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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1939)
4 O’CLOCK in the MORNING On N. 24th St. €>- By Richard Stanley WHAT I SEEN WITH MY BLUE EYES— Enjoying a b'g delicious dinner in King Yuen Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Gus tin Ray. * ♦ • Mr. Wm. Walker, (Brown Bom ber) to you, just arrived back from Pittsburgh, Penn., looking the picture of health. * * * Mr. Harold Whitdde, Miss Pau line Ellegan of Dinver enjoying a little swig of pop. Also Mr. Sam Hermon (Fat Sam) * * * DISTINGUISH VISITORS— Mr. Duke Diggs of Jefferson City, Mo., the foster father of Jess Hardin here tc visit Mr. Har din and family. Mr. Diggs is Post Grand Master of the U.B.F. lodge and also one time manager of the Lincoln University of Missouri. Mr. Diggs was appointed by the Governor of the state of Missouri to other high class positions. He is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hardin, 2896 Binney St. • * * CELEBRATES B'lS 74th BIRTHDAY— Wm. Everett Watts, celebrated his 74th birthday. Mr. Watts, a Jong time resident of Omaha was the first colored fire captain on the Omaha fire department from 1891 to 1899 Mr. Watts made his home with his nephew Jess Hardin. >» * * * Mr. Lewis White, Mrs. Rose Brown enjoying the right life. * * * Mr. Earl McClutchin trying to beat the artificial poneys in the Cotton Club. No luck as yet. * * * Mr. Rogers Montgomery form erly of Omaha now of Detroit, visiting Omaha night spots with his former wife, Hetty Golden. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Essix (loose banana) and a huge party. No expense spared from the looks ► of the table. * * * NEGRO WELRFARE CLUB Cruising down 24th St., just peeping and peering—heard some sweet music upstairs thought 1 would go up and investigate as you know everybody loves sweet music. Found Red Rivers and his Cats justa swingin’ and the crowd justa swaying. Beautiful place and lots of beautiful ladies having a wonderful time looked over in the northwest corner there was my old friend James Allen serv ing the guests only like J*™ caI1 j with a big smile minus that pipe i thanks. What I see of the mem bership list that club is here to stay so if you are interested in a swell clean and law abiding club the Negro Welfare club is the club for you to join. Mr. Chas. Solo mon is the president, Buddy De Loach is Sec’y located upstairs, 24th and Parker St. Drop in any afternoon and ask about the Prin ciple of the Cub—will be glad to explain. * * * JONES & THOMAS Kept on breezing down the stroll btopped in Jones and Thomas to quench my thirst. One bottle of Pop— was amazed at the extra large stock Mr. Janes carries—no wonder he employs a night watch man. All the shelfs completely filled. Noticed 2 delivery boys go ing like bees to deliver their or ders. Mr. Jones carry in stock, every popular brand that is sold. He told me to call him sometime if I could. Ja. 9265. 1612 North 24th St. He said before you get your receiver hung up my boy will be standing on your front porch. That is fast, and I don’t mean maybe. * * • MARRIED WOMAN LOSES FIGHT ON FOUL Two two young ladies that was fighting Saturday on 24th Grant St., could at least have waited unt'l for instruction from the re feree you know must not bite or pull hair or hit below the belt. The married lady violated all the rules in the book of Queenberry. Sho fought the real Coonberry rules. Therefore lost the fight on a four according to the 26 judges, and 9 referees. The crowd want a return match to be fought on 24th and Lake St. Saturday night about 1 AM. Look what a crowd you will draw when the taverns closes. Winner take all of what you was fight:ng about. * * ♦ 22NI) BURDETTE ST.— You will hear a lot of argument from now on about the first and second team of the selected All Stars Teams, Pro and Con. I can’t see to save my dear life why they left Freddie Harris off the first team. Why, Freddie, is the most valuable player on the 22nd Burdette St. Ball Diamond. He plays all positions well, re gardless of where you put him. Maybe Fred hasn’t got enough friends. Willie Ware, the leading hitter of the league left off of both teals. My goodiess! There is lots of players on the second team that should be on the first team and some players on the first that should be playing with the Girl’s league. Well you got to have a pull and lots of friends to get anywhere in this man’s world. So that is life. Now they pick the All Stars. Now I am going to pick mine. Listen closely and draw up | your chairs close why I tell you all about thetp. Here is my bonfble list and nobody hunch me or nudge me, so here I start. We must have a manager, so I am selecting James J. Jewell Mgr. A1 Brewer IB Wallace Ritchie . 2B Big Fred Davis SS Curtis Small Evans 3B Frank the Barber . SC Pitty Pat Sam LF Bill Jones .!. RF Arkansaw Frank .CF Mose Ranson . P Bailey the Barber. C MoGee, the Barber P Lem Oliver the p:ano player Umpire To funs that is my all star team. Bring on the HSS and the CCCC. I will bet all the dust on North 24th street against the tumble weeds oi 24th and Grant Street,, shut them out, because my players are in condition from hearing about the plays that didn’t work on 22nd and Burdette St., every game played on 22nd street is played over at the Famous Tuxe do after 9:30 PM. If we hadn’t d:d this or did that we wpuld have won. So drop in some nights and listen to the ball game. The same as 22nd St. Free peanuts and pop corn for sale. But no girls. * * * CASH COAL LOSE 5 TO 3— Florence Merchants beat the coni boys againt, I<efty Davis let the Merchants down with 4 hits but walked 8 and hit one. But mis plays caused him to lose after the first inning until the 9th the op ponets only got one fluke hit. The umpire gave some awful bad deci sions on balls and strike causing the pitcher to work awful hard and put men on base that should have been out. Now the regular season is over the Coal boys are going to try their luck in Council Bluffs Sunday in the Legion Tour nament. Lets all go over and give them a great big hand. FIRST TEAM Pos. Name Votes Team IB H. Franklin 27 HSS 2B R. Jenkins • 18 4C SB Allen 10 4C SS J. Hall 23 HSS SC H. Barring 28 4C LF M. Grant 25 4C CF C. Williams 13 4C RF R. Greer 12 HSS P J. Brooks 27 HSS P C. Grant 26 4C P A. BreakfielJ 10 Wood C. L. Starnes 26 Wood , Cap. L. Starnes 8 Wood Omaha Guide’s Fashions by Sante’ Beaver is in favor in Paris this year. We like it here and its durability and for its compliment ing any complexion. Sheared Beavers makes the sleeves and Peter Pan color on th\s very youthful gray wool coat. There is an extreme left closing in this model, which is made on the princess lines for flattery. The hat suggests the Beaver trim, in brown velours, with a postillion crown and pom pom to maSce it definitely 1940. Shades of the nineties in the bustle dress which is fashion!} favorite again are really smart. This version in trown wool had leg-o-mutton sleeves and bustle in the brown moire. There is a back closing with tiny buttons and a buckle to match, so you can leaves the bustle off whenever you like. AS YOU PLEASE, MADAME. SECOND TEAM Pos. Name Votes Team IB P. West 11 Wood 25 F. Harris 13 HSS 3B M. Key 10 Star SS S. Edson 22 4C SC E. James 10 , HSS LF V. Francis 11 HSS CF C. Merr’ll 13 Star RF Morrow 15 Wood P W. Wade 21 HSS P R. Gerrin 17 Star P J. Childs 13 Star C J. Foster 14 HSS Cap. C. Merill 13 Star * * * Senior League Team Standings— HSS GP 40 W 26 L 14. RS 200— Pe: 650. 4C, GP 40 W 20, L 20 RS 181— Per. 500. Woodson, GP 38 W. 16, L 20, RS 176, Per. 421. Stars GP 38, W 16, L 22, RS 177. Per. 421. —'Players Standing Ware, Star, Per. 522; Francis, HSS Per. 355; Hall, HSS 341; Breakfield Woodson, 327; Allen 4C 320; Greer HSS 316; E. Grant 4C 1104; L. Stewart, Star, 302; V. Williams Woodson 294. James HSS 291; P. Harris Woodson 282; Foster HSS 281; Brooks HSS 278; H. Frankel HSS 274; Harvey Star 273. Leading Pitchers— Gerren, Star won 6 lost 5 Per. 833. Total Ins. 36. Greer, HSS won 5 lost 1 Per. 800— Total Ins. 32. Wade HSS, won 10 lost 8 Per. 800. Total Ins. 56. Fountain, HSS, won 4 lost 3 Per 250. Total Ins. 23. Brooks, HSS, won 23 lost 15, Per. 652. Total Ins. 150. Grant 4C won 21 lost 11, Per. 524. Total Ins. 119. _-oOo WEDDING RECEPTION Mr, and Mrs. O. Armand Hud son who were married here Sun day accompaned by Mrs. O. Hud son, James Hudson left by motor Monday evening for Los Angeles t where they will be at home to their friends at 1191 E. 49th St. In their honor, Mr. and Mrs. O. Hudson parents of the groom has issued 500 invitations to their friends for a reception at their home, Sunday evening August 27 from 7 until 10 PM. I I “Between the Lines” IS/-- " EXHIBIT NUMBER ONE The war that is pend:ng through out the world will without doubt break the heart of mankind! In brutality and deadliness and suf fering the World War will be merely a skirmish and introduc tion. If Euroope accedes to the demands of Hitler, it wMl mean the economic and moral enslave ment of imillions; and if Europe does not accede, there is every reason to except deadly and de vastating war in the near future. In any event England is to be blamed. Her jittery statesman ship of 1938-39 is but the reaping of a harvest that was sown in selfishness and greed these 20 years since the treaty of Versail les. England was so bent on its program of world hegemony that it sacrificed everybody and every thing that stood in its way. France knew from bitter experience that Germany had to be kept in a state of subjugation, if the peace and safety of Europe was to be pie served. France faced the ugly facts of history. England tried in the interest of its territorial, and eco nomic hegemony to be idealistic and failed to note the signs of the times, with the result Germany has come back and taken the lead in the affairs of the world. I repeat what I said upon my return from Germany last summer that the only way to keep Ger many from conquering Europe is to conquer its territory and par titions it among the other nations. There is no nation of combination of nations that can accomplish this today. The i-ssult Germany is bidding for the supremacy not only of Europe but the world. If England had faced the facts and like France had; prepared, the world would be spared the orgy of death and suffering that is immediately in the offering. To make matters worse our politicians are inviting disaster to Europe and eventually to this country by as cheap and vacillat ing shortsightedness as was ever displayed by intelligent men. With . y^, our resources at the command of England and France they have a chance; but without these Ger many’s success is sure. Just a vote in the right direction would save the situation in Europe but alas! .When we boys hunted rabbits on the plantations of South Carolina, we had dogs that could run what we called “slight-lick” meaning running with the rabbit in sight but once the rabbit was out of sight they left the trail. It seems that most of the politicians in Washington who are throttling Roosevelt’s wise and sagacious statesmanship are “sight-lick” fel lows and cannot see very far into the future. England’s vaunted dip lomacy has recently been “sight lick” and they are lost before the long range thinking and planning of the Germans. Negroes must learn the danger that lurks in “sight-lick” thinking on our conditions. What is our immediate advantage must be sub ordinated to the advantage of the group and the oncoming genera tions. The world’s EXHIBIT NUMBER ONE in a long range thinking on the problems of Ne groes is found theve in Richmond. W. A. Jordan moving figure in the Southern Aid Society, made one of the finest gestures of Ne gro leadership within recent times. When Miss Black was dis missed from the school system of Norfolk because she tried through legal means to get equal salary for equal work, Mr. Jordan in structed his Norfolk branch to of fer Miss Black a position with the Southern Aid Society is the er omplification of the “Double-Duty Dollar” philosophy at its best. But more than that, it shows how the dollar may be made to do triple duty. When Negroes insure with the Southern Aid they get pro tection, as duty number one; they make jobs, for Negroes, as duty number two and they protect Ne gro womanhood, as duty number three. The dollar spent thus be comes a potent factor in Negro advance. If Negroes would support Ne Q't and A's 1. What do these names suggest: ; K*g’s (or Queen's) Bench, ! Newgate, Fleet, Tower and . Marshalsea? 2. How best describe hamiform, : unquiform, aduncate, hamato or unciform? 3. If you write “sic" in brackets after any erroneous or aston ishing statement what does It mean? 4. What is the form of address for the Vice-President of the United States? 4. In business practice what do you understand by “legal tend er”? ment to be legal and a proper means of payment. 4. If five bundles make a bale in measurement of paper, how many reams would that be? 7. Can you name the Roman goddess of wisdom? 4. A trough or box in which fod der is laid for cattle, Is what? 9. What's wrong when an araur' ment seeker says that he Is “seeing America first” at Sara toga, Belmont Park, Long champs, Flushing and Oak land? 0. In the nineteenth election for President in I860 when Abra ham Lincoln was elected what Tennesseean ignored the s'r.v ery question and called ’■Is platform “The Constitution and the Laws”? thus known as the founder of the Constitu tional Union Party. ANSWERS 1. Prisons. 2. Hooked or hook-shaped. 3. It indicates that the bracketed words are literal transcripts. 4. “The Honorable." 5. Money decreed by the Govern 6. Two reams to a bundle or te» reams in all. 7. Minerva. 8. A manger. 9. Longehamps Is In France, tfl. T-''1 P«M. groes in business and these in turn would support the Negro buy ing public, we could get some where. The nation owes Mr. Jor dan a debt of grat'tude for coming to Miss Black’s rescue; for in res cuing her a service is being ren dered the face. Whether Miss Black elects to return to school for further training or to take a position with the Southern Aid, does not matter, it will certainly steel her heart to know that so powerful an organization is behind her. But every Negro insuring with Negro companies is behind Miss Bla^k and if Negroes \*ould give Negro insurance companies and Negro business the support it demands, places could be provided for a thousand young women of Miss Black’s courage and woman hood. Every spender of double duty dollars should feel elated J -OO0-r— JOBLESS CLAIMS PAYS TWO WAYS In speaking before a co-opera tive club Wednesday Aug. 17, Her man Coreman said that unemploy ment claims paid to workers by the state d’d not only help the individual but it also helped the community. He said in some loca lity that as much as 90 pf the claims were cashed in grocery stores. Since the firlst of the year claims totaling one million dol lars, half of which had been re ceived by Omaihans have been paid by Nebraska. Mr. Coreman is Claims Deputy of the Nebras ka State Unemployment Compen sation Division. -oOo Looking for Wife Young man by the name of Ar thur Curtis is looking for a wife. He lives at 1823 N. 23rd street. He is an employee of the Kimball Laundry, 5 feet 9 inches and is 21 years of age. All right girls. Step up. Old man winter is right around the corner. FluslT Kidneys of Acid and Poisons Gain In Health And Stop Getting Up Nights When kidneys are continually overburdened they often become weak—the bladder is irritated;— often passage is scanty and smarts and burns—sleep is restless and nightly visits'to the bathroom are frequent. A safe, harmless and inexpen sive way to relieve this trouble end help restore more healthy ac tion to kidneys and bladder is to get from any druggist a 35 cent box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as directed —don’t be disappointed. Don’t be an EASY MARK and accept a substitute—Ask for Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules— right from Haarlem in Holland. GET GOLD MEAD—the original —the genuine. Ix>ok for the Gold Medal on the box—35 cents. Remember —other symptoms of kidney and bladder thouble may be backache, puffy eyes, nervous ness and leg cramps. SOLITIOIS OF TO OAT*# HEXOUItAM ADVERTISE IN THE OMAHA GUIDE Johnson Drug Co. Prescriptions LIQUORS, WINES and BEER WE. 0999 1904 N. 24th St. ^darkened by sun and wind. Try Dr. FRED Palm er’s Skin Whitener. 25c at drug stores. Helps remove superficial freckles, surface pimples. FREE sample (Setnd 3c postage). DR. FRED PALMER’S PROD. CO., DEPT. Z-151, ATLANTA, GA ... WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR HAIR LOSES ITS COLOR If your hair is gray, discolored, faded — don't despair! Let Gode f ray's Larieuse come to your rescue. This quick-acting, easy-to-use hair coloring transforms dull, spirit less— yes, even gray hair—with new life and beauty. Your hair once again will be uniformly beau tiful. It will gleam like silken threads. And the color won’t rub off or wash out! Ask for and see that you get Larieuse, the hair coloring in the RED BOX. If your dealer can’t supply you, send $ 1.25 (we pay postage) direct to