An _ _—___—_ <5>-_-----« LARGEST ACCREDITED NERRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY 9---j-,-—r-3-5-----i-!-»-i-1 Entered as Second-Class Matter at PesttffTiee, Omaha, Qafmvlnv Tulv 9Q IQ^Q xT v.„ Nebraska, under Act of March 8, 187*._batUlClay, JUly ZJ, lJoJ _ Number 17- J 0 — — — ' ---■■■■■"—. " ^ r!h, TTHi+inn T The Weather ^,1 iy IL.U1 L1UJ- July 24 to Ju]y 29 Upper Miss & ■■Q lower Mo. valleys, generally fair Monday, local showers Tues. or M Wed., and south portion Thurs., becoming fair latter part of week; temperature avosdy near or slight p ly below normal, except mostly a npr- I ^OTl V Ivvo nnrmnl rna «nntVi rwirtifin RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE 30TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE NAT’L ASS‘N FOR THE ADVANCEMENT of COLORED PEOPLE FEDERAL HOUSING AUTHORITY B;rr Sneeze Causes Woman's Death Mrs. Odessa Vaughn, age 41, 2406 North 35th St died at a U cal hospital Saturday July 22 at 1 a. m. Mrs. Vaughn was prepar ing the family meals Tuesday, Ju ly 18 when he sneezed and burat ed a blood vessel. She was rushed to the hospital where she died 4 days later. She has lived in Omaha for a number of years. Survivors: Father, Rev. W. M. H. Fisher of New Orleans; 2 sons Livington and James Vaughn Jr., Omaha; 2 sis ters, Mrs An* Williams and Mrs. Adell Sanders, Omaha; one aunt Mrs. Susa Lee New Orleans; three cousins, Smith Harris, Gertrude Johnson Omaha and Olivia Smith New Orleans. Funeral service was Tuesday July 25th at the .J. D. Lewis Mortuary. MAY FILE CLAIMS FOR .PARTIAL BENEFITS Lincoln, Neb., July 27—Workers who are employed part-time in regular employment may now file claims for partial benefits under the Nebraska Unemployment Cofn pensation law' according to amend ments enacted by the last session of the legislature. Eligible claimants for total un employment benefits wil receive benefits of one-half their most re cent full time weekly wage, as un der the original law. Under partial benefit provisions a worker wiho earns less than his benefit amount, that is, less than one-half his full-time weekly wage, and who works less than his ac customed number of weekly hours, may file a partial benefit claim. A claimant for partial benefits must serve a normal two-weeks’ waiting period, just as in total un empl ) merit. However, aconrling to regulations established by the State Labor Commissioner, his claim for partial benefits may be dated back as mudh as five weeks. His employer is required to fur nish a low-earnings report. All claims for partial benefits are ta ken through twenty offices of the Nebraska State Employment Ser vice, located at points of heaviest employment in the state. Partial benefit claimants are al lowed to deduct the first three dollars of earinings. Then the bal ance of their partial earnings are deducted from the weekly bene fit amount, and tlhe claimants re ceive the difference. For exam ple, a worker whose benefit amount is ten dolars a week, earns sev en dollars in partial regular em ployment. He is allowed the first three t'fcllars of earnings. The balance of his earnings, namely four dollars, is deducted from his total benefit amount of ten dollars and he receives a benefit check for partial (unemployment of six dol , larS. Partial benefits were introduced bo give the unemployed worker an incentive to seek partial employ ment until a steady job is found for him. Part-total benefits are allowed for part-time employment in odd jobs or subsidiary employ ment, other than regular work. -—oOo NEGRO WOMAN WINS POSITION AS JUDGE New York, Jiuly 22—Mayor La Guardia opened a new page of his tory today when he named Miss Jane Bolin, 81, as a justice of the court and domestic relations. Miss Bolin, a Negro, is the first woman of her race to be appoin ted or elected y the bench of N. York. She was graduated as an honor student from Wellesley in 1928 and from Yale law school in 1931, Dr. Jernagin Serv es Tea to London Guests Washington July 26 (C)—Dr. W. IT. Jernagin, president of the Fraternal Council of Negro Chur ' ehe< in America, and noted Baptist divine, 1341 3rd street, N. W., is keeping a busy schedule his week. Dr. Jernagin, immediately cvn re turning from Tulsa, where he made the opening address before al B. Y. P. U. and S-S. Congress, was one of the speakers at the Lincoln University summer con ference for ministers, and on July 17 opened as president the Sum mer Conference for Ministers and Christian Workers at Storer Col lege, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.; and on uesday, July 18, served tea to I Dr. T. G, Dunning of London Eng land, and his delegation, who are enroute to the Baptist World Alli ance at Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Jema ging left Thursday night for the Alliance meeting, where he is one of the speakers. In 1937 Dr. Dun ning gave Dr. Jernagin and his delegation a fellowship tour in Lon d|on. Lutein, Berford and Cam bridge, England, On July 24, the National B. Y. P. U. and S.S. Congress is giving an international tea for the foreign delegation attending the World Al liance at Spellman college, Atlan ta. To Reduce W. P. A. Rolls By August 1st Colonel F. C. Harington, Works I Projects Commisimer, announced J today up return from an adminis I teat ive conference in Chicago that I WPA employment would be re duced to 2,100,000 by August 1, chiefly by dropping workers who have been on the rolls for 18 con secutive months. Employment now stands at 2,400,000, the number previously authorized for July. Decision to begin dropping wor kers who have been on the rolls 18 months was influenced largely by a survey indicating that approxi mately 650,000 would have been j affected August 31 by the require ment of the new WPA appropri ation act, making lay-offs manda tory for such persons after that 12 PAGES For Your Reading Enjoyment NOTICE PLEASE On and after July 29, 1939 the new sub cription ra e to the Oma ha Guide will be $2.60 per year; $1.60 for 6 months; $1.00 for 3 months, per copy 10 cents, out of town subscription yearly $3.00, 6 months 1.76, 3 months 1.50. New features, more local news and lo cal picture page also part of a National Picture Page. All local news published free of charge and again we wish to thank you. C. C. Galloway, Mgr. date, Colonel Harrington said. By beginning now to drop these workers, the WPA Commissioner pointed out, it will be possible to ; lessen the magnitude of the sud den cut in project personnel, which wcul<| have practically clcfretf down entire sections of the pro gram. Those persons dropped because of having had 18 months employ ment can regain employment on WPA only by being recertified as in need and securing reassignment, it wan explained. Such reassign ment, Colonel Harrington said, will be made on the basis of the indi vidual person’s qualifications for performing essential duties on a project on which there were va cancies and on the basis of rel ative need, as required by the act. GETS LL. D. DR. SKAROTTE HAWKINS BROWN Principal of Palmer Memorial Institute, Sedalia, N. C. who was recently awarded the honorary de gree of Doctor of Laws by Lin coln University, Penna., the high est honorary degree any institu tion can give. This is the fourth institution that has honored Dr. Brown for her conspicuous service as an Educator. She recently com pleted a 2,000 mile tour delivering college commencement addresses, and was so pressed for time she took a plane from North Carolina to Philadelphia and motored to Lincoln to receive the degree. She is an internationally famous lead er, and is a native of North Caro lina, although educated in New England. (Calvin service) l Christian Century Discusses Union of Negro Methodists imicago, mi, auiy zo —me Christian Century, 440 S Dear born street, in its issue of July J 2, discussed the possibility of the union of various branches of Ne gro Methodism in an editorial en titled "Negro Methodists Consider Union." The editorial said in part At tneir recent meeting in Phil adelphia the bishops of the Afri can Methodist Episcopal Church gave the proposal their endorse ment, and it is reported that for mal negotiations looking toward union will be under way in all three churches next year.’’ ’About How They Af fect You and Yours!!! ■ I COLUMN EVERY WEEK I 1 !-A i “The Southern Negro Youth" Dr. Carlton (joodlelt will deli ver an address in Omaha on Au gust 6, 1939. Dr. Goodlett is the only Nebraska Negro ever .to win the Dr. of Philosophy Degree. He will speak at Zion Bant;st Church August 6, 1939 at 3:00 P. M. on the work of the Southern Negro Youth Congress. Inasmuch as Dr. Goodlett has honored us by winning the coveted Dr. of Philosophy De gree, lot ua honor him by attending the meeting and showing our ap preciation of him and his accom plishments. Please attend, and urge others to do so. The public is invited to hear this Omahan who has, by his accom iplshments in hi>s pursuits of know ledge, reflected credit upon mem bers of his race and the commun ity. W , & Social Security Board Invites Workers to I,earn Status of Old Age Insurance . Accounts ; With the posting of its millions of old age insurance accounts com pleted for 1938, the Social Secur ity Board today announced than any worker may now obtain a statement showing the amount of wa$?es credited to his acount up to January 1, 1939. It was emphasized that the statements showing the status of a worker’s account will be sent to any applicant, regardless of the time he was employed or the a mount of wages hereceived. A year ago the Board adopted the policy of making wage infor mation available as soon as ac counts are posted. Although em ployers report the wages of their employees every 3 months, the posting of the wage items is de layed, for reasons of economy, un til all wage reports for the year have been received. For the convenience of wage earners who ask for statements, the Bureau oj OldyAge Insur ance has sent to all the Biard’s field ofices posit cards carrying the request for a wage statement. Space is left on the card for ttie applicants to write in his name ac count number and address. This card should b® mailed to the Bu reau of Old-Age Insurance, Social Security Board, Candler Building, Baltimore, Maryland. A worker may obtain this form from any of the field offices by telephone, let ter, Or personal call. “The decision to provide work ers with an opportunity to obtain statements of their wage accounts was reached not only because it it their unquestioned right to -- American Nurse . Goes to S. Africa New York, July 2<3 (C)—Miss Gace Wares, graduate nurse of Lincoln Hospital with ten years of experience, sailed for her new job as head of the Community Clinic at Wilberforce Institute, near Johannesburg South Africa, on July 6. Miss Wares is a mem ber of Macedonia AME church, Flushing, L. I., Rev. W. M. Daw kins pastor and the church paid her passage ito Africa. She got the job through application to Bishop R. R. Wright. V ‘ know the amount of wages cred- ( ited to their accounts, but to en able us to correct any records which are shown to be in error,” said John J. Corson, Director of the Bureau of Old-Age Insurance. “In the year since it was anoiun ced that this information was a vailable, we have received requests from about 100,000 workers. To more than 86 percent of the inqui rers, statements have been immed iately forwarded. The percentage J of wage earners who have found 1 these statements at variance with J their own records is small. In all such cases we have tried to recon cile the employer's wage returns and the worker’s belief that not all of his wages have been repor- r ted. We have been able jto trace ( the missing wage items and cred- c it them to the workers’ aeounta in j a great majority of the cases." 1 e P‘-- - c Reply to Reverend Hilson __ j ttie following statement is madt an i signed by officer* of the Sa lem Baptist Church in reply to the story of Rev, Ililson and his attorneys a; carried in last week’s paptf. 1. That each and every statement printed in the paper last week is baseless, false and untrue. 2. That serious charges have been made wpon the reputation and character of many of the church officers, and that all of these charges are emphatically denied and condemned because they are unsupported by any facts what soever. J. That the officers having pos session af the financial records >f the church will bare the facts inhi? 'sopfiy that has progreaively militated toward the wholesome inclusion of the Ne ?t'o in the general citizenship priv leges of America; and whereas this philosophy has ©man at led 'rom the cooperative working and danning of both white and colored nombers and not from any isola t'd «r single factor, be is resolved - that, this convention re-affirni its (fai h in, urge its continuance of, ami call upon all the citizenship to reinforce the battle lines al ready established and thereby in sure eventual succe s. Low Cost Housing We protest any racial discrimin i a.tion in fhe employment and pro I motion of employees in coustruc > tion of low cost housing projects and in the selection of tenants and the appointment and promo tion of administrative officers in i such project? fostered or financed by <>r with federal funds. We urge tho inclusion of at least one Ne gro on every local housing au thor! y. Frderal Hocrii'ng Authority .... We protest the use of race as a basis for .the rejection *f loans in particular neighborhoods m ei ther the Underwriters’ Manual or other instruction notices issued by tho Federal Housing Administra tion. We also protest any forms of racial discrimination or segre gation in either the approval of loans or the amounts thereof by local FHA units. We urge the inclusion of Negroes in the admin istration of both national am) local units of FHA. Social Security 1. We recommend that the Con gress of the United States enact such legislation as will include all agricultural and domestic workers, as well as others in low income brackets in those parts of Social Security from which they are now excluded. We oppose any cuts in NY A. WPA, and particularly in the Fed eral Arts Projects We take the position that those persons who are removed from WPA, NYA and relief rolls should be reasonably assured of employment. 2. We recommend further that the States administering ok! age assistance be urged to modify rules governing proof of ligibility so far as age and citizenship are concerned for (those who are env j titled to the grant prior to 1950. Creating Job Opportunities, We urge local branches to cre ate or cooperate with other agen cies sponsoring jobs opportunity campaigns; and to establish a clearing bureau for the exchange of techniques with all branches, labor Unions We urge the present Congress and the legislatures of the several states having little Wagner Acts to revise the Wagner Labor Act so a» to prevent discriminatory practices on the basis of race,, creed or color by prohibiting the unions which have color bars from becoming sole bargaining agencies. We urge that Federal funds not be allocated for purchase or con tract where labor union® diseri minate on account of race, creed or color. We urge Negro workers to af filiate with labor unions whenever said unions policies operate for their protection. We urge that immediate effort be made to secure a Negro mem ber on the National Labor Rela tions Board. I. POLITICAL RIGHTS N Negro Vote and Political Action With the coming year destined to be one of the most important in the history ofl the United ..Sjtates en account of the impor tance the impending national elec tions, the NAACP again affirms its nonpartisan position in aO local, state and national cam paigns. However, if democracy is to con tinue government by the people, we feel it our duty as always (1) to urge al] Negroes to register CONTINUED NEXT WEEK