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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1939)
(Dmafja <E>mbc s World of Society Mrs. L. King, of Dallas, Texat is visitinjr in the city with rela* *ives and friends, -0O0 Mrs. Annie Johnson of Philadel phia, Pa., who has been visiting with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas re turned to her home Sunday. North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24«> si *>' WE. 4240 ‘ YOU CANT TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING METHOD “Leaves No . Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— Try. . Herman’s Market First HERMAN FRIEDLANDER PROPRIETOR 24th take St. WE. 5444 G. S. Deveraux and wife of Mee kcy, Colorado are the house guest of Mason Daveraux Senior of 2209 North 25th for an indefinite stay. Mr. Deveraux is a carpenter and a good one. He built his trailer and it has every compart ment in it as any trailer that could W of a very high price. Ed na Mitchell was taken through it end says it can’t be beat. -0O0--—• The Cherokee Temple Drill Team are celebrating the first Thanksgiving service at Mt. Cal vary Community Church, Sunday Sept. 24 at 3 PM. Rev. Johnson will preach the sermon. Miami Simmons, Capt. Blanche Parker, secretary 1 Come and enjoy our program. * * * Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Story, Mrs. Ida Wiley, Mrs. Mary Brown, and Mrs. Bett left Sunday night by motor for New York City to attend the Woman's Connecteinal Council Meeting of the CME church. Mrs. Story is Connecteinal president of the young people’s de partment and also annual confer ence Missionary President of the Kansas-Missouri Conference. They expect to see some of the World’s Fair while there, —-——oOo THK1W SAFW WATS ^ «uch CKCAM \ 4 •or undtfsrm perspiration \ " flush LIQUID k checks perspiration 1 to 3 deys ^ flush fOWPEK 1 use on sanitary napH»ns^^® Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH || We Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Screen Wire, Chicken Wire, atiij Fence Wire. WE MAKE SCREEN FRAMES TO ORDER Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper * Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. ..~ - - mlw * I 2 SUITS 80ct$ CASH & CARRY «*'■ I PLAIN 2 DRESSES 80ds CASH & CARRY — l I SUIT mo 1 DRESS 80cts CASH & CARRY SHIRTS 12cts CASH & CARRY ■at ' • EDHOLM & SHERMAN I 2401 NORTH 24TH STREET . --■ " 1" LAUNDERERS AND DRY GLEANERS r .— — - - "J ■ - S' I I Mr. Thomas Henry of 320 Mad’, son Topeka, Kansas who is the father of Mrs. Cathreine Manley, of 2715 Ohio St. passed away at father of Mrs. Catherine Manley, left Tuesday afternoon to attend his funeral which will be Thursday afternoon from St. John AME Church of that City. . ——oOo - —— St. Benedict and Culturetts soft ball team played Saturday and St. Benedict won the game. The score was 16 to ^6. Edna Taylor pitcher, Elizabeth Payne 1st base. -(>00 NEW INSURANCE A month ago, the Cudahy pack ing Co. introduced a new accident and illness insurance among all its plant. It works satisfactorily. About 90 per cent of the 14 thou sand workers in the Cudahy plants in the United States and Canada are participating said E. A. Cud ahy Jr., president. Clarence Crolley of 2623 Lake was operated on Tuesday and is reported as getting along fine. He had appendix trouble. -oOo——— Little Beverly Pearl Moore, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Moore was delightedly en tertained by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Moore, 2922 Decatur with a Birthday Party. This was the little Misses first birthday. She received many pretty and useful gifts. --—oOo Dark-eyed Pauline Ellegan, for merly of Denver gave in informal party of beverage. Loads of fun and a chatty time was had by those present. Those present were: Tra vis McDonald, P. Roundt r e e Ruby Rounntree formerly of Den ver, Colo., Mr. Roberts, Miss Geor gia Roberts, Mi=s Ghift of Lusa. Oak., Mrs. Gertrude Barnett, Mr. Bab Fields, N. Stevens, and Mr. Louis McDonald. Thanks to Mrs. Hazel Williams, pian’fst and Bulford Jones who gave a selection of imitations of the Mills Brothers with spoons. ■ 1 -uuu VISITORS SEE WORK OF DREDGER Visitors who visited Carter Lake Sunday saw the dredge in service It was placed on special survey for inspection. It is being ifeed to deepen the lake. Leonard W. Trester president of the Carter I-ake Improvement Society was in charge. FIRST COLORED GIRL TO LEAD BAND IN LINCOLN Miss Dorothy Jackson, Gloria Jean Claxton and Arista Williams are leaving Sunday for a 3 day trip to Lincoln, Nebr. They "will be joined by the Dixie Dugle Boys, Tuesday. On Tuesday they will be in a parade competing against 9 other corps. The parade is a special event of the American Le gion Convention. Tuesday night, Arista will participate in a Strut ting Contest. Arista, a baton twirler will be the first colored girl to lead a Legion Band in Lincoln on the field. Gloria and Dorothy are also baton twirlers. -oOe fj Mike Colton’s Q U Dry Goods, Shoes x 0 Furnishings X X SCHOOL IS HERE. WE Q X HAVE A COMPLETE LINE Q xOF SHOES & FURNISHINGS X X 2503 N. 24th St. 24th & Lake Q X PHONE JA. 5757 Q An ‘Afternoon at Five Reception’ Mrs. Benj. Whiteside, Hostess (or Daughter and Husband The home of Mrs. Benj. White side, Sunday evening was con verted into three hours of charm and beauty, when she entertained approximately, 225 very pleased guest honoring her beautiful and only daughter,, Nee, Miss Susan Whiteside, who was given in mar riage on the 30th of December, 1938 to Mr. Ray Williams, one of Omaha’s most prominent attor neys. The bride and groom were at tractive; seated among a throne of Psalms and an array of beauti ful Pastel gladiolus graced the ( entire living and dining rooms. The bride was sweet, gowned in a soft Orchid chiffon evening dress with a dainty pleated square neckline, and puffed sleeves, the skirt was composed of yards and yards of material caught, in the cente*1 of the waistline was a corsage of pastel shades, with streams of rainbow color ribbons falling gracefully to the hem. The dining room’s color scheme was so grciously carried thru in a variety of colors by the capable . ■ - - Hudson-Hicks Wedding ci ’ — —~~— ■■ ■ —- — —— :—— MR. and MRS. HUDSON - I A large number of friends who taxed the capacity of St. Philips Episcopal church were present Sunday morn'ng, Aug. 20th at 10 AM. to witness the beautiful wed ding ceremony that joined in holy wedlock Miss Charlotte Aug usta Hicks, daughter of the late Augusta A. Hicks and Mrs. Hicks to Mr. Ot:s Armand Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Hudson of Los Angeles, Calif. Tall vases of white gladiolus, and ferns adorned the beautiful ! white altar and the chancel was banked with palms. Proceeding the ceremony Mrs. Cecilia Wilson Jewell sang “I love you truly,” then to the strains of Mendelsson’s Wedding March, the bridal party entered the church. M'ss Mary Ellen Dickerson ap peared first, charming in a beau tiful creation of lime lace made with a tight bodice, short puffed sleeves and a full skirt. She wore a gold sequin trimmed Juliet cap from which formed a lime green finger tip veil and earned an arm boquet of pink gladiolus. Miss Lorraine Lewis came next stately and smart in a gorgeous ash rose satin, gown, made on simple lines, self trimmed, with a full skirt. She wore an ash rose flower toque and earned a boquet of yellow and blue gladiolus. Miss Ethel Davis followed, sweet and girlish in a lovely gown of. peach net, shirred at the waist with tiiny puffed sleeves’ "and a very full long skirt. She carried an armful of peach gladiolus and wore a small blue hat. Little Millicent Wheeler, the flower girl proceeded the bride scattering rose buds as she went. She was a picture in a blue chif fon frock with bonnet to match. The lovely bride entered last upon the arm of Mr. George W. Watson who gave her in marriage. She was beautiful in a gorgeous gown of white satin made on prin cess lines, inset with wide bands of lace. It had long sleeves and a Marie Antonette collar. She wore a veil of misty white net edged with lace which fell from a coronet to the end of her long train gown. She wore white gloves and carried of boquet of white Easter Lilies. The groom met the bride at the chancel and proceeded to the altar where the Rev. Dr. G. A. Stains, Rector of St. Philip’s Church read trie impressive r^p scupui tivuuiuk i service. The happy party left the church to the strains of Lohengrin’s Bri dal March, played by Miss Edrose Willis. Mr. Janies Hudson atten ded his brother as best man and the other groomsmen were Messers Gaitha Pegg and Leroy Wright. A Wedding Breakfast for the bridal party followed served at the home of the bride’s mother. In the evening from 7 until 10 PM. Mrs. Augustus Hicks mother of the bride received several hun dred guests at the her home 2716 Miami St., in honor of the newly weds. In the receiving line were tho br’do and groom, members of the bridal party, Mrs. 0. Hudson, mother of the groom beautifully gowned in chartreuse lace and Mrs. A. Hicks mother of the bride in lovely black lace. The dining table covered with an imported lace cloth had a gor geous centerpiece of white gladi olus asters and ferns. At one end stood a three tiered wedding cake topped by a miniature bride and groom. Mrs. E. R. West lovely in an evening gown of black satin with a white chiffon waist and scarlet sash, had charge of the wedding service. Assisting also throughout the rooms were Mrs. John Albert Wil liams in pink net and lace, Mrs. Leslie Shepman in black embroid ered net, Mrs. Isaac Bailey in yel low printed chiffon, Mrs. James G. Jewell in black crepe with a bodice of black crystal trimmed chiffon over flesh, Mrs. George Watson in dotted organdy, Mrs. Jasper Brown in powder blue lace and Mrs. J. S. La Cour in black net with jet trimming. The bridal gifts were many and beautiful. Among the out of town guests were Mr. Roscoe Mason of Pasadena, Calif., who motored here especially to attend the wedding. CAREY'S NAfiORHOOD Grocery Spring Chicken Cheaper than Meats 20c lb. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EACH NIGHT 'TILL 10 P. M. WE. 6089 We Give Green Trading Stamps Mrs. Dana Murphy. The center piece of the dining table was a georgeous electrical receptacle, embeded in pastel gladioli, asters and snap dragons, sprayed by a beautiful fountain. Service, grand, consisting of lime sherbert, dipped from a lemon colored block of ice, into pastel marangues, assorted candy wafers cashew nuts and coffee. The artistically arranged bed room was a mass of beautiful gifts. The bride’s attendants were: Mesdames: Dana Murphy: John Adams; Thomas Wilson, Paul Bar. nett; Carrie Jewell; Weldon Solo mon; Ait MeCaw; Wm. Davis; Wm. Triplet J. S. Williams; W: L. Myers; and Minnie Taylor. The Madam Myers, Taylor and Williams alternatively poured and dipped. Mrs. Ray Williams pre sented each of her attendants with a white Gardenia. The guest commended Mrs. Benj, Whiteside very highly for having spent a delightful evening. Mrs. Aurelia Hamilton returned home Saturday August 13 after a delightful two weeks visit as house guest of Mrs. R. C. Knight. She enjoyed the Sunday School picnic at Elmwood Park as guest of Mrs. Knight. She was also a dinner guest of Mrs. Fred Battles, dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Knight also dinner guest of Mrs. Cleo Bruce and she enjoy, -ed a f’shing trip with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas. She was taken on a tour of the Packing plant by Mrs. Neuton. Mrs. Hamilton is a teacher in the Public School of Perry Okla. She was included with the other out of town guest, Mrs. Susie Yancy. -0O0 HONORED GUEST Mrs. H. J. Ei-win and son master Roland Erwin, wife and son of Dr. Herbert J. Erwin Sr., returned to their home in Gastonia, North Carolina after a weeks vacation with the Lewises of the Lewis Mortuary. An eventful swirl of social events preceeded. Sunday morning a breakfast by hostess. The guest were: Mrs. Bertha Bell Mrs. Jones, Mr and Mrs. William Ray, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Wig gins, Mrs Rose La Cour,. Rev and Mrs. William Camper, Dr. and Mrs. Gooden. • • • Tuesday evening, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Wiggins were host and hostess to a Theatre Party. * * * Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Ber tha Bell was hostess to a luncheon at Brandeis and sightseeing tour to Joslyn Memorial. • * * The following Tuesday Miss Charlene Lewis and co:hostess Mrs. J. D. Lewis honored their house guest with a drive to Blair Bridge and Missouri Valley, stop ping at the Matthews Farm on returning to Omaha. A delightful repast was served by the hostess. The guest: Madames Vassie Har old, Florence Terrell, Rubie Reese and Miss Ray of Des Moines, la. * * » The following week Tuesday, Mrs. J. D. Lewis and co:hostesses Madames Rose I>a Cour and Ruth Wheeler sponsored a motor trip to Lincoln. A tasty repast was served by the co: hostesses at An telope Park after which a visit was made to the State Capital. Other members of the party were Madames Helen Mahamitt, Viola Lennox, Lois Goode and Olive McCoy of Chicago, 111. * « * Friday morning, Mrs. T. P. Ma hamitt and Mrs. G. B. Lennox were hostess at a Progressive Breakfast honoring Mrs. Daisy Ei-win and Mrs. dice McCoy. The guest met at the Mahamitt home at 11 AM. Appetizers and Fruit Coocktails w-ere served after which the guest were seated in the spa cious dining room where a beauti ful and colorful services were ar ranged. The group proceeded to the Lennox home where the re mainder of the delicious breakfast was served after which Dr. Len nox took moving pictures of the group with moving pictures shown in the home of the Golden Spike Premiere, < * * * Friday evening the Medical Aux iliary honored Mrs. H. J. Erwin, her host and hostess. Mortician The Very Latest from the Chicago Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quanole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 and Mrs J. D. Lewis and daughters Charlene and Lorene with a dinner party at Elmwood Park. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Terrel, Dr. and Mrs. Northcross, Dr. and and Mrs. Lennox, Dr. and Mrs, Wiggins, Dr. and Mrs. Morris, Dr. and Mrs. Gooden, Dr. and Mrs. Peebles, Dr. and Mrs. Solomon, Dr. and Mrs. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Madison, Dr. and Mrs. Wes ley Jones. * * * Mortician and Mrs. J. D. Lewis and co:hostess Charlene Lewis en tertained with an At Home for their house guest Sunday. Two hundred guest called from 7 PM. to 10 PM. * * * M’ss Neola McDaniels and Mrs. Corrine McDaniels returned Sun day from Emporia, Kansas where they went last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Roy McDaniels sister of Miss Nelo McDaniels. * * * —_ __— ■ Q RABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— Robbing's Pharmacy 2306 N. 24th St. WE. 1711 CUTS—BURNS—SCALDS should be quickly treated to prevent bad after effects as well as relieve pain. Use OIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too for sore, tired feet. At your druggist's—money back if not satisfied. For free sample write Moaso Laboratories. 2I5South Leavitt Street. Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET i— A Prominent Business Woman Praises Mme. C .J. Walker’s Preparations "I use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation," stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J. Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana.