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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1939)
Mercy Hospital *011 gpot* Following Probe BOARD, BUSINESS MANAGER OUSTED Philadelphia, Aug. 17 (ANP)— Tho long-expected explosion at Mercy hosp'tal, one of the leading and approved hospitals, operated by Negroes, took place last week, as the entire board of directors •was asked to resign, the business manager was dropped, steps taken to reorganize the 32 year old in stitution. With more alarm in what is not said and not known, rather than in what is known, there are rumors of laxities in money matters and gross inefficiencies in the admin istrative departments of the hos pital. Dropped was Fleming D. Tuc ker, for 20 years assistant super intendent and business manager. He was given a “leave of absence without pay for incompetency.” Others who are expected to be affected in some fashion by the present state of affairs are Dr. Henry Minton, beloved superinten dent and medical director; Dr, Eugene Hinson, assistant director and Miss Lulu Warlick, superin tendent of the Nurses training school. Supported by both state and the Community fund, rumors have long had it that Mercy was to be reorganized, especially since the Community fund has been finding it difficult to raise money for all the institutions needing it. With the fund calling the sig nals, a study was authorized, with an eye to making economics. W. A. Dent, business manager of Flint-Good ridge hospital in New Orleans, and Dr. C. Rufus Rorem, of the American Hospital associa tion, were called to Philadelphia and what they found is responsible for the drastic action here report ed. Among the directors resigning were two who had been elected to ’ the board just about two weeks a. 'go, and who attended their first meeting at the time the wholesale resignations were ordered on Tues day. These two are Dr. Leslie Pinckney Hill, president of the Christian Street YMCA. Res'gned, too, is the nonogenar an, Archdeacon Henry L. Phillips, president of the board, who was perhaps the leading spirit in the founding of the hospital, and who has been on its board ever since it was started. In an official statement, Eric Biddle, executive secretary of the Community fund, said that “the wwwwwwyvwww CHOP SUEY Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. King Yuen Cafe .. 2016V] N. 24th St. JAcluon 8576 American and Chinese Dishes WWVWAW.V/ wwwvw CHICAGO FURNITURE COMPANY “Where Thrifty Folks Buy” Furniture, Rugs, Floor Cover ings A Stoves 3A. 4411 1833-35 N. 24th Evening Phone WE, 2261 Folks! BUY Living, Dining and Bed room Suites and SAVE Half or more. YES, rugs, floor coverings, gas ranges, oil stov es. SAVE REAL MONEY1 CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. 1833 North 24th St. I Rtwenwald fund greatly aided" the study of Mercy’s conditions. “Tho purpose of the proposed reorganization plan is to further strengthen and implement the mecVcal services, finances and ad ministration effic'ency < f an in stitution that ha.< given long and useful service to the community. Dr. H. M. Minton continues to act as superintendent of the hospital, a post he has occupied since the institution was founded. Every member of the board re fused to comment on the situation beyond referring all inquiries to either Mr. Biddle or Herbert E. Millen, attorney of the hospital. Mercy hospital is located in West Philadelphia on a beaut'ful campus, once occupied by the Phil adelphia (Episcopal) Divinity school. It is well equipped and has a large ward and outpatient service. Many of the country's leading physicians served their in ternship at Mercy. In a statement on Wednesday Mr. Tucker would only say this a bout his dropping: “I don’t want to say anything damaging to my self, to the institution, to my friends at Mercy or to the reor ganization plans. I don’t know where I am going to fit into the picture after reorganization. I have been at Mercy for 20 years. I may have more to «ay later.” Members of the Mercy board, in addition to those mentioned before are John W. Harris, realtor; the Rev. John R. Logan, vicr, St. Si mon’s Episcopal church; Magis trate Joseph H. Rainey, William S. Hagan, Franc's Fisher Kane and Henry P. Patterson, member of the executive board of the Phil adelphia NAACP. the latter two white. -—0O0 Special to the Omaha Guide from— CHICAGO CHAPTER ASSOCIA. TION OF CATHOLIC TRADE UNIONISTS HOLY NAME CATHEDRAL 730 NORTH WABASH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of Chicago Chap ter, Association of Catholic Trade Unionists that Armour and Com pany have refused to enter into negotiations with their employees who have by election chosen the Packinghouse Worker8 Organizing Committee as their collectve bar gaining agency, and WHEREAS, the employes of Ar mour & Company appear to have grievances concerning hours wages and working conditions which cannot be resolvel to a solu tion unless negotiations be enter ed into in good faith and WHEREAS, the practice of ne gotiating industrial disputes is made a moral duty by the Ency clicals of Pope Leo XIII and Pope Pius XI and a legal duty by the National Labor Relations Act of the United States of America, and WHEREAS, reports current that Armour and Company are disrupting the efforts of their employees tQ organize a labor union and are recruiting strike breakers, to take the place of these workers in the event of a strike, are given credence by the refusal of Armour & Company to negotiate grievances, therefore be it RESOLVED that Chicago Chap ter, Association of Catholic Trade Unionists, demand as a matter of legal and moral justice that Ar mour and Company, to avoid pre cipitating a strike that will of necessity be wasteful of the com munity’s human and economic as set8 and costly to all concerned, negotiate at once the grievances Special Bargain Prices 1939 Ambassador Sedan $575 1937 Plymouth 4 door Sedan $450 1933 Plymouth Coupe $175 1938 Pontiac delux coach $050 1938 Ford delux coach $575 1935 Buick four door sedan $350 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556 NOTICE to SUBSCRIBERS FROM YOUR UNCLE SAMMY, SO PLEASE 00 NOT BLAME US #-g Paragraph 4, Section 526, Postal Laws and Regulations. 4. The right of publishers to ex tend in good faith credit on sub scriptions is recognized and will not be abridged, and although all subscriptions are regarded as ex piring with the period for which they were obtained, nevertheless in order to give an opportunity to secure renewals, copies of their publications shall be accepted for mailing as to subscribers at the usual second-class rates of postage for a period of one year from the date <*f expirarion, except in the case of subscriptions for less than one year, but copies sent to per sons after one year from the date of the expiration of their sub criptions or in the case of sub scriptions for less than one year, copies sent after the date of ex piration thereof, unless such sub scriptions be expressly renewed for a definite time, together with an actual payment of subscription or a bona fide, promise of pay ment, shall not be accepted as sub scribers’ copies but shall be accept ed as other than subscribers’ copies at the rate shown in sec tion 546. of their employes with the em ployees’ chosen representatives, the Packinghouse Workers Or. ganizing Committee, and be it further RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the manage ment of Armour & Company, to the Catholic, Secular and Labor Press, and to all chapters of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists in the United States recommending that they take simi lar action. Chicago Chapter Ass’n of Catholic Trade Unionists President, Harry C. Read. -0O0-—. BILL TO PROTECT PUERTO RI CANS IS FILED IN CONGRESS Washington, Aug. 17—(CNA) Rep. Vito Marcantonio, New York I.aborite , this week introduced a bill designed to protect Puerto Ricans against a discrimination by Immigration officials. Marcant'>n:o said that he had in troduced his bill in order to cor rect “ a most vicious and dUcrim inattory practice against Puerto Ricans” on the part of the Itureau of Immigration of the Department of labor. He charged that ‘ Puerto Ricans are being taken from boats upon their arrival in New Yovk City and brought to Ellis Island and treated as al’ens, on the ground that they must establish the citi zenship of their parents.’’ Marcantonio’s bill provide3 that all native Puerto Ricans ar? auto matically aitizens of the United States. •—-ono TORTURE OF YOUTHS, DRAW NATION WIDE PROTESTS NEW YORK, Aug. 17 (CNA)— Progressives in this city and throughout the nation this week sharply assailed outrages against the Negro people in two southern states during the past fortnight. Florida and Arkansas were the two states involved. In the for mer twfo white policemen were charged with hanging two youths to a tree and beating them to force a confession in the alleged theft of a watch and a pair of trousers. In Arkansas, two other youths, allegedly framed on charges of rape, were legally lyched when Governor Bailey re fused eo review the case or ex tend a stay of execution to the youths. At Ocala, Fla., Assistant State Attorney James M. Smith an nounced that Police Chief Law ton Simms of unnelians was char ged with the intent to commit manslaughter and Officer Law ton Beal was charged with being an accessory in the torture of two Negro youths. The electrocution of Bubbles Clayton and Jim X. Carruthers, Arkansas youths, climaxed a bit ter fight which had taken the case of the two boys through the courts CURTAIN RINGS DOWN ON 800 NEGROES Wash’ngton, D. C.—Official an nouncement that the Federal Theatre will be discontinued and all affairs liquidated, rings down the final curtain on eight hund red Negro actors, directors, re search workers, playwright, tech nicians and other professional, un. skilled and semi-sk’Tled workers who found employment on the rolls of the Work Projects Adminis tration. Colonel F. C. Harrington, Cjom misiiioner of Work Projects, an nounced fhis week that employees of the Federal Theatre Project, which was discontinued by the re cently enacted Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, will be carried on the rolls for the full periods authorized by the Act. These are ono month for supervisory and administrative employees and 3 months for certified workers. However, the employment of a largo proportion of the latter class must be terminated on August 31 1939, due to another provision of for four years and brought thou sands of protests from justice loving persons all over the coun try. They were electrocuted June 30. 'Bhe executions came after a complicated series of runarounds by Arkansas’ two similarly-nam ed but unrelated chief executives, Gov. Carl Bailey and Lieut-Gov. Bob. Bailey. The governor, be seiged during a visit to New York by protests against the death sen tences of the two youths, prom the Act which requires the dis missal by that date of all relief workers, excepting veterans, who have had cont'nuous employment for more than 18 months. A large number of the employees on the theatre project fall in this cate gory. This action was taken after Colonel Harrington had been as sured by Representative Woodnim the author of the provision that was finally adopted, that although the language of the Act permit ted discretion, it was the intent of the conferees that the workers should be carried for the full per iod that was permitted by the law. During the month of July the activities of as many as possible of the workers on the Federal project will be devoted to the li quidation of the project and the care and preservation of the mat erials and supplies which had been purchased for it. For the two months beginning August 1, during which relief em ised to hold hearings on his re turn to Little Rock, Ark. On his return, however, he successfully evaded delegations of white and Negro organizations for two days, then suddenly departed for Wash ington. Meanwhile Bob Bailey, in authority during the governor’s absence, took the petition that it would he “unethical’’ for him to hear any review of the case or too post-pone the executions ex cept on request of the governor. Meharry Holds World Record On Training Negro Doctors —- s Nashville, Tenn. Aug. 17 (By E. L. Hercules, Calvin Service)— Of all the medical schools in the world, Meharry Medical College is known as the one that has done the most in the training of colored students for the f:eld of medicine. This institution is so well known that it would be useless to recall its history. Suffice to say that it was organized in 1876 as the Medical Department of the Cen tral Tenessee College. On October 13, 1915, it was granted a new charter by the State of Tennessee whereby it could operate as a sep arate and corporate institution. Throughout the years, Meharry has turned out highly trained phy sicians, surgeons, dentists and nurses who have rendered valua ble service to humanity in all parts of the world. President Edward L. Turner Today, the school is under the leadership of President Edward L. Turner. He is ably assisted by a large and competent staff of doc tors, dentists, and nurses, all of whom are interested in giving the students a medical education, the molds of which are adjusted to leave their imprint upon the char [ acter, social tendencies, physica bearing, emotional and intellect ual habits of the students. This schools embraces departments of Medicine, Dentistry, Nurse Train ing, and a School for Dental Hy giene. The School of Medicine is equip ped with the most modern instru ments and offers all the necessary courses. The Associate of Dean of the School of Medicine is Dr. M. J. Bent, who is also Professor of Bacteriology. He has done exten sive research in this field, and has contributed various articles upon the subject to numerous medical publications. Thirty-five students graduated from this Department at the end of the last school year. Dental School In the Dental School there are thirty-six members. This number is an increase of eight upon that of last year. The high degree of success that th’s Department has achieved is made possible to a great extent through the contri butions of Mr. George Eastman of the Eastman Kodak Company. His last contribution was $200,000 The equipment in this department is some of the best to be found anywhere. There are 53 chairs, and the instruments and other acces sories are the most modern and expensive. First prominent white Nashville dajitists of national rep utation render free service in th*s department. Special attention is paid to the course in Oral Hygiene. The head of this Department is Dean D. H. Turpin. This year, for the first time, a post-graduate course in dentistry was offered. Nursing School The new administration has shown a vital interest in the School of Nursing; recogzizes the potentialities and advantages of this field, and is endeavoring to develop a program of public health nursing for both undergraduate and graduate nurses. The present faculty organization of the School of Nursing includes a Dean, o Sup erintendent of Nurses, an Assist ant Superintendent of Nurses, an Educational Director, nine Super visors, four Head Nurses and 24 graduate bedside nurses. The teaching faculty of the School of Nursing is supplemented by the faculty of the Medical School of Meharrry, Fisk University, Van derbilt University, Riverside San itarium and the Peabody College for Teachers in Nashville. At pre sent there are thirty-one students taking the three-year course in Nurse Training. The Dean of this school is Hulda M. Lyttle. A special course for graduate physicians is offered during the Graduate Course summer. The first effort in this direction was made last year. The ployees will be borne on the rolls, no activities will be carried on. This is for the reason, Colonel Harrington explained, that it is not possible to operate any of the activities of the project without administrative and supervisory personel. Every attempt will be made to transfer certified employes of the Federal Theatre project to other projects of the WPA. However, it is estimated that an average of approximately 5,500 certified em ployees will be carried on the project for the rest of July and during August and September at the cost of approximately $850,000. The extra cost of carrying ad ministrative and supervisory em ployees throughout the month of July is estimated at an additional $50,000. Federal Theatre units which suc cessfully employed Nigro workers including actors, carpenters, elec tricians, property men, scenic and costume designers, et cetera, were located in Hartford, Conn., Bos ton, Mass., New York City, New ark, New Jersey; Philadelphia, Penn., Seattle, Washington; Los Angeles and San Franicsco, Cali fornia. In Raleigh, North Caro I'na, Negroes were engaged in directing community activities in the theatre. A community of about fifty colored citizens was built up and plays were presented regu larly. Outstanding productions by all Negro or mixed units of the Fed eral 'Theatre included MACBETH, ANDROCX.ES AND THE LION, BASSA MOONA, AN EVENING WITH DUNBAR, RUN LI’L CHILXUN, HAITI and -SWING MIKADO. Several of these plays enjoyed a run of three hundred performances. Upwards of one million people are estimated to have witnessed the productions of Negro units of the Federal Theatre. WORD SQUARES The number*, 1 to 0, on th* board refer to the arithmetical and alphabetical notation* on the dial. The teet of iklll conalit* in forming a magic square reading five words across and live words down, as defined. Pick the right letter for each and every space to obtain a complete solution. HORIZONTAL / Flr*t Row—Sand bar. Second Row—English historian. Third Row—To free. Fourth Row—More Independent. Fifth Row—Honest war debt repayer*. VERTICAL First Row—Perception by smel!« in* Second Row—Masculine name, French. Third Row—Made of oat*. Fourth Row—Foreigner. Fifth Row—Sly look*. ‘ Solution on page 9) great success of that venture^ caised the authorises to decide Jo offer the course annual.y. This year the course ran from June- 5 through June 17. The staff mem bers assisting in this post-gradu ate course are all well experienced and highly trained in their re$pec. tive specialties. This course has been designed to bring practical information in utilizable form ito the graduate physician. It is hoped that the response to this course will stimulate repeated courses each year, and that it eventually may lead to longer post-graduate courses in the specialties as well as in general medicine. “Second to None'’ President Turner aims to make Meharry ultimately gain its goal of “an institution second to none.” With such a conscientious, far sighted, and energetic like him at the helm, it is certain that this goal will soon be attained. Presi dent Turner, who holds degrees both the Univereity of Pennsyl vania and the University of Chi cago, is well known in the medical world, have given thirteen years of sacrifical service in Beirut, Syria, before coming to Meharry in 1936. He holds membership in the leading medical associations and societies of the country, and has made numerous publications in the fields of physiology and internal medicine. This man who is so deeply interested in relieving human suffering through the aid of medical science, is most as suredly making Meharry second to none in the realm of medical schools. . ~ i I ~ FRANK FILOSOfY \ Jif" auren R. c-sniN&er^ Uncertainty la th# mother ef wwrry. j - - Nothing li sweeter than a baby— dnd nothing can cause more coin J cern. Yboce fears and doubts that seem w^rse in the dark of night or in the dark cloud of ignorance, can prove the most trivial or even the fun niest when the light appears. Some people do not seem to un derstand why, when they get good clear outdoor snapshot* with their box cameras, they cannot get re sults equal to others with more ad justments on their kodaks, with night shots or on dark days. She ha* a dozen pretty colored bath towels and wash cloths hang ing in the bathroom. But her hus band had to search ail about to And an old and badly soiled towel to wipe his hands before dinner. I call that pure foolish vanity. But, wait! Maybe, before 1 con demn her for that. I had best taks an inventory of my own false, showy conceited prides. ADVERTISING MEINS MORE BUSINESS RHEUMATISM ***»• IN MW MINUTES -as. fe eotica. Bom th* work quickly—muni reBeve worst pain, to yoor satisfaction in a' few minutes or money back at Dnnhts. Don't suffer. Use NUKITO oa bit nmstw teday.