CHURCH NEWS N 1IIL1.SIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30rth and Ohio Sts. • Rev. John S. Williams, pastor r __ On Sunday July 9th at eleven o’clock. Hillside Presbyterian ehurch will be beautifully decora ted and members will be all a-glee fn celebrating ten years of service of their pastor and wife, Rev. & Ifia John S. Williams. The anni versary message will be delivered tjy the pastor and the choir will sting “God’s Treasures" by Sebe lius and “The Lord’s Prayer" by Msllott-Deis. Mrs. Ethel Webb is #he organist. At b o’clock the anniversary musical will feature Omaha’s made teachers, Mr. Cecil Berry era* and Mrs. Alice Berryman, fu>Lh of the conservatory at Paris, Frame*, and former teachers of harmony and counterpoint in Oma ha university. Edward and Rudy Berry, sons of the above artists IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP R*dieg and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 lake Street— NEBRASKA PRODUCE iajtt-4—6 North 24th St. Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Obi prices are reasonsable, see as first. I'Ve* Trading Stamps with each Purchase. Bill’s Loan Bank DIB MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a Great Reduction. Up t^-Pnte Clothing, Dry Goods, Undies Ready to Wear Millinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the Entire Family. 1864 V. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 LAKE . SHOE ■ SERVICE The Services that , Pleases. 1 A Complete Shoe Service ,J. L. Taylor, Prop. 2407 Lake St. will also play. The Berryman’s performance will be augmented by a massed chorus of about 100 voices which will sing 2 beautiful spirituals concluding the program with ‘‘Great and Marvelous," by Harvey Garet. Mrs. Irene Morton will be soloist. Presidents who have not been asked to take part in this festival, are asked to attend and bring their cihoirs just the some as it was dif ficult to ihajve contacted every one who took part in the Spring Musical sponsored by Mr. L. L. McVay, We hope all who took part in the Spring Musical will attend this anniversary festival of our beloved director, the Rev. John S). Williams. A massed re hearsal will be held on Friday night July 7th at Hillside Presby terian GhUrch at 8 o’clock in pre paration for this event. A small orchestra will take part on the program. -—oOo MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor Romell Hatter, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 A. M. with 5 of our officers in place. Our lesson was a general review of the Life and Character of Paul, Everyone enjoyed the lesson and took an active part in tlhie discussion. 11 A. M_Our pastor brought the message from Acts 17-23 verse. Subject: To the Unknown God. Our hearts did burn as ihe spoke to us. Union was called to order at the usual time. The young people took an active part. After our le-Hon ithere was offered a Universal prayer for the sick, crippled the beloved in sorrow and all. Always welcome to our ser vice. 8 P. M. service was opened by the choir. There was a healing service for the sick. Our pastor brought the message. Subject: Faith or Fail. Gen. 22-7 verse. The text was very well explained and everyone enjoyed the less-on. Also 2 out of town visiting minis ters. We had a very fiery service. Everyone welcome at all times. ST JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church Dr. R. A. Adams, pastor The Sunday school opened the Itlil work. There are NO MOV 1NG PARTS in its freezing system. And that’s important .— for a lot of other reasons, too! It means no moving parts to wear. And low oper ating cost that stays low. Servel actually pays for itself with the money it saves year after year!" 9 NOW AS LOW AS *14950 Small Carrying Charge ALSO LISTEN TO... IDA BAILEY ALLEN FAMOUS ADVISER TO AMERICAN WOMEN ON MODERN LIVING PROBLEMS IAIAIAI every satur W W DAY morning (590 KILOCYCLES) 9:30,a 9:45 v SPONSORED BY