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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1939)
__ ( Happenings That Affect the Din ner Pails, Dividend Checks, and Tax Bills of Every Individual. National and International Prob lems Inseparable from Local Welfara Not since that dramatic day in March 1933 when President Roose velt, having taken his oath of of fice issued the Bank Holiday pro clamation as the first act of his admistration, .has the New Deal been in so difficult a position as it is now. And never, politically speaking has New Deal power and prestige been at so low an ebb. That, at least, is the opinion of practically all newspapermen and publicists, including those who support the Roosevelt Administra tion as well as those who oppose it. The president personally may still hold a high place in the es teem of the people. But some of tha most important of the “re forms” and “experiments” which be fathered have fallen on extre mely evil days. In the words of Time, the Pres ident has recently .taken “a series of blows such as no President of the U. S. ever suffered and survi ved.’’ First blow was the strong congressional f'ght aganist renew his powers over money. The Presi dent side-stepped this, and won the round by a narrow margin. Then came the neutrality battle, and the definite refusal of the Senate to give him the free hand in foreign policy which he and Secretary Hull thought necessary. Never did a President fight harder •to gain what he wished. But, as Vice-President Gamer is reported to have 'told his chief, the votes "500 Duffy Pharmacv We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Deliver* 1 < I I I I I I I I I Bill’S Loan B ank AND MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a Great Reduction. Up to-Date Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies Ready to Wear MHlinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the Entire Family. 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 , . SHOE SERVICE The Services that Pleases. A Complete Shoe Service J. L. Taylor, Prop. 2407 Lake St. S)_ simply couldn’t be mustered. Congress was not yet through with its undeclared war on the White House. The Administra tion’s $4,OtX>>000,000 “self-liquida ting” lending and spending pro gram was a mere shadow of itself after it had run the gamut of congressional resolutions and a mendments. The foreign cred't proposal was deleted. A clause was inserted barring loans for ; projects competing with private business. Proposed appropriations were cut all along the line. Even the words “Self Liquidating” were removed, by Committee de | mand, from the b‘ 11 ’■ s title. Worst blow of all, perhaps from the political point of view, came with the passage of the Hatch bill. Introduced last session by Senator Hatch the measure had • been buried in Committee. This session Representative Dem*ey went to work and forced it out in to the open. Gist of the bill is to make it illegal for any federal of fice-holders, with certain excep tions such as the President, his aides, cabinet members, etc., to use their job influence to raise money or to influence votes. It is obvious what this means to any federal political machine. It means that political control will largely depart from Washington to be come centered in state capitals and other local subdivisions. It means that comparatively few federal jobholders will be dele gate* to the next Democratic nom inating convention, where close to half were at the last conven tion. It means that the President s direct power over the Democratic nartv has been greatly reduced. And even this wasn't all. Im mensely important New Deal crea tion is the National Labor Rela tions Board. And the House voted, by almost two-to-one majority, to investigate it to discover whether it has unduly favored workers over employers, has exceeded its lawful powers, and has favored the CIO over the AF of L. This isn’t all there is to Con gress' revolt against the New Deal, but it touches the high spots. Of immense importance is the fact that the opposition comes principally from within the party. The Democrats are literally torn asunder. Leadership, especially in the Senate, has largely collapsed and party discipline is almost non existent. Party whips have given up, discouraged, during recent weeks when trying to get “the hoys’ ’into line. On the Republican side of the fence, the votes, of course have been cast against the New Deal. But the Republicans have rarely taken the offensive in fighting proposed legislation.. Instead, they have followed the plan laid down by canny Majority Leader McNary had a hard time keeping his men under control. But he did, and the wisdom of his plan, in the view of hardened political observers, has been proven. New Dealers cannot say their program was sabotaged by the opposition party as they could have if Republicans had been in the first line trenches during the fight. It is harvest time in Eui-ope. And so for the moment, there are no new imajor crises. Men who are needed to bring in the harvest cannot be set to marching and fighting. Most experts think Hitler will provoke another major crisis in “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 Lake Street— Thrifty Service 6 lbs. for 48c 7c EACH ADDITIONAL LB. ‘‘6'/jc ON WEDS.” ALL FLAT WORK BEAUTIFULLY IRONED. BATH TOWELS FLUFFY DRIED. WEARING APPEAREL RETURNED DAMP READY TO IRON. WE GUARANTEE COLORED CLOTHES NOT TO FADE. SHIRTS FINISHED IN THIS SERVICE FOR 10c pirn IF DESIRED. 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts. his “war of nerves” when the harvest is over, about the end of this month. Object will be to win Danz/g and the Corridor. What will happen then is any man’s guesi',. It is widely said that if no war breaks out before October, the1 chance of war occurring at any time in the comparatively near future will be greatly reduced. I Calvin’s Newspaper Service TESTED RECIPE '—By Frances Lee Barton—* t LUSCIOUS chocolate ice bos : cake, far from difficult to make; I just the thing we like to eat as a summer supper treat. Read this recipe a while; clip it for your “special” file. But don’t file it 'till you make one delicious ice box cake! Com pany cornea while you’re away — tills cake always saves the ilay. Luscious Chocolate Ice Box Cake 4 squares unsweetened choco late; cup sugar; dash of salt; M cup hot water; 1 tablespoon cold water; 1 teaspoon granulated gela- | tin; 4 egg yolks; 1 teaspoon vanilla; 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten; % cup cream, whipped; 3 dozen lady fingers. Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add sugar, salt, and hot water, stirring until sugar is dis solved and mixture blended. Add cold water to gelatin and mix. Add to hot chocolate mixture and stir until gelatin is dissolved, then cook until mixture is smooth and well thickened. Remove from boiling I water; add egg yolks, one at a I time, beating thoroughly after each I Place over boiling water and cool: < 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add vanilla; cool. Fold into egg whites. Chill. Fold in whipped cream. Line bottom and sides of mold with waxed paper. Arrange lady fingers on bottom and sides oi nold. Add thin layer of chocolate mixture, then arrange lady fingere and chocolate mixture in alternate layers, topping with chocolate mix ture. Cut off lady fingers around 3ides of mold and arrange cut pieces on chocolate mixture. Chill 12 to 24 hours in refrigerator. 11 desired, add % cup finely cut wal nut meats to chocolate mixture before turning into mold. Unmold. Carves 12. SAVE TWO DOLLARS ON A TUNE UP It cost you less for gasoline. Call George Lagois Ja. 9653. A master mechanic. Just to get ac quainted with you and to prove my work is what I claim it is, I am offering to cut two dollars on your car tune up job. We take all jerks, missing motor and street mishaps and many other gasoline waste right out of your car while you do your shopping when you are down town. Formerly located at 1121 North 18th St., but now our new location at 17th and Dav enport, Creighton Garage. One block north of the Post Office at 17th. Car called for and returned. JA. 9563. On a Sunday afternoon, C. C. Galloway and his neice, Miss Aza lee Galloway of Dallas, Texas who spent the summer with her bro ther and uncle and took a six weeks course at the Omaha U. Miss Galloway is a teacher in the public schools at Dallas. /trouqhh of 1 FAMOUS 4 AUTHORS J One Impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good Than all the sages can. —William Wordsworth. • • • Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrinkv Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink. —Samuel Coleridge. PAIN IN BACK MADE HER V MISERABLE * Read How She Found Blessed Relief Muscles were so sore | she could hardly touch M. si j them. Used Hamlins Wizard Oil Liniment and found wonderful relief. Try it today if your muscles are stiff, sore, achy Rub it on thorough ly. Keel its prompt warming action ease pain; bring soothing relief. Pleasant odor. Will not stain. Money-back guarantee at all drug stores. NOTBi—Year question will be analyzed fret In this column eesly when yon include a clipping of this column and sign your full name. birthdaie and correct address to your letter. For a *'Private Reply*... send only 25c and a stamped envelope’for my latest ASTROLOGY READING covering your birthdaie; also a free letter of advice analyzing three Questions. Explain your problems clearly and con fine your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning. — Send You* Letter To — ABBE’ WALLACE. P. O. BOX 11. ATLANTA. GA. M. K. G.— Do you think that I am doing the right thing to let my niece stay here in my home? I am terribly worried about this matter. Ans: Your niece is NOT IN LOVE with your husband but if it makes you unhappy to see them carry on, arrange at once for her to get another place to stay. There is no need to keep anyone in your home if it has a tendency to make you unhappy, so stop this matter right where it is be $ire trouble does arise be tween you and your husband. I. L. W.—I am thinking of taking a course of art at home and wonder if I will be successful in it? Ans: The course would help you. But you wouldn’t have work after you completed the course. I favor your taking something that you could de pend on ai< a future profession and I don’t believe it will be art work. G. R.—Ilm corresponding with a married man and I wish to know if he tells me the truth and will he do anything to please me. Does he love me as he says and should I put all my confidence in him? Ans: Be your age, you act like some thirteen year old girl instead of 26 year old. This marred man will never mean anything to you and if you want to find yourself in a lot of trouble junt continue on with him and you are bound to be made unhappy. Why don’t you go with a sin gle boy. E. K.—What does my husband do with his money and where does he go and where are his shorts? Ans: lie left his shorts at tho same place he left his hat an<l aiso where he leaves the largest portion of his money. You had better give him a piece of your mind and put a stop to his frolicing around. j R. C. B.—Do I stand a chance J of getting this job at the club where I worked last winter? How can I find out? Ans: You stand an excellent chance of getting back on there the first of October. You had better call the Manager or go by to see him right away. Let him know you are waiting for your old job back. H. T. S.—I seem to be just crazy in love with my lady friend and I wish to know how I stand with her? Ans: This girl likes you, but she isn t as much in love with you as you seem to he with her. You are mighty nice to her but I don’t think that she appreciates you as much as she ishould. Don’t let yourself fall too deeply in love until you feel more assured of her. M. E. C.—Will my daughter overcome the spells she is having ami wfill she ever overcome them? Ans: Her health is quite poor right now. If she were to get the best of medical treatment for a period of a few months, I feel that she will be well again. She is young and should react to treatment rapidly. G. K.—Please tell me if the man I have been keeping company with loves me? Ans: Yes, he does. He also would like for you to be his wife and is anxious for it to take place soon too. Personals Mr. Earl Williams and Mrs. Jack Scott of Kansas City, Mo., spent the week end visiting at the home of Fred McDaniels. * * * We wish all of the members of Club No. 11 of the Townsend Club to be present at Commeration Service, Sunday Sept. 3. As all or ganizations all over the United States will be in session. If you don’t understand this notice, get in touch with your secretary, Edna Mitchell, 2617 Grant St. This meeting will also be announced in your regular meeting Sunday night August 28th. * * * Captain Allenworth Camp No. 25 United States War Veterans will hold their fifteen annual pic nic at Krug Park August 31. Dancing 8:00 PM. until 1:00 AM. Music by Lloyd Hunter's fourteen piece orchestra. Dancing 40c admission. Free Parking space and free admission to park. * * * Miss Evelyn McIntosh, 2511 N. 22nd street returned this week from a five weeks vacation. She visited Chicago, Pensacola, Palm HEXOGR AMS Place the following 13 letters in spaces above so as to spell one 5 letter word and five 4-letter words. Arrows show direction of spelling. Three letters have been placed in the proper place. Pill in the other ten letters. A-E-C-l-K-M-N - P - R - S - T - W (Answer on Page 12) Beach, Miami Fla. She reported a very nice time while away. • * * Mrs. Margaret Starks and family at 2715 Wirt wishes to thank the many friends that caus ed sunshine in the clouded hours that she spent in the hospital. Mrs. Starks returned home Tues day August 22 and is doing nicely. • * * Little Bertha Smith Dans of 2530 Grant St., has gone to Den ver, Colo., to join her aunt Lydia Nelson who is also out there visit ing. They will return home in two weeks. This is lit/tie Bertha’s vaca tion before school starts. * *' • Mother Slaughter, Pastor of the Apolitic hirst Jesus Church at 24th Vinton is goin to Detroit, Michigan for the PAW Conven tion which convenes there August 28th to Sept., 3rd. * * * Mrs. Lillian Harness, 1835 N. 23rd Street will go by plane to the World’s Fair in San Francisco, California. * * * Mr. Charles Jackson of 1834 N. 23rd has returned home on a visit with his mother. He is goinig back to Camp Wellington Friday. * • • Young Lee Simon of 1829 N. 23 will go to New York to visit her grandfather, Mr. John Childs. NUPITAL MASS FOR NEWLY WEDS On Monday morning, Aug. 21, at 9 o’clock, Rev. G. A. Stams. Rector of St. Philips Episcopal Church, celebrated a nuptial mass for Mr. and Mrs. Otis Armand Hudson who were married there on Sunday. Members of the fami lies of the bride and groom were also present. The party was after, wards entertained at breakfast by Mrs. E. R. West at her home 2916 Decatur St. Mrs. Abbe Chase of 2515V& Grant Street has been on the sick list for about a week. GEOGRAPHIC ODDITIES NEW YORK CITY tv Mrs. Berton of Oakland, C’al'f., was among the one who lost her husband in the train wreck. She stopped over in Omaha and visit ed about an hour with Mrs. Leon Moore. Mrs. Berton was carrying her husband’s remains to Mississi ppi for burial. She left on the 8:30 o’clock tra;n Friday night August 18. -oOo Little Miss Eva Jean Little of Council Bluffs, Iowa has returned home after spending several days with her brother Oscar and grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mc Carthy 3006 Lindsay Avenue. -—oOo GARDEN PARTY FOR WEDDING GUEST Adinist a perfect setting, in the beautiful gardens of the E. It. West home at 2916 Decatur St. with its many hued flowers and myriads of gorgeous shubbery, the ladies who were to assist Mrs. Augustus Hicks at the Wedding reception of her daughter, Char lotte and Mr. O. Armand Hudson of Los Angeles, Calif., were hos tesses at a delightful and largely attended garden party, Thursday, evening Aug. 17th from 7 to 10 PM., when they honored the groom-to-be, his mother, Mrs. 0. Hudson and his brother, James Hudson. Two large lace covered tables, with large centerpieces of garden flowers were set in the garden, from which dainty refreshments were served. Garden chairs were scattered conveniently about and an immense electric spotlight, shed its rays over a glorious sight as more than 200 guests were re ceived and introduced to the charming guests from the west. The hostesses for this very lovely affair were: Mesdames E R. West, Jasper Brown, J. S. La Cour, I-es lie Shipman, Issac Bailey, James G. Jewell, John Albert Williams, George Watson and Elizabeth Bu ford. Dr. and Mrs. Charles West of Washington D. C. arrived by motor Wednesday last to spend two weeks here as the guest of Mrs. West’s brother, Mr. Jesse Hardin and Mrs. Hardin. Mrs. West is the private secretary to Mrs. Mary McCleod Bethunne in Wash ington. Dr. West accompanied Messers Henry Black, Dr. C. H. Singleton, and Mrs. Cleo Mortimer to Minne sota for several days fishing. —--oOo WHITE MAN SLUGGED TRY ING TO JIM CROW COLORED BUS PASSENGER MEMPHIS, Aug. 24 (ANP)—S. D. Bount. white, of this city will doubtless think twice before he again tries to enforae Jim Crow rules on buses when Negroes are included among the passengers. Last Sunday while riding on Glenview-Faxon bus, Blount saw a colored passenger, Richard Dean, 24, sitting “too far up front.” In a brusque, insulting tone, Blount reportedly yelled at Dean and ordered him to move to the rear of the bus “where he belong ed.” Then the feathers started flying as Passenger Dean proceed ed to trim Blount in approved “Joe Louis style.” Next 'morning in City Court Dean was fined $25 on a charge of assalut and battery, $10 for ‘disturbing the peace,” after Pat rolman Hook had testified. Hook said that when he arrived at the bus a crowd of 100 persons had gathered, but that the hard hitting Dean had left. He was overtaken about three blocks from the scene, however, and in the tussle that followed, was said ,to have slightly injured Officer Hook’s arm. -oOo Read The Guide for News BOTH RED AND WHITE HANDY REFRESHMENT FOR DROP IN GUEST The California w*ne grower*’ new* $2,000,000 educational adver tising drive, plus America’s first National Wine Week, is keeping Lou:s Finoechiaro Inc. busy these days. Housewives, intrigued by the dozens of new uses for California * wines, are stocking their pantries with several varieties of wine, for serving with meals, for cook ing, and for handy refreshment for drop-in guesits. “My regular wine customers are buying more wine for varied pur poses:,’’ Louis Finoechiaro says, “and people who never have bought wine before are coming ia and asking intelligent questions •> about wine. I like the opportunity to tell these customers that there is no mystery to w:ne, and that simply toy trying a few varieties, one will soon find what wines suit the individual taste. “Our basic wines are dry anti sweet. Dry wines are both re4 and white, and are for service with meals, and in the many new wine coolers which are popular during warm weather. Sweet wine* like Sherry, Port, and Tokay, are used as appetizers, refreshments or with dessert." Lou’s Finoechiaro Inc. has some new’ booklets issued by the Wine Advisory Board, showing many appetizing uses for California wines. -0O0 THE SICK LIST Mrs. Sallie Jackson is still im proving after a sereve sick spell. She lives at 1834 N. 23rd street Mrs. Lena Johnson of 13241£ N. 24th street is very sick and has been for sometime, Mr. Jack Childs of 2304 Grace is sick with a head cold. Lloyd Smith of 1840 No. 23rd is in the hospital very sick. Mrs. Grace Smith was taken to the Asylum in Hasting, Nebr. She has lost her mind again. Mrs. Doretha Watson of 2621 Grant is still improving Mr. Brady is getting along nice ly at the home of. Mrs Bell of 2636 Hamilton St. WHAT KNOT SAVING CLUB The What Knot Saving Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Turner 3018 Burdette. There was a very brief business meeting and the remainder of the time was spent in socializing. The member* enjoyed a series of games. The Hostess for the evening served a menu of fne - chicken, peas, and potatoe balls, ice cream and cake. They adjourned to meet next at the home of Mrs. Lillie Williams, 2622 North 25th Street. Pearl Brummell, Pres. Richard Turner, Se .y. Hattie Dunn, reporter —-oOo Mrs. C. H. Harris, 2424 Cald well Street is feeling fine. She is able to be out again after an ill ness of two weeks. Mr. Bmmett Redman of 2726 Parker, who was injured in a fall from a ladder causing him three broken ribs and a broken arm, is able to be out again and is feeling exceptionally well. (Mr. Francis Given formally Of Omaha was among those who were killed in the train wreck. His home is in Oakland, Calif. i* __ *