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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1939)
I ©mafja #ufoe’s World of 1 Society <•1 — - - ■ 1 ■ ——— ™ —— II .. ■! I Omahans Return IIom3 Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hawkins ' ami Mr. and Mrs. Harry Speesc, who ha i been away since July 31 retired home. They visited in the South arid Fart. The stops they made were in Kansas City, r y%gK^yr-i£ n -ii' es- ijf North 24th St. # SHOE REPAIR . 1807 N. 24th si | WE. 4240 YOU CAN'T TELL THEY*ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING METHOD ‘Leaves No Repair Look" ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— V'V % 4 X V HVWVVMWWWW" Try. Herman's Market First PROPRIETOR 24th Lake St. WE. 5444 Mo.; Ft. Scott, Kansas; Musko i gee. Okla ; Ft. Smith and Little j R'clc, Texarkansas, Texas; New 0. lea's, La.; Penrocola and j Jacksonville, Fla.; Montgomery, Tuskegee and Birmingham, Ala.; Narhville and Chattanooga, Tenn.; i Atlanta and Savannah, G a.; ■ Charleston, S. C.; Norfolk and | Hampton, Va.; Washington. I). C.; , Baltimore, Md,; Ph'ladelphia, Pa.; New F'ork City; A) burg Far, N. J.; Boston, Mass, Buffalo, N. Y.; Oleaveland, Ohio- Detroit, Mich.; and Chicago.. While in New York Dr. Haw fans attended the Na tional Med cnl Association and al so the National Convention Al pha. Phi Alpha of which he is y. p.-evident or in Omaha. While ip Nashv lie, Tenn., they were j t'i guest of Di. and Mrs. Henjy I Allen Boyd. The guest of Mrs. 1 Bllen Bolden of Chattanooga, j Tenn. Dinner guest of Dr. Davis 02 Knoxville, Tenn. The guest of Dr. and Mrs. Presn-dl. Guest of Mrs. J. M. Miller of Hot Springs. Spent three days in New- Orleans sight-seeing. While in New Port, West, Va., they were the guest I < f Mrs. Emma Parker, the wife of the late John Parker who was one of the oldert mail car rier’s of this city. They also STOPS BODY OVOIS THREE SAFE WAYS P Hush CR1AWI \ lor underarm perspiration \ Hush LIQUID i Checks perspiration 1 to 3 day* ■ HushfOWPEft I use on sanitary napkins I 1 Dolgoff Hardware I Paint, Glass & Varnish. Bring in yourl broken window and we’ll glazg them® FREE! We have a full line of Chicken I wire. Our Stove, Furnace and Plumbing ■ supplies are complete. Electrical supplies! Roofing and Guttering. I (Open Evenings) J —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St._m --- ~Tti 2 SUITS 80ct$ CASH & CARRY 1 SUIT and 1 DRESS 80cts CASH & CARRY PLAIN 2 DRESSES 80cls CASH & CARRY --—--• i SHIRTS 12cts CASH & CARRY at EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 NORTH 24™ STREET LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS I visited in Canada. They report a wonderful trip and met many ! of their relatives while in Fort Scott, Kansas. They were the gues^ of Dr. Hawkins’ bipther Prof. K. J. Hawkins. While in Little Rock, they were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. The Millers are Mrs. Hawkins cou sins. Mr. Miller has been in the post office over 25 years. They were out of the city one month. --oQo— Ms* Ella B. Glafford has been a guest with her uncle and.aupt, Mr. and M.1 . Alanzo Jackson tall summer. She returned to Eldor ado, Arkansas, to take up her school duties^ A party was given for Miss GUifford Sunday evening. It W'as a very gala affair. * * * Mrs. L. S. Davis of 2530 Grant St. left Sunday morning at one o’clock to motor to Denver, Colo. Sho was accompanied by her nephew, Willie Gillispie. She will bring her little niece hack with her, little Bertha who has been there visiting friends in that city for about 15 days. Mrs. Lydia Wit on will return also with her. She lives in Mrs. Davis home. * * * Dr. and Mrs. J. H. P. Westbrook spent two days wdth Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Jackson, relatives on the way home from Denver after an extended trip out West. * * * 33,051 persons received aid from 29 Community Chest Agen cies the first six months of 1939. Thils was revealed in a report being released this wreek from the Community Chest office to 75,000 Omahans. The Child Care Agencies serv ed 795 children. 104 unmarried mothers. Gave Institutional care to 164 children, foster homes cared for 429 children, and the Day Nusery cared for 121 child ren. Vii’ting Nurses made 30,977 visi'h to homes. Pre-school health clinics examined 4.768 babies. Fifty-five crippled children re ceived 6,804 days of care and medical service. The Character Building agencies served 19,614 children. The Welfare Agencies gave 959 families planned service and re lief. 1,067 families were received on an emergency relief basis, with 92 transient families, and 3,620 unattached individual re ceiving lodging and meals. In the same period 212 aged received care in institutions. Plans are being completed to raise between October 30 and November 10, funds needed by these agencies during the coming year. Alvin E. Johnson is general chairman of the drive. --oOo Mr. J. Norman of 2220 Willis Ave. and Mr. and Mrs. Asberry and Young motored to Chicago and visited with relatives there. Mr. Norman was guest 6f his sis ter, Mrs. Mattie Wicks and his (■: -ter-in-law, Mrs. P. L. Bell. They -eturned home Monday night. Re ported a wonderful. * * * Mrs. Victory Turner, of 2708 Miami will leave Wednesday for the convention which will convent in Philadelphia and will take in I Mike Colton’s | Dry Goods, Shoes X Furnishings X SCHOOL IS HERE. WE Q HAVE A COMPLETE LINE Q OF SHOES & FURNISHINGS A 2303 N. 24th St. - 24th & LakeU PHONE JA. 5757 Q —:—=n CAREY’S NABORHOOD Grocery Spring Chicken Cheaper than Hacon 18c lb. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EACH NIGHT ’TILL 10 P. M. WE. 6089 We Give Green Tracing Stamp* tin World’s Fair in New Yorl before returnng home. XXX NEWI.Y WEDS SPEND HONEYMOON IN OMAH V Mr. and Mrs. Glass who were just married in Kansas City, Kans. spent, their honeymoon in our city as the house guest of Mrs. Ashly Simmons of 2228 Willis Ave. They returned home after a two weeks stay. XXX Don’t forget to attend the great revival meeting at Mt. Calvary Community Church. The Soul Sav ing station meeting started Sept. 4. Evangelist Goar will be here the 10th of Sept. X X X Mrs. Matthew Barnes of 2,120 Erskine is on the sick list. XXX Mr. W. H. Trueheart of Atchi- i son, Kans.. 1627 N. 6th street is visiting h;s brother, Mr. Sam Trueheart of 1405 South 16th St. Fit left Tuesday for D’mas, Kans., in interest of od wells that he's connected with. XXX Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Yancy. Mr. and Mrs. O. Roundtree and Mrs. Scott are expecting to spend the week end in Rock Island, 111. to visit with Mrs. Scotts’ brothers who is also the uncle of Mrs. Raney and Mrs. Roundtree. They expect to return home Monday ( night. XXX Tho funeral of Mrs. Curter was at the Church of the Living God a1, two Saturday, Sept. 2nd. Rev. j Clark officating, assisted by Rev. Steele the pastor. XXX On August 27, Mrs. Jeta Jones { and brother, Mr. W. Riddler Mrs.! Helen Yancy, Mrs. Nomica Smith. 1 Mrs. Geo Fran kin, and Mi. Earl; Jones motored Kansas Ci y and on their return they stooped in; other Missouri towns. They re port a pleasant trip there. They .eturned August 30. XXX Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamilton of 2717 Miami St., were blessed with a fine baby boy, August 28. Moth er and baby are both doing nicely. T T T Mrs. Marie Stearns of 2622 De catur stieet little daughter Marie died in Lincoln, Nebr., at the Arthopetic Hospital at the age of 18 years after having a serious operation for spinal trouble. The remains are at the Lewis Funeral Home. ¥ ¥ ¥ Mother E. Benson who is Iowa, Western Mo., and Nebraska State Mother of the Church of God in Christ returned home after having finished her work in these states. She was accompanied by Mother King, state worker of Texas. ¥ ¥ ¥ Elder G. W. McGlothen of Los Angeles, Calif., will begin a series of meeting at Elder G. D. Ben son, 1710 N. 25 th St. Elder Mc Glothen is a wonderful Evange list. A brilliant : oeaker bringing yiur sick to b^ tealed. Meeting begins at 7:3h o clock, A’>g. 29. Service every . 'ght. Come one, come all. Welconr'. ¥ ¥ ¥ Rev. Catherine Williams of 5628 Prauie Ave. of Chicago, 111., has been the guest of her son, Rev. Frank Johnson of the Spiritual Church of Deliverance at 1837 N. 24th St., and will be in our city until Sept. 3rd. She will return home. She reports a nice visit and I like" Omaha very much. ¥ ¥ ¥ , The Spiritual church of Deli verence had recital Monday Aug. 28th at the Church. We featured Madam English Paris, soprano, and Madam Lucella Charles I Crain, accordianist. There was a wonderful success. Everyone en joyed a pleasant evening. ¥ ¥ ¥ Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, spent the week end at Kansas City. Mo. ¥ ¥ ¥ Mrs. Althany Adams, of 2431 Decatur St., surprised her hus band, Mr. Frank Adams with a birthday party last week. Fifteen couples were present. All report ed a very delightful evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanford of 945 North 28th Avenue left Omaha, Friday, Sept 1, on a visit to the East. Stopping at Chicago, De troit, Niagra Falls and New York City, Philadelphia and Washing ton, D. C. They will return Octo ber 1. 1939. * * * Dr. and Mi’s. C. H. Singleton, returned from their trip. They motored to Chicago, Detroit and Upslantie, Mich., to visit rela tives and friends. They visited their daughter who just returned from Europe. Mr.s Ernestein Pos tles had gone to the Youth Con ference in interest of the Episeo- | pal Church. She was indeed glad ' to see her parents. .V V V Y W C A NEWS— The cabinet conference for of ficers in sophomore, and junior , and senior girl reserve clubs met I at Camp Brewster, September 7 and 8 for all members of the cabi net. Plans will be made for the clubs for 'he following year in cluding plans for city wide acti- ; vities. Almira King and Delphia \ New are junior and senior and 1 sophomore pre-ident respectively. * ¥ * The Misses Dorothy Scott and Velma Rose left for Chicago Fri day night to spend Labor Day. * ¥ ¥ Mrs. J. M. Scott, 2885 Miami, went to Joplin then from there she went to Arkansas to visit two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Adams. Mrs. Scott i< ex pected back about the first of the month, * ¥ * Mrs. Robert Daly has returned from a months trip to the west. She visited San Francisco and Oakland. * * * Mi's. Crumbley, 2846 Binney St., has ju t returned from visiting in the East. She arrived Thursday Augu t 31 from New York where she said she had a wonderful time with her son Mr. Elmer Crumbley at 680 St. Nicholas Apt. 2N, New York City. Mrs. Crumb ley had a chance to sail out to the statue of Liberty on the larg est boat there. She went up the steps in the Statue which is 22 stories. Then she went to the largest. Abbysinnian Baptist Church in N. Y. and worshipped with them. She went to the larg est theatre in N. Y., where her son is playing. She attended Father Divine’s Church and had a chance to see him descend from his kingdom to hit Angels. Mrs. Crumbley said ho did not say he was God but that the people said he was God.” * # * Mrs. Lucille Ennis is visiting Mrs. Mary Hill. 1432 N. 22nd St. Mrs. Ennis is from San Antonia, Texas where she teaches school. » ♦ » Hon. John Adams, Jr., left for Topeka, Kansas Saturday to get his small son. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Beverly, of Berkly, California, are spend ing the week end here with Mr. and Mm. Russell Reese of 2824 Binney St. V M ^ Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Howell of Topeka, Kansas are the house guests over the holiday of Mr. C. Howell and wife of 2827 Bi.ney * * * Mrs. Ella Flowers who has been ill for over four years, was re moved from the home of Mrs. Spencer. 986 N. 25th St. to the County Hospital where she died Aug. 30th at 6 o’clock with heart failure and hardening of the blood vessel. The attack was brought on from acute indiges tion. Mrs. Gordon at the same ad dress had been ill from eating corn but now she is able to be up again. * * * Mr. Murphy who is the brother of Donnie Murphy is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simmons of 2228 Willis Ave. Mr. Murphy’s home is in Dallas, Tex. * * * Jiverette Club is giving a Jitney Dance at 2734 Caldwell St. Fri day, September 8, 1939. Time, 8:30 until? Music, Jive Box. Price 5 cents. Supervisor, Mru. Emma Brown President. Gloria Parker Secretary, Edna Taylor Treasurer, Geraldine Parker Reporter, Henrietta Williams ——oOo Mjr. Earl Pai#cs sp»ent L{abor Day in Lincoln, Nebr. * * * The Daughter Elks gave an in door picnic at the Hall on I*ake St., Labor. Day. It was a wonder ful success and the manager of the 9 Qenter donated the ice cream which was appreciated I by the Daughter Elk sfeted Man mie Simmons who buys all th s supplys that are needed for diJ ferent occasions was credited wit i the donations. * * ¥ Me. Elsworth Thomas will visi in the city as the house gues off hia foster mother Mrs Strawther, of 2220 Willis Ave. fo a three day stay. * * * The Jiverctte girls had an en jjoyable evening at the danca Thursday, August 81 at Kruf Park. Edna Taylor, Gloria Parker and Geraldine Parke'. * * * Mr. Grant Taylor of 1910 N 27th street broke h s finger work ing on the project. Xhe finger broke was on his left hand. It has been painful to him. The ac cxient hapuened Aug. 28, on 13 & Nicholas, * * * All Stars. VS South Omaha. ALL STARS WIN The game was won by the All Stars. Score was 15 to 1. Pitcher. Edna Taylor , and Irene Harris, catcher. V V SAMUEL BUSH RETURNS AFTER 4 MONTHS VISIT By Edna Mitchell Mr. Samuel Bush, returned from Isis Angeles, Calif., Sept. 2 after spending four months visiting hii two daughters, Mrs. Dorine Kelly and Miss Marie Bush. He reports having had n rice time. While here. Mr. Bush wag a former member of Bethel A ME Church and served as a trustee for some time under Rev. Divers’, adminis tration. He was on duty when Mr. C. C. Galloway war. a trus tee. These two gentlemen did many things foj» the up-building of Bethed AME Churdh in its early years of struggle. * * * , PERSONAL Mrs. Ethel Jackson of Chicago came to our city to visit her cousin Geraldine Jackson of 2014 N. 2Sth Ave. She says she has enjoyed herself immensely. She will return the 12th to continue her schooling. • * * Mrs. F. G. Grady who haa spent the summer months in Omaha visiting her nieces, Mrs. Gene Pendelton and Mrs. Ollie Lewis and her nephew, Mr. Wil liam Battles. Mrs. F. G. Grady will leave Saturday September 0 at 5:00 P.M. for her home in Hod-ton, Texas. "We wish to thank our friends for the kind hospitality shown us during her stay. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rone en tertained with a dinner party Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. B. Simns, Miss Gladyce Bell and Mr. Raymond Towls. Mrs. Rone lives at 1403 N. 22 Plaza. Washington, Sept. 4 (CNA)— Negro and white employes of the Ford Motor Co. were cheered this week by a ruling of the Nation al Labor Relations Board which found the company guilty of vio lating the Wagner Labor Act and ordered it to discontinue its “unfair labor practices.’’ NEURITIS RELIEVE PAIN IN FEW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis. Rheumatism. Neuralgia or l.umbago in a few minutes, get the Doctor's formula NURITO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar cotics. Does the work quickly -must relievo wo/st pain, to your satisfaction in a few minutes or money buck nt Druggists. Don't suffer. Use NURITO on this guarantee today. • The Very Latest from the Chicago Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quinole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 Mr. J. O. D. Newland, 2917 Grant St., has as his house guest his daughter, Parity Newland Shobe from Kan as City Mis souri. She arrived in our city Tuesday morning September 5. Mrs. Shobe will spend possibly a month in our city. • • * The Townsend eiub No. 11 met Sept. 3 .in a corraration service at the Urban I/eague Hall. A pro gram war? rendered. The program was as follows: Repeating the Lord's Prayer. Song, America Pledging Allcgience to the flag. Trio, Cooper Children Dramatic reading, Mrs. Marie Hester Young. Speech by, Mr. Brown, Urban League secretary. , Speech by Mr. Gilbert. Omaha Star. Paper by, Mr. McDonald Speech by Mr. Wells, Organizer. Glased by repeating the Town send Pledge. By Edna Mihchel, Secty. * M * Mr. J. A. Covington, of 3fi05 Grant St., condition is fair. He has been sick three weeks. He is the son of Mrs. A. B. Whit ley of same address. RARE’S BUFFET 2229 Luke Street for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS _Always a place to park— 'JijF^ST7^ yyySps Robbinys Pharmacy 2306 N. 21th St. WE. 1711 ry yyyy _ ti CUTS—BURNS—SCALDS should be quickly treated to prevent bad after effects as well as relieve tain. Use OI L-of-SALT. Wonderful too for sore, tired feet. At your drugRiit's—money back if not satisfied: e<* free sample write Mosso Laboratories, 215South Leavitt Street. Chicago. _ QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme.C.J. Walker's Preparations "I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation.” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable . success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly populhr, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. Mme. C. J. Walker's Glossine. although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. Special Bargain Prices 1939 Ambassador Sedan $575 1937 Plymouth 4 door Sedan $15# 1933 Plymouth Coupe $175 1938 Pontiac delux coach $650 1938 Ford delux coach $575 1935 Buick four door sedan $350 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556