The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 29, 1939, City Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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    \ "Hr \
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Thu Cbumh that Wil omes V.u j
Rev. If. I). Pigue. Minister
9.39 a. m. Sun’ay S hoot
31:00 a. m. Morning Worship
G:00 p. m. Rihle echocl,
8:09 p. m Even’nrr v/or h o
Tho aMen’»n c was very good a"
Allen C»* pel AME. Chinch July
23rd. The pastor prea bed from
the text. St. Mntth. 23 chap*er.
Our hearts were truly made to re
At 6 o'clock a Spirited lesion
was taught by Pev Law >n. We
invite everyon" t' come 'o .the
Bible class and Know Your Bible
33rd and U Sts.
Wj ha-' a ve y interesting week.
The ladles h^d chirg> under the
leadership of M ■ C. M, Fanner.
Tuesday nigst we had with us Rev.
J. P. Mosley and h's choir. Thurs
day night h* paitor, Rev. G, Hub
bard, brough to us a wonderful
sermon. Friday night, The Nabor
boo<( Club and Rev, Camper and
choir of Bethel AME Church, was1
with us each night was a success.
We are to have with us en the
fibh Sunday of the month. Rev. C.
CL Reynolds and choir of Idncoln
Nebraska. The public is invited.
Pastor Rev. G. Hubbard.
Tho City B, Y. P. U. will meet
at Zion Baptist Church July 30,
1989 at 6:30 P.M.
The pri;-Hm will consist of
Echoes from Congress.
Doors always open to you with
Mr. Wm. Cooper, President
Geraldine Hayden
Gorr. Secty.
Sunday evening, Mrs. Eva De
Loach sponsored a very education
al as well as religious program at
her church, Clair Chapel M E for
benefit of a rally which en 's Au- j
gust 20. Miss Coleman, a 1909 j
High School graduate needs hon- i
ocable mention for her talk on
Religious Entertainment.
Rev. D. N who!son, pastor
Clarinda, Iowa
The 69 Anniversary service of
the Second Baptist Church was
had throughout the day and a
basket dinner was had in the park. !
There was plenty of food for
everyone. Rev. F. S. Fain of Coun- 1
cil Bluffs, preached the anniver- i
sary sermon. It was enjoyed by
5Ve were pleased to have Rev.
Renfrew of Omaha and fanvly
with us and Rev. W. M. Goldsmith
arvd members of the Calvary Bap
tist Church, Red Oak, Iowa,
A wonderful program was had
and many thoughts were brought
to us about the Baptist Church.
You are always welcome to the
Second Baptist Church.
Rev. G. D. Hancock, Pastor
Mrs. Ellis Kirtley, Reporter
Sunday School opened at 9:30 j
A. M. with Supt. Mrs. Nonnie j
Norman in charge. Miss Geraldine j
Smith lead the devotion. The mor
ning service opened at 11:00 a. m.
Pastor took his text from Num- j
bers 21-7- and St John 14-13. An
inspirational sermon was enjoyed
by all present.
The evening service was in
chago of Mrs Buddy IX* Loach who j
presented a very interesting pro- j
gram. Mr. & M-rs. E. A. Hunter j
of 2225 Lake St. received the fam
ily night gift. f*r the largest fam
ily representation.
The Ladies Aide will meet with
Mrs. Handcock Thursday Evening
July 27, Mrs. L. V. Gray, Pres.
The Happy Time Club will spon
sor a pew rally Sunday night Ju
ly 30. A special program is being
arranged. The chib will meet with i
Quality at A Priee—None Better
PHONE AT. 4027
Mrs. Charles Cleveland 3862 Cor
by St. Tues. evening August 1st,
3 to 8 p. m.
Mr. John Davis, Pi-esii!ent.
Visit/ ane always we! f me
at Clai. Chapel.
Rev. E. H. Hil 5on, pastor
23 and Decateur St.
Services were good at Salem the
past Sunday. SS opened with a nice
attendance. B. Y. P. U. had a ve
y lively ses: ion both dipt, are
iverriding the surmer slump with
long strides since both lew 'ers at
V-nded the National Ss and B. Y.
p. U. Congress. The 11 a. m. ser
vices were well attended. Pastor
Hilson delivered two soul stirring
sermons. 11 a. m. -ubject from
Earth to New Jerusalem St John
14:6 8 p. m. message he was in the
spirit on the Lord’s day. You are
always welcome at Salem.
Rev. E. H Hilson, Pastor
Willie > i Cooper, Reporter
Claudia Seay, reporter
Rev. Pruitt, pastor
Sunday School oftened at 9:45
with our supt. iH charge. The sub
ject of the lesson: Psa. A Life of
Tru1 t The lesson was reviewed
by our Pastor and every one en
joyed it.
tl o’clock service opened with the
choir singing “Holy, Holy.” Pray
er was led byBrother McCarthy,
which idlowed a scripture read
ing by our pastor. Our pastor
preached an enjoyable sermon on
lho subject: “A Friend and A
Neighbor” takeR from the 19th
hapten of Luke 86-37 verses. This
1 emon was a reunion one for two
if our faithful members had re
turned from their summer vaca
tion trips. I
Visitors for the morning were
Ruth Nelson of Fertworth Tex
as, Mrs. Alduck, Mrs. King, and
M*. Bruce.
Visitor- are always welcome in
U,\ Nebo.
Rev. L. M, Relf, pastor
Sis. A. Ilegnn, reporer
Sunday School was opened by
Bro. Singleton at nine thirty. The
Golden Text was “Help us, O Lord
our God for we rest on thee." II
Chronicles 14-11. Morning worship
began at eleven a.m. the Junior
Choir taken the stand at eleven
thirty. Rev. Relf brought us a
wonderful sermon froan II Chron-:
icles 14. His subject was Asa, A j
I ito of Trust. H. Y. P. U. met at
its usual (time. The evening ser
vice began at eight pm. Rev, Bur
ton preached for us a wonderfoil
message frem 2nd Thess 3: He de
termined the fact of how the peo
ple in the church should do and
live. Our visitotrs during Sun
day service were throe. You are
always welcomed at Christ Tem
Rev. F, P. Jones, Pastor
F. Burroughs, reporter
The spirit came and dwelled
with us as we listened to God’s
servant talk to us by the way. For
the morning worship, the Pastor
brought to us the third division
< f the subject “What Time Is It
with You?” Many pointed truths
were brought out. After the ser
mon five girls sang “tt on't you
hear me pray once again. Mr.
Edward Anthony sang a touching
At the evening worship we a
gain listened to a good sermon
the subject was the “Good Sam
Among the visitors present at
the morning worship was Mrs.
Vivian Jones, the wife of Mr.
Th*mj*s Jotves and her «ster Mrs.
Florence Hutchinson.
Immediately after the services
Sunday evening. Rev .Jones left|
to attend the World Congress now
in session at Atlanta, G< [ >rgia.
He expects to be home 1^ Sunday.
Next Sunday the Mortgage
Burning rally will roach it climax
and will be observed with a pro
All pledges are expected to be
paid up. A history of the church
in pageant form will be the main
Vature of hhe program.
Every one is invited to att* .
Those on the sick list are Mrs.
Julia Henry, Mrs. Anna Long and
Mr. July Miles.
Robyo Maye Edmonsen, reporter
Ur. It. A. Adams, pastor
‘‘The Friendly Ch«rch
Sunday School was delayed 15
minutes due to the fact that the
choir sang over station K. O. W.
H. At 9:30 we convened. Sun
day^ lesson was well taught by
our efficient staff of teachers.
The subject was “Asa: Life of
Trust.” I bhink it was the general
consensus of opinion of all that
Asa was a man in whom God had
supreme trust. Asa was also one
to recognize his duty to God. Due
to the absence of our Secretary
Mr. Lawrence Parker, who is on
a vacation, Miss Edna Blair is
substituting. She is very compe
tent in secretarial work as well as
an outstanding pianist. Announce
ments were made Sunday for two
socials to be given on Monday and
Morning service was very effec
tive, Rev. Adams took his text in
Matthew 6:10. Thy Kingdom
i f ie, THiy 'will be done. T|h«
point that intereslod me was that
many people pray "Thy kingdom
como” and ill the kingdom would
came we would pray in reverse.
We know that the kingdom comes
through our hearts and if we don’t
open our hearts. It relies solely
upon oneself to open the door.
Don’t forget that next Sunday
is “Wcraens Day” With Mrs. L.
S. Adams behind it the women will
go places. The Allen Christian En
deavor was well attended by the
young people. The lesson was in
telligently led and discussed by
Rev. Rucker. Tho Subject was
‘Good Times in the Home.” It
dealt with dancing and card play
ing in t'he home. It is well to know
‘(that Young People did net take
tho usual side of saying that the
above was all right. The conclu
sion was that a Christian home
should not put up with such pro
Tho request program was won
derful due to the fact that Mrs.
Gibson was unexpectedly called'
from .the city. Mrs. Pearl Hier
onymous who substituted for her
proved well very efficient as di
recteress. It goes without say
ing that oiur pastor i's a efficient
substitution. lie took Rev. Gib
son's place and «mng tbe solo ‘‘The
Sinner and tbe Song.” It was ap
pealing and effective.
Read this paper for news of St.
J*hn AME Church.
The Omaha City BYPU will
hold its regular 5th Sunday meet
ing with the Pleasant Green Bap
to.:t Church Sbnday, July 30th 5:30
pm, *27th and Franklin Sts. a well
planned program will be presen
featuring congress Echoes r
tho National gS and BYPU Con
gress recently held at Tulsa Okla.
Urging all to attend.
Wm. Cooper, President
Miss Lula Mae Powell, Sect.
Due to the fact your reporter
had to “pinch hit" in his own
hurch, Zion last Sunday, I am a
fraid you’ll have to make yourself
contented until ncx’t week with
what you saw and heard in pass
Reports coming from the dif
ferent Locals which had outing
Lawn socials, and what not" re
ports much success.
Pleasant Green next Sunday July
30th takes its congregation up in
o its auditorium and it goes with
out saying they are leaking foj
werd to a big day and all you
“U’s & ettes" are cordially in
vited to come and take part with
At this writing we know our del
egate (President) should be in the
convention in Brooklyn N. Y. hav- ]
ing left here last Saturday nite." j
Keros hoping she i<« having a won- ■
derful time and will bring us lots ;
of good news when she returns, j
and probable the Convention for
1S40, you can never tell.
Ang 11,th is known as “Ushers
nito" at Pleasant Green and all
City Union Ushers are supposed
to turn out, that is come out and
help put over the program.
Aug. 15th Zion is acting as hos
tess for the New Era Baptist Con
vention and as such as ask the
City Union for a few Ushers for
that nite.
Be sure to watch this column
for news of our next meeting
which will be following the re
turn «f our delegate “president”
from the convention; I’m sura you
j will want to hear her report
Mrs. Goosby, our secretary, is
out of the city due to the death
; of some close relative. I am sure
I speak the sentiment of our en
tire group when I say to .her via
this column, pllase accept car
hear! felt sympathy in this, her
hour of bereavement.
Now until we rreet again shall
I say
I’ll-B-C ing-U
Jack Hall, reporter
WE. 6421
JFirst we'll give way for one
important announcement, Should
you over look it, in the club news,
column of this paper. Mrs. Hen
derson, president of Pleasant
Green’s local wi hes to announce
that ota July 24 the local had a
lawn social and all the Ushers and
Et es were especially invited to
gather with friends.
Now to get along with our
I story. We want to say thinks tc
some body for I knew it was some
I well wisher or shall I say some
j praying Usherette that caused
good fortune to come our way in
tho form of a little gas that ena
bled us to take our Club Jelopy
out on its maiden trip. Oh yes, we
, were all lined out including the
I trusted cnaufU-'ur, Mr. itooeri
I (Bud) Green. You can trust him
, when you know he’s asleep and
| his assistant or my body in the
person erf Mr. Frank Cole. Aad
believe it «r not, at each point of
cnll we were received with out
s iretched hands. Of course they
| expecting us to drep something
I in the basket, j’ust as a little keep
piece until we returned again.
( On one of our . stops, someone
must have put out some advance
of our arrival and just as a safe'y
first measure they had the B. B.
Boys on hand to escort us should
wo by any chance venture too far
in the enemy lines. Thanks to
Lady Luck and our horse shoes,
we came out OK.
While our car was percolating
fairly well with a strong sou h
east wind and a gallon of gas we
set our compass and in dfue time
dropped anchor at the harbor
known at St. John’s Baptist or.
So. 13th St. The church your re
porter has been trying to visit for
many a Sunday. After being in
troduced by the good president of
that Local in person of Mrs. Sum
mers, we made a short but very
spicy and timely talk to the local,
praising them and also encourag
ing them in the good work and
their loyalty to the Union. After
the remarks the donation had been
given by us. the pastor spoke very
encouraging of the Union and said
ho was in accord wi h the set-up
at large and with that he bid us
god-speed and we departed in
another “good will trip’’ which
ended at the Urban League.
Mass Meeting
At 3:30 V. M. momoers oi tne
locals gathered at the Urban Lea
gue for the final meeting for this
month. To listen and see the re
ports come in by the different
chairman of their departments
(hat would spell Walk or Ride
for ogr delegates who turned out
to be our goad president for the
trip to the convention and New
York. Now we all know our presi
dent can’t walk that far. The con
vention opens Tuesday of next
week. So its up to the half and as
for as the three quarter mark, the
trip seemed very doubtful but
when coming in the home stretch
our old favorite FAITH began
to come to the front and at the
finish juft nosed in ahead of MB.
SO, coming in for the last money.
Now you will agree with me when
I remind you again, that there's
many a slip between the Dough
and the Trip. 1 told you our dele
gate had good (shoes) religion.
So after the race was over and
Hie winner acclaimed “meaning
money in the hand” the president
(and delegate) in her big hearted
way thanked the chairmans, locals
its members in fact every body
that donattd financially or at
least held a good thought for her
while struggling, and hoping foi
a realization that she had prayed
and hoped some day to sec a dele
gate from our Union start for
tho Convention.
Now es ehe took her leave Sat
urday night via the Zepher Route
to Chicago, there to join the other
delegates from every where, west
south, an 1 north ami east to en
train Sunday night in a said body
via Canada, Ruffrlo and New
York City and cross the bridges
to Brooklyn, we can only say to
you to enjoy every minute of your
trip and return to us lots of news
ft ATORftS S>'v
* »
. f" >. V'^'.VV'> % s.» 1®
The ensemble on the left can look
very charming on practically anyone
who has a flare for youthful clothes.
The scotch-plaid effect of the bolero
should be wtorn loosely, with a match
ing bolt or band of the same material.
Note that the belt is extremely wide.
The dress is of contrasting color and
would look especially well in deep blue
crepe or rayon shark skin. The front
is tailored, and the skirt is quite full.
The young lady in white is wearing
just the thing for a hot clay—simple
and sweet. Made up in cotton or linen
the coat has slightly uffed leg-o mut—
ton sleeves and simple collar. Note
the unuual pocket effect with the flap
buttoning from, the bottom—simple,
but very effective. The skirt is very
plain except for the flare bottom for
comfort and freedom of movement. It
should prove becoming, no matter
what your complexion.
and maybe return to the conven- I
iion for 1940. You never can
Locals, Socials
Looking over my date calendar
for this week, I find quite a num
ber of socials are dated for this
week. Mt. Moriah local met Tues
day with its trip to the park.
Beiihel AME Friday 21st met with
its Hobs Travels and Pleasant
Green, lawn social Monday night,
i We can only say we wish for them
all the success and pleasantry. I
only hope your reporter will find
timo to come in on some of your
outings before the fun is all over.
Last week your reporter acted
as you might say “pinch hitter”
for our chief instructor, Brother |
Claude Williams, and make a cou- j
pie meetings, which I believe was |
quite profitable to all that was ;
present as I did mjr best to point ,
out and explain some of the duties 1
that is expected of a good Ushers
Tt seems that the locah are
over on the alert for new material
as I noticed quite a few new faces
on the different local baards which
make a nice showing.
Now to the sisk members, we
say we wish for you a speedy
recovery and that you will he up
and around again.
So with the same old saying—
I'll B-C in U.
Eighty nine boys and girls be
tween the ages of 6 and 14 years
of ap? had enrolled in our 13th
annual Play School by the second
i week. The school began on July
I 3rd and continued for almost four
. weeks ending on July 26th. Clas
ses are held five days a week,
from 9 A, M. till noon.
Children of the school enjoy a
daily. sacred songs, spiritual,
fifteen minutes Assembly Period
folk songs and stunt songs are
sung. Teachers and children of
the school assist with the program
of the A eemhly Period.
Children of the school spend an
extra music period under Mrs.
Alyce Wilson. They delight in
. singing and acting out stunts
which she teaches them. Story
telling under Mrs. E. M. Taylor
and Miss Cecile Walls is a treat
for our “Woe” boys and girls.
Sewing is ably taught by Mrs.
Gertrude James and Mo- Emma
Cuntis. Mrs. R. Brown delights
our Jr. beys with handcraft and
I ciaymodeling, Other teachers are:
Mrs. Ella Mae Taylor and Mr. S.
D. Rhona assisted by Mr. Elmer
Collins wookwork classes and
Another feature of the school
I , ——
this year is our boys aeroplane
class. The boys have no special
teacher but conduct the class
themselves. Some of the planes
have also been planned by the
boys. These vary in size from a
six inch wing span to some with j
a three inch wing span. All of j
tho boys in this class have a
special interest in building aero
planes. One member of the class
belongs to the South Omaha boys
aeroplane club. Another member
has built ovor 25 pianos in the
last year.
Other classes include: Sewing,
cooking, weaving, clay modelling,
artcraft, woodwork, story telling
handcraft and music. 14 classes
are taught daily in tho two build
ings, our Center at 8h0t) R. St.
and Mt. Olive Church directly
across the street in feent of our
Center. Woodson Center and Staff
are very grateful to the Pastor,
Rev. J. P. Mosloy and M« good
members for the use of the faci
lities of their church during this
time when our “Housing” problem
is so serious.
Our average daily attendance
these three weeks hats been above
60. The school will «ie»e on July
25th with an exhibit ami short
program which brill iaclwde a daily
period of 4he school’s activities,
hours from 4 till 7 P. M. The ex
hibit will open during the evening
hours for those who cannot at
tend in the af tern j m. Parent^
and friends are cordially invited
to attend and bring interested
friends with them. On Wednesday
July 26th, the school children and
parents will hold their picnic in
the park Carter Lake.
Playground activities of the
school are held in our yard. Each
group of the school has a period
of games. Swings, teeter totters,
horse shoes, croquet and ping pong
are enjoyed by (the children daily.
Older boys and girls continue
to enjoy games on the playground
at the “Brickyard” in the late af
ternoons, Tennis the greatest at
traction of teen-age boys and girls
next to baseball; and both courts
are busy these sultry days. Young
er boys and girls enjoy swings,
handball, and other sports.
Our Senior boys are playing
ball three days a week now, in
stead of two. We understand that
the Southside boys still bring
crowds to the games when they
ADULTS: Our women’s class in
handcraft has continued through
out the hot weather. Some of the
rugs will be ready for display by
the end of this month,
Read How
She Pound
Blessed Relief
Muscles wece s* sore 3 X »* !
shesould harrlly.touch ' j
them. Used Hamlins Wizard pil Liniment and
found wonderful relief.' Try it tfcday if wjirr
muscles are stiff, sore, achy. Rub it on theroSh
ly. Feel its prompt warming action ease jCin;
Bring, soothipg relief. Pleasant odor.’Will not
stain. Msncy*back' guarantee at alLdrug stores.