The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 26, 1939, City Edition, Page 10, Image 10

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    Classified Teleohone Directory
-------- . . ■ ---—
Beauty Culturists
It Pays To Look Attractive
J422 N. 22nd St. WE. 084t
.904 N. 24th WE. 0998
84 th & Lake WE. 0609
Paint, Ginas and Vanish. We do
glazing and make window shades
to order. 1822 N. 24th WE. 1607
Laundries & Cleaners
1401 N. 24th WE. 6055
M24 M 84th S. WE 1029
A front room 2877 Witney * St.
WE. 2863.
Houses for rent and Apartments.
K. M. Davis, 2817 N. 24th St. We.
For rent two or three room apart
ment*. Couple or small family pre
ferred. 2808 Miami St. Ha. 0113.
Strictly modern room, 2524 Bin
ney St. WE. 0718.
Rooms for rent from $1.50 to $4.00
HOT North 19th St. We. 4835.
Rooms for Rent 2310 N. 22nd St.
W Ebstei* 2303.
3 Room Apt. with Kitchenette,
2310 North 22nd St.
Attic room $6 month WE. 0718.
For rent, one room 2914 N. 25th
Shoe Repair
‘Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame’—
Shoes look new again with Our
New Invisible half soleing.
2407 Lake St.
FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette
Apa-tments, 2516-18 Patrick, or
2613 Gian* St Call WE. 5553 or
WE. 2410. __
American and Chinese Dishes
2010*8 N. 24th St. JA. 8676
For Rent furnished rooms AT-3662
For Rent, 2 furnished rooms, 2310
N. 22nd St. Mrs. Scruggs.
Bundle Washing, Bough
Dry. 3 cent lb. Finished
7 cents._HA. 6852
Hand Laundry, call WE. 0480.
Furnished Rooms, 2115 Grant St.
WANT Day W'ork, WE. 0337
Furnished Apt. Modem WE. 071H
Nice Apartment for Rent AT. 0460
Front room to rent to single man
WE. 2328.
Atty. By rant, Room 1, 2314 North
, ' 24th St.
In the matter of the estate of
Charles Esse*, deceased.
Notice is hereby given: That
the creditors of said deceased will
meet the administrator of said es
tate, before me, County Judge of
Douglas County, Nebraska, at the
County Court Room, in said Coun
ty, en the 25th day of September
1939 and on the 25th day of Nov.
ember 1939 at 9 o’clock A, M.,
each day, for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance.
Three months are allowed for the
creditors to present their claims,
from the 25th day of August 1939.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Begin 8-12-39
Ending 8-26-39
Att. Ray L. Williams
Touchman Bldg. Room One
24th at Lake
In the matter of the estate of
Odessa Ray Vaughn, deceased.
Notice is hereby given: That
the creditors of said deceased will
meet the admin'strator of said es
tate, before me, County Judge of
Douglas County, Nebraska, at the
County Court Room, in said Cou.
ty, on the 25th day of Septerrlbei
1939 and On the 26th day of Nov
ember 1939 at 9 (/clock A. M.
each day, for the purpose of pre
“enting their claims for examina
lion, adjustment, and allowance
Three months are allowed for the
creditors to present their claims,
from the 25 h day of August 1939.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Begin 8-12-39
Ending 8-26-39
This indenture ma<le the 27 day
of July, 1939, between Herbert E.
Patton, Paul Barnett, Malcolm
Allen, Edgar Alfred, Ulysees
Cribbs, Reuben Taylor, S- Towles,
VVm. Parker and Arthur B. Mc
Caw; all hereinafter designated
*■< partners unless specifically and
individually otherwise designated:
That the said parties hereto
shall bo associated as partners in
the general business of publishing
magazines the taking and making
of pictures, engraving of cuts and
such other business as pertains to
photography, engraving and pub
lishing and shall operate under
the firm name and style of
COMPANP" with its principal
place of business at Omaha, Ne
That the aforementioned part
ners as above designated shall
hold offices in said partnership as
hereinafter designated:
Paul Barnett, Pres.; Herbert
Patton, vice pres.; Arthur Mc
Caw, Sec’y.; Reuben Taylor,
treasurer; Edgar Alfred, Malcom
Allen, Ulysses Cribbs, Samuel
Towles and Mrs. W. M Parker,
members of Executive Board.
That each partner shall be act
ively engaged in the business of
the partnership and that the
specific duties of said Barnett
Pabton-AIlen-Alfred-Taylor an d
McCaw shall be.
Herbert E. I’atton, Editor; Uly
sses Cribbs and Reuben Taylor in
charge of Engraving and Photo
graphy; Edgar Alfred and Mal
colm Allen, Advertising, repre
sentatives; Arthur McCaw, circu
lation Manager and Paul Barnett
in charge of publication.
Such specific duties shall not
bo considered as limitations on the
activities of each partner hereto,
who mutually agree to devote all
the time possible to the business
of the partner in any and all ad
ditional capacities when the busi
ness of said partnership demands.
It is further specifically provi
ded that the specific duties as
above assigned are not exclusive
but arbitararily designated; the
particular branch of the partner
ship shall have general supervi
sion and management and such
specific functions and duties from
time to time as necessity and the
business affairs of the partnership
require be amended, changed or
altered to fit current requirements
as may be determiner! by a ma
Tliat to facilitate prope>’ ac
counting of partnership and to
promote harmoni»ous conduct of
financial affairs aP disbursements
shall be made by check signed ami
coutersigned by the President,
Secretary, and T'Hasurer of the
That these ai tides of partner
ship may be from time U time
amended altered or changed as the
member* hereof uthire and
such changes shall as among the
partners be efferdve when same
have been authori -ed at any meet
ing of said partners and reduced
to writing and properly entered
by the Secretary in a minute book
to be kept for that purpose.
That profits acouing to part
nership shall be computed by said
partners at regular six months
intervals and shall be disprsed of
in accordance witn the ict.ons of
raid partner’s at said times, either
payable in cash in equal shares
or added to the capi'ol of the
partnership for the purpose of in
vestment and exoanuor.
That no partner shal sell or
assign his intere3> in said part
nership wit-lout tue written con
sent of the other partneis and
such consent may be -l.iered in
the minute book kept by the
That all members of the part
nership, present and future, here
by agree that in settlement of
'Lsputes, differences of opinions
I or questions of management oi
operation that such settlements
differences, etc., shall be by a ma
jority of the partners agreeing
after a vote is taken.
That each partner snail pay into
the partnership dues of .50 (fifty
cents) per week and before Oct. 1,
1959 shall have payed into such
partnership the sum of $7o (sev
enty-five Dollars,) this amount to
be the initial investment of each
individual partner; that earn part
ner shall be liable for the debts
of this partnership to the extent
of the percentage of n'3 invest
ment in said partnership or one
ninth share.
That as soon after the execu
tion of this agreement as may be
possible, the Secretary shall set
up a set of books reflecting the
rue condition of the assets and
liabilities of said partnership as
of its inception and the same shall
I upon the aquiesenis of the remain
! ing partners constitute the open
ing statement of the partnership
for all purposes of determinining
^refits at such time as the first |
semi-annual accounting shall be
rendered. That as soon as feasa
blu after said partnership opera
tion has been instituted, said
partners shall by mutual consent
fix a future date for the purpose
of establishing a time when first
semi-annual accounting shall take
place and each succeeding semi
annual accounting shall follow at
regular 6 (six) months intervals,
mless altered by mutual con
•espective partners have hereunto
subscribed their names on this the
27th day of July, 1»39
Paul Rarnett
Herbert E. Patten
Reuben Taylor
Arthur B. McCaw
Ulysses Cribbs
Malcolm Allen
Edgar Alford
Samuel Towles
Mrs. W. M. Parker .
Emmett H. Hilson, John Wain
wright, Claude McFall, John Mc
Clennon, James Dean, Ike Shine,
and Blue. Plaintiffs
Vs Walter Morris
Nathaniel Thomas, William Coo
per, Aluster Harris, Jesse White,
and Fred Fort, Defendants.
Doc 34G No. 109
Come now the plaintiffs and
for their cause of action, allege
and say:
1. That all of the plaintiffs and ,
defendants are residents of Oma- ,
ha, Douglas county Nebraska.
2. That the plaintiff, Emmett H.
Hilson is the pastor of Salem Bap. j
tist church and as such pastor is i
ex-officio chairman of all boards '
of said church, and is charged
with general oversight of the
spriitual and temporal needs of
said church and congregation. |
That plaintiffs McFall and Wain-!
weight are deacons of said church
and plaintiffs Blue, McCleimou,
Dean and Shine are trustees of
said church.
3. That Nathaniel Thomas, Wil
liam Cooper, Aluster Harris, Wa'
ter Norris, Jesse White and Fre 1
Fort are members of said Salem
Baptist Church. That Nathaniel
Thomas until recently was treas
urer of said church and had in hi;
posession all records of moniei re
ceived and expended by said
church, including books of ac
count, check books, cancelled
checks, bills, receipts and con
tracts covering normal operating
costs of said Salem Baptist Church
and the cost of a new church edi
fice and parsonage.
4. That on or about the first day
of July 1939, Nathaniel Thomas,
was removed as treasurer of said
church and he was ordered to turn
over to the board of trustees all
records of his office, and he has
failed, neglected and refused so to
o. i nai on or anoui me mtanie
of July, 1938, plaintiff Emmett H.
Hilson was elected pastor of Salem
Baptiat Church to serve for an
indefinite time. That shortly after
taking over his office he discover
ed that certain funds received
from the United States Govern
ment from the sale of a church
property had not been accounted
for in full; that he and the plain
tiffs in this action have for many
months sought an accounting from
the said Thomas and his codefen
dants and a production of the re
cords relating to said transactions.
That these defendants refuse to
deliver said records and seek to
prevent further investigation of
itheir financial transactions. And in
this behalf they have set on foot
n conspiracy to have the plaintiff
Emmett H. Hilson removed as pas
tor of said church so as to pre
vent a completion of the investi
gation and recovery of money due
said church, which defendants
6. That the defendants are insol
vent and if there were a remedy
at law, it would be ineffective.
7. That the defendants and each
of them tresiten to prevent a
check of the financial records of
said church, which defendants
have in their posession, by do ng
bodily harm to the plaintiffs; by
ritious conduct in meetings of the
said Salem Baptist Church and
hoards thereof; that the defen
dants are spreading false and
malicous reports about the work
of the plaintiffs and Salem Bap
tist church and threaten to con
tinue to do so unless restrained
and enjoined from so doing; that
they have created false accounts
against Salem Baptist Church and
these plaintiffs and will continue
to do unles srestrained therefrom
.they already having created a two
hundred ($200.00) dollar obligation
in favor of Harry E. Moore and
Son, and seek through removal of
the said Emmett H. Hilson and
these plaintiffs to escape person
al liability for said obligation.
8. That unless these defendants
and each of them is restrained and
enjoined from interfering with the
plaintiffs in the conduct of the
said Salem Baptist Church and
the completion of the investigation
of its financial affair* and the
questionable financial operations
of the defendants, will suffer irre
parable damages for which there
is no adequate remedy at law. That
unless these defendants are res
trained from attending all meet
ings of both church and boards
of said church, the plaintiffs will
be so hammered as to be deprived
of the opportunity to recover the
monies witheld by these defen
dants from them and said church.
WHEREFORE, plaintiffs pray
that the defendants and each of
them be restrained and enjoined
from interfering with the plain
tiffs and their conduct of the af
fairs of Salem Baptist Church;
from attending any meetings of
the members of said Church or
its boards of participation in the
proceedings of any meetings of
any church or board meetings,
official meetings, or any meetings
of any kind whatsoever; from cir
culating ruTors to the detriment
of these plaintiffs and Salem Bap
tist church; from repeating or
executing threats against these
plaintiffs-or any of them to do
them bodily harm; from witholding
all property, books, records, re
ceipts, check boolts, bank books,
cancelled checks and all property
whatsoever from these plaintiffs
and Salem Baptist church; from
doing any act in furtherance of
a* effort to remove Emmett H.
Hilson as pastor of Salem Bap
tist Church so as to prevent un
earthing of financial di-honesty of
these defendants and keep hidden
a fraud against these plaintiffs
and Salem Baptist church. That
the plaintiffs may have such other
and further relief as to the court
may seem equitable and just.
State of Nebraska,
County of Douglas.
John Wa'nwrigt, of lawful age,
being first duly sworn, according
to law, deposes and says that he
is one of the plaintiffs in the fore
going action; and that he has read
the petition herein and understands
the contents thereof and that the
facts therein stated are true.
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to before me this day of
July, 1939. NOTARY PUBLIC.
Emmett H. Hilson, John Wain
wrigh\ Claude McFall, John Mc
Clennon. Ike Sh:ne and Charles W.
Blue, Plaintiffs.
Nathaniel Thomas, William Coo
per, A luster Harris, Jesse White,
Walter Morris, Robert B. Alexan
der and Fred Fort, Defendants.
Doc 346 No. 109
Upon application of the plain
tiffs for an injunction upon their
petition, duly and positively sworn
to, and ;t being necessary that
the defendants should have notice
of the application before an in
junction is granted, it is therefore,
ordered that the said cause be set
for hearing on the 7th day of Aug
ust, 1939 at 9 O’clock AM. at
Court Room 8, Court House, Oma
ha, Douglas Coun g Nebraska and
that the plaintiffs be required
forthwith to notify the defendants
of the time and place of said hear,
ing, and that until the further
order of the of the court a res
tra:ning order is allowed restrain
i ing the defendants and each of
them from interfering with the
conduct of the affairs of Salem
Baptist Church, ofl'.cial meetings
or an ymeetings of any kind what
soever; from circulating false ru
mors to the detriment of these
plaintiffs and Salem Baptist
Church; from repealing threats
aga;nst these plaintiffs or any of
them to do them bodily harm; res
trained from doing any act what
soever to interfere with these
plaintiffs until they can complete
their investigation of a suspected
Hinancial ishdrtage in church
funda on the part of these defen
dants, upon the plaintiffs execut
ing an undertak’ng in the sum of
Fifty ($50,000) dollars as required
by law to be approved by the
Clerk of the District Court of
Douglas County, Nebraska.
Dated at Dmaha, Douglas
Count, Nebraska, July
24th, 1939.
W. B. Bryant
CNION WINS $100,000
NEW YORK, Aug. 24 (CNA)—
A unique move to expand the cul
tural and education interests of
Negro hotel workers in this city
was under way in Harlem
The move was initiated by the
City Cultural League, which has
temnorary headquarters at the
Harlem YMCA, 180 West 135th
Through lectures, dramatic and
musical and various educational
activities it is planned to educate
the hotel workers on the signi
ficance of current questions, trade
unon organization, etc., so that
“they will be better able to ad
vance their own welfare as well
as the welfare of the Negro peo
pie as a whole and all of the
60,000 hotel workers in general
in the city. ’
The League is an outgrowth of
the Negro Council of the Hotel
and Club Employees Union, Lo
cal 6, A. F. of L., which recently
signed up scores of Now York
hotels under a union agreement.
The League’s membership includes
non-union as well as union work
According to the un:on, there
are about 5,000 Negro workers in
the city’s hotels. Mainly they fill
jobs as waiters, maids, housemen,
elevator men, bell men, door men
and kitchen workers. The New
\ orker, the Shelton, the Commo
dore, the Lincoln, the Wellington,
the Taft, and tho Cameron (all
union contract hotels) are among
tho largest employers of Neg-o
hotel workers. A large number
of Negro workers are also em>
ployed in the West Side area be
tween 59th and 96th Street from
Broadway to Riversde Drive, in
which district a special organiza
tion drive is now being conduc
ted by the union.
The situation of Negro hotel
workers in the city is much more
favorable at present than a year
ago, Charles A. Collins, organi
zer of Local 6, asserted. He poin
ted out that some 1,000 Negro
hotel workers among the thou
sands in the trade who have bene
fited by increased wages under
the union contract.
Under the union contract, the
workers also receive paid vaca
tions, time and a half for over
time, and have their special uni
forms supplied free and cleaned
or laundered at the expense of
the employer, Collins declared.
He also emphasized that Negro
hotel workers enjoy a much gre
ter stability of employment under
tho union contracts. He estimated
at more than $100,000 a year the
wage increases of Negro hotel
workers in hotels which have
signed with the union.
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