?
crisis,” the Bishop president says.
Jess« 0. Thomas .national ur
ban league official now in Newr
York, thinks there is a possibility
that the war, i/ ii continues may
engulf all the civilised nations
thinks the race will beneffa
through jobs necessitated by in
creased farm and factory produc
tion whether the U. S. is involve*
in fighting or remains neutral*
Although it would be better forj
the race and the nation if Ne
groes were included in the army
on equal footing, Mr. Thomas be
lieves that if this rule is not fol
lowed, he should have training in*
separate military units for his.
own protection if he is to copq
with highly trained soldiers o<
other nations. He is also opposed
to limitation to service regiments,
and considers it debatable how
far the permanent social status o|
the race would be changed by war.
“We should keep in mind that,
even though the economic position*
of oppressed people may be al
tered by a war, that unless wan
is waged against their oppressors*
very little permanent change may
occur in their social status,” Mr.
Thomas declares adding, however
the Negro is nevertheless as
American citizen and during wqg
should meet his country’s c»l)
with “patriotism and enthusiasm**
Dr. Waldo Howard of Houston
president of the National Dentajf
association, asserts, “Providing
our neutrality act will be broad
ened to permit cash and cax*^
policy, I can’t see any direct oif
indirect benefit for our group es
pecially on the economic si**
However, our position might bc^
strengthened politically.” He
against exclusive service as wfcr'q
regiments and favors a Negr^|
army division.
While President W. L. Wwgntf
of Lincoln university, Pa., *,ces|
no advantages for "Negroes or
anyeno else,” he Jielieves the W A.
will “jirobably be drawn ifi if
the war continues over a long po-»
iod.” ?
He is opposed to formation • tj
a Negro division, saying, "the,
nearer we can come to the treat
ment of the Negro as an Abwm
can, the better off we all shall l-ft*
One leader who has refused *ot
comment is Dr. Emmett J. 6«"ot.U
former assistant to the secrete A
j of war and now identified whh|
the National Republic an ft ra“
mittee. 4
Amputates Own Foot With Knife