NEW CATHOLIC ARCHBISIIOI OF NEW YORK OFFICIATES PERSONALLY IN HARLEM AT FIRST CONFIRMATIONS IN N«*V POSITION; 117 JO’lN New York, July 6 (C)—The Moat Reverend Francis Joseph Spellman, recently installed Ro man Catholic Archbishop of New York, succeeding the late Cardinal Hayes, chose to come to Harlem personally last Sunday and make his first confirmatiins as Arch bishop in two Negro congrega* tions. Assisted by Negro altar boys and prominent Catholic Negro men as a frock coated guard of honor inside the chancel of both churches tho Archhshop confirmed 20 men 57 women and 26 children at St. Alioysiua Church, 209 W. 132rd St., and 207, 59 >men and 48 child ren at St. Charles Borromeo’s 213 W. 141st street. All those con firmed were colored. The new Arrhb;shop emphasized fho significance of his decision to give the Negroes of the anldiocese the honor of being the first con firmed since his elevation to the archbishopric. An oveiflow congregation of 1,200 colored persons greeted the archbishop at St. Ali>ysius’s where “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2122 I ake Street— :\m. *^ Lj.n - 1 | T i T iSumnie^sui^tanoften P nakes skin too dark and blotchy. Try Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener to lighten and brighten your com plexion. 25c at druggists. Send 3c for SAMPLE. DR. FRED PALMER’S PRODUCTS CO.. DEPT. Z-149, ATLANTA, GA. R - — . -- It'S Loan Bank AND MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a Great Reduction. Up to-Datc Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies Ready to Wear Millinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the Entire Family, 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 ■ SHOE SERVICE The Services that , Pleases. A Complete Shoe Service J. L. Taylor, Prop. 2407 Lake St. He confirmed at 2:30 in the after >acn; and a throng of 1,000 more tilored was at St. Charles Bor romeo’s. In his sermon at St. Charles Jthe Archbi hop said: “B. coming first to the colored people for cenfirmations, I want to af firm my devotion to the cause «f catholicity. I want to affirm that I am the Archbishop of all (hhe people—and that I will do all I can to foster Jesus Christ among you.” Tho Archbishop said at both churches: “There is a great deal of work to do. Among the colored people we have not made the pro gress we would like.” He said that tho church' ha„ made only 10 per ent the progre-s among Negroes in the United States that it has made among the general popula tion. Only one Negro in f.fty is a Ca'bolic, while one in five in the general population is of the faith. Of the 21,000,000 Catholics in the country only 250,000 are Negroes. Negro choirs of men and women sang at both churches. —- '- ■ oOo——— Bishop Buys the Lights For Africa BISHOP WRIGHT ViSIT DETROIT; HAS BOUGHT $2,000 LIGHTS FOR AFRICA Betroit, June 25) (ANP)—B'shop R. R. Wright, of the AME church, fonrer president of Wilberforce university, now of Sou'.h Africa, spent a few days in this city last week in interest of the general conference to be held here in 1940. The bishop, who is serving his forth week as missionary, has pur chased a lighting syrtcm costing $2,000, the units of which he is carrying back with him to be in stalled in Wilberforce school in South Africa. This system will light all the buildings and the 12 acren of ground surrounding the school. The installation work will be done by electricians trained in the school over there. Another important announce ment made by Bishop Wright had to do with the opening of a clinic i July 30 in connection with the in stitution but which will be for community purposo*. Miss Grace Ware of Jamaica, N. Y., a gradu ate nurse with 10 years’ experi ence has volunteered1, go to Africa to serve as nurse. Owing to difficulty experienced in the past in taking workers other than mis sionaries and teachers to Africa because of the restrictions of the government there, it is still a problem ap to whether or not Miss Waro’s services can be accepted. Mexico City, June 29—(CNA)— Expropriation of Mexico’s huge coffee plantations in the State of Chapas, until now largely in the hands of German Nazi*, began ’Pis week under the supervision of the Governor of the State, Inq. Efrain A. Guiterez. The lands will be turned over to former peons. We Pay Cash For OJd & Antique Guns WE 2869 521 No. 16th St. — ■ . —— wmv ■»_, Hm w=j oc=j Utrrj um ucri U«=l ut=j uer-J ur-i u*—' »»— ■ •*» ——r"~' “* " * MRS. MATTIE LEE CALLAWAY —Announces— Hair Oil and Grower for Sale —AT— Harriet’s Vanity Beauty Shop CLEOA KING PARKER HATTIE MOORE PROPRIETORS 1408 North 24th St. Acro,« from ^iene^ Hon,e* WE. 2846 WE: 0156 Special Bargain Prices *J7 Ambassador Nash sedan, like new $575 '37 Plymoutr 4 door touring sedan $459 '36 Buick coach sport fodel with heater like new. .—. 495 33 Plymouth coach, excellent condition $175 753 Reo 4 Door sedan ..-•-••••.$195 752 Nash sedan, good condition.•• $1£5 751 Panel delivery ..— .$125 )ne 1938 Ford Deluxe 2 door ^ „.$575 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556 -m • DARK LAUGHTER by 01 Harrington i-r—..... " l -' - ■ ---- “I’M GOIN’ OUT ON A DATE WITH MR. BOOTSIE. YA THINK I OUGHT TO TAKE ALONG A POLICE WHISTLE AN’ SOME EXTRA MONEY FOR SUMPIN’ LIKE BAIL OR A FINE OR SUMP’N?” /Tv ^ I Can You Swim? w>—--® I ______ If you can’t swim and want to learn—The American Rod Crocs, coperating with the Urban League have star.ed a swim campaign for all boys and girls. The lessons are given each Mon day and Wednesday mornings, 8 to 10 o’clock. All those desiring to .io'n in thb campaign to learn to swim may do so free of charge by registering a the Urban league office, 22nd ami Lake streets any week day morn. -—oOo Africans Cable For liishop Wright For Another Four Years Philadelphia, Pa., (C)—Bishop J. A. Gregg, secretary of the Bishops’ Council of the AME church has received a cablegram from a large and representat vi group of South Africans, which reads: "All South African religious . civil, fraternal, educational, and political organizations, regardless of denominations, demand the con tinuance of Bishop R R. Wright in South Africa, required petitions signed by thousands of Africans in South Africa, Johannesburg District, lay members and minis ters.” The cablegram was signed by Mareka, chairman and Mywayi secretary. Bishop Wright has commended himself to Africans through his j unusual accomplishments of the , quadrennium, having built three j new buildings at Wilberfoce In stitute and brought seven persons from America and added 5,000 members to the chuch; travelled nearly 100,000 miles in South Afri ca, translated the catechism and the Missionary Constitution in the several African languages, pub lished the South Africa Christian Recorder and ha8 the circulation over 3,000. Bishop Wright is making his headquarters at tihe home of his father, Major R R. Wright, Sr., 5654 N. 28th Street Philadelphia, while he is in America. OSBORNES MILLINERY —SH©P_ 2515 North 24th Si. WHY PAY CARFARE When You can get the Hat vou want at Osborne’s Milline^^hop. Mrs. ©sborne’s is an expert at Dressmaking and HI cling. Hemstitching^ Rate*. GETS JOB Miss Evelyn Smith Harlem (New York City) beau tician and Hair Tinter who is the irst of her race to be appointed as a hair dye demonstrator for .ho 60 year old Guilmard Company Inc., of Paris, France and New York Miss Smith will travel over the country demonstrating to both white and colored. She was selected in a test eowpetiton with more than thirty wh te girls, win ning with flying colors. She gives free demonstrations at New York headquarters daily. A native of Honda, Miss Smith was educated at Fort Valley, Ga., and at Wil fred’s Beauty Academy on Broad way in New York. (Calvin Service) -0O0 DEMOCRACY MUST WORK, SAY EINSTEIN, MAVERICK, BETHUNB, AN* SKCRBTARY 1CKES Richmond, Va. June 31—A de mocracy that nnrt work, that needs must bo feught ior if it is to realize its highest ideal for all races in Ameriea was the key sentiment expressed ia greetings sent to the thirtieth annaal con ference of the Natieaal Associa tion for the Advaaceanent of Col ored People, which opened a seven day conference here in the Mos que aaditorium Tuesday, June 27. Excerpts from greeting sent by four eminent Americans foRow: "Yojir organization has done and i8 doing a grand work in its fight for the protection of life and liberty; for economic free dom; for educational opportuni ties aad for the right ef Che Ne gro to equitably participate in the program of the Government of the United States.”—Mary Mc Cleod Bothune, NYA director, Washington, D. C. “Every man and woman who is sincerely devoted to the ideal and spirit of democracy must be your ally in your just struggle for real equality of rights.”—Albert Ein stein, Princeton, New Jersey. I “It has always been my firm ■ conviction that there can be no democracy in this country until the problems of all races have ! been adjusted satisfactorily. In i your intelligent and far-sighted attack on the problems of racial | relationships, you are making a definite contribution to what I consider true democracy.”—Maury ' Maverick, Mayor, San Antonio, Texas. “It is not only necessary to re affirm our faith in democratic processes, but it is equally neces isary that we labor incessantly to make that democracy work. Dur .•.■.Y.V.WV.'.V.'.V.W/.W Duffy Pharmacv We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery W.V.V.V.V.V.’AW/AV.V WWIWAPAWAWWAV Call Us for MODERNIZATION Attics, Kitchens, Basements, Re roofing, Insulation, Re-siding. . Easy Monthly Payments MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19..»..Si.»iiSii|.i«i.Si >n« ington, D. C. Cithers whose greetings had been received up to the time of the con ference’s opening included: Mayor Piorello La Guardia, of New York Representative Joseph Gavagan, of New York; Senator Warren Bar hour, of New Jersey; Governor Herbert H. Lehman, of New York and Gol Theodore Roosevelt. RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24th St. AT 7777 Across the street from the LOGAN FONTENELLE HOME* ADVERTISING MEANS MORE PROFIT AND MORE BUSINESS__ Thrifty Service 6 lbs. for 48c 7c EACH ADDITIONAL LB. "6'/2c ON WEDS.” ALL FLAT WORK BEAUTIFULLY IRONED. BATH TOWELS FLUFFY DRIED. WEARING APPEAREL RETURNED DAMP READY TO IRON. WE GUARANTEE COLORED CLOTHES NOT TO FADE. SHIRTS FINISHED IN THIS SERVICE FOR I0r » IF DESIRED. " 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine St&. Will their Dream come true, or mill Sex Ignorance mar fAefr Happiness? v Partial Contents ^ Technique of Intarcourte. • Fundamental facta conoernlng cojtua. a Regulation of Intoroourao In mar ' rlage. a. Tho practice of restraint. • Surett way to prepare wlfa for ooltua. • Tho marital rlghla of the huaband. • What tho wife mutt do la bring hyr huaband'a aei dealrea In harmony with her own. Ir. Sexual rolationa dorlng pregnancy. (1 Nrrvout dlaoatea due to unaatlaflod aex needa. • Charta allowing periodicity of nat ural doalro In women. • Tho eaaenllal factors for tho act of coltua. • Natural doalro for aoaual union. II Joya of tho honeymoon. • Ignorance of the bride and unwlte ectlona of the groom, g Tho man who haa rolationa with proatltutoe before marriage. ■ Cauaea for unhapptneta In marriage. ■ Problem of chlldleta unlont. • Frequency of conjugal rolationa. w Stimulation of aoaual feellrtg. • Tho problem of the strong-teaed hup band and the woax-seaed wlfa. It When fullest delight In Intercourse la obtained. g How tome woman drln their hup bands to proatltutoa. g Sleeplessness from unsatisfied tea needs. 'Married Lore" contains 192 pages printed on flue antique paper, hand somely bound In cloth. Actual tixe is 114 is % inches. MARRIED LOVE A Solution of Intimate Sex Difficulties by Dr. Marie Stopea With remarkable irankneaa, ana in aimpio, understandable language, Dr. Stopes explain# the intimate and important details ol wedded life. Point by point, and just as plainly as sha would tell you in private confidence. Dr. Slope# takes up each of the many troublesome factor# in marriage. She makes cleat just what is M> be done to insure contentment and happiness^ She writes directly, forcefully, concretely, ex< plaining step by step every procedure in proper sex relations. ' Thousands of marriages end in misery and divorce because so many married people ara ignorant of the Art of Love. Is your nsarriaga on the brink of ruin? Do you search for that joy of a perfect union? Now, YOU can chang» despair into heavenly happiness—if you'knoWj the secrets of the intimate physical contact# of marriage. Dr. Marie Stopes, in the preface of lie# world-famous book, says, “In my own marriag# I paid such a terrible price for sex ignoranc# that I felt that knowledge gained at such ^ price should be placed at the service of hiw manity." This volume, “Married Love," coura# geously fulfills this noble purpose. / NOW ONLY 49e \ Men and women by the thousands eagerl# paid the original published price of IS a copy* The enormous sale made possible a $3 edtwon' —and thousands more availed themselves ot this bargain. All told, more than a millinrf copies of “Married Love” have been sold iri Europe and America. And now—for a limited time (this announcement may not appea# again)—this same book is yours for only 49cI{ A new world of happiness may be in store fot you I A new dawn of joy and health and energy —and the success that comes with them I j Limited Time Offer Every one should have a copy of this famous t book, now offered for the first time at the amazingly low price of only 49c. Send in your order at once to be sure to secure a copy ot :his world-famous book dealing with the intimate contacts of love in marriage. Take advantage of his sensational, limited offer made to the readers >f this paper to secure a copy of “Married Love” it this remarkably low price of only 49c. You must read this valuable book to understand why over 1,000,000 copies have been sold in Europe and America. ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY! EUGENICS PUB. CO, Inc, Dept. M-418 Its CAST 94tb STREET NEW VORK. N. V. FEDERAL JUDGE LIFTS BAN { on tho famous book dealing with the Inttmaw i : physical contacts of Iota In marriage. if/j In lifting the ban on “Married Lore f/ m/ Federal Judge John M W oolite J i Mi J \\ said that this famous book J jjnfkiK "'i‘K*n*e. fts?.™'J" t V matire. It oleadi with I seriousness. and not Og without some e)oqncnre | iTH for a better understand i /aw inn by Husbands of | fL'r—' the physical and emo i •A--/ |i«,nal aide of thegaei I life of their wires I I cannot imagine a J norma) mind to I which this book J would seem to I be obscene or . Immoral." -— —-— —-— EUatNICS PUB. CO., Dept 14-41S. 919 East 94th St., New York. N. V. Enclosed ts my remittance for 40c plot 15e for packing and delivery charge* for which olease send me In plain wrapper—all charges prepaid —one copy of the special American edition of Dr. Marie fltope*' famous booS "Married Lora’* which origiuallj soli for 95. Name Age..,* Addro* .’ City. Sul,.I O A limited edltlon'of thla book has been bonnd In rich fabnkoid leathpr. gilt top pages with ©ever stamped in gold The'cost Is only 50e extra. If wanted, put check in Snare and add 50c,to your remittance. Orders from foreign countries must be accompanied hj remittance for’91 5(K m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mi