1 €>mal)a #uibc’tf World of 1 •? * > Society W- ■■ ■ ■■■— Mr. Curtis Turner of 2614 Gian. St. is reported very il). —-oO®-< Mrs. Mattie Smith of 913 N. 20 Sit. is still very ill. North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24‘h XI WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TBLL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLINC. METHOD 'Leave® No .Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— “My skin was dark, coarse, oily t How I envied (irk with lovely complexions. Finally I learned •bout Nadinola Bleaching Cream. I used it every night just at your directions stated. Boon my skin became noticeably lighter and •after, and smoother, too, until I really have today a glorious complexion that has brought sue friends and popularity!" 'You Can’t Lost! Monty-Back Guarantee Every rent you pay far Nadinola is refunded if you're not fully satisfied. Simply smooth this fragrant cream on every night. No rub bing, no massaging. Unlike most creams, Nadi nola speeds up the natural process of exfolia tion—bleaches the skin to a lighter shade, loosens blackheads, clears up surface pimples and other externally caused blemishes. Soon you begin to see a marvelous improvement. Get Nadinola today. But be sure you get genuins Nadinola! Don't trust your loveli sms* to any unknown substitute. At all drug Mona. SOc, large money-saving rise $1. ENGAGEMENT A NNOUNCED Wo wish to announce the en gagement of Miss Mildred Shel -n, 2867 Binnry Street, to Mr. Eugene Ingalise, 2910 No. 28th Street. # , —-ooo Tho What Knot saving club met with Mrs. Elsie Johnson 3018 Bur dette St. The usual form of open mg was carried. The hostess for the evening served a very delicious menu, consisting of mock chicken legs, creamed potatoes, bu tered carrots and pic. The rest of the eve r.ing was spent in playing gomes. Every one present spent a very hapiy evening. They adjourned to nwet next w th Mis. Eva Levisjii, 2 28 Burdette St, Pear' Brum mdl, Pres. Richard Turner, Sec. -v - Mr. William Jenkins 2414 Blon do St. and Mrs. Winifred Scott 2618 Burdette St. were united in marriage Tuesday July 18th. -»Oo Mrs. Pearl Young of 2236 Grant returned home from St. Louis whore she went to attend the fun eral of her brother-in-law. -oOo Want 10 boys to sell paper on Friday and Saturday. Omaha Guidi | See Mrs. Mitchell or call We. 1617 ! FOR SALE Beautiful Home, tov | dern and part Modern on EASY TERMS E. M. DAVIS | 2817 North 24th St. WE. 1166 i i Herman's, Market First KERMAN FRIEDUNDER PROPRIETOR 24th Lake St. WE. 5444 1 - - - - - -- f - - - - _ '... ■ Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, G1.ASS ft VARNISH We Do Glaiing ft Make Window Shades to Order Screen Wire, Chicken Wire, and Fence Wire. WE MAKE SCREEN FRAMES TO ORDER Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper A Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. Special! ^JBLIVERY SERVICE— 2 Suits 4 2 Dresses ‘plain’ I 1 Suit & 1 Dress " I raL.I* O OLa.mma USUAL DISCOUNTS Ednolm & StiormBn f0R caSH & carry WE 6055 Younger Set En tertain Newly Weds By Billy Davl?, Staff Correspondence Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Jone« who were married Sundny were entertained Sunday night at the resident of the Dixons, on Binney 5 . Mrs. Jones, was the former Vivian Billups of Los Angeles, Calif. Sharing honors with the happy couple was Mrs. Florence Hutchinson, sister of the bride, also of Ix>8 Angeles. Others en joying the evening fe“tivi'iee were Misses Christine Dixon, Ella Bea Jackson, Charlotte Hicks, Lorene Lewis, Charlene Lewis, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Dickerson, Leroy Wright, J. C. Harris, Floy ' Brown, Mesdames Leota Robinson of Chicago Vivian Jones. Lo Angeles, Ann Thomas, Minnea polis, Messrs. Fred Dixon, Bei James Kansas City, Robert Jor dan, Kansas, Henry Davis, Wash ington, D. C., Wm, Clark, Billy I avis, John Williams, P.obert Jackson, Orville Jones Jr., Frank fackson, Roy Gordon, Earl Parks, and the Lincoln guo-t were Paul .'deck, Frank Beck, and Edward J summon, . ., -0O0— Mrs. Battles of 2124 Erskine S,t. has moved to 2514 Binney St. -0O0 Mrs C. K. Abram of 2404 N. 25 St. has re runed timme after a 6 week .stay in Oklahoma City and Guther. She was called there to attend the funeral of her brother in law. SANDWICH SHOP OPENS Mrs. Lillian Jackson will opei a Sandwich Shop, July 24 at 2401 ' Erskine St. The n?me of this placv j will bp the Golden West Sand ! wich Shop. They will also sell nice j Homemade Pies. -(nJO Mrs. Minnie Wilson and Mic key of 2301 N. 22 St. left for Lit tle Rook, Arkansas Friday to be at the bedside of a sick mother, -oOo The Willing Workers of Pleas ant Green Baptist Church will en | tertain the Club and their guest Friday 28 of July at Mrs. Wood’s 2707 N. 27 St. They will serve ice cream and cake. | The Sunday School and B. Y. IP. U. of Pleasant Green Chiurch enjoyed themselves at a picnic at Hummed park, Thursday, July 27. Mrs. Texana Wright 2426 Cald well Street is very id in a local hospital. She has had two blood transfusions. The blood was furnished by Mrs. Louise Booker 2440 Charles St. | - OK LA. HIGH SCHOOL TEA CHER ENTERTAINED Mrs. L. L, Draughan and Mrs. Cecils O. Lewis instrudtoip of the Junior High dep’t of the Lin coln High School at Ghickasha, Oklahoma and who are now doing work toward thejr master’s degree. : Mrs. Lewis attending Omaha Uni | versity and Mrs. Rraughan at I Creighton were dinner guest of I \SWPS BOW _ODORS rnncw safw wms \ flush CREAM \ far untftrirm ptnftntlM ' flush LIQUID Ihnti parapirattan 1ta J rfajrt flush ROW0ER MSS mi sanitary na|hins Mrs. Benj. F. Gardner, wife of the Poet Sunday July 23 at 2715 Laku St. RETURNS FROM VACATION Mr. and Mrs. H. Leland state inspector of 2824 N. 26th St. re turned to their newly remodeled bom® Friday night July 14. Their vacation was spent in and about JCansas City Mo. They were royally entertained ! while there. A dinner party by Mother, Kittie Douglas 1026 Wood land Ave. Dinner guest of Mrs. M. A. Walker 1706 E. 10 St. Din ner guest and spent the night with Mrs. Porter Williams 17 Har rison street. They journied to Parkville where they were the guest of Rev. and Mrs. C, Ander son. Thursday night they were the guest of Mr. Mihted and Mrs. Walker to a chi' ken dinner at the beautiful Penrrd club about 10 miles from Kansas City, Kans. The Penrod Club is a place of beauty, said Mr. Leland and the genaial host and hostess Mr. and AirRogers makes it very pleas ant for visitors. Air and Mrs. Le land were the house guest of Mrs. Leland’s brother George Williams and two sisters Mrs. Pearl Porter' and Mrs. Elnora Harris »f 1528 Park Ave. while in Kansas City. | _. i Mrs. C. R. Johnson of Kansas City, Kansas, who has been vis-1 ting in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Rev. ar.d Mrs. L A. Story-1713 North Twenty Fifth Street for the pa-=t four weeks returned to her home F’ri !ay morning. While in the city, Mrs. Johnson was the recipient >f many social courtesies. Among those extending courtesy to Mrs. Johnson while in the city were: Mr. and Mrs. S E. Montgomeiy, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Adami;, Mr. ind Mrs. Dewitt Smart, Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Butler, Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Ifandccfk, Mesdames: R. \. Adams, Ber ha Bell, Katie Bur nett, Ida P. Wiley, Vera Harris, Washington, aura Winston, Lud io homas, Minnie Kimbrough, I vars Hayes, Marie Rosebaugh. Blanhche Wright, and Mr, C. L. Cribb. Mrs. Johnson left for her home thrilled with tha hospitality of the people of Omaha. -oOo-—. CORRECTION 1 An error in July 15 issue which stated Mr, McDonald 2523 1-2 O hio St. on arriving in Indianapol!s fnd. had trouble in getting his badge. Mr. McDonald did not have any trouble in getting his badge. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell have purchased a home at 2022 N. 22nd St. They expect to leave for Iowa and Missouri next week. WILL MOVE hN THEIR NEW HOME SOON Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Battles have l ight, a lovely home at 2514 Bin Wj Street. -01/0--— Mr. George Riddle of 2107 N. 27 Vve. died Monday night, July 24. Ho had been sick for sometime. He leaves three brothers, Mr. Chris Ho Riddle ef South Omaha; Mr. Will Riddle of Belham Wash.; and Charley Riddle of Slater, Mo., a sister, Mrs. Kansas Riddle of 2107 N. 27 Ave, and five nieces and three nephews and other relatives and a host of friends. His remains are at the Myers Funeral Home. -—oOo Mrs. Katrina Graham of 2016 N. 22 St has a lovely garden of which she has raised. She pur chased the seed from Shenandoah, Iowa, The cucumbers are eight inches long called the straight eight. Okra eiight and a half in ches long and tender, seven pound Pumpkin ripe and ready for use. She states she had a birthday Ju ly 21 and was given a lovely rad io by her boy friend and had a New England Dinner out of her own garden for a few friends at he<: home. POCAHONTUS CLUB The Pocohontus Club No. 10 gave a Weiner roast at the home of Mrs. Eva De Loach Monday Ju ly 24, games were played and every one had a glorious time. This Club is the Juvenile depart ment of the Elks Lodge. --oOo Mrs. Eddie King of 2502 Lake St. has had as her house guest Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price for four weeks ctay. They also visi ted with Mrs. Alma McCarthy of 2504 Lake St. Mr. and Mrs. Price returned back to their home in Wichita Falls, Texas. They a dopted a baby boy while in the city. ———oOo Mr. Herbert Pryor of the 14 hundred block on Paul 9t. is re-, ported as having a stroke and is in a local hospital. Mrs. Hallie Chesney of 2712 Franklin St. is very low sick in the hospital. Juanita Westbrook of 2815 N. 28 St. is on the sick list and has been for two weeks. She is the niece of Mr. Oliver Hudson of 1204 N. 25 St. Mr. Levi James of 2202 Bur dette is still on the sick list. Mrs. Ruth Hubbard, the wife of Rev. G. Hubbard, was called to Gleana, Kans. on account of illness ji her sister. Mrs. S ennet.t, daughter, and granddaughter was called to (j| le ana, Kansas to attend the funeral of Mrs. S.ennett, mother of Mrs. Mufl'ett. BOBBIE AND BOB ON VACA TION Two young men that reside in Omaha decided to explore the country. They went to work and saved and saved for about 4 months ;to get enough shekels to gether to buy a 1937 Pontiac at cost of $795. Bobby Jackson works for Duffy Drug. Bob Floyd works for Johnson. Both of the young men’s vacation became due at the same time so they got their heads together and decided to go to Chicago. Of course, they are going to drive their 1927 car which they did. They leflt on Saturday night and arrived in Chicago Fri day afternoon, steady driving all the time, no stop over. They had 16 punctures, 4 blow outs, 4 leaks in the radiator and run out of gas 7 times, oil 4 times. They fixed the leak in the radiator with chew ing gum, wired home for more money, bought 4 new tires and filled the gas tank with gas bought 4 gallons of oil and had a wonder ful time. My advise to Bobbie and Bob is you sell your car for whatever you are offered if it is only 98 cents and ride your Bicy les froim now on it is cheaper. ———oOo NOTICE PLEASE The Omaha Guide wishes to sta/to on and after July 29 youi paper will be 12 pages instead of 8 pages with four new features. You will get your paper on Fri day instead o {Saturday. If the mail man misses you on Friday don’t yo ube without your paper, just call We. 1517 "nd we will gladly send yo uyour paper at once and thanks for ithe call. C. C. Galloway, Mgr. -oOo Mrs. Elma Miles of 2235 Grant St. was called to Kansas City on account of the death of her bro ther, Mr. R. H. Ttilliams of 2310 Dydia Ave. -orto Warren Alstan of 2204 0M> St. who has a bread route with the Omar Bakery Co. is on his va cation for one week. Pleasant Green Ghurch will move up in the Main auditorium Sunday July 30th. There will be a program rendered in the after noon. Every one is welcome. -0O0 Mrs. Harvey Carter and chil dren of 2321 N. 217th. just returned home from a four week visit with Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dison of Denver Colo. Mrs. Dison was for merly Miss Viola White of Omaha. -oOo THE SICK LIST Mrs. Sallie Jaekson 1824 N. 23 is still improving from her strdke. She is able to do her houso work. Rev. Simpson of 2210 Ohio St., is still on the sick list. Mr. W. M. Battle of 2424 Ers kine St. left Saturday July 15th at 8:35 to attend the Association of the Wilson Co. CIO Local 62. All expenses were paid. He re turned home Monday July 17th at 10:45 o’clock. His wife and four children children waited Sat urday evening for n telegram. Just to hear the word “I love you.” signed W. M. Battles. Mrs. Ruth Sykes of Chicago, arrived Monday to spend two weeks at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Cecilia W. Jewell 2233 Grant Street. Mrs. Mayme Burns of Denver, Colo, and her brother A. L. Ball of Seattle Wash., were in the city last week called here by the death of Mr. Edgar Patton of 2612 Patrick. Mr. Patton was the husband of their sister, the late Mrs. Alice Patton who passed, on in 1937. CAREY'S NABORHOOD Grocery Spring Chicken Cheaper than Meats 20c lb. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EACH NIGHT ’TILL 10 P, M. WE. 6089 We Give Green Trading Stamps Mr. Charles Patton of Ch’cago is in the city to attend the fun eral of his brother, Mr. E:lgar Patton. oOo- —— Mr. Edgar Patton of 2612 Pat rick St. died at a local hospital, Tuesday after a short illness. His funeral was held Friday afternoon from Myers Funeral Home. Inter ment at Prospect Hill. ^ CA -v__ Mr-:. Mildred Bronson 2514 De catur entertained Mrs. Pauline Hughes of Chicago, 111., Monday night July 17 with a house party. The guest present were Mrs. Mildred Litman, Mrs. Pauline . Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Richard I Turner St., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Turner Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert George, Mr. and Mrs. Herber Rhoades, Mr. and Mrs. William King, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White and Mrs. H. M. Bronson. Mrs. Pauline Hughes and Mrs, Lipman left foj- Kansas July 19th where they will spend a short visit --000 GOLDEN BEAUTY CLUB The Installation Services of the Golden Beauty Club was held Sun day July 16 at the St. John Baptist Church. This grand event was of special importance to the mem bers as it signified their initial ap pearance to the public and each one was at their best. A group song “The Redeemed of Heaven” was highly commended by all who were present. Reverend Reynolds and his choirs of Pleasant Green rendered some wonderful selec tions, All in all, everyone had a most enjoyable time. Following is ths G. B. C. Welcome Address gi ven by Marietta Williams: Not so very long ago, While lagging in the lurch The young women of this com munity Were sanctioned by the Church. To utilize their talents, In doing things worthwhile, Make their influence felt among their friends, In the Christian rank and file. So banding ourselves together, In spite of opposers to be, The result, we think is a wonder ful one Behold, the G. B. C’s. “G” stands for golden in our band And since all gold is pure Good girls we’ll ever strive to be, With lives that will endure. The might “B” for beauty A virtue to behold Not merely the beauty of the skin But the beauty of the soul. “C” club is for cooperation Divided one and all; Together eternally we stand Divided we surely fall. Now we’ve taken this Sunday af ternoon For our formal inauguration. Wo present our worthy officers For their rightful installation. Since everyone must do his bit, To fill your hearts with cheer, It becomes my pleasant assign ment To bid you welcome here. | We have no words of eloquence Or elaborate phrases to blend Ve simply come with hearts sin cere, To say “You’re welcome friend.’’ For beautiful words when spoken, Do well to play their part But when we say “You’re wel come’’ We mean it from the heart. We say welcome with a hearty hand shake Welcome pregates the air And if you’ll look above our heads You’ll find there’s ‘welcome’ there So frends relax, be comforta ble, Enjoy yourselves today; The G. B, C. is at your command, Ask what you will or may. The things which you will see and hear, We hope you do enjoy; For Christ said work, and work ' CuAtU I TODAY in this enlightened world, one simply can’t do with ? out a deodorant. Whether it be Cream, Powder or Liquid type is a matter of choice. There are excellent liquids at your nearest store in two strengths—“Instant" (colorless) is effective for 24 hours; “Regular” (red) for 2 to 3 days. They will definitely check underarm perspiration without rotting dress fabrics. A sanitary applicator comes with each bottle of the better brands. we must, He shall our lives employ. And ere you leave remember, What ever your lot may be; .4 hearty greeting' awaits you, You’re always welcome to the G. L. C’s. —Reverend E. D Johnson, Pastor Eulo Mae Young—President Elizabeth King—Secretary ‘Esquire Clutf’ News The gayety of our socializing youth was well expressed last Fri day night at the dance-cocktail party given by the members of tho Esquire Club at the Fontenelle Park pavillion. Among the atten dance of approximately 150 dan j csrs were several out of town guests and many students who had returned from college to enjoy the summer vacation. One of the outstanding intro ductions and most pleasant sur prises of the evening was the an nouncement of the marriage of Mr. John Harrison to Miss Lula Mae Powell. Both are popular in the community. Miss Powell is a member of the Entre Nous Club of the Y.W.C.A. and Mr. Harrison is acting viea president of the Es quire Club. After the preceding announcement the members of the club were introduced end a short resume of the club’s activities re lated. Immediately following the dance of the club’s after-cocktail party given at the softly lighted and decorated Willa’s Beauty Shoppe. Light summer cocktails were served and those who wished danced or conversed as the eve ning drew to a delightful close. WINS CHAMPIONSHIP Bobby Pry and Jean Terrel won championships in the ping pong tournaments. Bobby is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Fry and Jean in the daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Price Terrell of Fontenelle Apts. Eu gene Young won the Senior Tour nament. -0O0 NEGRO THEATRE LIST IS RELEASED BL DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Washington, July 26 (C)—A new list of theatres catering to the Negro, on which 389 theatres are listed, was issued by the De partment of Commerce last week. The list is designed as a guide to advertisers. -_ _o RABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— iaoiaaizzzoazzzoalClgza Robbing Pharmacy 2306 N. 24th St. WE. 1711 CUTS—BURNS—SCALDS should be quickly treated to prevent bad, after effects as well as relieve pain. Use OIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too for sore, tired feet. At your druggist's—money back if not satisfied For free sample write Mosso Laboratories, 215Soutb Leavitt Street, Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET The Very Latest from the Chicago Convention: The New_ ‘‘Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quinole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846