The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 24, 1939, City Edition, Image 1

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    1 t1
• Edition ~
■ • 1 1 ■ .... 1 ■
.... ._ j [ Wentheroutlook for th*j;
WORLD WIDE j period June 19 to 24. Up-j
-per Miss, and lower Mo. i
NEWS SERVICE I valleys, generally fair!
)F ALL LOCAL NEWS , al, except frequent show
MATTBR I ers and seasonable temp
FLASH PHOTO —^ _ I eratures northern portion
Entered as Second-Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, QatiirHilV .Tunp 24 1Q‘tQ Number 12—
Nebraska, under Act of March 8, 1874.__aamrqay, cn, ltWf ^________
With an aerial circus added to a
greatly enlarged fireworks display
Omaha Post, American Legion,
anticipates a crowd of upwards of
80,000 persons will gather in Crei
ghton Stadium in Omaha, for the
Pest’s third annual community,
Fourth of July Celebration.
The Flying Covets, an ace aer
ial acrobatic troupe who were fea
tured by Ringling Brothers, Bar
num & Bailey’s circus, will give
a thrilling entertainment in mid
field preceding the fireworks dis
Morris E. Jacobs, chairman of
the legion post’s finance commit
tee, wlhich sponsors these Fourth
of July celebrations for the bene
fit of the post’s relief activities’
fund, announced that this years
fireworks show will combine many
new novelties. Fifty aerial displays
and sets to be fired electrically
with no delays between numbers
to provide continuous entertain
ment from the first (to the last.
Tht,arle-Duffield company, the lar
gest concern in this business, and
designers of the firewoi-ks displays
at the Chicago world’s fair, has
been given a contract for this part
of the entertainment.
“These fireworks celebrations
sponsored by the Omaha for the
benefit for its welfare activities,
have now become established as
the feature holiday attraction for
eastern Nebraska and southwest
Iowa,” Bert C. Grasgorg, post
commander, said. “Last years
sh„w was attended by about 10,000
persons, and with the bigger pro
gram we are offering this year,
wo expect to fill Creighton Uni
versity stadium this year.”
Members of Omaha post have
tickets for sale, or they may be
obtained by writing to George Gil
lan, post adjutant, City Hall, Oma
ha. General admission is 50 cents
for adults and 25 cents for child
ren with more than 10,000 good
seats available at no extra cost.
Reserved seats are 25 cents addi
tional to the general admission
Louis In Rare Form As Galento
Fight Nears
Fompton Lakes, N. J., June 24—
(ANP)—Manager Joe Jacobs may
have made it a bit tougher for his
meal ticket, Two-Ton Tony Gal
ento, by charging that Joe Louis
“used a gimmick” in his sensat
ional one round knockout of Max
Stfuneling a year ago. The cham
pion, already a bit burned up over
the rotund one’s persistency in
speaking of him as "dat bum,
Louis” is in the peak of his fight
ing career for his 1 round engage
ment—or less—with the ambulat
ory Jersey beer barrel at Yankee
stadium, June 28.
Observors unanimously declare
that Joe is faster and boxing bet
ter than at any previous time in
his career. Of course his punch
ing 'has always been tops. But
against his sparring partners —
and they’re all better than aver
age—he has shown speed, science
and footwork far superior to his
previous best efforts.
Joe, who not long ago said Ga would be a softer touch
than Bob Roper, his recent Cali
fornia victim, now declares the ro
tund one is “plenty touch,” can
hit like Bab? Ruth” and will put
up “an awfully close fight.” But
the champion, nevertheless, said
ho was going right to work from
the opening gvng and planned to
end the little party just as soon
as he could.
Last week Nat Fleishcher, edi
tor of “The Ring,” Iboxing maga
zine, gave Louis a medal for turn
ing in the best exhibition of 1938,
the one round kayo of Schmeling.
Fleischer also gave two belts to
Henry Armstrong, who was there
with his wife and daughter. One
belt was for winning the welter
weight Championship a year ago
from Barney Ross and the other
was for holding three titles at
New Pork City, June 17—Be
cause of some misunderstanding
among some of the train porters,
resulting largely from false pro
paganda as to whether they should
pay their per capita t,ax to the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car por
ters, in acordance with the grant
ing of jurisdiction over train por
ters by the Executive Council of
the American Federation of La
bor to the Brotherhood, the fol
lowing letter was written on this
question by Frank Morrison, Sec
retary-Treasurer of the A. F. of
L., to A. Phillip Randolph, Inter
national President, and to one of
the interested ti^ain porters.
June 9, 1939
Mr. A. Philip Randolph, Inter. Pres
Brotherh’d of Sleeping Car Porters
217 W. 125th St., Room 301,
New York, N. Y.
Dear Sir and Brother:
I wish to acknowledge your
letter of June 8th, enclosing cop
ies of a leeter sent by this office
on May 10 to Marcelus Cain, Fin
ancial Secretary of Trainmen,
Brakemen and Portors Union No.
21458. I note the use to which he
has put this communication, and
I wish to express regret that the
letter w,as sent to the union.
It was, of course a mistake,
but it was dictated by a correspon
dent who overlooked, in some way,
the action by the Executive Coun
cial concerning the jurisdiction of
your organization over this and si
milar unions.
We are complying with your
request that a letter ibe sent the
union, setting them right on this
matter, and directing them to pay
their per capit^a tax t» your office.
Expressing regret for the
jnistake and the inconvenience it
has caused, I am
Yours fraternally,
Signed: Frank Morrison
American Federation of
Acaordtng to Mr. Randolph,
the train porters, porter brakemen
and chair car porters are rapidly
joining the Brotherhood.
Ask Negro Federal
Judge For Islands
New York, June 22 (CNA)—
Representatives of Virgin Island
organization in this city met this
week to initiate a campaign for
the appointment of another Negro
Federal Judge for the Virgin Is
lands, to succeed William H. Has
tie who has resigned the post to
become Dean of Howard Univer
Ashley L. Hotten, labor leader,
who was elected chairman of the
Publicity Committee, announced
that Virgin Islanders in this
country were determined to prose
cute a vigorous program of action
to keep the Federal post in the
hands of the race and will back
the youjiig and brilliant District
Attorney in the Islands, James A.
Bough, for the post.
- — ooO—
Albert O’Dell, 21 of 2623 Frank
lin street was arrested after cut
ing Fred McGruder in the face
and bads in a cafe on Lake St.
O’Dell npv; sentenced to five days
ia the ceenty jail for disorderly
__ •
Major Problems Confronting Race To Be Discussed
Mrs. Roosevelt To Speak and Present Medal To
Marian Anderson
« ———- . . - ..—-- .. .
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Richmond. Va., June 22—Every
thing is in readiness for the en
| tertainment of the 30th annual
conference of the National Asso
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People here June 27—
July 2, inclusive.
I The meeting of the race’s fore
most civil rights organization bids
fair to eclipse any similar ga
thering in the past ten years. This
will be the third time in thp his
tory of the NAACP that the an
nual conference has gone below
the Mason and Dixon line. The
first trip was in 1920 to Atlanta,
Ga. The second in 1934 to Oklai
hama City, Okla., and the thin!
this year in Richmond.
B*rom the opening meeting Tues
day night, June 27, in Richmond’s
huge mosque to the closing meet
ing Sunday afternoon, July 2, also
in the Mosque, the sessions will
be packed with discussions of the
major problems affecting race re
lations in Ameriqa.
Headquarters or the conference
will be the Fifth Street Baptist
Church, N. Fifth and E. Jackson
The opening night speakers will
be Judge William H. Hastie, who
recently resigned his post on the
federal bench in the Virgin Islands
and Samuel B. Solomon of Miami,
Fla., who organized and led the
Negro voters of his city to the
polls May 2 in defiance of threats
made by the Ku KIux Klan. Judge
Hastie will sound the keynote of
the conference and will review
briefly the major achievements of
the association during the past
three decades. Mr. ^.Solomon will
tell the inside story, of the organi
zation of Negro Voters in |the
South and i9 expected to point opt
that colored citizens in Dixie are
cietermined to exercise their citi
zenship rights.
Among the speakers and dis
cussion leaders on Wednesday,
June 28, will be S. H. Dytostra of
the staff of the wages and hours
act administrator; Dr. Charles S.
Johnson of Fisk university; Les
ter B. Granger and Howard Keg
ter. They will discuss low wages
)and low income farming. Edward
S. Lewis of Baltimore will preside
June 28 in a panel discussion on
economic security and other
speakers will tell of the work of
the New Negro Alliance in Wash
ington and of the organization
of tobacco workers in Richmond.
Health and housing problems
will bo considered at the general
session Thursday, June 29, with
Dr. John B. West, of New York,
and Harold Lett, of Newark, N.
J., as the discussion leaders.
One of the most interesting of
the group discussions is expect
ed to occur Thursday afternoon,
June 29, when Thurgood Mar
shall, T. G. Nutter, Enolia Mc
Millan and Lester B. Granger will
speak on the general subject of
Friday afternoon, June 30. the
whole subject of civil rights will
be discussed by Hubert T. Delany
James M. Nabrit, Leon A. Ransom
and Mrs. Grace Towns Hamilton.
This session will be presided over
by P. B. Young, Sr., of Norfolk,
On Friday morning, William
Pickens, director of branenes of
the NAACP will ^preside at a ses
sion in which the problems of
branch organization will be gone
The Saturday morning session,
July 1, will be the business meet
ing at which resolutions will be
adopted and the time and place
of the 1940 conference conference
The Wednesday night mass
meeting June 28 will be a panel
discussion on economic oppor
tunity in which one of the leading
participants will be Elmer Ander
son Carter, one of the three mem
bers of the appeals board of the
New York State Unemployment
Dr. Louis T. Wright, chairman
of the association’s board of di
rectors, will speak on the national
public health program Thursday
night, June 29; and Charles H.
staff, will discuss the implica
Houston, of the association’s legal
(continued on page 2)
Omaha Medical Society
Hold.Annual Meeting
The Omaha Medical Society held
their annual meeting at the office
of Dr. S. B. Northcroas. The con
stitution was revised by the addi
tion of a new Public Relations
Committee to facilitate coopera
Dr. Wesley Jones lead a paper
on Sulfanilamide after which the
society discussed the new drug.
This being the annual meeting,
tho following officers were elected:
President, Dr. Craig Morris; vice
president, Dr S. B. Northcross;
Secretary, Dr. Price Terrell, treas
uror, Dr. Herbert Wiggins, Assis
tant secretary, Dr. Stanley Madi
Robert Washington, 35 of 2701
Corby street was arrested on a
charge of disturbing the peace.
Washington was clipping his
hedge last Sunday, when Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McField, 2706 Corby
protested that it wrong to work on
a Sunday.
But Washington did not recog
nizo Sunday at the Sabbath and
the argument resulted in Wash
ington arrest.
-■—oOo—— -
The follow
ing officers
j were elected
| by the Chero
' kee Temple
Mrs. Jos
ephine Pierrit
Dtr. Ruler;
Mrs. Ethel
Marie Price,
Vice Dtr. Rul
er; Mrs. Sadie
Richardson ,
Ass’t. Dtr.
Ruler; Mrs.
Merta Will
mms, Sfec’y;, Mrs. Josephine
Mrs. Fannie Merritt
Williams, Recording Secretary;
Mrs. Eva Mortimer, Assistant,
secretary; Mrs. Ben Etta Cleve
land, treasurer; Mrs. Gertrude
Shropshire, Outer -door -keeper,
Mrs. Ida Green, Inside-door
St. Louis, June 22 (CNA)—Mo.
Negroes are watching with keen
interest and rising hopes the
movement initiated by Labor’s
Non-Partisan League of St. Loala
to ‘(bring the New Deal to Mis
The League’s objective was an
nounced at its recent convention
attended by more than 50 dele
gates from unions and other or
ganizations having a total mem
bership of 10,000.
The parley hailed the conviction
of local Boss T m Pendergast and
adopted a resolution pledging
support to President Roosevelt
and Governor Stark “to clean up
the state of Missouri and make
it a New Deal state.”
Newark, N. J. June 22 (CNA ) —
A determined campaign by t)he
New Jersey Association for Ne
gro Welfare'to bring the findings
of the state Temporary Commis
son for the Study of the Condition
of the Urbpn Colored Population
to the public in printed form has
finally resulted in the publishing
of the report, after three months
of attempted suggression.
The report brings to light many
revealing facts regarding racial
discrimination in the State of New
Jersey, Large corporations in the
state, for example, practically
bar the employment of Negroes
except for the most meni,al work.
In the field of education, the re
port disclosed not only discrimin
ation but a pronounced lack of
facilities for Negro children. The
report cites a one room school
house in South Jersey where Ne
gro children go from the first to
the eigbh grade in the same room
under the tutorage of one incom
petent and extremely underpaid
teacher. Aimong other things, the
report shows discriminatory rates
to the race for insurance, and dis
crimination in public places.
Three bills, Assembly 479,480
and 481 have been introduced to
the state legislature as a result of
the report.
A—479 provides for the contin
uation of the Temporary Commis
sion. It is felt tihat the Commis
sion, so far, hasv but scratched the
surface of the actual condition of
New Jersey’s 260,000 Negroes citi
A—480 provides for an amend
ment. to the much abused New
Jersey Civil Liberties Bill which
would make the fine collected from
a public establishment found
guilty of discrimination payable
1} the individual bringing suit
rgainst the establishment. Here
tofore the money has gone .to the
state. This bill is being vigorous
y opposed by the New Jersey
Hotel and Restaurant Proprietors
A—481 prohibits discriminatory
rates for Negroe„ wishing to ob
tain insurance.
The New Jersey Association for
Vegro Welfare recently held a
conference to qally support for
the bills, with representatives pre
sent from the Urban league, the
NAAOP the National Negro
Congress, the New Jersey Civil
Liberties League, the Elks, the In
ternational Workers Order, the
Greater Newark Industrial Coun
cil of the CIO and numerous
church organizations.
On a decision of the conference
a delegation was sent this week
to Trenton to contact members
of the state legislature.
You can’t afford to miss
Omaha’s latest entertain
I nent, What? Elks on
)ress Parade. Fri., June
0, & Sat., July 1, 8 30 pm.
New York City—M VS}—. Wil
liam Gran* Still, fomharly known
at '•Bini*1’' was one of I’.tty scho
lars to be awarded i' -* Guggen
heim f*Howship ncre thi'- week.
'Billie’’ a very modes* though
likable i How is a mus e a., of abi
Hty • o much pro mac. He was
born in Woodville, Mississippi;
raised ir. Little Rock, Arkansas,
and attended school at Wilberforc*
University, Wilberforce, Ohio; and
Oberline Conservatory, Oberlin,
Ohio. Most of his work was done
under the private tutorage of
Monsieur Edgar Varese, a French
man of much renoun in the musi
!cal field.
Mr. Still resides with his wife
and children in a modest apart
ment on Manhattan Avenue, New
York city. He is scheduled to de
part in May for California, ac
companied fby his family where
| he will begin work under the
Mr. Still made a coast to coast
concert tour with Paul Whiteman
(1930-31) as special arranger; was
conductor for The Willard Robison
Hour, a Symphony program pre
sented several times weekly, for
the past two years, over the Na
tional and Columbia Broadcasting
Systems. In this capacity Mr. Still
is the only colored conductor di
recting not only a white orches
tra, hut an orchestra composed
'of Symphony artists. In addition
to conducting the orchestra, Mr.
I Still assembles the musical num
| l*ers, arranges the program and
makes individual orchestral ar
rangements for eadh broadcast.
Foremost among Mr. Stills com
positions are, “Africa” a tone
poem for orchestra, presented in
1930 by Rochester Symphony Or
chestra, presented also in Paris
and Bad Homburg, Germany. Re
peated by popular request three
times in Germany. “Afro-Ameri
can Symphony,’’ completed in 1930
presented in 1931 by the Roches
ter Symphony Orchestra, present
ed in Berlin, Leipsig, and Stud
•igart, Germany. “Barrere”—Lit
tle Symphony, presented by New
York Symphony Orchestra. “La
Guiablesse” (Ballet) presented by
Rochester Symphony Orchestra ia
1933, presented twice June 1933
at Auditorium Theatre by Chicago
J Symphony Orchestra. “ A Desert
ed Plantation” (Suite) presented
by Paul Whiteman, Metropolitan
Opera House December 1933, pre
sented by Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestra M,arch 1934.
Mr. Still received the Harmon
Award in music several years ago.
Man, Wife, 9 Children Evicted
Mr. and Mrs. Theofflus Moore,
and their nine children, the oldest
ono nine years and the youngest
one seven months were set out on
the street at 3113 R St., Monday
a. m. They were told if they did
not move, the house would be torn
down on them.
Tried all north and south Oma
ha with the assistance of every
welfare agency in both ends of
Omaha ami they are yet practical
ly in the street No house can be
found and no big real estate man
with a 100 apartment or no school
board office. Not even Mr. Al
wine with his able co-workers are
doing -one thing al>out it. These
defenseless children ean stay to
night o,ut in the street and your
uncle samuel better not even offer
to build them a home.
See Yourself in Motion Pictures at Elks Rainbow Hall, 2420 Lake Street*