affaIrs Tlie ^ S-o-c-i e t y^ "WorId organizations Mr. P. S. Stovall of 2415 N. 22 St. departed this life July 5th at 1 a local hospital. He leaves a wife and two sons and four step child ren and a host of friends. Mr. Sto vall wa ssick about 3 months. His funeral wa Monday at two o’clock at Zion Baptist Church, of which he was a memfoer for 7 years. He was a Loving husband, a devoted father and a true Christian. Myers was the funeral director. -t50o——— Mrs. May Basseth of 2801 Ohio St., had a birthday Monday, the 10th of July. ———oOo if is. Delores Williams of Chica go, 111., who hais been visiting hei rater,‘Mrs. Amanda Williams of b'lfl Patrick Ave., returned home and she is reported as having an enjoyable time while in our city. -oOo Mr. B. Hayes, of 3219 Emmett, departed this life Sunday June 3, after a stroke. He was stricken North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24*h SI WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE RtEPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING, METHOD -,L*aYt'8 No . Repair, Ix*ok” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN . VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— t twwmnwwwvwwww Try.. | Herman's! Market I First KERMAN FRIEDLANDER f PROPRIETOR 24th Lake St. WE. 5444 and passed away in a local hos pital. His funeral was Friday July 8,h at Lewis Funeral Home. -0O0 Mrs. James Colquist who is pro prietor of a grocery store at 2754 I,ake St, is visiting a friend >n Moline, 111. -0O0-— CORRECTION We wish to correct the mistake concerning Mr. Robert Johnson of N'orlti Pla.te, lie is not flead. He wa» hert. attending the funeral of Mrs. Georgia Robinson of 2207 N. 27th Ave, He is a relative to their family. --c—oOo Miss Romell Hatter and Mies Equilla Ware of 2307 N. 27th at., went to Chicago, 111., to spend aijouit si* weeks with Miss Hat ter, Father Mr. William Hatter, 3437 Vermon avenue. They are the neices of Mrs. Millie Daniels \ f 2307 N. 27th St. --owo Mr. Eugene Rice of 2617 Grant St., and Mr. Floyd Pettis are visiting in Chicago, 111,, with re latives. -0O0 Mi's. Orelia Thompson of Kan sas, City, Me., was the house guest of Mrs. Victoria Gibson of 2518 Maple Si., for two weeks. -—0Q0. . Mr. McDonald who is vice presi dent of Townsend Club No. 11 who went as a delegate to the conven tion in Indianapolis, Ind., reporta he had trobuLe in getting a badge ! after he had presented the letter | Mr. Nell our organizer had givt n him to Mr. McKenzie who is the State representative of Nebraska i Townsend Clubs. He said there was p. large delegation that went to the train to meet Dr Franc's Townsend at Cadle Tabernacle and each session was opened by pray er and singing Americ. Dr. Francis Townsend, founder and father of this great movement gavo a short talk on the plan and then the Governor of Indiana was ! called upon to speak and he spoke very favorable of the plans and assured the delegation they would get all of his support. Then Mayor Sullivan of the City of Indiana polis made a short talk and said he was in favor of the plan.s and would assure them of his support. Mr. Silvia of the Hawaii Islands made a wonderful talk on the 2 per cent transaction tax in the Hawaii Island and said he knew if the plan was a success there it could also be a success in Ameri ca. Mrs. Madam Starke who is called the singing bird of Ameri I The Tuxedo Barber Shop 2225 North 24th St JA. 8676 Most anyone can cut your hair and shave you, but do you have those.perfect lines and that come hither touch that you get at The Tuxedo Barber Shop. Our instruments are sterilized. Our Service is Courteous and Pleasing. M. A. McGee & _____ _ Dolgofi Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH Wc Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Screen Wire, Chicken Wire, and Pence Wrire. WE MAKE SSREEN FRAMES TO ORDER Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper & Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. Special! ^-DELIVERY SERVICE— 2 Suits 4 03 2 Dresses ‘plain’ I 1 Suit & 1 Dress ’’ B Eflholm & Sherman == WE 6055 - - ^ ^ •/* C*J Spring Chicken Cheaper than Meats 20c lb. We Give Green Trad n^ Stamp; CAREY'S NABORHOOD Grocery OPEN SUNDAYS AND EACH NIGHT TIDE 10 P. M. WE. 6089 ca sang very beautiful. One song was composed about Dr. Francis Townsend. Congressman Cannon of Florida made a wonderful talk a’fhough he was a substitute for Congressman Henricks of Florida. Mr. Jeffery, the vice president of the Townsend Organization urged ihe delegation to defeat the one who voted against the Townsend Plans. Representative Angelle of Oregon wade a wonderful talk. Mr. Beal of Chicago was also one of the spekers. Mr. Jackson the only colored speaker there was only allowed ten minutes to talk. Mr. McDon ald avs that Indianapolis has many colored enterprises and that the Colored population was fifty thousand. We are thankful for the Townsend Movement and also men like Mr. McDonald. Mrs. Georgia Peoples, Mr. Bill Monday, Mr. James Owens has returned from Kansas City, Mo., where they spent the 4th of July visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Owens. They had an enjoyable trip. TEpre w!as a grand reception given in honor of Mrs. Mario Ilolt of Kansas City, Mo., who is grand captain of Military Dept, of the FBPOE of VV Temple. There were 28 present. A lovely dinner was served which consisted of fried chicken, potato salad, cheese, cool aid, and pineapple pie. The recep lion was sponsored 'by the captain. The Honored guest were Cap tain Thomas, Edith Harrison Charley Davis, Exalted Ruler and Daughter Ruler, Josephine Mer ritt. The evening was spent in drilling. -0O0 Mrs. Hayes of Kansas City, Mo. was the house guest of Mrs. Mammie Simmons of 2430 Erskine ] Sh. for three days stay. -oOo-- j PROMOTED AT THE AGE OF 67 FROM PUBLIC SCHOOL Wo are glad to know that Mrs. Helen Sampson of 2601) Lake St., was promoted from Omaha Pub lic School Worli* Progress Ad ministration Adults Education with a grade of “A” in Arithmetic Spelling and Grammar She is 67 years old. Mrs. Ida Edwards of 2310 N. 27th Avenue is redecorating her home. -oOo Mrs, Edward has in her garden at 2310 N. 27th avenue, a running cucumber vine which is 4 feet long and runs a distance of 3 feet up the high board fence and is full of blooms. It is a wonderful sight to behold. —-oOo———• Elsie Mallory of 2221 N. 23rd St was home over the week end from Catnip Brewster. -oOo Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pettis were blessed with a baby girl June 28. Mother and baby are doing fine. -oOo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marrow of 1840 N. 22 St. have gone to Chica go. They motored back with their son for a 3 weeks stay. -oOo Mrs. Fannie Mae Hensley, Mrs. Clara Lewis, Mrs. Ethel Mitchell, 1 Miss Carrie Leola Grant and Mrs. Mattie Allen, all residents of St. Louis, Mo., stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Law son during the Ell<„ Convention which was held in Omaha. Mrs. Dora Jackson and husband, Mrs. Alice Scott and husband motored | from Kansas City, Mo., and spent the 4th of July with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lawson, 2206 N. 28th Ave. Miss Margaret Burton is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and Miss Ann Ste vens. ■ I ..... ■■ o RABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— j THE SICK UST Mrs. N. A. Perkins of 2819 N. 28th avenue has been on t'he sick list about four week. She is im proving. Rev. Simpson is ■still on the sick list. He lives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hemmingway at 2618 Grant St He would be glad to have hie friends call and see him. Mrs. Manuel of 2720 Ohio St. wa* called to Topeka, Kansas to the bed aide of hor father. He is very sick. Mr. Kirk Johnson who is a cook on the Union Pacific was overcome by heat Saturday July 8bh. He is under ‘.be care of a doctor. Mrs. Helen D. Carter, 2504 Hamilton Street has been very ill with her foot which has injection. Mr. Howard E. Smith of 2207 N. 27th Ave is reported sick. Mrs. Eva Brown 2810 N. 27th Avenue is on the sick list. Mrs. L. A. Gardner of 2302 Grant who has been very sick is some better now. Mr. H. L. McIntosh of 1114 N. 22n