The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 09, 1939, City Edition, Page 12, Image 12
By KORAC the palace Pefore the American could strike the Inca, many pairs of In Han Stands pinned Ms arms behind him »o thnt he was helpless “'Valeh yourself." cautioned Rec ard« "It’s no use trying any funny lv. ne«s h" 'e can see that." answered ico “Their spears aren’t raised for pat Jxwk at those points... boy; 1 Ml that they’re sharp enough t" re clean through a Hon without any trouble whatsoever. ’ One of the men approached the regal Indian and addressed Mm | reverently; then be motioned to t* c American to follow the group out into the palaen hall. Carpeted steps shot up in fror.t «*f them. On the top of the highest jaunt stood a throne; seated in the )i «c'cd place w as an exceedingly toy a I looking Indian. About his (< moles ran a golden cloth hand. A tieautiful gem-studded cloak rested ci. his narrow shoulders. He was cli. but strength shone from his Imnn face. Oct a load of that," said l*eo “Probably the Inca himself." "Walt a nil' e O'!: Here comes our fr’ii ’d. The fjl’ow whom von al most knocked down In the bed room," Heeards remarked. '■'■“s," replied Zaner. "and ho *•' to be pretty thlek with the ft.. guards motioned the adven turers towards the throne by meat's cf their spears. "laioks like they want us to stand Hear the king for some special ren •on.” said Reoards. A moment later the palace doom •penod ceremoniously and armed Holdiers poured Into the throne room, taking assigned positives ftrlth the greatest formality. CHICAGO SOUTH SI 1>K HAILS HOUSING VICTOR* Chicago , Sept. 6— (Richard Randall for CNA) Winning one of the greatest fights ever staged by Chicago Negi-oes for improve ment of their living conditions, backers of Ida B. Wells Housing Project this week completion of the project after white insurance interest had been compelled to withdraw' a hostile injunction. “Now we’ve got them on the run, and we’ve got to keep them on the run,’’ declared New Deal Alderman Earl B. Dickerson, of the second Ward , after Robert C. Geigel, a white insurance brok er, had shamefacedly withdrawn h»s petition for an injunction re straining the Chicago Housing Authority fn»m awarding a con struction contract for the project. Cheer ing and applauding, 10,000 people gathered in a mas,, meet ing on the pi-oject site, situated ia the slum-ridden, rat-infested South Side, to hear* prominent speakers denounce the insurance interests, acting through Republi can Superior Court Judge John J. Lupe, who temporarily tied up construction. Originally planned as a mass meeting of protest, the huge gathering developed into a victory rally when Geigel with drew his suit. •'When th:s attack took place, the entire South Side nose as one “ROCKS AND RILLS’’ By A>S JUVI K I’atrlotie p*opi» in t io aiot ol th» “'•-cVs and »t ns»**rtna aJ w»i; a* r.f tar 'wo,dr aa' amp.ed hiJU.” It !aa«» aii ’>1 o..ui»» various iiiaiiiteatauom to matt mb th * pictui etiii:* charm of o :r »on- 1 derful country. To erei> on* I*i o !* ins pc* •esc r of a k'.' let it li a Hill* world of its o*u. Na »inl ■> beau. | tlful spots cat. 6a «re»i*d. Ahicb bery may '•* tra •!*•; •« diso.oa* a distant vlsrs. 8h»ot *** h* timed In'o ia'rv *•!:• * U mow and ferns and * iciniM to* Wrda Streams r'pptte* Wn*>aa/ btnks on cotititJ»•!■*'»* i ivo '•* told Joy to cl.!'. •*. '< ■!*;• 6->aU cm be latthvhk.' *..'•«*, '.a a !>*•• eat go wading s».’*!y, v.h'!e ton bandy of it will ever jvt.’a'i i.l iu*ru<i’* Arilatli: a*Me"», hOWCi'W, Iu.hide ro«'k» a o r.!;* »>•«• often found In th* ba-:ty*i*U of v’ty homes. Rock gardens and pndi .nay tx Started by a r >:«,! c.ruer- !u** pond tilled with v.jt. !(■> W.. • ■■r* llhe the Up which l» \isrt v cow end with *olt Li wh'ch ?•: t ;>od livv-Rrowdig plants thrive and vinca clamber about and dip into the water. Small fish and frogs Mania •urit u pool u delightful ton.*. The h .tatty song of t'c • Is un pleasant music, w’,i!e th* r !gbi darting fish are a distinct »‘.tl ac tion. In the fall the pool la drained, tht f»h placed In w'ntcr qut< ten ner plants kept from freeing. Hit. the work tnat Roes with a p.'Ol ,i more than repaid by the cl era, it adds to a garden. Less imposing poolg can he nude bv simply sinking a tub Into a i, r«l hollow, ltocks and fins sltao’d surround It while the's is *.'i adjunct, giving a woody effect that Is iinen.ualed. , Smaller pools are much saf'-r than the deeper ones where there are children. Hut a rustic fence surrounding It is desirable as we’d 1 as attractive. Any low growing flowering plants are suitable for rock gardens, (■olden moss, rock cress, pink Dir.r - thus, Atyssum, forget-me-iiotg end rockfoil are favorites. Such a range of colors, white, pink, blue and yellow make a charming effect. For poolg nothing excels the water lily—either white, pink cr blue. A rock garden on a sloping haRk ar terrace transforms it into a beauty apot. It also does away with the necessity of mowing steep banks which is alwnyt something of a problem. Narrow paths made of reasonably flat, smooth stones add much tc a garden Rut rocka may be used In many effective waya. Mound* of atonaa Interlaced with trailing vine* make unique orna ment* aometliaea tern on the lea n* of fine old aetatea where they have been added to from year to year. But water In eom* form—a pool, e fountain, or a rivulet er rill add* the Anal touch. America'* “rock* and rilla" art ■arts ef the patriot!* aoag ** all lot*.. | aatezaa Johnaon Drug Co. Prescriptions LIQUORS, WINKS and BEER WE. 0999 1904 N. 24th JH. OFFICE PHONE JA. «213 _ RAY LAWRENCE WILLIAMS •• ATTORNEY AT LAW 200 Tuchman Bldjf. 24th & Lake St. Office Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Res; ,j<x)7 yj,io gt Evenings by Appointment WEb. 2582 WHEN KIDNEY TROUBLE CAUSES YOU TO GET UP NIGHTS When Bladder is Irritated When Pas-age in Difficult When Backache Results ..FLl’SH POISONOUS WASTE AND ACID FROM KIDNEYS Gain In Health If you aren’t feeling just light —are nervous—have dizzy spells and occasional backache—study your kidneys and learn more about yourself. Through the delicate filters of j waste are drawn from the blood j the kidneys, acid and poisonous I and discharged from the body thru the bladder—sometimes these filters are less active than they •hould be because of excess pois onous waste and kidneys do not function properly— they need One reliable medicine, highly ef icient and inexpensive is GOLD Thfc grand medicine has been p Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules. helping people for 50 years to re lievo their aches and pains by helping conditions caused Or ag gravated by excess uric acid or other circulating poisons such as is often the case with sciatica, neuritis, neuralgia, lumbago and rheumatism. ° i,! y°o have such symptoms of kidney trouble as backache, ner vousness. getting up two or three times during the night— .scanty, cramps, moist palms or puffy eyes burning or smarting passage -leg get a 35 cent package of this grand and harmless diuretic at any modern drugstore —it starts the first daf on its errand of help fulnesB, Don’t be an EASY MARK and Right from Haarlem in Holland. Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules _ accept a substitute—Ask for Gold GET GOLD MEDAL_. the ori gmal—the genuine. Look for the Gold Medal on the box—35 cents. man”, Dickerson told his cheering audience. "I called upon the peo* pie to carry out this protest de monstration and to enlarge their program in order that new hous ing projects nvght be forced from the hands of reluctant Tories. The response has been unanimous and powerful.” Dickerson then emphasized that the New Deal had stood by the Negro people in this crucial bat tle centered in the very region where at least 60,000 Negroes have no homes but “sleep around” with different friends and rela tives. In this great crisis of the Ne gnn people, Dickerson asked point edly, “who stood by them and for progress? The New Deal. That is the answed. Who opposed the advancement of the Negro peo ple an<l their housing? The ene mies of the New Deal concen trated in the Republican party. We cannot and will not forget these facts.” Proudest that victory had come was Robert R. Taylor, young Negro member of the Chicago Housing Authority,' who worked day and night for months on the project plans until, as he told the Crusader News Agency, "I had every stick and stone measured out in my mind.” When completer!, the project will acco>modat.e more than 1,400 families numbering approximately 75,000 people in the low income group. Cost will be approximately $7,000,000. -oOo--—. START CENSUS APRIL 1ST Washington, Sept. 7 (ANP) — Field work on the gigantic task of counting the population of the United States will begin April 1, 1940. Two weeks are allowed the bureau to complete the enumeration of city areas, a month for rural «v,eas and a lit tle more time for outlying areas such as Alaska. To accomplish this work, some 130,000 enumerators will be uti lized, and it is hoped that some of them will be taken from the relief rolls in the great indus trial areas where it will be ne cessary to supply aid for many months to come. Government officials antici pate no difficulty in obtaining answers to the intricate ques tionaire to be filled out. but they rely fa^ more on the education and good will than on the law which makes it an offense to withhold information or give false answers. Although the bureau may find it necessary to haul some tight lipped crank to court, officials, reveal with ela borate fanfare of publicity and its consequent effect on others, it hopes that these cases will be exceptionally few. --— o()o ADVERTISING MEANS MORE BUSINESS COLONEL HUSH VH-HA* By SCHEEL I- . ' >» r* ■ 1 __—1 r . . .1 — _.___- _ BARON NOBUX By JACK THOMAS r LOOK-- PAL-- THE NA6S NAME IS VEAL PIE AND1 P-S-S-T" P-S3-T- SHES RUNNIN' IN THE SIXTH RACE LOOK BEHIND ME BARON-- YA CAN'T LOSE- PAL- AN’ QUICK AND SEE IP SHE'LL PAY TWENTY TO ONE AN/BOCY 3 LISTENIN' j THIS IS ON - CL til THIS FILlVS SO FAST THAT ^OONT BREATHE THIS- FAL- BUT >Ou WIN- OLD PAL- I KNEW THt/RE GONNA BUNDFCX.D LAST MONTH- IN A PRIVATE, CHAPPy- PUT >OU WAS A HER DURING THIS RACE RACE- VEAL PiE WAS CCV.I1N SO THIS TWENTY SMART GUy Sds SHE Wl>-tT LOOK FAST AT THE RN'SH THAT THE/ ON VEAL THE MINUTE AROUND BACK AT COULDN'T STOP HER- AN’ SHE PIE'S X LAMPED THOSE CITHER NAGS RAN THE FULL DISTANCE BEAK- YA AND LAUGH HERSELF AGAIN- CONIN' IN A LENGTH >eMME TELL AHEAD C? THE NAG BEHIND - r'/vl MIND YA- PAL- ON HER SECOND TRIP / ^7ell- the BARON HAS I STAKED HIS J ALL ON THIS RACE ---IT WILL EITHER BE VEAL PIE t OR THE BREAD LINE FOR HIM - - WATCH FOR THE ANSWER NEXT WEEK k.♦ . ^ UTNTOR PATROL' By QUIN HALL _ ■ _ _ - - ■ » ■n i - - . . ■ 003 CATCHER. PICKfib UP *SA3T* MRW /HASObT OP NjC FBTR6L. E$4EN C5UM<DR^ AWb SPH^mrr'R , HE P&OMD TO SEE ! THt PUP A|4 WENb^MT OMtDW T RUb "HE: t306-^.. «£o LET 'S TWiE IM AMD t»Ck GW--* 1 1 " ' 3US>T A AND VU- SGE tr V CM* PtWD OUT VAeour spot O ^ *k 'Erii, t~ ,0 VT 'NoH'T Be >QO<2S tm'-r l&r SPOT our \ [IP 35W0R ISN'T B*V- IIvIia^lus *JUMDK UUMLMi L-I. AsPrvl' 0(2 OP SJSHT «W«eA Uv t*YUGHT TVGYU / PROMISE TO HELP THOSE TESS Z&LN*tT ^L^^UMLE^STWeBKSJ I'M, G<*N<r CUT TO Gtr) ^WC TCk MW? feOME OP 7«4V / «***» ^—- x \ wawxs tup u**iEY"' vEk*■ y -TVGtfser^,.LXNWtOiZ*. / to srucy hard ) c wn-c RV "—;-7/—fi|j|P; j^,. . nt / PPOU/SE TO Be OARER*. HHEfJ OOSSW6 y ~ V ”5 STREETS PHOTO AID THOSE tN D4V&XT. GET / EROM/SE TO BE E/HD TO DUMB AHtMALS.. m TIME TO / PROMISE 7D RON ERRAHDS UKUHGLX.. | CAjg. Sf$r? l PROMISE TO BE TRUTHFUL ■• ■ / /*£}*//££ ^ fl^WW/ TtSSfBLC . US. r> N-k^ /2W&VTS /95tt£> d* ^ MBCT ;;• 4p. 9GMPD __r* ■ ——£ AA£AHT1M&. AonoPfiS_ ^ S\G*4 ltfV» pgEorgaaH - - ■■ .,. 1 Mr. 1. Knowltt Olcouim me porior fcrougm uupl No douM1 By Thornton FljlKi S'wttLt ir WAS'N , ’ ( tdt Him HE.LL HG_ \ m»vr Ht Ntvte "tm * \ tr oP rvwT a«»ci \ I'S uP'N \ on wr» Joel I iL i?0 rod KNOW Ah/ - -Sjme Pr^.e »if3 vO 'V*iPR.j i fr» ft xn v *1 __ I DONT uikE VO TAl*. ABOUT MNStUf Bl>T » VAlfc SAN (AM 'A.Vi.AH^ fOWOtCT I Cartoon Co n. y. Z$ 8 — .mm* > . n «.i .i ■■■ —!■■■■ "n—■mtmm ] ( n SEEMS TO ) ,-- (--- fTTi.Tri ' ’ ^1 [ <OSH.I JovLPm leE <.'ETTIM<1 _ rS^^*rTr^T\ ^ELI-O. J<=SKeT^ | Die’ VO*'H*CA U'RfcE 'Aim •-™Ljf,ov,Pi vRorrtNj ilorj cn \szzj, . .^