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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1939)
Geography In Stamps >_ * NEW TRANSATLANTIC AIRMAIL SERVICE OPENED A dream and hope of many years «tandtn| became a reality on May 20 when the giant, four motored flying boat, Yankee Clipper, of the Pan-American Airway* took, off from New York water* on '.he flrst leg of the flrat regularly scheduled flight between the United States and Buropa 'At flrat It *a» plan ' ned to carry mall only, but later, when the *er*’.ce had been properly tried out, the big ship transported passengers a'.ao> The tremendoue Interest of stamp and cover collectors fti the flight waa ••'.denned hr the fact that more than 187.000 pieces of mall were stowed In the spacious holds of the clipper before she took to the air. The rate recently set by the Post Olflce Department for transatlantic letter postage Is 30 cents per ounce to either the Azores, Lisbon or Marseille, and a special 30.cent air mail stamp has been Issued for this purpose. The rate for west-bound mail has been set at 12 25 francs per 10 grams from Marseille to New York, while the cost of mailing a letter from Lisbon to New York la 7.75 escudos per 10 grams. A gram weighs slightly ovpr one-third of an ounce (Part*) Otir travelers, Sara and Betsey and Mr. Van, began tbeir second day In Paris feeling very sad, for y><ti remember. Gyp, their little brown dog, who got away from them yesterday, was still lost. Mr. Van was doing bia best to cheer Sam and Betsey and toid them over and over that Gyp would surely be found again. "Let's go over to the bird mar ket, on the banks of the river," said Mr. Van, hoping the rows of cages full of birds from all parts of the wcrid, would put them both In bet ter spirits. The sight of all the lovely pets bad the effect Mr. Van thought It would have, for In a moment or two Sam and Betsey were screaming with delight upon seeing every kind of bird you ever heard of. Some were in cages strung on wires as high as your head, others were sitting on perches along the pavement and three or four bright colored poll-parots were walking up and down the sidewalks as free ly as the people themselves. As they walked further along the bird market, Mr. Van stopped them In front of a cage larger than a packing box. In It, flying around and resting on perches, were funny little light snuff-brown birds. "These," said Mr. Van, “a"# nightingales,and the most versatile singers In the world. Sometimes they can be made to Imitate any whistle they hear." "Yes, yes. indeed they canthe old shop keeper said, as be walked up beside them, "why doesn't tN young man try them out and soot* Sam tightened his lips, and with out thinking, he whistled the same notes that be always used to ca'l Gyp. To Sam and Betsey’s amaze ment, the birds In the cage took up Sam's call at once and tilled the market with the sound. Just then, ‘way in the distance, they heard » faint barking, and while the birds sang away. It kept growing louder and louder. Then down the mhld’e of the street, coming towards them like a brown streak of lightning, they saw Gyp. "It’s Gyp. It’s Gyp," cried FJeisoy, and then he was In her anna, lick ing her cheek and barking hi* he'd oft with delight. They thanked tfcs old shop keeper over ar.d over again, for it was really h's birds that brought Gyp back to them ard Mr. Vau Fraught a prlr of too night ingales in a little wooden cage for them. “Just In ease," he said, "Gyp should ever get lest, ega’n.” A MESSAGE OF JOY! If You Suffer from Kidney or Bladder Trouble Arthritis, Rheumatism and Kindred Ailments Sebast’aneum Sati'tarium Home of Se-Basto Tea. Founded many years ago deep in the heart of the European Continent by the revered Priest - Empiric Investiga tor, Father Kneipp. Now conducted by the Brothers of Mercy for ser vice to mankind. b v it im liiniiiiiiwpiiPifinr i nail 11 . v ^ .src&r-'S TAKE HEED AND TAKE HOPE THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU! Countless numbers of suffering people the world over have found welcome relief through use of Se-Basto Tea. You, too, may find it the answer to your distressing need. It costs so little to try it . . . only $1.00 for a liberal package containing a two weeks' supply . . . and with it you get a positive money-back guarantee of satisfaction! Why delay discovering Se-Basto Tea for your self? You brew it like tea . . . you drink it like tea ... it tastes like tea with that same smooth, mellow, satisfying character . . . yet, Se-Basto is more than a tea . . . it’s a careful blend of medicinally tested and proved *herbal ingredients just as the Brothers of Mercy prepare it in accord with the principles discovered bo many years ago by their revered preceptor, Father Kniepp. Decide now to take advantage of this un usual opportunity for welcome relief from suffering ... pin a one dollar bill to the coupon below and your two weeks’ supply of Se-Basto Tea will be sent on its errand of mercy by return mail. I I fianc g-g. »oTr j FATHER KNEIPP Daring hia Bindent tart, Father Eneipp woe aiddr. He began experiaaenting with rari&aa herb teaa and from them regained hia awn health. He .pent the raat of hie long and robe at life miniaturing te Buffering humanity. Today, Father Enaipp'a wonderful work U earriad on by the Brotheri of Mercy at the Sebaatiancwm Sanitarium. k CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON WITHOUT DELAY , To: 1 Dr. Brown’s Clinic, 806 Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn, Please send me a liberal (wo weeks’ supply package 6 f Se-Basto Tea for which I attach a one dollar bill ($1.00). I understand that if I am not satisfied in eveiy way with Se-Basto Tea, I may return the empty carton and nsy dollar will be promptly refunded with out question. NAME__ ADDRESS _- - - _CITY a STATE.-__ . ._—______ UNHAPPY LANDiMS By A > \ JOYl'E Doris always said I was slow— which was true. That is, 1 never could keep up with Doris. The way she drove her car was a cau tion, but somehow she managed to |break any laws that bothered her vi.bout serious results. 1 it was when she decided to try fl> ;ig that 1 objected, because you e *3 I was in love with the foo.ish g.; i. But Just, the same she began tt ing lessons at the flying field. 1 One windy day she asked me to there with her and “try out the airways," as she pul it. "But Doris, this is no day for a novice to fly,” I advised her. “Novice!" scorned Doris. "Mr, Cmy, the instructor, says I’m an exceptional pupil. You’re just, Glenn.” "Better not attempt flying today, Alisa Marlin," the instructor urged Doris. "You’re not an expert yet, you know.” • Of course Doris ignored the ad •eice and prepared for the trip. •'Going with me, Glenn?” she asked, ‘‘or.. .’* ’ “No, I’m not afraid—exactly. And if you’re planning to crack up i might as well be there, too.” So off we started. It was delight ful floating through the air with Doris. She was right. I was slow and must learn -o fly. For s while the landscape below passed like a panorama, restful and picturesque. Then the wind changed and the plane careened in a sud dent gust. I noticed that Dorie suddenly grew white and fumbled helplessly with the controls. How I wished I knew what to do but I did not. All I could think of was to land as quickly as possible. "Bring the plane down, Doris. Down! Down! If you can,” I shouted. 1 “Of course I can and I will," she aercamed back defiantly, and we be gan descending by Jerks and spasms toward the earth. Ws landed with many raspings and wrenchings in a farmer’s pas ture field, right beside a herd of placid but astonished cows. It was then that Doris, instantly became altogether feminine. One thing that she was afraid of was a cow and here were a dozen of them. “What shall we do, Glenn?” she cried, as I helped her out of th* plane, shaken but unhurt. “Sup pose these beasts attack us! Oh, I’m so frightened." "I’ll protect you, darling," I 'promised her. I bad been raised on a farm and blessed those animals. .They gave me a fine chance to dis Iplay my bravery in the face of no danger. Then I took Doris In my arms and carried her all unpro testing to a rail fence at the edge cf the pasture and deposited her on the other side. “Now you’re quite safe,’* I as sured her gallantly as I Jumped over after her, “Oh, you're wonderful, Qlenn, aha exclaimed. “Suppose you had ■ot been with me." J was and 1 propose to stay. Think what might have happened if I hadn't been with you." "I shudder to think," she de clared, snuggling up against me g tefully. "Well, Clay came upon, the scene shortly. When the wind grew stronger he had started out to pur sue his stubborn pupil. Ruefully be examined the plane, damaged but. not wrecked. "Dad will pay for It,” Doris told bim. "Anyhow, we escaped with our lives from the accident and the animals. I don't know which was worse.” "Both bsd enough." Clay replied, “but with cows (here the scamp winked at me), you never can tell. Unpredictable — quite. Now I’ll take you both back. My car is parked In the highway. I’ll get the plane later," Safe in Clay’s car Doris snug gled up to me again in the most a 'proved style of a rescued dam sel. l.ater on she promised that I might become her permanent pro tector. So perhaps it was not really an unhappy landing after ail. «Jo«ils.Ur" “heads - S [-Mod c/o */ou OCOD/. r ') RICO U S PAT OKIC Recer-ly projggsors and psychol ogists have had much to say re garding the "character" revealed in a person’s "Doodles” — those un conscious little scrawls and scrib bles one makes on newspaper mar gins, telephone pads and the like. Rut in offering this entertaining series of “Doodle-bug" heads, we claim no ulterior motive We pre fer to thfrik that most folks just “doodle” for fun! So go to it with a soft pencil, and see uow many varied and amusing expression! and types you can create front the simple outlins heads which wti appear in this paper. Remember It's the latest pastime, and “Every body’s Doodling It!” Read The Guide for News YAWN-CHASERS fu$. WcSTHEft.; |. g-UREftU ,| V ' | rrb«re m aroint to be a ekan«e —my rbowmatiam m aUrtmcr *p*" " i By LISA DEE Emerald ar.d Danny were look ing for the d g who hai worried the cat. They walked past the s\, eet-smelllng celery field near the cow pasture, where they found him —a large brown and while dog. The dog walked alowly toward them and said, "Please, Miss Em erald, don’t scold me, because I’ve had an awful hurt." "What Is the matter with you?" demanded Emerald. The dog rolled his eyes toward the top of his head. "See that bump on my head? That's the cow’s fault, and. Miss Emerald, you don't know how I’m suffering'.’’ "0, you poor thing! What did the cow do?" cried both the chil dren as they felt the large bump on the dog's head. Emerald said, "I was very angry w i you for worrying the cat all day, but since you were troubled too. we’d better go and blame the cow,” Nearby was the cow pasture. A low "M-o-o” came from the corner of the field, and there stood the c >w, looking over the fence at them. She seemed angry, but the c’ i'dren went to her and Emerald s"’;l, "Why are you cross and why did you toss the dog and make him IP c ■ ?" The cow shifted her cud and com p' Ined, "You’d understand If you w .e a cow, Miss Emerald. The ri I's-mald forgot about me today. Is it any wonder that I’m angry?” "0, 1 didn’t know that,” said Em-t era’d, "I’ll try to find tho milk-maid and send her right over.” So the children left the cow and went In search of the milk-maid. "Hurry," said Emerald, "If Jack knew she forgot to milk the cow she'd lose her lob.” The children found the mllk-mald leaning against the spring house willing her eyes with her apron. “Ah, she's crying,” observed Danny. "She's had another quarrel with her lover,” whispered Emerald ae she went up to the maiden all for lorn and said gently, "Don’t cry, he'll come hack.” The milk-maid looked at the children In surprise, picked np her( bucket and stool and ran oft with out saying a word. "That hired man ought to be ashrmed of himself for making her cry.” Emerald was Indignant. “Jr.-’t wait till I see him!” Then, from the other side of the spring house came a man, whose clothes were all tattered and torn. He seemed happy enough for h® was whistling. Danny asked, "Ie that the man we're looking for?” Einera'd and Danny ran until they met the roan. Emerald said angrily, "Why do you whistle when you made the mllk-mald cry?” The man looked surprised and said, "Is the mllk-mald crying?” Danny thought It was time for him to say something. ‘ Yes, she’® crying, and It’s all your fault.” The man sat on the grass and put his arms around the children saying, “The mllk-mald Is crying because she Is happy and tonight we're going to be married.” "Oh!” said the children. “That’®, different," and Danny added, “I j hope all the people around here getj over their troubles In time for th® wedding.” I Emerald said, "If the wedding I® not too soon they might, but all th® trouble is not over yet." That worried Danny. “Must w® have trouble, too—you and I?” “Of course.” said Emerald. “Yon will have plenty trouble betor® tills' dsv la n»*» ” I MASTER AUTO MECHANIC 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed 0 CREIGHTON GARAGE— DOWNTOWN X 1623 Davenport Street 0 One block north of Post Office at 17th street Q Your car called for and returned on the dot X GE0R6E LAGIOS-JA. 9653 § IRON IN COMFORT with an ELECTRIC IRONER Iron while you're seated l That's the dream of every thrifty housewife who does her own laundering. With the modem Electric Ironer. that dream will come true for you. And every time you iron, you'll get fresh-as-new clothes you'll be proud off Remember, you can iron any article in the family wash—baby's clothes. Dad's shirts, daughter's wash dresses—better, and in less time. This is the thrifty Way to iron — an Electric Ironer costs so little to operate with your cheap electricity. j<— Cheap Electricity SERVES and SAVES SEE YOUR DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY